Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 66: Poor and poor ambition


Ning Lingyu Bingxue was smart, and seemed to understand what Ling Yun meant from his eyes, and couldn't help but sneak a glance at Tang Meng who was following behind the two of them.

Tang Meng raised his eyes to look at the ceiling, lowered his head to look at the clean floor, and looked around at the crowds of shoppers coming and going, pretending that he didn't see anything just now, and looked nonchalant.

This kid is really not stupid, he is a thief and a thief.

Ning Lingyu was clear-eyed, she thought she was making Ling Yun lose face in front of Tang Meng, a dandy. Didn't he know that Ling Yun's anger had nothing to do with Tang Meng or any face problems.

But... my mother supported the family by running a small clinic, and also provided the tuition and living expenses for the two of them to study in No. 1 Middle School. The family was really difficult!

How can I not save flowers

"Brother..." Ning Lingyu stared at Ling Yun with a pair of big eyes, hesitant to speak.

She knew that Ling Yun made a total of 20,000 yuan before and after. Although her brother was "righteous" every time he took it, Ning Lingyu always believed that if it wasn't her hard-earned money, it wasn't her own.

She has her own bottom line and principles.

Although Ling Yun took other people's money, she, as a younger sister, couldn't stop it, but it didn't mean she could spend it with peace of mind.

Ning Lingyu even secretly made up her mind to work hard to make money after the college entrance examination, and then secretly returned the money to Tang Meng.

Ning Lingyu didn't even bother to ask for the money won from gambling, let alone use it. Because she didn't use it practically.

But Ling Yun didn't discuss it with her at all, and just spent all the money, and she couldn't blame her brother.

She is already content with her brother regaining his self-confidence and rebuilding his self-esteem. Apart from hoping that Ling Yun can be admitted to a better university, she has no other wishes for Ling Yun.

This is Ning Lingyu's thoughts, she is poor, but she has ambition!

"Lingyu, don't talk about it, don't think about it too much, what do you want to buy, brother will pick it for you, brother will buy it for you, let's not buy those rubbish, we have to buy the best!"

Ling Yun waved his hand to stop Ning Lingyu's words, and said very gently, kindly and distressed: "You forgot? Brother still has more than 10,000 on him!"

Tang Meng, who had been pretending that he hadn't heard anything, suddenly changed his face, puzzled and shocked!

Ling Yun made a total of 20,000 yuan, spent more than 9,000 yuan yesterday, and bought so many brand-name goods today, yet he didn't move a cent of his money? !

With Tang Meng's family background, he knew the prices of all kinds of famous brands like the palm of his hand, and the things Ling Yun brought back to the dormitory today would definitely not cost 30,000 yuan!

Did he really rob a bank? ! Or was it... stolen

Ning Lingyu was also stunned, but she clearly saw the pile of name tags Ling Yun was carrying! She doesn't know anything else, but at least she knows the prices of Iphone5 and Nike. It is said that my brother has already spent all 20,000 yuan, right

"Brother, aren't you this afternoon..."

Ling Yun smiled lightly: "Stop talking, hurry up and go home after shopping, don't let mom worry!"

Ning Lingyu nodded obediently, and took Ling Yun to the supermarket.

This time, Ling Yun only bought based on the price, but - only bought the most expensive and best!

Oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, fruits and vegetables, pork ribs and pork trotters, beef in sauce, you can buy whatever is expensive! I also bought two big yellow flowers and a dozen hairy crabs!

"Is this big lobster really his arrogance, buy it!"

Ling Yun was wandering around the seafood area, seeing the big lobster in the water tank showing off its power, which was more than a foot long, and didn't even hesitate, so he decided to buy it!

Powerful and domineering!

Even Tang Meng's eyelids twitched, thinking that Ling Yun was stimulated by something, is he crazy

This time Ling Yun bought not only a lot of things, but also the most expensive and the best, and he filled three shopping carts!

In the end, after the final calculation, it was 7,200 yuan spent!

Ling Yun took out 8,000 yuan to ask Ning Lingyu to settle the bill, thinking that he still had more than 3,000 yuan left, and calculated that this money should be enough to rent a house outside the school for two months.

He will focus on physical training in the future, while the students in the dormitory are trying their best to sprint for the college entrance examination. He goes back so late every night, which will definitely affect the rest of others, so Ling Yun decided to rent a house outside.

In this way, he can also reasonably arrange his own training and study time without being disturbed by others, and saves a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Even if the money is not enough, he still has a lot of ways, but he has four good mobile phone numbers on him! Moreover, he plans to take some time to sell the sandalwood box and jade box, so he doesn't have to worry about these small money in the short term.

As for big money...Ling Yun has peerless medical skills to save lives, so he doesn't care either!

After paying the bill, the three of them packed everything into the car and went straight home.


With the rapid development of China's economy, every large city has a so-called rich area, and of course there are poor areas corresponding to it.

As the capital city of Jiangnan Province, Qingshui City is no exception.

After leaving the outer ring of Qingshui City, the Hummer bumped all the way to the northeast corner of Qingshui City, a slum near the suburban town, where Ling Yun's home is.

