Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 75: The peak of the second level of physical training


Several people chatted for a while, and after ten o'clock, Tang Meng very knowingly offered to leave.

Because it was too late, Qin Qiuyue didn't want to stay, got up and sent Tang Meng to the door of the clinic with Ling Yun brothers and sisters.

"Tang Meng, come here often when you have free time, drive slowly on the road, and be sure to pay attention to safety." Qin Qiuyue told him with a smile.

Tang Meng secretly glanced at Ning Lingyu with some guilt, and then said to Qin Qiuyue respectfully: "Aunt Qin, I will definitely come to play often, um... If you go to the city, you are also welcome to visit my house .”

Ling Yun glared at him and said: "Okay, stop talking there, and drive back quickly!"

Then he turned back to Qin Qiuyue and said, "Mom, you go back, I'll see Tang Meng off."

Qin Qiuyue nodded, and took Ning Lingyu back to the courtyard.

Ling Yun shook his hand vigorously in front of Tang Meng's eyes, "Hey, let me tell you, you have something to offer, okay? If you look at Ling Yu like that again in the future, I'll really beat you!"

Tang Meng then withdrew his gaze, looked at Ling Yun with aggrieved face and said depressedly: "Isn't it okay to sneak a look at the back?"

Ling Yun rolled his eyes and said: "If you want to see it, you should look at it in a fair manner. What's the matter with you always secretly watching? Why didn't you even dare to say a word to Ling Yu just now?"

Tang Meng grinned and said with a wry smile: "Aunt Qin is here, do I dare to talk to Ling Yu?"

Ling Yun shook his head and pushed him: "Besides, my mother won't eat you! Hurry up, drive slowly on the road, and don't forget what we discussed."

The two walked side by side to the Humvee.

"Boss, I'm really not kidding, I think Aunt Qin is not a mortal!"

"It's still up to you to say, my mother is so beautiful, and the food she cooks is even better than those in big restaurants. Of course she is not an ordinary person!"

Although Ling Yun saw Qin Qiuyue for the first time, it was no different from the Qin Qiuyue in his memory. He recognized his loving mother the first time he saw Qin Qiuyue. Speaking of Qin Qiuyue, it was natural Very proud.

"Boss, I didn't mean that, I meant..." Tang Meng was still waiting to speak.

What Ling Yun couldn't bear the most was this kid's wordiness. He pushed Tang Meng into the car, and said: "Okay, don't be inked. I just told you my mobile phone number. I will turn on the mobile phone tomorrow. You Just call me once you've found a house. Let's go!"

It was past ten o'clock, and Ling Yun still had to go to the small river to practice on the third floor, so of course he didn't have time to accompany Tang Meng here.

Tang Meng had no choice but to start the hummer. He waved his hand at Ling Yun, stepped on the accelerator, and the hummer started roaring and quickly disappeared into the dark night.

After driving for a kilometer, Tang Meng took out a Suyan and lit it.

"There are three surnames in the family. Aunt Qin wears ordinary clothes, but she shows a kind of nobility and grace in her gestures. Even my mother can't compare with that kind of nobility. It's really mysterious..."


Ling Yun sent Tang Meng away, and returned to the small courtyard. As soon as he entered the room, he saw his mother and sister sitting there chatting, laughing and having fun.

"Mom, I went out to lose weight, and I may come back very late at night. You and your sister don't have to wait for me."

Ling Yun didn't make any detours and said directly.

Qin Qiuyue glanced at Ling Yun meaningfully, nodded and said, "Go, remember to bring the house key."

Ning Lingyu stared at Ling Yun with a pair of beautiful and smart eyes, with a complicated expression, and wanted to say something to Ling Yun, but finally said softly: "Brother, come back early, don't let my mother and I worry."

Ling Yun nodded silently, went back to the bedroom and packed up his things briefly, before going out.

When he reached the door, he stopped suddenly, took out the two pretty number cards from his pocket to have a look, then walked to Ning Lingyu and said, "Sister, these two cards have good numbers, and they are full of phone charges. , for you and mom."

Ning Lingyu picked it up curiously, and was about to ask her brother where he got the card number, but saw that Ling Yun had already turned around and left the house.

"It's hard to lose weight after going home, really!" Ning Lingyu pouted to express her dissatisfaction with Ling Yun.

She picked up a mobile phone card casually and took a closer look, and suddenly opened her mouth in surprise and exclaimed softly: "Wow... six eights, such a good number... this is... six nines!"

"Mom, look quickly, the number my brother gave us is so good!"

