Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 1776: The new head of the Ning family!


Save the Ning family? Save the Kunlun Five Sects and Eleven Sects

Ling Yun frowned.

Frankly speaking, for the sake of Ning Lingyu or the deceased Ning Tianya, if the Ning family is in danger, of course he will save it, but what about the other sects in Kunlun Mountain

Whether to save or not is another matter, it depends on Ling Yun's mood.

Ling Yun secretly sighed in his heart, this old man Ning Boyuan is really pedantic.

"Grandpa Ning, if you have something to say, what happened to the Ning family?"

"Why… "

Ning Boyuan lowered his head slightly, thought over and over in his heart, licked his lips several times, opened his mouth to speak, but finally spread his hands together and sighed in compassion.

Seeing this, Ling Yun's heart sank suddenly. Ning Boyuan was so silent, he already guessed that this matter must have something to do with Ning Lingyu.

"It's a long story... I don't know what crime I, Ning Boyuan, have committed..."

Ning Boyuan stood there in a daze for a while, and finally spoke again, telling Ling Yun the ins and outs of the matter.

Upon hearing this, Ling Yun quickly stood up.

"Grandpa Ning, since it's a long story, you should sit down and talk."

Ling Yun is a junior after all, it is inappropriate for him to sit and let the old man stand.

Ning Boyuan was startled: "Alright."

After the other party sat down, Ling Yun added without waiting for the other party to speak: "If Grandpa Ning thinks the matter is more urgent, you can make a long story short and just give the outline of the matter."

Any urgent matter can be explained clearly in a few words, Ling Yun is not in the mood to sit here and listen to the other party's long speech.

No matter how confused Ning Boyuan was, he could hear Ling Yun's impatience, and he didn't want to procrastinate, he just nodded and began to talk.

The matter naturally started when the members of the Ning family took Ning Tianya's coffin, left Tianshan Tianjianzong, and returned to the Ning family.

Ling Yun remembered very clearly that that day was the afternoon of October 3rd, around 2:30.

Before setting off, Ning Boping had sent the news back to the Ning family, asking the Ning family to send vehicles to meet him on the road.

It stands to reason that according to the strength and footsteps of the members of the Ning family, the journey from Tianjianzong in Tianshan to the ancestral home of the Ning family in Gemu City is just over a thousand kilometers away. No matter how slow they travel, they should have arrived home before midnight that night. .

But in fact, it wasn't until 6 o'clock in the morning on October 4th that the Ning family motorcade sent out by Ning Boyuan picked up the Ning family members and returned to the Ning family's ancestral house together.

At least several hours were delayed on the road.

His only son, Ning Tianya, endured humiliation in Tianjianzong for eighteen years, and was finally tortured to death by Di Xiaozhen. Regret and self-blame.

Fortunately, Ling Yun, on the night of Ning Tianya's death, killed Tianjianzong in one battle. He not only avenged Ning Tianya, but also rescued Qin Qiuyue. Seven days later, it was his own granddaughter, Ning Lingyu, who personally Beheaded Di Xiaozhen, avenged his parents, and escorted Ning Tianya's corpse to return to his roots and soul to his hometown.

In the end, he didn't become a lonely ghost on Tianjianzong.

In the ancestral home of the Ning family, Ning Boyuan, who was waiting for his son to come home, was burning with anxiety, but extremely anxious.

Tianjianzong, he naturally has no face to go.

But his son's body was about to come back, and he also had no face to face him, and he didn't know how to face his own granddaughter, Ning Lingyu, who had been wandering outside for eighteen years.

Ning Lingyu followed the members of the Ning family to escort his father's coffin back to the Ning family, not only to see his father off for the last time, but also to recognize his ancestors!

Therefore, the slower the members of the Ning family came back, the more tormented Ning Boyuan felt. He hadn't had any water and rice, and his hair almost turned white all night. He didn't know how he got here that night.

In such a state, of course he was not in the mood to think about why Ning Boping and others had been delayed on the road for so long.

But what should come will always come, what should be faced must be faced, and there is no way to avoid it.

The next morning, when he saw his son Ning Tianya's coffin, Ning Boyuan threw himself on his son's coffin regardless of his identity and image, weeping and crying.

He cried for a long time, releasing all the worries, self-blame, and regrets that had been suppressed in his heart for many years.

Ning Boyuan cried, and the juniors of the Ning family who were waiting at home with him naturally cried too, but no one noticed that the group of nine people who escorted Ning Tianya back, especially Ning Boping and the four of Ning Tianya Cousins of the same generation, but no one cried.

Even Ning Lingyu didn't cry, but his eyes were cold, looking at this sad scene, as if everything in front of him had nothing to do with him.

Of course, very few people in the Ning family noticed this strange and embarrassing scene, and felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the few people who came back from Tianshan, but no one dared to speak out.

After all, they don't need to know Ning Lingyu, but Ning Boping, who stands behind Ning Lingyu, is the well-deserved head of the Ning family. Who dares to make irresponsible remarks to him

Ning Boyuan cried so much that he couldn't help himself, and was finally persuaded by the surrounding Ning family children to pull him up. Then he wiped away his old tears and began to recognize Ning Lingyu.

To Ning Boyuan's surprise, or what he expected, Ning Lingyu was very indifferent to him. When the person next to him introduced his identity, the "Grandpa" came from Ning Lingyu's teeth. squeezed out.

hate? It couldn't be seen on Ning Lingyu's face.

Family? That's nothing at all.

Although Ning Boyuan was extremely embarrassed about this, he didn't think much about it at the time. After all, this was the first time Ning Lingyu returned to Ning's house, and he was the one who caused the tragic fate of Ning Tianya and Ning Lingyu. It is he who is sorry for his son and granddaughter.