Since it is a slum area, the roads are naturally narrow, potholed, and very uneven. There are many electric poles beside the road, and the houses are old and small. Most of them were built in the 1970s and 1980s, and most of the residents are migrant workers from other places.

This slum area is very far from Qingshui No. 1 Middle School. If you take a bus, it will take at least two hours. For this reason, Ning Lingyu's mother, Qin Qiuyue, gritted her teeth and paid for the two brothers and sisters to live in school, so that they would not have to go to school every day. Waste time on the commute to and from school.

"Every house's walls are spray-painted with demolition characters. It seems that this area will be demolished soon?"

Along the way, Tang Meng rarely chased Ling Yun to ask questions, but concentrated on driving, and only then did he speak.

Ning Lingyu nodded and said: "The demolition has been going on since September last year, but the demolition fee given by the developer is too low, and the residents here are not willing. The two sides have been unable to reach an agreement, so no agreement has been reached."

"Do you know which developer it is?"

Tang Meng chuckled, thinking that it's no wonder that the conversation was right, which large-scale demolition did not involve threats and lures, and killed or injured several stubborn households

"I don't know, my mother only asked me to do a good job in my studies, and didn't let me care about these things..."

Ning Lingyu shook her head lightly.

After another three or four minutes, Ning Lingyu asked Tang Meng to stop the car by the side of the road, and then she pointed to a house in the south of the road and said to Tang Meng: "This is my home, brother, let's get out of the car."

Ling Yun turned his head to look, and saw a row of dilapidated two-story buildings under the dim streetlights, full of small shops and restaurants, and lights were on in every house.

"Is this right here?" Looking at this place, Ling Yun thought about the place where Old Man Xue and Xue Meining lived, and groaned inwardly.

Then he smiled lightly and got out of the car at the same time as Ning Lingyu.

After getting off the car, Ning Lingyu ran straight to a small clinic in Lunan, and shouted happily before entering the house: "Mom, my brother and I are back!"

"Yo, our female champion is back?!"

The name of Qin Qiuyue's clinic is very common, it is called "Pingmin Clinic". To the west of Minmin Clinic is a small shop selling daily groceries; and to the east of Mining Clinic is a small restaurant with home-cooked dishes.

The one who took the initiative to say hello to Ning Lingyu was Li Hongmei, the proprietress of the small shop. She was about forty-five years old, of medium height, and her figure was a little out of shape, but she looked very friendly.

They are all old neighbors who have lived together for many years. Li Hongmei and Ning Lingyu's mother, Qin Qiuyue, are naturally very familiar. Usually, the family members have headaches, brain fever, colds and fevers, so they let Qin Qiuyue take a look, and Qin Qiuyue needs Some daily commodities are also bought at her home.

The two families take care of each other, so the relationship is relatively close.

Li Hongmei is a warm-hearted person. When she heard Ning Lingyu's shout, she walked out of the small shop and greeted Ning Lingyu.

"Hello, Aunt Li." Ning Lingyu nodded to Li Hongmei obediently, and ran directly into the civilian clinic.

Tang Meng's Hummer was parked on the side of the road. Such a good car suddenly appeared in this poor area, and it immediately became the focus of everyone's attention.

"Oh, isn't this Lingyun? What kind of wind is blowing today, I went to school after a year and never came back, but I am back today!"

Li Hongmei saw Ling Yun, but her eyes lost the enthusiasm to look at Ning Lingyu, and her tone of voice became a little cold, with a reserved tone.

In this area, almost everyone who lived here all year round knew Ling Yun, and they all knew that Ling Yun was the child picked up by Qin Qiuyue.

However, Li Hongmei's indifference to Ling Yun was not because of his identity, but because the previous Ling Yun's appearance was really unlikable.

Apart from eating, he is beaten and bullied, and he is silent all day long. He doesn’t know how to say hello to anyone, and he usually doesn’t know how to go home to help his mother with some work. It’s okay to have poor academic performance. Of course, such a person can’t get respect from others.

Ling Yun and Tang Meng were moving things down from the car, they didn't take Li Hongmei's cold tone seriously, turned their heads and said indifferently: "Well, I'm back."

Seeing Ling Yun's lukewarm attitude, Li Hongmei was a little angry. She snorted, turned her head and went into her own store. However, she was curious. The brothers and sisters used to come back by bus. Good car to deliver

So she couldn't help but look at the two people who were busy working beside the car.

"Oh, this car not only brought them back, but also sent so many things. Could it be a rich relative of Qiuyue's family? But that young man is only as old as Ling Yun..."

Li Hongmei kept muttering nonsense in her store.

Ling Yun put the sandalwood box in his armpit, held his newly bought Iphone5 in his left hand, and the big lobster that was still alive and kicking in his right hand, and smiled at Tang Meng: "I'll go in first, you can move it slowly by yourself." !"

Tang Meng looked at the things lying all over the floor, and was speechless for a moment. He said with a bitter face, "Boss, can you help me out, how can I move all these things by myself?"

"Will the ants move? There will be super rewards for finishing the work, so move!"

Ling Yun turned his head and blinked at Tang Meng, then strode straight to the civilian clinic with his head held high.

"Mom, I'm back!"

(end of this chapter)