Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 46: The doctor was shocked


"Nine needles of the spiritual pivot?!"

"What? The nine needles of the spiritual pivot?!"

Miracle doctor Xue and the little demon girl exclaimed at the same time, and their expressions changed drastically!

Especially Doctor Xue, he couldn't hold it back, and he stretched out both hands, grasping Ling Yun's hands at once, and said in shock: "Little friend, you didn't lie to me, did you? You really know the nine needles of the Spiritual Pivot?!"

Ling Yun could feel that the old man Xue was shaking his hands violently, obviously caused by being too excited and excited.

He was sweating badly, and with a wry smile, he glanced at Xue Meining, whose beautiful eyes were round, and was speechless.

Isn't this little demon girl very active, why did your grandpa take the lead this time? How good would it be if your snow-white little hands as tender as spring onions came to catch me

Ling Yun started his career as a doctor. The Nine Needles of the Spiritual Pivot was the acupuncture method he used before he started to practice in the big world of cultivation. After he reached the stage of Qi training, he abandoned it and used the Five Elements God Needle and the Five Elements Needle. Cut off the pulse.

Seeing the reaction of his grandfather and grandson, Ling Yun knew something was wrong. He couldn't help but rolled his eyes, thinking why it was so difficult to keep a low profile.

However, he was still a little happy. At least judging from the old man Xue's reaction, the Nine Needles of the Spiritual Pivot, which he was more familiar with than eating, should be regarded as a relatively powerful acupuncture technique in this world.

Experts stretch out their hands to know if there is one.

Ling Yun already had a general understanding of the old man Xue's medical skills.

According to Ling Yun's judgment, this old man Xue's medical skills are still far behind Ling Yun's current medical skills, but his accomplishments can be regarded as entering the room.

At least old man Xue was able to judge Ling Yun's physical condition almost exactly by taking his pulse for half a minute just now, which made Ling Yun have to look at him with admiration.

I don't know "Sai Bianque", who is known as the number one genius doctor in China, what kind of expression would the genius doctor Xue have on his face if he knew Ling Yun commented on his medical skills like this...

Since he is the master of TCM in China, the TCM books in Miracle Doctor Xue's family are overwhelming. Many rare rare editions of "Lingshu" and "Plain Questions" filled Miracle Xue's bedside and bookshelves.

Dr. Xue not only memorizes "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" fluently, but also has already grasped the essence of the "Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" through decades of non-stop practice and exploration. Of course he knows that the Nine Needles of the Lingshu are the "Nine Needles of the Lingshu". The core essence of "On".

The theory of Tibetan phenomena in the six sections of "Huangdi Neijing" has a saying:

Three make heaven, three make earth, three make man, three make three, together make nine. The nine are divided into nine fields, and the nine fields are nine internal organs; therefore, there are four internal organs in form and five internal organs in spirit, and they are combined into nine internal organs to correspond to them.

There are nine fields in the human body, and the nine fields are the nine internal organs, which are the nine spiritual pivots of the human body. This is the key to the intersection of the twelve orthodox meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians of the human body.

The nine needles of the Lingshu are exactly the method of acupuncture for the nine internal organs. The most exaggerated statement is that as long as the person is still breathing, the nine needles of the Lingshu can make him come back to life, and the bones grow muscles, but it has been hundreds of years. Not in this world, it has already become a legend in legends.

Now Miracle Doctor Xue suddenly heard Ling Yun say that his acupuncture method turned out to be the legendary Nine Needles of the Spiritual Pivot, how could this not make him ecstatic

Ling Yun has not studied Chinese medicine yet, so he doesn't understand it at all, otherwise he wouldn't say that his acupuncture method is the Lingshu Nine Needles if he was killed.

Fortunately, he would pretend to be confused. He twitched his hand as if nothing had happened, but found that it was being held tightly by the old man Xue, so he gave up the movement of twitching his hand, and said suspiciously: "Yes, it is the nine needles of the Lingshu. , what are you doing looking at me like this?"

The little demon girl Xue Meining recovered from the initial shock, she thought about it carefully, and felt that Ling Yun was still bragging.

Xue Meining's Chinese medicine skills were taught by Miracle Xue from a young age, how could it be worse

Of course, she had also heard her grandfather talk about the Nine Needles of the Spirit Pivot more than once, so she was familiar with this acupuncture method.

Not to mention that the Nine Needles of the Lingshu have been lost for hundreds of years. Even if someone knows how to use the Nine Needles of the Lingshu, they must be supplemented with innate qi to perform them. You, Lingyun, an eighteen-year-old high school student, are you Just breaking through the limit of the body, you have the cultivation base of the innate realm

Ghosts believe you!

Thinking of this, the little demon girl was completely disappointed and even a little angry. If it wasn't for judging that you broke through the physical limit yesterday, if it wasn't for the endurance, perseverance and willpower you showed yesterday, I wouldn't have introduced you to my grandfather!

Being stingy, shameless, running the train with his mouth full, what kind of personality is this

Xue Meining's beautiful eyes were still staring at Ling Yun without blinking, and her eyes began to change from anticipation to coldness.

When the little demon girl is enthusiastic, she is really passionate, but once she really hates someone from the bottom of her heart, she is as cold as ice.

"Ling Yun, go back, my grandfather doesn't need your treatment!"

The little demon girl changed her savage and coquettish tone just now, and said in a cold tone.

What if grandpa listened to Ling Yun's nonsense and really made Ling Yun use needles indiscriminately, stabbing grandpa badly? Now she can't wait to let this shameless braggart who doesn't pay taxes get out of here.

