Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 1810: Xianli Quenching Body


Ling Yun withdrew the formation, took back the spirit stone, and floated out of the secret room.

He first came to the guest room where Ning Lingyu was placed, picked up the unconscious Ning Lingyu, and then came out, nodding to Chi Yunzi.

"Senior, let's go."

The two went directly to the sky.

A distance of one hundred kilometers is a matter of breathing for both of them, but Chi Yunzi deliberately slowed down his flying speed.

He looked at Ning Lingyu in Ling Yun's arms, with worried eyes: "I'm afraid Lingmei's problem is more serious?"

"To tell you the truth, her condition is indeed serious."

Ling Yun directly admitted: "I think, seniors should have roughly guessed about my sister's problem. Please keep this matter secret."

Chi Yunzi was shocked and said, "Is it really the reincarnation of a fairy?"

Ling Yun shook his head: "To be precise, she has two souls. There is another soul in her body for no reason, which completely suppresses her original soul, and that's why she behaves abnormally and does such things."

"Do you have a solution for this?"

Chi Yunzi became more and more curious about Ling Yun.

"Not yet, but after I reach the fusion state, I should be able to solve this matter."

Ling Yun is very confident about this.

"That must be soon."

"A month at most."

"Ling Yun, there is something I have to tell you. At that time, Lingmei came from across the border, and the lives of the mountain guards and me were at stake. I had no choice but to tell Kunlun about Lingmei's situation. Those two gatekeepers, so that they can go to Kunlun to bring reinforcements..."

Chi Yunzi said in embarrassment.

The meaning is obvious, he can naturally keep his mouth shut, but he can't stop the two gatekeepers from reporting the matter to Kunlun.

Ling Yun smiled indifferently: "Senior, there is no need to worry. Their memories tonight have already been erased. After waking up, they will listen to whatever Senior tells them, and they will definitely not remember what Senior said before."

Chi Yunzi was dumbfounded.

Ling Yun has no plans and means, so what else is there to say

After a pause, Chi Yunzi couldn't help but asked again: "Lingyun, I see that your flying speed in the sky is not inferior to the sword cultivator at the peak of Jindan state in Kunlun. How did you do it?"

"To tell the truth to the seniors, the way of cultivation is extremely cruel. Whenever the juniors reach a certain level, the first thing they practice is concealment, self-defense, escape and other methods. The speed of flight is the most critical one for escape, so..."

After Chi Yunzi heard this, he stopped talking.

In fact, what Ling Yun said is very simple, cultivation and survival are the most important things.

During the conversation, a distance of a hundred kilometers had already been traversed, and the two came to the ravine. Ling Yun immediately waved his hand and withdrew the cloudy sky maze.

"See young master."

Wang Chongxiao was meditating cross-legged on a rock, guarding the two people beside him, and when he saw Ling Yun coming back, he immediately got up.

"This is Senior Kunlun Chiyunzi, a Sword Cultivator at the Golden Core Realm."

Ling Yun nodded and introduced Wang Chongxiao, Wang Chongxiao naturally hurried forward to greet him.

Chi Yunzi smiled and nodded at Wang Chongxiao, then looked at the two immortal masters lying on the ground, and found that they were not seriously injured, so he knew that they were instantly restrained by Ling Yun, and then erased with his own technique. Memory, thrown here.

As for why Ling Yun would do this, of course Chi Yunzi understood everything now.

"Senior, you have also seen my sister's current condition. The breath in her body is extremely chaotic. I still need to treat her as soon as possible."

Ling Yun used his divine sense to let Ning Lingyu float beside him, free his hands, and seriously bowed to Chi Yunzi: "Ling Yun bids farewell to senior."

"Okay, then let's leave it alone, there will be a period later."

Chi Yunzi also earnestly returned the salute, then straightened up: "Restricted by Kunlun rules, I can't leave the range of Kunlun Mountain, so I can't send it away."

Ling Yun laughed loudly: "Senior, just wait and see. I think we will meet again in Kunlun in a short time."


As soon as he said go, Ling Yun picked up Ning Lingyu again, greeted Wang Chongxiao, and the two left Yukong.

After flying for a certain distance, Ling Yun said to Wang Chongxiao through voice transmission: "You go to that valley first, meet Edward and the others, and then you all watch how Li Jiangang handles the two hundred people. You can go back on your own when things are over there. The Ling family in the capital, tell my grandfather and father what happened here, and say that I will go back soon."


Wang Chongxiao naturally took the order, and then asked: "Then... where is Li Piaoyang the Dharma protector?"

He and Li Piaoyang hit it off this time and have become friends now, so I asked this question.

"Li Piaoyang, let him go to Ning's house, stay near Ning's house, guard Ning's house for a while, and then wait for me to send a message."

After finishing the arrangement, Ling Yun did not wait for Wang Chongxiao's reply, and directly cast Tianzutong. After only a dozen steps, he had already returned to the outside of the mountain gate of Kunlun Sword Sect, where Ning Lingyu was knocked out.

"Seniors, things are over here, this small world can be withdrawn, let's go!"

The two spirits nodded, and immediately withdrew from Xiaotiandi, turning into two beams of light and returning to Lingyun's eyebrows and dantian respectively.