Qin Qiuyue didn't seem to hear her daughter's exclamation. Her autumn eyes were as deep and distant as the night sky, staring outside the house, and the corners of her plump lips were slightly raised, outlining a mysterious smile.


Ling Yun left home.

He first checked the cowhide needle bag next to his body. There were nine gold needles and eighty-one silver needles, each of which was quite a lot.

"These needles can't be thrown away. If you use them to hurt people, you will be a loser!"

Ling Yun is still far from the realm of shooting objects from the air. If these silver needles are shot out during the battle, do they still have to go to the side of the wounded and pull them out one by one after they are wounded

Especially when you fight more with less, it is even more impossible in a melee. Who would let you come over and pull out the needle after being injured

Therefore, Ling Yun decided that the two sets of needles that old man Xue gave him were only used to treat illnesses and save lives; as for fighting, it was better to go to department stores to buy some ordinary large needles or long nails, which were better and cheaper.

That ten yuan is a lot, you can fly as you want, shoot as you want, you don’t feel bad about losing it, just buy it after you use it up.

He put the kraft needle bag back together, tightened the sandbags on his legs, and started running.

Ling Yun ran wildly in the direction of the Seven Luminaries Grass!

Because there is no fifty-jin sandbag to carry the load, Ling Yun can sprint at a speed of 100 meters as soon as he comes up, which is simply like lightning!

Ling Yun and Ning Lingyu stayed together for a long time today, he would not waste such a good opportunity, so before he left home, he had already replenished the spirit energy consumed by Divine Doctor Xue to suppress the Gu worms at noon !

Now, Ling Yun's purpose is of course to consume the spiritual energy in his body to the maximum extent before reaching the place where the Seven Luminaries Grass is located.

The more you consume, the better!

The place where the seven obsidian plants were found was not far from the school, and it only took about ten minutes to walk. However, it took Tang Meng more than forty minutes to drive from the school to Ling Yun's house so fast!

Of course, excluding the waiting time for red lights and traffic jams, it is estimated to be about half an hour, but this distance is not short, at least 25 kilometers!

Due to the loss of fifty catties of weight, Ling Yun ran for more than ten kilometers at extreme speed, and the hidden aura in his body began to be mobilized.

After the body-training layer of "huge" aura started to run in the body, Ling Yun's speed soared even more, even leaving some slower cars behind.

It only took Ling Yun forty minutes to arrive at the small river where he found the seven obsidian grass. He stopped to pant slightly, frowned and shook his head with a wry smile.

The aura in the body has not been used up at all, more than half of it is left!

In fact, if Ling Yun didn't consume the spiritual energy in his body, if he went directly to the Qiyaocao to break through, he believed that he could easily break through the second level of body training.

But his goal tonight is not the second level of physical training, but the third level of physical training!

The second level of body training is just to further enhance and improve the quality of all aspects of the body, and the body can absorb more hidden spiritual energy.

But the third level of body training can use gold needles or silver needles to mobilize aura at any time, which is too different for Ling Yun!

Ling Yun stood by the river and paced a few steps, looked left and right at the black lights around him, gritted his teeth, and took off all his clothes including shoes and socks!

Then he found a relatively dense grass and hid them all in it. In fact, there was no need to hide them. It was past eleven o'clock in the evening. Who the hell came here to pick up things when he was free

After finishing all this, Ling Yunjing jumped into the icy river with her fat body naked.

"Fuck, it's still so cold!" Ling Yun shivered from the cold river water.

Then he was submerged in the water up to his navel, upstream, and ran wildly!

This is really crazy! Crazier than running with a fifty-pound sandbag!

How much resistance does water have? A person swimming on his stomach in still water with the least resistance can be exhausted after swimming for a while, let alone standing in waist-deep water and sprinting against the current under the greatest resistance

This method of body training is almost self-abuse!

But Ling Yun didn't care, and even quickly fell in love with this way of consuming energy and fat!

Because it is so effective!

A person can feel a strong sense of stagnation just by moving his palm in the still water, not to mention Ling Yun's fat body of two hundred catties!

His legs were soon as heavy as if they were filled with lead, his whole body was sore and painful, and he felt that the rushing river water was like heavy walls!

If it weren't for his first level of physical training and the support of spiritual energy in his body, Ling Yun wouldn't even be able to run fifty meters!

But in this way, the spiritual energy in his body is also consumed very quickly. It is only two or three hundred meters away, which is more effective than running twenty kilometers!

Of course, what was also rapidly consumed was the thick fat on his obese body!

