Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 84: The fairy spirit moves


Ling Yun and Tang Meng returned to the rented house, put down a laptop, locked the door and went back to the slums.

Arriving at the entrance of the Minmin Clinic, Ling Yun originally wanted to stay with Tang Meng for lunch, but Tang Meng said he had other things to do. After Ling Yun unloaded the two laptops from the car, he drove away.

Ning Lingyu was afraid that Ling Yun would not come back for dinner, so she waited in the civilian clinic all morning. Now that she saw Ling Yun came back, she came out happily.

"Brother, it's half past twelve, I thought you weren't coming back again, ah, this is..."

Ning Lingyu's gaze fell on Ling Yun's body all the time, she said a few words before seeing the two laptops beside Ling Yun.

"Wow... Brother, so you went to buy a computer?!" Ning Lingyu has dreamed of owning a computer of her own since she was thirteen or fourteen years old, even if it is a second-hand one. When I got back two, and they were notebooks, I was of course surprised and delighted, and very excited.

"What are you still doing stupidly? Why don't you come over to help?!" Ling Yun looked at his sister with a smile.

"En!" Ning Lingyu's face flushed with excitement, she pursed her lips and ran over, picked up a laptop and ran into the clinic.

Ling Yun looked at Ning Lingyu's excited look, and thought that as long as he could make his sister happy, the money would be worthless. He followed Ning Lingyu with a smile and entered the civilian clinic.

"Mom, mom, brother bought two laptops!" Ning Lingyu rushed all the way back to the backyard, shouting impatiently before entering the house.

Qin Qiuyue had just finished making lunch and was setting the table and chopsticks. Seeing Ning Lingyu yelling and rushing into the room, she pursed her lips and smiled, and said softly, "Eat first, and play after eating." your computer."

At this time Ling Yun followed closely into the house.

"Mom, I don't see many people coming to this clinic every day, and you usually have nothing to do, so I bought you a notebook."

Ling Yun put the notebook on the coffee table, and after speaking, quietly waited for Qin Qiuyue's question.

When I came back yesterday, it was a jade box and an Iphone5, and it was a Nike and a lobster. Today I got two laptops and came back. Ling Yun thought that no matter how calm my mother is, I should ask where the money came from.

"You child, what are you doing with all that unjust money? Mom is so old and doesn't have any computer at all. You can save it for studying and looking up information."

Qin Qiuyue had a comfortable smile on her face, she didn't hide her joy, but what surprised Ling Yun was that Qin Qiuyue still didn't have the slightest intention to ask.

"Mom, I also bought it for myself, and I bought three notebooks in total!" Ling Yun continued without believing in evil.

"Oh, that's good, then this mother will accept it, good boy! Let's eat first!" Qin Qiuyue greeted Ling Yun to eat.

"Mom, today I rented a house outside the school, and I went to see the house in the morning."

"Well, I live outside alone, so pay attention to safety, you know?"

"Mom, I want to move all those medical books in my bedroom."

"Okay, I'll ask Lingyu to clean up for you this afternoon."


"Mom, I'm hungry!" Ling Yun could only admit defeat, and sat down at the dining table.

Qin Qiuyue smiled sweetly: "Then eat, Lingyu, come over to eat first, and then play with your computer after dinner. Your brother bought it for you, and it can't run away."

Ning Lingyu ran out of the bedroom, her beautiful eyes looked bright, and she had a charming smile on her face: "Brother, you are so kind!"

Ling Yun finished his lunch with great surprise, curiosity, and even apprehension, and kept muttering in his heart.

My own mother is really extraordinary!

Free development is good, but this... this is too free, right? !

But if you want to say that your mother doesn't care about you, that's obviously not the case, because Qin Qiuyue looked at her with deep love and concern.

Ning Lingyu caught him and asked him about this and that, leaving Ling Yun at a loss for what to do, but on the contrary, her mother didn't care about it at all, as if she felt that everything she was doing now was normal and should be done!

Ling Yun had prepared a lot of rhetoric, and even made preparations for what to say clearly and what to hide, but Qin Qiuyue didn't ask anything, which made him punch cotton with all his strength, and the pain in his heart This kind of aggrieved energy is simply not to mention.

"Mom, let me take care of the clinic for you this afternoon? I have read so many medical books myself, and now I can treat diseases..."

Ling Yun asked tentatively.

If my mother doesn't believe that he can cure diseases, then I can just tell the reason why I came back with money like a nouveau riche and bought so many things, so that I can feel better in my heart.

Unexpectedly, Qin Qiuyue nodded without even thinking about it: "Okay, you look at the clinic in the afternoon, and I happened to take Lingyu in the afternoon to buy two sets of clothes for you two."

That's okay too? !

It can be said that Ling Yun has never been convinced, no matter whether it is the big world of cultivation or coming here, but now, he is finally convinced, convinced!

A mother is a mother, so you can't accept it.

"Mom, I have enough clothes, you don't need to buy them for me, you just need to buy two more clothes for Lingyu."

Qin Qiuyue smiled slightly, shook her head slowly and said, "Silly boy, mom is buying you clothes for two months."

The speaker was interested, and the listener was interested. Ling Yun staggered and almost sat on the ground, not daring to answer Qin Qiuyue's words.

Ning Lingyu was thinking about that laptop computer, she hurriedly cleaned up the dining table, and couldn't wait to play with her computer.

Ling Yun also followed.

With the development of society and the advancement of science and technology, human beings are increasingly inseparable from computers, especially those living in cities.

Therefore, although Ning Lingyu and Lingyun's family can't afford a computer, it doesn't mean they don't know anything about computers - because there are Internet cafes, and there are basic computer courses in the school.