"It seems that something went wrong on their way back to Ning's house."

Hearing this, Ling Yun secretly made a judgment in his heart, but instead of interrupting Ning Boyuan, he kept calm and listened to him continue.

On the same day, the Ning family re-established the mourning hall, but they did not hold a large banquet to invite people outside the Ning family to participate in the memorial service. In the afternoon, Ning Tianya was officially buried in the Ning family's ancestral grave.

In the ancestral hall of the Ning family's ancestral home, there is one more spirit card of his.

During this period, Ning Lingyu only appeared once when Ning Tianya was buried.

This day passed, and that night, Ning Lingyu lived in the room that Ning's family had prepared for her.

Since that night, Ning Boyuan has been guarding his son's spiritual seat in the Ning family's ancestral hall, sometimes talking to himself, and most of the time he is silent.

However, early the next morning, Ning Boping, the real power figure of the Ning family, brought several core members of the Ning family—that is, Ning Tiantian, Ning Tianye and others who had been to the Tianshan Sword Sect, to the ancestral hall to look for Ning Boyuan.

What Ning Boyuan didn't expect was that Ning Boping and others didn't come to persuade him to mourn, but directly proposed that Ning Lingyu be the new head of the Ning family!

"Family... Patriarch?"

Ning Boyuan was stunned, and murmured: "I know that Lingyu's child is currently the highest in the Ning family, but after all, she has just recognized her ancestors and returned to the clan, so she doesn't know the situation of our Ning family?"

"Brother, what you said is not important. The important thing is that Lingyu has entered the late stage of Qi training, and with her talent, she will be able to reach the peak of Qi training in a short time. With this level of strength, if you don't become the head of the family, Does my Ning family have other candidates?"

Ning Boping changed from his previous gentleness and innocence, and his words were aggressive, but he was too lazy to talk to Ning Boyuan.

Ning Boyuan didn't expect that Ning Boping's personality would change drastically overnight. He was tongue-tied and stared blankly at this brother, not knowing how to argue for a moment.

Frankly speaking, the present Ning Boyuan has lost all hope and has no selfishness. It doesn't matter to him who is the head of the Ning family now. He only hopes that the people in the family will try not to disturb him as much as possible, so that he can stay here and guard his spirit with peace of mind. , Until his own death, go down earlier to accompany his wife and son.

For Ning Lingyu to be the new head of the Ning family, he certainly agreed in his heart, but his son had just been buried yesterday, and Ning Lingyu had just recognized his ancestor and returned to the clan, so Ning Boyuan faintly felt that something was wrong.

The main reason is that Ning Boping's behavior at the moment is completely inconsistent with his usual personality.

"Naturally, I have no objection to letting Lingyu be the head of the Ning family. However, Lingyu has just arrived home. Let her get acquainted with our Ning family. After she understands all aspects of the Ning family, let her inherit the Ning family. Isn't it better to be the head of the family?"

After a while of buffering, Ning Boyuan slowly expressed his thoughts, and then he looked at his cousins behind Ning Boping: "What do you guys mean?"

"Uncle, we all support making Lingyu the head of our Ning family immediately!"

Ning Tiantian, Ning Tianye and the others spoke in unison, their eyes burning and determined.

That look, as if if Ning Boyuan didn't agree, several people would eat him on the spot.

"this… "

Ning Boyuan was dumbfounded.

The corners of Ning Boping's mouth curled up, and an indescribable look appeared in his eyes: "Since the eldest brother also said he has no objection, then this matter is settled!"

"Also, big brother doesn't have to worry about this matter. All the preparations are left to us. Four days later, on the fifth day of the ninth lunar month, Ning Lingyu will officially become the Patriarch of our Ning family!"

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell my elder brother that this date was set by Lingyu himself!"


After listening to Ning Boping's words, all kinds of emotions came to Ning Boyuan's heart in an instant, and he was stunned in a daze. He didn't even know when Ning Boping and others left.

But he knew that from this moment on, all affairs of the Ning family had nothing to do with him.

Sure enough, from this day on, apart from the servants who were in charge of Ning Boyuan's daily life, no one from the core members of the Ning family came to bother him.

Ning Boyuan was physically and mentally exhausted. He gave up everything and accepted the new changes of the Ning family. Finally, he locked the door himself, kept his ears shut and guarded the ancestral hall with peace of mind.

"Lingyu is the head of the family, at least he won't treat the Ning family badly, right?"

Occasionally, he would think so.

In the next few days, the Ning family's preparations were in full swing, until the fifth day of September!

Ning Lingyu's succession as the head of the Ning family is the most important thing for the Ning family. Ning Boyuan actually wanted to take a look, but no one came to invite him.

Ning Boyuan could only shake his head and give up, no longer thinking about it.

It doesn't matter if you don't invite him, but after Ning Lingyu inherits the patriarch, according to the family tradition, he must come to the Ning Family Ancestral Hall to worship. Tell her a few words.

However, Ning Boyuan was waiting in the ancestral house of the Ning family, waiting until the afternoon, and Ning Lingyu still didn't come!

Ning Boyuan's heart was completely cold.

But that was not enough, not long after, a loyal servant who was in charge of taking care of him hurried back home and brought him shocking news!

"During the succession ceremony, several excellent juniors of the Ning family expressed dissatisfaction with Ning Lingyu's succession to the position of Patriarch, but Ning Lingyu killed five people in a row!"


Ning Boyuan fell to the ground in shock: "This...how did this happen?"

"Miss... No! The new Patriarch's original words are, from this moment on, I am the new Patriarch of the Ning Family, and I will definitely lead the Ning Family to the top of the world!"

"Those who obey will prosper, those who oppose will perish!"

(end of this chapter)