Dragon King’s Son-In-Law

Chapter 27: Who is holding whom back?


(Haha, I found that there are already a lot of pinned rewards! Xiaolong would like to thank everyone for the rewards, and I will definitely update them! In addition, if your ambition explodes, you need tickets and collections!)

It's still three hours away from the top of the mountain. If you travel faster, two hours will be enough. Www,QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO,CoMIncluding the time to return to the mountainside and to the foot of the mountain, it will take at least six hours.

Hao Ren felt a little unsure when he thought that he would have to be alone with Zhao Yanzi for at least six hours, almost half the day.

But fortunately, the scenery here is beautiful. If you don't look at Zhao Yanzi, you can at least see the scenery, right

Zhao Yanzi was extremely excited, almost running up the mountain, as if he was anxious to see the Taoist temple, and seemed to want to get rid of Hao Ren on purpose.

Of course, Hao Ren would not let her get rid of him easily. He took a long breath, quickened his pace, and followed her closely.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! You are the slowest!" Zhao Yanzi turned around to urge Hao Ren while going up the mountain.

Hao Ren ignored her taunt and still stepped on the stone steps leisurely. He is a person who practices long-distance running and knows how to make the most reasonable use of his physical strength, unlike Zhao Yanzi who just runs wildly without considering the physical exertion behind it.

Sure enough, after half an hour, Zhao Yanzi, who had been going up the mountain at high speed, had exhausted all his energy and his pace gradually slowed down.

Hao Ren, on the other hand, kept going up the mountain at a steady speed. He caught up with her within a few minutes, passed her again, and continued up the mountain unhurriedly.

"Hey!" Seeing that Hao Ren dared to abandon her, Zhao Yanzi couldn't help but shout out.

Hao Ren pretended to be innocent and turned around, standing on the steps above, looking down at her, "What's wrong? You can't walk anymore?"

"I..." Zhao Yanzi's face turned red, "I just want to drink water!"

She stretched out her arms towards Hao Ren, "Give me the water!"

Hao Ren opened her schoolbag, took out a bottle of mineral water and handed it to her.

Zhao Yanzi drank several sips and then threw the mineral water to Hao Ren in an extremely unfriendly manner.

Her attitude did make Hao Ren a little uncomfortable, but thinking that her parents were kind to him, Hao Ren tolerated it.

He put the mineral water in his schoolbag and continued up the mountain regardless of whether Zhao Yanzi was walking or not.

This was very painful for Zhao Yanzi. Hao Ren continued to go up the mountain. She had to leave. On the one hand, the food and drink were all in the schoolbag that Hao Ren was carrying. On the other hand, she didn't want Hao Ren to be underestimated, so she had no choice but to leave. Keep walking with your scalp on your hands. As for the words she had just mocked Hao Ren for walking slowly, she couldn't say it out loud.

On the way up the mountain, every step Hao Ren took was very steady, just like his long-distance running pace, which was very rhythmic as he adjusted with his breathing.

Zhao Yanzi didn't have it so easy. She followed Hao Ren closely, out of breath, her face turned from red to pale, her eyes were full of resentment, and she wanted to stare Hao Ren to death.

After walking for a while, Hao Ren finally stopped. Zhao Yanzi, who was following closely behind him, finally got a chance to breathe.

Hao Ren opened the map and looked at it for a few seconds, "Well, we've walked half the distance. At our speed, we'll be there in another hour."

"Ah? It will take another hour?" Zhao Yanzi showed a desperate expression. When she thought about moving forward at the same speed just now, her body involuntarily softened.

Hao Ren didn't care what she thought, he put away the map, picked up his steps again, and walked up.

Zhao Yanzi finally regained her composure and suddenly saw Hao Ren going up even further without resting. She hated Hao Ren to death. She stayed for a few seconds and shouted towards Hao Ren's farther and farther back, "You This bad guy!!!"

Hao Ren turned around, still with that innocent expression on his face, looking at her from a distance, "What's wrong?"

"You... you..." Zhao Yanzi was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Do you want to rest?" Hao Ren asked her.

Zhao Yanzi suppressed her blush. She really wanted to rest, but she couldn't say it out loud, for fear that Hao Ren would take the opportunity to attack her and look down on her.

"Oops, I seem a little tired. Let's rest for a while." Hao Ren took off his schoolbag, put it on the steps, and sat down next to the schoolbag.

