Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 1771: Lingyun's choice


Now that his two great weapon spirits have said so, and Ling Yun couldn't see the condition of Miao Xiaomiao inside the huge tree trunk, he knew it was useless to worry, so he could only wait patiently.

However, at least one thing he can be sure of is that as long as the thunder does not stop, it means that Miao Xiaomiao is still going through the tribulation inside and is still alive.

But Ling Yun would definitely not stand here and wait. At this moment, several doubts had been added to his mind, so he simply asked to clarify.

"Seniors, why do you say that the awakening of the ancient Jiuli blood in Miao Xiaomiao's body can attract the attention of this ancient wood spirit?"

Ji Ling Shouben of the Earth Emperor's Book said with a smile: "That's because the ancient wood spirit's own spiritual power is too strong. If the little girl's Jiuli bloodline has not awakened, even if she is extremely talented and the wood spirit's body is pure, she will not be able to survive." If you can't bear the huge spiritual power of the ancient wood spirit, it is naturally impossible to get its inheritance, even if the ancient wood spirit chooses her, it will be useless."

"Well, that's the truth."

Ling Yun nodded after hearing this, and then asked again: "Then why the savage breath released by the Chi You statue can revive the Jiuli blood of Miao Xiaomiao and these Miao people here?"

This is the biggest doubt in Ling Yun's mind. He wanted to ask in the morning, because this wild atmosphere is too overbearing!

Hearing this, Dihuangshu and Renhuangbi turned their heads to look at Ling Yun at the same time, both showing surprise.

Ling Yun naturally saw the meaning expressed by their eyes, and said in amazement: "What's the matter, shouldn't I ask?"

Mr. Shouben shook his head, "No, it's because we thought you knew the answer to this question a long time ago."

Ling Yun smiled wryly: "You guys think too highly of me, where would I know?"

Zang Feng frowned suddenly: "Totem, the power of totem, you always understand, right?"

"Well… "

Ling Yun is the kind of person who knows everything at one point. When Zang Feng mentioned totem, he understood it instantly.

"You mean, this savage aura is actually the totem power of the ancient Jiuli tribe? Is it this totem power that is violently changing the Hundred Thousand Mountains and awakening the ancient blood in these Miao people little by little? "


Zang Feng and Shou Ben nodded at the same time.

The old man Shouben said seriously: "Although more than 5,000 years have passed, the totem imprint of the Jiuli tribe contained in the blood of these Miao people is already extremely weak. In addition, after entering the Dharma-ending era, human beings have completely bid farewell to the blood-drinking blood. The barbaric era of the ancient times further curbed the power of these ancient times, and of course there are various other reasons, so these descendants of Jiuli have almost broken their inheritance and completely declined."

"But even so, these Miao people here still don't forget the legacy of their ancestors. They stick to the 100,000 mountains from generation to generation, and always refuse to intermarry with other races. The totem imprint in the blood of these people has been preserved."

"They worship their ancestors and use ancient methods to perform sacrifices. Although these things are nothing more than rituals in the eyes of the vast majority of Miao people, the real meaning is indeed not great, but in the eyes of a very small number of people, such as That Miao Fenghuang is another matter entirely."

"The fire of the totem is never extinguished, this is called passing the torch from generation to generation."

"So, the last time you came to Miaojiang, you accidentally used the blood-transforming sword to make Chi You transform into a phantom of a demon god. After condensing the phantom, the first thing he did was to release the power of the totem! "

"People can change the environment, and the environment can naturally change people. The most important function of this totem power is to awaken the totem imprints in the bodies of the Miao people of the Jiuli tribe, ignite their totem fire, and let them gradually have the ancient ancestors. The power of the people, and then through the continuous sacrifice and worship of these revived people, it can speed up the resurrection of the demon god Chiyou, until he condenses the real Yuanling and breaks through the seal. In that case... "

The old man Shouben didn't continue to talk, but Ling Yun had already understood.

If that is the case, even if Chi You is not really resurrected, it is not much different from resurrection.

"I see."

Ling Yun's thoughts flashed, and he asked deeply: "But even if it is like this, for a demon god as powerful as Chi You, it will take a long time to condense a real primordial spirit, right?"

"You are right."

