Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 24: horror memory


Wu Gaolang was shocked by Ling Yun's faint words, and it took him a long time to recover. He forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said in his heart that I would like to see how you die!

"Okay, we just want to review the content of the first book today. Since Ling Yun has memorized all of them, let's let him start from the first book and recite it for us, and everyone will review it, okay?"

When Wu Gaolang said this, he was so happy, don't mention it!

"Okay!" Except for Ling Yun, Cao Shanshan, Chai Hanlin, and Zhang Dong, everyone cheered loudly. Among them, Wei Tianqian almost broke his throat. He seemed to think that this was not enough, so he even took the lead in applauding.

Cao Shanshan turned around again, her beautiful face was completely filled with an expression of hatred for iron, and she said to Ling Yun, now you know that you are the stupidest, right? Memorize it all? I want to see how you recite it!

Hearing the applause from the whole classroom, Ling Yun scratched his head in embarrassment, thinking why is it so difficult to keep a low profile

"Why, Ling Yun, don't be embarrassed, haven't you memorized them all? You can recite them boldly, the teachers and classmates will support you!"

Of course Wu Gaolang knew that Ling Yun would not be able to recite a sentence, and he was ready to let Ling Yun get out of the classroom after he was completely humiliated.

Ling Yun scratched his head and said in embarrassment: "But... But I'm afraid I don't have enough time..."

That's right, Ling Yun read more than 20 pages, from Yuanmou people learning to walk upright and using tools, all the way to reciting a hundred schools of thought, and he couldn't finish it in less than an hour or two.

Many students snickered, thinking that it was only at this time that they thought of finding a reason? It's borderline stupid.

Cao Shanshan was about to gnash her teeth, pretend, let you pretend, Wu Gaolang made it clear that even if this class was wasted, it would depend on you to make a fool of yourself, not to mention that the two history classes this afternoon are linked together!

Wei Tianqian was really gnashing his teeth, with a vicious face on his face. At this moment, he finally couldn't help turning his head around, showing a disdainful smile on his face. Last night Ling Yun stepped on him in front of so many people, so he naturally treated Ling Yun Hate it to the bone!

The smile on Wu Gaolang's face could not be suppressed for a long time, and he said in a blissful voice: "You don't have to worry about this, you should take everyone to review the content of the first year of high school. Speaking of which, the teacher and classmates Thank you too."

Ling Yun thought for a while, but nodded helplessly. It seems that it would be good if the relationship between the students can be eased in this way.

"All right."

Just as he was about to start reciting, Wu Gaolang suddenly smiled darkly and said, "Student Ling Yun, when you recite the text there, many students have to turn around to listen to you. Why don't you go to the podium and recite the text so that everyone can see it?" When it comes to you, listen carefully."

"Also, there are chairs on the podium, and the teacher has prepared tea for you. If your back is tired, you can moisten your throat."

What he said was nice, and what he said was considerate. In fact, he was afraid that some classmates would make trouble. If he opened the book and asked Ling Yun to read it, then he would not slap Ling Yun in the face, but slap himself in the face.

He thought very well, as long as Ling Yun couldn't recite it on the podium, he would let his classmates humiliate Ling Yun, let him escape from the classroom in shame, and then he would charge him with disturbing the order of the classroom, and he would be done once and for all up.

Ling Yun thought so too, he felt that Wu Gaolang's suggestion was good, so he gently pushed Zhang Dong away, stood up and walked to the podium calmly under the eyes of everyone looking at him like a monkey.

"I'm going to die soon, and I'm still so calm and calm..." Zhang Dong looked at Ling Yun's calm back, with some pity, some sympathy, and a little... admiration in his eyes.

When Ling Yun came to the podium, he was not polite, and directly took a big sip from Wu Gaolang's tea cup. This action made Wu Gaolang roll his eyes violently, thinking that the cup would no longer be usable in the future.

Then Ling Yun moved the chair behind the desk to the door of the classroom, and sat down on it, all in one place.

Wu Gaolang took the initiative to get off the podium at this time, and stood not far from the door of the classroom, waiting for Ling Yun to fail to recite, mobilizing the students to start a satirical siege against Ling Yun.

However, as a teacher, he still needs to show his words. He coughed lightly and said to the whole room: "Students, Ling Yun will start reciting immediately. Please take out the first volume of your history textbook and follow Ling Yun." review."

This is purely a scene, because no one believes that Ling Yun can really recite it, so they are too lazy to search for some history textbooks in the pile of books.

Seeing Ling Yunzhen walk up to the podium, Cao Shanshan only felt her heart beat a little faster, she was a little anxious and flustered.

"Zhang Ling... Zhang Ling, what should I do?" Cao Shanshan asked anxiously, tugging at Zhang Ling's clothes.

Zhang Ling was resting his chin, watching Ling Yun's performance with great interest, when he saw Cao Shanshan asking her, he couldn't help turning around and asking, "What should I do?"

"What else is there, Ling Yun is going to make a fool of himself in the next moment, how can we find a way to stop it?" Cao Shanshan gave Zhang Ling a reproachful look, then turned her head and said.