Xue Meining's tone was not kind, of course Ling Yun could hear it, he turned his head and stared at Xue Meining, his eyes were calm, he smiled lightly, nodded and said: "Okay."

People didn't believe him, and he was too lazy to spend his spiritual energy. Although he didn't get the silver needle, he absorbed a lot of spiritual energy from the jade box just now, and it was considered a profit and a worthwhile trip.

After finishing speaking, he secretly used a clever trick, and pulled his hands out of Divine Doctor Xue's hands.

This time it was the little demon girl's turn to be puzzled, why was she so full of bullshit just now, and once she drove him away, he didn't even argue

Could it be that he doesn't know how to heal at all and has a guilty conscience? Hmph, it really is bragging!

"Old man, please put away the needle and leave."

Ling Yun slightly nodded at Miracle Doctor Xue, turned around and left without delay.

Unexpectedly, Miracle Doctor Xue grabbed him.

Doctor Xue glared at Xue Meining angrily, and then turned around and apologized to Ling Yun: "Little friend Ling Yun, I am just such a precious granddaughter, she is really spoiled by me, if I offend you, please don't mind. "

Xue Meining was brought up by Master Xue, of course he understood better than anyone else that the reason why his granddaughter said that was because he didn't believe Ling Yun at all.

When the little demon girl saw that her grandfather who loved her the most was staring at her because of Ling Yun, she immediately felt aggrieved. She vented all her anger on Ling Yun, snorted coldly at him, turned her head and stopped talking.

Of course Ling Yun would not be angry, he is a cultivator who has cultivated to the tribulation stage, how could he be angry because others do not believe in his medical skills

As the saying goes, Buddha crosses people with predestined relationship, and even the Buddha crosses people with predestined relationship, let alone Ling Yun who doesn't know what medical ethics are.

According to Ling Yun's personality, even if others come to him with gold and silver mountains to beg him for treatment, as long as he is in a bad mood, he will say that he will not be cured, not to mention that others don't believe him at all

So he turned and walked away.

Miracle doctor Xue is more than seventy years old and mature, how can Xue Meining's vision and insight be comparable to Xue Meining? He has long believed that Ling Yun is an extraordinary person, even a mortal has amazing adventures.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for him to let Ling Yun leave.

Seeing that Ling Yun did not speak, Master Xue thought that he was still angry with Xue Meining, so he forced Ling Yun back to the seat just now, pressed him to sit down, and then said kindly: "Little friend Ling Yun, to tell you the truth, Ning'er It has been eleven years since I was six years old and I have studied medicine. Although I have not achieved great success, it can be regarded as a small success. She is a little worried about you, which is also human nature... "

After hearing this, Ling Yun couldn't help but glanced at the little demon girl with great interest. He didn't expect this eccentric little beauty to heal diseases and save lives

Although Xue Meining turned her head angrily, she still glanced towards the two of them. Seeing Ling Yun's playful gaze swept over, she let out another cold snort, and proudly raised her delicate and beautiful chin.

Ling Yun didn't care, he turned his head and smiled at Miracle Doctor Xue, and said seriously: "Old man, just now you took my pulse and told me about my physical problem, now I will tell you about your physical problem, we will confirm it How about?"

After all the talking, until now it finally came to the point, even Xue Meining couldn't help turning around, wanting to hear Ling Yun's opinion on her grandfather's old problem.

Xue Meining said in her heart that I will listen to you one more time, if you are still full of nonsense, I will kick you out!

Doctor Xue saw that Ling Yun was really not angry with his granddaughter, so he sat down in peace, then stared at Ling Yun with piercing eyes, and asked expectantly, "Oh? Are you going to take my pulse too? Cough cough..."

Ling Yun smiled and shook his head with a smile.

"You don't need to take the pulse, you can see it when you look at it, what else do you need to take the pulse?"

One sentence completely extinguished the slightest hope that Xue Meining just mentioned!

Chinese medicine sees a doctor, but doesn't take the pulse

Look, hear, ask, do you understand

She almost couldn't help rushing over, kicking Ling Yun into the clear water lake.

"Old man, according to your medical skills, you should be the most aware of your disease. Although the symptom is a cough, it looks like a bad lung, but the root of your disease is in the heart!"

Xue Meining suddenly stopped her steps to rush over!

Miracle Doctor Xue's illness is rooted in the heart, grandpa had indeed told her long ago, how did Ling Yun know

Look... see it

Xue Meining suddenly turned from disappointment and anger to shock!

Not only her, but also Miracle Doctor Xue was stunned by Ling Yun's faint words! This kid!

He stared up and down at Ling Yun for a full minute in astonishment before he dared to believe that these words were indeed spoken by Ling Yun just now.

"This... this... how did you see it?"

Divine doctor Xue asked subconsciously.

"Heart and tongue belong to fire among the five elements. Your tongue coating is purple and the tip of your tongue is dark blue. This is obviously caused by excessive heart fire."

"The lungs belong to metal, and fire restrains metal. If the heart fire is too strong, it will damage the lung meridian of hand Taiyin, which will naturally lead to lung deficiency. That's why you keep coughing, right?"

When Ling Yun talked eloquently about Miracle Doctor Xue's condition, the shock in the hearts of Miracle Doctor Xue and the little demon girl's grandfather and grandson had reached an indescribable level!

Ling Yun is not bragging now, what he said about Miracle Doctor Xue's condition is more real than real money!

(end of this chapter)