The old man Zangfeng nodded in recognition, and then said: "But it is because he is too powerful, so he does not need to condense a real Yuanling at all. As long as there is a trace of Yuanling, he can do many things... For example, now, just that With a single phantom, he successfully awakened the ancient blood of these Miao people. So what if he is stronger?"

The old man Shouben added: "Just think about it, if you were him, what would you do?"

Ling Yun: "..."

Needless to say, if it is Ling Yun, when he becomes stronger, the first thing to do is to summon his old troops as soon as possible, awaken the demon spirits of Chi You's subordinates back then, quickly strengthen himself, and protect himself until he is completely revived!

"But I heard from the two seniors that Chi You's resurrection seems inevitable, and no one can stop it?"

Renhuang's pen is good, and the old man Zangfeng is silent, which is regarded as acquiescing.

The old man Shouben lowered his eyebrows and said in thought: "I can only say that according to the deduction of the Three Emperors, Chi You will indeed be resurrected, but it will not be now, let alone on Earth."

Ling Yun curled his lips when he heard this: "Where is that going to be?"

"That's a question you can only ask yourself."

Zang Feng took over the words and said: "Except for you, the man who is destined to be robbed, no one knows the answer to this question."

"Well, just pretend that I didn't ask the question just now."

Ling Yun looked around and asked, but finally fell on his own head, so he could only give up, but changed the topic, and asked again: "But since Chi You had so many people following him in ancient times, it means that he must He has his own strengths, so why do we have to prevent him from being resurrected?"

After Ling Yun posed this question, the two spirits remained silent for a long time, apparently unable to think of an answer to the question for a while.

boom rumble...


Thunder roared above the mountain peak in front, and blue lightning bolts on the canopy of the mountain-sized tree continued to split into the trunk one after another.

Ling Yun clenched his fists tightly. While communicating with the two great weapon spirits, he also kept an eye on the situation of Miao Xiaomiao's crossing the catastrophe. He noticed that the huge trunk was gradually shrinking, and Miao Xiaomiao's crossing the catastrophe had obviously reached the most critical point. time.

At this time, Qi Ling of the Emperor's Book said slowly: "We really can't give you an answer to the question you asked."

"However, the Great Demon God Chi You is the number one God of War in ancient times. Every war he wages will cause mountains and rivers to collapse, rivers to dry up, and the stars and moons to dim..."

"And the inheritance he left behind is nothing more than the Blood Transforming Sword and the Demon God's Battle Armor."

"If you want to become stronger and fight, naturally getting these two inheritances will be more useful than our pen and book, but if you don't want to see people burnt, civilization destroyed, and the world return to the barbaric era..."


Ling Yun laughed when he heard this, and hurriedly yelled to stop, preventing Dihuangshu from continuing.

The human emperor left pens, the earth emperor left books, and there was also the Shennong cauldron for alchemy and medicine.

What they inherit is civilization.

Chi You inherited swords and armor, and inherited war and killing.

What to choose is self-explanatory.

"I want to become strong first, become strong enough, and then I will do everything in my power to prevent those bad things from happening."

With firm eyes, Ling Yun spoke out his choice frankly.

After listening to the Human Emperor's Pen and the Earth Emperor's Book, the two spirits showed reassuring smiles at the same time.

After understanding this, Ling Yun actually didn't need to ask any more questions, he just wanted to make himself stronger.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

After the four waves of thunder sounded, the thunder stopped completely and never sounded again.

The crown of the huge wood spirit has shrunk by a third compared to the original one, and the branches and leaves on the crown, which were transformed into Jieyun's energy, have completely disappeared.

This shows that Miao Xiaomiao has completed her tribulation, but Ling Yun has no idea whether she is alive or dead.

Ling Yun waited for a long time, and finally couldn't help asking: "Seniors, can you see what's going on inside the trunk?"

The two spirits shook their heads at the same time: "The strength of the ancient wood spirit is actually not weaker than ours now, so we can't see through it."

Ling Yun was dumbfounded, but he had no choice but to give up.

He waited for another half an hour.


The huge tree on the mountain peak in front suddenly shrank rapidly, and finally turned into a little blue light, and disappeared suddenly!

High in the sky, the figure of Miao Xiaomiao emerged, with outstanding demeanor!

"Crossing the Tribulation Successfully!"

Ling Yun finally let out a long breath and said with a smile.

(end of this chapter)