Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 79: Kill the door tonight!


Ling Yun lowered his head indifferently, looked at Brother Tian who was rolling and howling on the ground, and said coldly: "You are wearing the clothes of the city management, but you are doing the work of robbers and bandits. Is it easy for these ordinary people? Come out so early in the morning to set up a stall to sell vegetables , All you earn is hard money, how about you, driving a car and yelling on the road, and you will make a mess?"

"Leaving aside those for now, you five big men deal with a pregnant woman in such a despicable way, how dare you talk about law enforcement?"

"I'm in a good mood today, I just punished you a little bit, if I see you doing things like this next time, be careful of your dog's life!"

After Ling Yun finished speaking, he tilted his head and thought for a while, and continued: "I'll tell you, I'll take care of Liu Li's affairs. If you want revenge, feel free to attack me. My name is Ling Yun, and I'm from the civilian clinic. As long as you have the ability, go find me!"

"If you dare to play Liu Li's idea again, no matter what your status is, I will make you die ugly! If you don't believe me, try it!"

After Ling Yun finished speaking, he raised his foot and kicked Brother Tian's ass: "Get out!" Then he walked towards Liu Li without looking back.

"Ling Yun... so he is the wimpy son of Dr. Qin from the civilian clinic? Is this still called a wimpy?"

"Hey, Tian Xiaoguang deserves to be unlucky. You don't know. Last night I was eating at home cooking, and I saw Ling Yun and a kid driving a Hummer made his own uncle obedient!"

"What? Is this really the case? Let me tell you, people are not even afraid of King Tian Yan, let alone him!"

"Hmph, this kind of scum, if you don't beat him to death, he'll be light, he's just a bunch of living bandits! You should!"

There was a lot of discussion, and the common people thought that Ling Yun had done a good job and praised him endlessly.

Ling Yun quickly came to Liu Li's side. He glanced at Liu Li's face, and then couldn't help frowning.

"Brother, thank you for saving me, I've caused you... trouble!" Liu Li was so moved that tears filled her eyes, she said very sincerely.

She saw everything that Ling Yun did for her just now, and thought that it would be difficult for her to escape from the clutches of the clutches, but Ling Yun descended from heaven, it's no wonder she wasn't grateful!

Ling Yun shook his head slightly, as if what he did just now was not worth mentioning, he stared at Liu Li and said: "Liu... Sister Liu, you have been lack of sleep for a long time, and you have been malnourished, just now you got angry again, I'm afraid It will affect the fetus in the womb."

"What?!" Liu Li's face changed drastically when she heard that, and her voice trembled.

Her husband is still lying in a coma on the hospital bed. It is not known whether he will wake up. The child in the stomach is their only flesh and blood. If something happens to the child, then Liu Li will not be able to live.

"Don't panic. Since I can see it, there is a cure. Do you know the civilian clinic? You can go there to find me. Don't worry, I will cure you when the time comes."

Ling Yun gave her a reassuring and consoling smile.

Liu Li could tell that Ling Yun was not an ordinary person. It was impossible for an ordinary person to beat seven strong young men with sticks to the ground with a snap of their fingers.

"Brother, thank you, you are a great benefactor of our family! It's a pity that my man is unconscious now. If he knows what you have done, he will repay your kindness even if he is a cow and a horse!"

Liu Li knew that she had not only met a benefactor, but also a noble person, and she was grateful to Ling Yun, wishing to kneel down to him on the spot.

"Sister Liu, you don't have to thank me so much. Since this kind of thing happened to me, there is no reason to ignore it. This is a thousand yuan. You take it and use it first. If it is not enough, let's figure out a solution together."

Ling Yun took out the remaining 3,000 yuan and handed it to Liu Li after counting out ten.

As the saying goes, a good man will go to the end and send the Buddha to the west. Since Ling Yun has intervened in this matter, he will naturally help him to the end. As for the reward, Liu Li's grateful eyes are enough.

"Big brother... This, I can't ask for this. I don't know how to repay you for saving me. How can I still ask for your money?"

Liu Li never imagined that there are such good people these days. She didn't know what to say for a while, but instinctively waved her hands at Ling Yun.

Ling Yun smiled calmly, forced the money into Liu Li's hand, and said, "Take it, the vegetables you wholesaled were all smashed by this bunch of garbage, let's talk about it in the past two days."

Liu Li stared dumbfounded at the money in her hand, stared blankly at Ling Yun, and couldn't say a word.