Although Ling Yun's predecessor didn't study well, he did have something to be proud of. One was medical skills, and the other was online games.

And these two things are undoubtedly related to his weak body caused by the abolishment of the Yangqiao meridian.

One reason is that he wants to find out the root cause of his body's disease through his own efforts, and he wants to use the medical skills he has learned to treat his body.

Another reason is naturally that he has suffered too much insult and bullying, too much ridicule and sarcasm, too much helplessness and sadness in reality, so online games are undoubtedly the best choice for him.

Overthrow the BOSS in online games, defeat opponents, upgrade and break through levels, and obtain various trophies and glory, as well as spiritual pleasure and balance.

Therefore, Ling Yun not only knows about computers, but can be said to be very proficient.

However, the memories received by our comprehension geniuses are incomplete and fragmented, and cannot be systematically organized.

Of course he wanted to come over and watch how Ning Lingyu fiddled with the computer, so as not to let himself out.

What Ling Yun's memory and comprehension ability, he only watched Ning Lingyu operate it once, and he has already mastered it all, and he is no longer just Xiaobai.

"Brother, the configuration of this computer is so high, it's so fast to install a system!" Ning Lingyu's excitement was not to be mentioned.

Ling Yun smiled and nodded, but said: "I bought you a computer for your study, so don't delay your study."

Then he exited the house, left the civilian clinic, and came to Li Hongmei's shop next door.

"Aunt Li, do you have any needles here?" Ling Yun asked directly when he saw that Li Hongmei was alone in the shop.

As for Li Hongmei's disdain and contempt for him yesterday, Ling Yun didn't take it to heart at all. He believed that Li Hongmei would definitely not look down on him today.

Ling Yun has always been like this, if you want others to change their views on you, you have to change yourself.

When Li Hongmei saw Ling Yun coming, her simple face was about to burst into laughter. She greeted warmly: "Hey, Ling Yun is here, do you want to buy needles for your mother? They are all over there, you can see what you want." Whatever it is, just take it and use it!"

Li Hongmei's thoughts are simpler, but everything is shown on her face. She thinks Ling Yun is useless, so she disdains him; she thinks Ning Lingyu is capable, so she is enthusiastic about Ning Lingyu; I went into the house to see her safety.

Ling Yun was sent back yesterday by a Hummer, bought so many things in big bags and small bags, and Tian Yan Wang was dealt with like a god, if Li Hongmei thinks Ling Yun is a coward again, then she will stop opening this small shop.

Ling Yun was noncommittal about Li Hongmei's question. He simply picked and picked in the past, and finally chose a large needle about two inches long.

"Aunt Li, how much is a box of this kind?"

Li Hongmei was in a daze. a box? Why do you buy so many needles for a big boy? Even if you learn embroidery for a year, you won’t need a box

"Eight yuan a box..." Li Hongmei replied dumbfounded.

Ling Yun dropped a hundred dollars and said with a smile, "I want ten boxes."

Li Hongmei's mouth was big enough to fit a 60-watt light bulb, and she couldn't figure out why Ling Yun bought so many needles.

Ling Yun is indeed quite strange. Selecting needles as weapons is really the best tool for hanging silk counterattacks. The country prohibits guns and props, and even kitchen knives have begun to require real names, but I have never heard of real-name embroidery needles.

While Li Hongmei was staring blankly, Ling Yun took his "weapon" and went out. Thinking of Li Hongmei's shocked expression, he couldn't help but feel amused. Hmph, are you stupid to make you look down on me

However, he was still not satisfied, so he went to a hardware store and bought steel nails that were seven catties and two inches long, and then returned home slowly.

He entered the civilian clinic, found an inconspicuous corner, threw his things away, and sat on a chair in the clinic. Facing a map of acupoints on the human body on the wall, he admired it as if he were admiring world-famous paintings.

"Many acupoints are slightly deviated, and many acupoints are not marked..." Ling Yun muttered secretly.

About twenty minutes later, Qin Qiuyue and Ning Lingyu came out from the backyard, and Ling Yun hurriedly stood up.

"Ling Yun, mom and Lingyu have gone to the city. Take care of the house this afternoon. If you don't understand anything, just call mom." Qin Qiuyue instructed with a smile.

Ling Yun took out a bundle of hundred-yuan bills, scratched his head and said, "Mom, you finally went out for a stroll, so you bought more things, if you bought too many things and couldn't carry them, I'll ask Tang Meng to pick you up in a car. "After finishing speaking, he handed over 10,000 yuan to Qin Qiuyue.

There was no refusal or refusal as imagined, Qin Qiuyue took it with a smile and gave it to Ning Lingyu to put it away, then gave Ling Yun a few words, and went out with Ning Lingyu who was smiling sweetly.

After the two of them left for a while, Ling Yun took out a box of needles from the corner, grabbed a dozen or so needles and held them in his hand.

"I haven't practiced for a long time, and I don't know how the accuracy is now, let's have fun today!"

After finishing speaking, without looking up, relying on the memory just now, he raised one hand at the acupoint map on the wall.

Then he turned his head and looked over.

Each needle was precisely pierced on a acupuncture point, and all of them penetrated half an inch into the wall, and there was no false hair!

"The peak of the second level of physical training is different. It would be more perfect if you can take pictures from the air!" Ling Yun's mouth curled into a confident smile.

It's just that before the outline of the smile was finished, it immediately froze on his face!

Ling Yun only felt that the immortal aura in his zenith, eyebrows, and dantian moved uncontrollably at the same time, and gushed out from the three places like a tide, as violent as the tide of Qiantang River, and instantly formed in his meridians The rush of the river!

(end of this chapter)