Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 44: Immortal doctor sees divine doctor


It is estimated that Mr. Xue heard the quarrel between the two outside the door, so he said these words.

"Grandpa, you don't know how stingy he is, let me tell you..."

"Nonsense! Ning'er, you don't know how to pour tea when the guests come? Make my best Longjing tea, Lingyun, you can sit wherever you want, don't be restrained...cough cough..."

Ling Yun nodded, and sat down opposite old man Xue in a generous manner.

He noticed that Old Man Xue coughed twice almost every word he said, thinking how could such an energetic old man have lung problems

"Old man, your lungs are not very good, are you?"

After Ling Yun sat down, he asked directly.

"Huh! You also know medical skills?!" Old man Xue nodded secretly when he was looking at Ling Yun just now, and now his eyes lit up, his eyes showed admiration and said: "Well, it seems that Ning'er is really right!"

"I'm suffering from an old illness, it's not worth mentioning, Ling Yun, it's you who impress me!"

The old man Xue kept admiring both in and out of words, which directly made Ling Yunzhang Er King Kong puzzled. He thought to himself, how could he be so impressed when they met for the first time

Old man Xue coughed lightly, and said again: "I heard that yesterday you carried a 50-pound sandbag and ran eleven laps in a row on the playground, during which time you vomited a mouthful of blood, right?"

Ling Yun nodded bluntly, the whole school knew about it, and he had nothing to hide.

"Can I let the old man take your pulse?"

Ling Yunxin said: Yes, I have always been the immortal doctor who gave others the pulse, but I didn't expect that it would be my turn to take the pulse today.

He already knew that his performance on the playground yesterday had surpassed ordinary people's cognition. If someone paid attention to this matter, it meant that others knew that he had broken through the physical limit of ordinary people.

Ling Yun nodded without any pretentiousness, turned sideways on his own initiative, then stretched out his left hand, and placed it flat on the old man's knee.

Old man Xue nodded slightly as he watched, changed the fitness ball in his right hand to his left, then stretched out three fingers of his right hand, lightly touched Ling Yun's wrist, narrowed his eyes slightly, and felt his pulse.

Less than half a minute later, the old man Xue opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes flashed brightly, he stared at Ling Yun and said, "Young man, have you met any special people or special people during this period of time?" thing?"

Seeing the old man's expression, Ling Yun knew that the old man had noticed his abnormality, so he couldn't help laughing, and said in his heart that I was the special person you mentioned.

But he asked knowingly, wondering: "Old man, what's the matter? Is there something wrong with my body?"

The old man Xue took a deep look at Ling Yun, but saw that his face was calm and breezy, so he slowly moved away the three fingers on Ling Yun's wrist, then shook his head in surprise, and muttered to himself: "That's not right. …”

He frowned and thought for a long time, until Xue Meining came out with a teapot, and suddenly realized his gaffe.

"Little friend Lingyun, I don't know if Ning'er told you that I am an old Chinese doctor, and I have some experience in medical skills."

Ling Yun nodded to express his understanding.

The old man Xue continued: "I watched your pulse and found that you are full of energy, more than twice as vigorous as ordinary people, but... ahem... But your body had a serious problem when you were young, so you should be very weak now …”

Ling Yun exclaimed secretly!

Old Chinese medicine... Chinese medicine is amazing!

I just took my own pulse for a while, and I have a thorough understanding of my physical condition, including the fact that my blood is vigorous after I broke through to the first level of body training, and that my Yangqiao pulse was abolished by someone's technique when I was a child. !

He knew that although the old man didn't say it was the cause of Yang Qiaomai, it was because he was afraid of frightening him by speaking out, or he was afraid that he would not understand, so he just replaced it with "big problem".

Ling Yun started to frown and muttered, if all the Chinese medicine practitioners in this world are so good, would there be anything for this immortal doctor to eat

If he knew that the person sitting opposite him was Sai Bian Que, China's leading genius doctor, he would probably feel much better.

Ling Yun pretended to be half-knowledgeable and said: "Old man, you are right. My body was indeed very weak before. No matter how much I exercised, it didn't work, but when I went to the hospital, I couldn't find anything wrong..."

Divine doctor Xue nodded slightly, still thinking hard.

Nodding, naturally because the illness Ling Yun said fits his pulse condition, but thinking about it is because he doesn't know why his energy has become so strong!

Divine doctor Xue couldn't figure it out, so he had to ask again: "Then have you eaten anything special recently?"

Ling Yun shook his head resolutely, and said solemnly: "No, I just felt yesterday that it's not an option to go on like this, so I wanted to run like that to keep fit, and of course, to lose weight..."

After finishing speaking, Ling Yun took a self-deprecating look at his fat body.

"So, the problem lies in the mouthful of blood you vomited... But it's not right..."

Ling Yunxin said, old man, don't guess. If you think about it again, I won't be able to find a reason to prevaricate. Do I want to tell you that my body has been cleansed with fairy spirit energy, and now it's just that the yang pulse has not fully recovered

Fortunately, Xue Meining relieved Ling Yun at this time, she put the teapot and tea bowl on the small table in front of Miracle Doctor Xue, and then asked, "Grandpa, what is going on with Ling Yun?"

Divine doctor Xue's face froze, he shook his head and sighed: "Hey, it's hard to say, it's hard to say..."