Ling Yun let go of his divine sense, covered a radius of a hundred miles, made sure that there were no omissions, went invisible, and left Kunlun Mountain with Ning Lingyu in his arms. He flew all the way from west to east. After a few minutes, he crossed thousands of miles and landed At the top of Shouyang Mountain.

Looking at the time, it was almost three o'clock in the morning the next day.

Ning Lingyu has been rescued, so Ling Yun will naturally bring her back to the Qin family and hand her over to Qin Qiuyue to take care of her.

But before that, Ling Yun still has something to do.

Because the breath in Ning Lingyu's body was too chaotic.

In order to kill Ling Yun, she took all the last thirty-three golden lotuses into her body in one breath, transformed them into immortal power, and then activated ten times the power of the dragon and elephant to unleash a killing sword on Ling Yun. Now, even if Ling Yun is really killed, she is bound to suffer a serious backlash, and it will be difficult for her to return to her peak state for at least a month, not to mention that she was knocked out by Ling Yun's fairy whip, and both souls fell into a trance. Sleeping deeply, and being tightly bound by the fairy rope

Now, Ning Lingyu is already asleep, but the surging celestial power in her body is still on the verge of going berserk, there is actually a white celestial light faintly coming out of her body, and it will disperse and collapse at any time!

If this happens, there will only be two consequences. Her fairy body will definitely suffer serious damage. Even if Ling Yun can restore her consciousness, she will be cut off in her practice.

The other is even worse. If the fairy body collapses, maybe Ning Lingyu's soul will never recover, and she will sleep forever and become a living dead.

For this kind of situation where the fairy body is on the verge of collapse, others must be helpless, but for Ling Yun, it is very simple.

As long as she absorbs all the terrifying fairy aura that is running wild in her body, and then adjusts her a little bit to dredge her meridians, Ning Lingyu will naturally be safe and sound.

Ling Yun sighed silently: "Hey, when I found out that you were born with a spiritual body, I thought about using your spiritual body to store spiritual energy for my cultivation, but I never thought that I would use it here time, here."

Shaking his head, he first set up a cloudy sky maze, and then set up a very small space gathering spirit array around the two of them.

Ling Yun gently laid Ning Lingyu flat on the ground, then lifted her back, sat cross-legged behind her, and pressed her back with both palms.


The yin-yang and five-element flames instantly enveloped the two of them.

For three full hours, Ling Yun had absorbed a lot of immortal power into his body. With his current state, he could only absorb it, but he couldn't transform it into his own immortal spirit energy. Fortunately, he had a lot of magic weapons against heaven After being introduced into Ling Yun's body, those celestial powers were immediately absorbed and eaten up by the Emperor's Pen, the Emperor's Book, and even the Dragon Emperor's Sword.

During this process, Ling Yun noticed that in addition to the three magic weapons, the five-clawed golden dragon in the miraculous dantian in his body also opened its mouth and "swallowed" a lot of immortal power.

Of course, although Ling Yun can't use those fairy powers for his own use, when he absorbs the terrifying fairy power, those fairy powers have to pass through his body's meridians and go to his eyebrows and dantian. Tempering the body with Xianli.

Moreover, the physical body, meridians, dantian, and sea of consciousness between eyebrows have all been tempered by immortal power. Although no effect can be seen in the short term, but this time the body is tempered, and after the foundation is established for him, the future of each realm will be improved. Ascension has long-term benefits.

Now, 90% of the immortal power in Ning Lingyu's body had already been sucked away by Ling Yun, and the remaining 10% was redirected by Ling Yun into her dantian meridians, which slowly circulated and wandered away.

Ling Yun withdrew his palm, and then took out the seventh-level healing talisman, and began to treat her various traumas, including the sword wound on the shoulder, the fist mark on the forehead, and some damage to the head from being whipped by the Daxian, until she was completely injured. Healed, and no trace of any fight can be seen anymore.

After Ling Yun finished all these carefully, the sky was already bright, the morning glow was all over the sky, and the sun was rising.

Ling Yun withdrew all formations.

He turned around and pressed his back against Ning Lingyu who was still unconscious, looking far away, slightly dazed, thinking for a long time.

"Lingyu, don't be afraid, everything is over, brother will take you home right now!"

Ling Yun said this sentence again softly, then got up, hugged her soft body again, and left Shouyang Mountain invisibly.

After a while.

The Qin family, the quiet courtyard where Qin Qiuyue lived alone.

Holding Ning Lingyu with both hands, Ling Yun suddenly appeared in the courtyard, and when he looked up, he saw Qin Qiuyue standing in the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

Naturally, Qin Qiuyue didn't sleep all night. Ever since Ling Yun left yesterday evening, she has been quietly staying in this lake pavilion, waiting for Ling Yun to return.

With a movement of Ling Yun's divine mind, hundreds of spirit stones were thrown out in an instant, spreading all over the courtyard, forming three major formations at once.

The Little Imperial God Formation, the Cloudy Sky Confused Formation, and the Thousand Chances and Nine Unique Killing Formation.

Then he opened his mouth softly.

"Mom, I'm back. I brought my sister back. She's safe and sound."

Qin Qiuyue suddenly looked back.

(end of this chapter)