Ling Yun gritted his teeth and persisted, constantly challenging himself to the limit, until the spiritual energy in his body was completely exhausted before he got out of the water.

The whole person is already exhausted!

However, he still wouldn't sit on the ground to rest immediately. He knew that the more exhausted he was, the less he could be defeated by this feeling of fatigue. Otherwise, how could he defeat himself step by step

Ling Yun gritted his teeth and insisted on going back to the place where the clothes were put, picked up a piece of underwear and wiped his body clean, and after getting dressed, he came to the side of the Seven Yaocao.

Of course, the seven obsidian grass is still there, and it is growing vigorously. It looks much stronger than last night.

Whether it's the spirit jade box, or Ning Lingyu's natural spirit body, it can't compare with the spirit energy released by the seven obsidian grass.

Ling Yun sat cross-legged, absorbing the Qi Yaocao's aura with all his strength, but he couldn't help feeling distressed in his heart.

Because even though he tried his best to absorb the exercises, 80% of the spiritual energy still dispersed into the air, which is a pity!

The spiritual energy required for the second level of physical training is at least twice that of the first level of physical training, and it is not obvious now, but the spiritual energy required for the third level of physical training is twice that of the second level of physical training, and so on, if Ling Yun reaches the ninth level of physical training At the first level, the spiritual energy that needs to be absorbed is at least two hundred and fifty-six times that of the first level of body training!

"Hmph, when I reach the fourth floor of body training and can freely mobilize and use the spiritual energy in my body, I will set up a spirit-gathering formation or try to carve a spirit-gathering talisman. I can't let these spiritual energy go to waste!"

Ling Yun gritted his teeth and secretly said in distress.

As soon as twelve o'clock passed, Ling Yun's body was already filled with spiritual energy, and he couldn't hold any more spiritual energy. He began to use the exercises, and rushed to the second floor of the body training with all his might!

It was easy to break through, and Ling Yun was extremely well prepared, so hitting the second floor of body training was a matter of course!

"Boom!" Soon, Ling Yun felt an extremely comfortable and cool feeling coming from his body, and he knew that he had broken through.

Ling Yun clearly felt that the meridians in his body had more than doubled in size compared to the first level of body training, and all aspects of his body's physique had also improved by a big level in an instant!

But he was still dissatisfied, and sat there and continued to practice the exercises, absorbing a lot of Qiyaocao's aura.

The aura needed to hit the third level of physical training is four times that of the first level of physical training. Ling Yun is very patient, not rushing, until the absorption is full again, and then begins to hit the third level of physical training!

With enough aura, it is natural to practice like a broken bamboo, the early stage of the second floor, the middle stage of the second floor, and the peak of the second floor!

Ling Yun absorbed more and more spiritual energy, and his cultivation level soared all the way.

Now, as if the aura of the seven obsidian grass had been summoned by some kind, it frantically poured into Ling Yun's body to help Ling Yun break through!

This is Ling Yun's talent against the sky!

Ling Yun had already forgotten the time. He sat still, like an old monk in meditation, urging the exercises with all his strength. After climbing to the peak of the second level of physical training, he focused on hitting the third level of physical training!

At the most critical moment, when he was about to break through at any time, Ling Yun's head, in the middle of his brows, and his dantian suddenly moved!

Ling Yun felt the strange changes in these three places, and he was shocked!

It was the immortal aura left behind after protecting and carrying the primordial spirit of oneself through countless time and space, washing the scriptures and cutting marrow, and completely changing one's physique!

Under Ling Yun's ecstasy, he lost his mind and no longer wanted to hit the third level of physical training, but slowly withdrew his skills and fixed the level at the peak of the second level of physical training!

Ling Yun's face was extremely excited, he jumped up excitedly, cheering for joy!

This is the immortal spiritual energy of the Tribulation Transcendence Period, even if there is only a small amount, it can bring great benefits to Ling Yun's future cultivation!

This is by no means comparable to the lowest level seven obsidian grass in the big world of cultivation!

"I thought I had consumed all of you, but it turned out that they were all hidden in these three places!"

After a long while, Ling Yun gradually calmed down from the state of extreme excitement, his eyes were like lightning, his thoughts turned like lightning, and he was thinking about the next step of cultivation.

Although he fell short and failed to break through the third level of body training as scheduled, Ling Yun did not regret it at all!

"God finally treats me well!"

Ling Yun looked up at the sky, at the distant starry sky, with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth, and muttered to himself.

(end of this chapter)