"Stop it? Why stop it? He made you miss lunch, don't you just hate him so much?" Zhang Ling said with a grin.

Cao Shanshan's face turned ashamed, and she scolded: "I don't have time to talk nonsense with you now, I am the monitor of our class anyway, and Ling Yun was squeezed into this job by Teacher Wu just because he stood up late in class. ?"

Zhang Ling looked indifferent, she turned her head to look at Ling Yun who was sitting carelessly on the podium, and said softly: "Then you can take care of it, anyway, I have nothing to do, I still have to listen to Ling Yun reciting the text..."

Cao Shanshan looked at Zhang Ling with a strange face, and said after a while: "Listen to Ling Yun reciting the text? Are your brains squeezed by the door? If he can recite a sentence, he will be damned!"

Zhang Ling turned her head, gave Cao Shanshan a wink, and said with a soft smile, "Don't worry, Wu Gaolang won't get anything cheap just because Lingyun didn't take any losses at noon today."

"You have so much confidence in him?" Cao Shanshan couldn't figure out Zhang Ling more and more. Where did she belong

"Well, although I don't know how he will fight back next, I just have confidence in him!" Zhang Ling said confidently.

Looking at Zhang Ling's eyes and tone, Cao Shanshan suddenly felt an extremely weird feeling in her heart, feeling a little, um, uncomfortable.

"Zhang Ling, you are not in love with him, are you?" Cao Shanshan said this out of nowhere.

"You're the one who fell in love with him..." Zhang Ling curled her lips, attacking her best friend head-on.

"You! Well, I'm wrong, but why do you have so much confidence in him?" Cao Shanshan didn't care to argue with Zhang Ling.

"Intuition, a woman's intuition!" Zhang Ling replied casually.

Cao Shanshan gave Zhang Ling a blank look angrily, and didn't bother to talk to her anymore. At this moment, she suddenly felt a gaze looking at her, and suddenly lowered her head.

"What's the matter with me?" Cao Shanshan was swept away by Ling Yun's gaze, and subconsciously dared not look at each other. Thinking of her inexplicable anger at Ling Yun at noon, and now her inexplicable worry about him, her face suddenly became hot.

Ling Yun scanned the classroom with his eyes, then shook his fat body of more than two hundred kilograms, found the most comfortable position to sit down, and then smiled brightly at Wu Gaolang.

"Then I'll start?"

Wu Gaolang nodded hastily, and said to himself, you should start quickly, if you lose it already, go away, I still want to talk about the modern history of China!

"Ahem..." Ling Yun cleared his throat, regardless of the sarcasm and ridicule of the students below, and directly started to recite: "Lesson 1..." Then he started to recite according to memory.

When Ling Yun first started speaking, no one listened at all. Everyone knew that he was deliberately delaying time. As long as he started reciting, he would inevitably end up being ridiculed by his classmates and then leaving the classroom.

However, when Ling Yun began to recite word by word according to the original text, everything changed!

A minute later, the discussion and laughter in the classroom disappeared.

Three minutes later, the only sound in the classroom was the sound of flipping through books and turning pages.

Five minutes later, Ling Yun had finished reciting nearly a thousand words, without any jams, pauses, or discontinuities in the middle, and he was still reciting according to his own rhythm.

For liberal arts students, being able to recite it is nothing, but the problem is that Ling Yun recites it word for word!

If you don't see it with your own eyes, but just listen to it, then it's not reciting, it's just reading from the book!

Zhang Dong's expression changed!

Chai Hanlin's expression changed!

The vicious and mocking smile on Wei Tiangan's face froze directly, like an ugly sculpture, sitting there dumbfounded!

Zhang Ling's expression changed!

Cao Shanshan raised her head at some point, and looked up at Ling Yun who was sitting there on the podium, her beautiful eyes widened, her sexy mouth opened into an O shape, her face was full of disbelief!

As for the history teacher Wu Gaolang, it was the most exaggerated. He was standing there with his arms folded, squinting his eyes and smiling, waiting for Ling Yun to make a fool of himself.

Now he is still standing there with his arms crossed, but his eyes are no longer squinted, and his mouth is wide enough to stuff a duck egg. The ridicule and disdain in his eyes first turned to doubt, then disbelief, and then shock, Up to now, the eyes behind his gold-rimmed glasses have been replaced by excitement and ecstasy!

Ling Yun was still sitting there, still reciting at a leisurely pace, he had a good sense of rhythm, he should be fast, and should be slow, every word was like a drumbeat, hitting everyone's eardrums.

After the first lesson has been memorized, continue to memorize the second lesson.

Wu Gaolang's arms crossed his chest couldn't help shaking, and his excited legs are trembling now!

There was no sound in the classroom, only the voice of Ling Yun reciting the text echoed, Wu Gaolang cautiously leaned towards Chai Hanlin's desk, for fear of disturbing Ling Yun's reciting.

He casually picked up his history textbook from Chai Hanlin's desk, which had been stunned for a long time, and turned to the second lesson.

Yes! Yes! Verbatim!

I found a treasure!

What a terrifying memory, what a genius!

(end of this chapter)