When the big boy in front of him was fighting just now, he looked like a god descending from the earth, but now he is standing quietly in front of him, but he doesn't look like he just fought. Although he looks a little fatter, he is taller , the broad shoulders give people a strong sense of security, and the upright face looks very fresh and sunny. With a slight smile, there will be an intoxicating dimple on the left cheek, which is very eye-catching.

Especially the boy's eyes, clean and clear, with deep and far-sighted gaze, occasionally flashed a certain firmness, but quickly recovered calm and calm, as if nothing in this world could affect him.

Looking at it, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in her heart, she was startled suddenly, and quickly turned her head to look elsewhere, but her face was already flushed.

Ling Yun didn't notice Liu Li's change at that moment: "Sister Liu, you can't stay in the place of right and wrong for long, you should go home first, if you need something, you can go to the civilian clinic to find me."

"En..." Liu Li trembled inexplicably, and nodded like a mosquito.

Without even saying goodbye, she got into the car and started the electric three-wheeled car, and soon went away.

"How could I feel this way... I'm so ashamed!" After leaving for one kilometer, Liu Li braked slowly, stroked her hot cheeks with her hands, and cursed herself secretly with a blushing face.

"Okay, when did I become so kind-hearted? To save someone, not to mention the trouble I caused myself, but also a thousand dollars?"

"However, this feeling is really cool, hehe... It seems that it's good to do good deeds occasionally..."

After Ling Yun sent Liu Li away, he left immediately. He had to buy some breakfast and bring it home. It was already past seven o'clock, and his mother and sister would have woken up by this time.

As for Brother Tian and those scumbags, he didn't even bother to talk about it. Tang Meng told him last night,

After Ling Yun walked for five minutes, the two cars arrived at the place where the fight was just now, but at this time Brother Tian had already been carried into the van by Li Kun and sent to the hospital, and the people had already dispersed.

"Let the third and fourth investigate to find out who the beating is, and destroy the family tonight!"

No one got out of the car. In a black BMW sedan in front of him, a burly man with a hideous scar on his right cheek looked at the blood on the ground, a savage look flashed in his eyes, and said indifferently.

"Yes, Brother Dao!" A red-haired boy hurriedly called.

The person who gave the orders was naturally Dao Dao who came over after receiving the call. He is a tyrant in the slums, with nearly two hundred brothers under his command, controlling all the entertainment venues in this area, such as karaoke bars, teahouses, beauty salons, low-end nightclubs, etc.

There was a fierce light in the knife's eyes, and his face was cloudy and uncertain. After a while, he said lightly: "Go, let's go to the hospital to see Tian Xiaoguang first!"

It turned out that he earned more than 300,000 yuan in one night. When he was happy, he took more than 20 brothers to a nightclub to play until after two o'clock in the morning. After the show, he took the two girls back to his residence.

Hugging left and right, the sandwich biscuits and the like were tossing with the two young ladies until 4:30 in the morning, before the knife hugged them and fell asleep.

Unexpectedly, after only two hours of sleep, Knife was woken up by the ringing of the mobile phone. As soon as he heard Brother Tian was beaten, he jumped out of bed stepping on a young lady's snow-white thigh, and at the same time called someone.

When he got dressed and went downstairs, he received a call saying that the assailant had left and Brother Tian was being taken to the hospital.

Since Knife picked Heipi's tendons and hamstrings two years ago, the area of Linjiang Road has been his domain for the past two years, and no one has ever dared to make trouble on his territory.

That's why he directly said Miemen!

"Humph, Xiaoguang has a lot of problems. He likes a woman. I just ask someone to snatch it for you and fuck him straight away. I still have to play with him to conquer. Is the play going to work now? Sooner or later I don't want me to wipe your ass!"

Knife snorted and ordered to drive, the black BMW started immediately and roared away.

Ling Yun bought breakfast for three people, and went back to Minmin Clinic. At this time, the rolling shutter door of Minmin Clinic had already been raised, and the door was already opened. Ning Lingyu was standing at the door with a mop, looking around non-stop.

Ning Lingyu was about to go crazy!

Didn't my brother say that I want to exercise to lose weight? You said that you came back late, and they have been waiting patiently for you. Who knew that they waited until three o'clock in the morning, fell asleep on the sofa, and didn't see you coming back!

Even if you are eager to lose weight, you don't have to exercise like crazy for one night, right? Did something happen to my brother

Ning Lingyu woke up early at 5:30 in the morning. She was very anxious at home, opened the door of the clinic after 6:00, and ran out almost every three minutes to look around for a while.

"Lingyu, you don't sleep much on Sunday, what are you doing up so early? Look, brother bought you breakfast!"

(end of this chapter)