"You need to rest, I didn't say you were tired!" Zhao Yanzi pouted and said, following Hao Ren's example, he sat down on the spot.

Hao Ren saw her face turned pale and knew that her strength was about to be exhausted, but he did not expose her.

They were separated by six or seven steps, one high and one low, looking at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Hao Ren suddenly thought that there seemed to be a camera in his schoolbag, so he took it out and looked at Zhao Yanzi underneath, and clicked a picture.

Her angry look was immediately captured in the photo.

"Who asked you to take the photo?" she screamed.

Hao Ren stretched out the camera towards her from a distance, "How about you take a picture for me?"

"I won't take pictures of you!" Zhao Yanzi rolled his eyes at Hao Ren.

"Then... let's take a photo together?" Hao Ren asked her again.

Zhao Yanzi turned her head, neither picking up the camera nor looking at Hao Ren, "Oh, who wants to take a photo with an uncle like you!"

Hao Ren put the camera back into his schoolbag and stood up, "It's almost time to rest, let's go up the mountain."

"You..." Zhao Yanzi looked at Hao Ren angrily, knowing that he was deliberately "revenge", but had no choice but to run after him.

Hao Ren turned around and saw Zhao Yanzi chasing after him with a flushed face. He thought for a moment and slowed down. Although this little girl has a bad temper, there is no need to really bully her.

"If I had Dragon Pill, even a hundred of you wouldn't be able to catch up with me!" Zhao Yanzi punched Hao Ren on the shoulder and said bitterly.

"If you can't walk, it's still too late for us to go down the mountain." Hao Ren said to her. His words were sincere and not meant to tease her.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yanzi gritted his teeth stubbornly, "Who said that! I must get to the top of the mountain!"

Seeing Hao Ren looking at her with pity, she gritted her teeth and said, "If you can't walk, just go down the mountain by yourself!"

Hao Ren smiled, thinking that this girl was quite stubborn, and he actually appreciated her a little bit.

At this moment, Zhao Yanzi's face was red, her little nose was rising and falling, and there were a few drops of sweat hanging on her chest. Her chest was breathing rapidly, and her white skin was as lubricated as milk.

And her hair, which was wet with sweat, made her look a little charming. As expected, she is still young, but she already has the feeling of a beautiful woman.

She clenched her fists, took a sharp breath, passed Hao Ren again, and ran forward.

Hao Ren had nothing to do with her, so he stepped up and walked up alongside her.

The two of them walked the mountain road in silence, because there were no ropeways or cable cars here, and it was already afternoon, so the higher they went up, the fewer tourists there were.

The scenery is getting more and more beautiful, and the mountain roads are getting quieter and quieter. At the back, it seemed that there were only two climbers in the whole mountain, Hao Ren and Zhao Yanzi, who were "competing" with each other.

The sunlight slanted down through the gaps in the branches. Hao Ren looked at his phone and saw that it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. If we don’t reach the top of the mountain as soon as possible, it will be even later to return to the hotel at the foot of the mountain. And if the sky gets dark, it will be even more inconvenient to walk on the mountain road.

"Azi, hurry up, or you won't have time to go down the mountain." After walking in silence for nearly an hour, Hao Ren finally spoke.

"That's long-winded!" Zhao Yanzi replied impatiently.

Her face was covered with sweat and her clothes were mostly soaked. It looked like she had really tried her best. But she is a little girl after all, so how can her physical strength compare to Hao Ren, who used to be on the long-distance running team in middle school

It was at this time that the mountains and rivers were exhausted and there was no way out, and there was only one village with dark trees and bright flowers. They turned along the mountain road and passed a dense tree, and suddenly saw the golden eaves of the Taoist temple on the top of the mountain.

"Ha! We're here!" Zhao Yanzi shouted happily, his joy of victory clearly evident.

Hao Ren also felt enlightened. He didn't expect that more than two hours of hard work would finally bear fruit.

However, he was vaguely worried at the same time. He had already spent so much time and energy going up the mountain. Can he still return to the hotel around 7 o'clock as planned when he went down the mountain

"Idiot! Hurry up! Don't lose me!" Seeing Hao Ren standing hesitantly on the steps, Zhao Yanzi, who was excited, turned back to Hao Ren and shouted unceremoniously.

But to Hao Ren, how could such a careless title have some connotation of trust and kindness