Xue Meining looked at her grandfather in surprise, and asked with obvious surprise: "Grandpa, even you can't tell? Didn't you say that he has..."

Ling Yun didn't know who the old man in front of him was, but of course Xue Meining knew how superb her grandfather's medical skills were, so she asked this question.

Doctor Xue looked up at his granddaughter, and then said with a chuckle: "Yes, he has indeed succeeded, and his physique is now much stronger than ordinary people. Grandpa said that what he couldn't tell was not this, but something else. Cough cough …”

Doctor Xue turned his head to look at Ling Yun again, changed his puzzled expression just now, and smiled kindly: "Little friend Ling Yun, I took the liberty of asking Ning'er to invite you here today, in fact, I just wanted to help you check your body, and this old man was also curious for a while. , you can do this step in such a weak body, it's really amazing... "

Ling Yun didn't speak, but he didn't take it seriously in his heart. We are also a master of Xinglin after all, or a genius who has cultivated to the tribulation stage in the cultivation world. What's so great about carrying a sandbag and running a few laps

"Originally, the old man prescribed a prescription for you to help you recover as soon as possible, but now it seems that you don't need it at all, ahem..."

Divine doctor Xue glanced at his precious granddaughter again, and said with a smile.

Ling Yunxin said that this old man is not bad. He hasn't seen me yet, so he thought of prescribing me a prescription to restore my health. Forget it, because the old man wants to help me, I will help him once.

How did he know how could Miracle Doctor Xue prescribe medicine to a stranger so easily

It was the little demon girl who was acting like a baby and stalking old man Xue and insisted on coming!

Ling Yun pondered for a while, and felt that it was better to get straight to the point, so he stopped hiding and said directly: "Old man, in fact, I came to you today to ask for something."

"Oh?" Miracle doctor Xue was a little surprised, looked up at his granddaughter, and knew that she was pulling the tiger skin outside as a banner again.

Xue Meining smiled coyly, and said coyly: "Hey, grandpa, when I found Ling Yun, he was out to buy silver needles, don't you have dozens of sets, just give him one..."

Miracle doctor Xue almost staggered when he heard this.

Well, it's true that women are extroverted. I'm only seventeen years old, and I'm thinking about sending the old man, my eating guy, away!

But the old man Xue didn't say anything to blame his granddaughter, he turned to ask Ling Yun with a smile: "Buying silver needles... Young man, are you also interested in Chinese medicine?"

Just now when Ling Yun came up, he pointed out that his lungs were not in good condition. This made Miracle Doctor Xue like Ling Yun three points at first, and now he heard that Ling Yun wanted to buy silver needles, so there was no need to ask, this little guy must be interested in acupuncture, otherwise What is a high school student doing when he has nothing to do and comes out to buy silver needles

If he knew that Ling Yun bought the silver needle mainly for self-defense, he would probably faint on the spot.

Ling Yunxin said that he probably knows what Chinese medicine is all about in his mind, but he hasn't had time to study it yet.

But since people asked, he had to answer.

"I'm a little interested, so I want to study it, and I feel very curious..."

Xue Meining finally found a chance to take revenge, she still hasn't forgotten that Ling Yun twisted her thigh.

"Grandpa, don't listen to his nonsense, he told me just now that he bought silver needles for stabbing people..."

As she said that, she couldn't help covering her round buttocks with a pair of green hands.

It was as if she was afraid that Ling Yun would prick her little butt with a needle at any time.

Now she knows that Ling Yun, a fat man, doesn't have the concept of pity and pity in his mind, and it's not a good thing to turn his face when he says he will turn his face.

"Pfft...cough cough..." Miracle doctor Xue spit out the whole mouthful of tea that he just took into his mouth!

"Tricking people to play..."

Ling Yun raised his head and glared at the little demon girl! If I'm joking, you little girl actually brought it to sue

Isn't this tearing down my desk

"Ahem..." Divine doctor Xue covered up his gaffe with a cough, and Xue Meining obediently wiped the tea stains from the corners of his mouth and chin with a handkerchief.

"Ling Yun, I don't know, what kind of silver needles do you want? Cough cough...the old man does have all kinds of silver needles here, can you tell the old man roughly so that I can ask Ning'er to give it to you Pick… "

The old man asked kindly, but it was actually a temptation.

If Ling Yun really understood, he would naturally tell him some secrets. He really has a lot of silver needles, so it doesn't matter if you give him what he wants.

If Ling Yun didn't understand, then he definitely wouldn't give him the food that he regarded as a treasure.

As for silver needles, they cost one or two hundred yuan a box in the traditional Chinese medicine store outside, so he can just buy them himself.

I only heard Ling Yun say in a calm manner: "Old man, I don't want many silver needles, only nine, but...the shape is a bit special... I don't know if you have any here..."

Then he was calm and composed, like a few treasures, and said: "One is the blunt needle, which is one inch and six minutes long. The second is the member needle, which is one inch and six minutes long. The third is the tweezing needle, which is three and a half inches long. The fourth is the sharp needle, which is one inch long. Six points. Five is a beryllium needle, four inches long,... "

Ling Yun only cared about the appearance of the nine silver needles he wanted with his fingers, but he didn't see the increasingly shocked expression in Xue's eyes, the increasingly serious expression on his face, and the steady hands of Xue's hands. She was trembling slightly at this moment, and she didn't even notice that the tea in the cup had spilled on her legs!

(end of this chapter)