Dragon King’s Son-In-Law

Chapter 30: A real master


(Thank you again to the students who gave rewards! After a while, Xiaolong will make a list of rewards to express special thanks to you. wWw,qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo,com In addition, I would also like to thank the readers who silently voted for Xiaolong!!! Although the collection is not large, I feel your sincerity!)

After coming out of the hotel, Zhao Guang drove them to another place at the foot of Qingyan Mountain.

Along the way, there was drizzle, green mountains and green water, all seemed to carry a slight layer of sadness. Zhao Yanzi fiddled with the hem of her long T-shirt and looked at the rainy scene outside the window, silent.

Because the temperature turned cooler today, she changed her clothes, but Hao Ren didn't bring any change of clothes, so he could only wear the shirt from yesterday.

Against the background of the constantly moving mountains outside, the square car window just outlines Zhao Yanzi's profile. This is a very delicate face, with a pink neck supporting such a small head, and black hair flowing around her jade-like ears, giving her a trance-like and hazy beauty.

This girl is actually pretty pretty if she doesn't make a fuss. Hao Ren looked at her quietly, thinking in his mind.

The car stopped in front of a courtyard, and the owner of the courtyard warmly greeted Zhao Guang and the four of them into the courtyard.

Hao Ren noticed that there were many old people living here. Because of the rain, they did not go out for a walk. Instead, they sat on the benches under the eaves, doing their homework.

"This is a very suitable place for the elderly to escape the summer heat." Zhao Hongyu turned around and explained to Hao Ren.

Hao Ren suddenly realized that this place is located at the foot of the mountain, with pleasant climate and fresh air. It is indeed a good place for retirement. If you have a chance in the future, you can also bring your grandma here to experience it.

The owner of the yard led them to a small backyard, and Hao Ren discovered that there was something special here. It was a small, semi-open-air restaurant.

The bamboo fence, the shelf covered with grape vines, the ancient Eight Immortals table, and a small piece of land growing vegetables... all reminded Hao Ren of his childhood.

"Sit down." Zhao Guang found a table and sat down and said.

There are only four tables in total here, and it's not as noisy as an ordinary restaurant.

The light rain was pattering, and the green cornfield not far away was swaying like waves. The rainwater hung down along the grapevines, which was a unique feeling.

The stir-fries here are very cheap and taste great. Pure natural taste.

Zhao Yanzi’s mother, Zhao Hongyu, was in a happy mood and talked about past events. Talking about how the barren mountain here gradually developed with the changes of history.

Zhao Yanzi and Hao Ren both listened with interest to these things that happened before they were born.

Even Zhao Guang, who is usually taciturn, was so excited in this natural environment that he returned to his original nature. He talked about some cultural allusions near Qingyan Mountain and the lifestyle of Hao Ren's grandparents. He couldn't help but remind Hao Ren and Zhao Yanzi's interest.

Zhao Yanzi had never experienced such a thing before, so he was very interested. Hao Ren still had some vague memories from the past in his heart. The more Zhao Guang talked about it, the more nostalgic he became.

After eating more than half of the meal, Zhao Yanzi couldn't sit still and wanted to go around. Zhao Hongyu didn't stop them and borrowed an umbrella for them and asked Hao Ren to accompany them.

So the two of them rushed out of the small fenced yard and went to the nearby vegetable field to "break out".

The light rain was sparse, and Zhao Yanzi was unwilling to hold an umbrella. He ran forward quickly like a bird released from a cage.

She lifted up her trousers and rushed into the muddy cornfield, taking advantage of the fact that she was wearing sandals. Hao Ren was wearing running shoes and had no way to go down. He could only watch her from the field ridge acting crazy and wild in the field.

In Hao Ren's memory, when he was a child, he was often sent to live with his grandparents in the countryside by his parents. The scene in the countryside at that time was so similar to the scene here!

It's a pity that as the city expanded later, the rural areas in the suburbs were replaced by reinforced concrete and became factories, warehouses, and ports...

"Hahaha..." Zhao Yanzi, whose feet were covered in mud, finally had enough playing in the fields and happily returned to the field ridge where Hao Ren was standing.

Because the field ridge was narrow and the rain made the dirt road slippery, she almost lost her balance and hurriedly hugged Hao Ren.

Hao Ren supported her and saw that she was full of novelty and freshness in everything here. He found that she was indeed cute sometimes.

How many of today's urban children have actually been to the countryside? There is no chance to even touch a piece of real soil, let alone being able to have fun in the fields!

The tall corn stalks seem to separate this place into a small isolated world.

Looking up, the cool rain gently slaps my face, and I can still see a piece of blue sky.

Lowering his head, the fresh earthy smell hit his face, and occasionally he could hear the rustling sound of some insects.

"It's almost time to go back." Hao Ren reminded her.

"No! Go and look ahead!" Zhao Yanzi said willfully, pulling Hao Ren's arm and walking forward.

It's rare for her to experience this real farm joy, so how could she return so easily

After crossing this small cornfield, they came to a small river. The water in the river was very clear. Although no fish were seen, the layers of pebbles were very beautiful.

The rain hits the water, causing ripples. There is also some elegant artistic conception in this rough and unmodified wilderness.

Hao Ren held up the umbrella and let her enjoy the river carefully. In fact, being able to experience this kind of farm life in the mountains and forests not only excited Zhao Yanzi, but also made Hao Ren very happy.

Zhao Yanzi found a place with shallow water, put on sandals and waded in for a while, then reluctantly returned to Hao Ren.

Seeing that half of her body was wet, Hao Ren was really afraid that she would catch a cold, so he pulled her back. This time, Zhao Yanzi did not resist anymore.

A small branch stretched out to the roadside, a small grasshopper jumped in front of them, a broken and discarded bamboo basket... All kinds of small things that came into view made Hao Ren feel deeply.

Zhao Yanzi breathed hard as she walked, as if she would never smell such fresh air again when she returned to the city.

Some kind of happy feeling spreads in the fields.

They returned to the outside of the fence, and Zhao Guang and Zhao Hongyu were still eating vegetables. When Zhao Hongyu saw her daughter covered in mud, she didn't blame her. She just gently picked up a tissue and wiped the rain off her forehead.

"How was the game?" Zhao Guang asked Hao Ren. This casual question was as if he was already familiar with Hao Ren and was an elder who had known him for many years.

"It's good. This kind of rural feeling is rarely experienced nowadays." Hao Ren replied.

"Well, we will return to the city in a while." Zhao Guang nodded and said.

Hao Ren nodded, turned around and looked at the lush mountains here, and suddenly felt a little disappointed.

And Zhao Yanzi, nestled in her mother's arms, seemed reluctant to leave this piece of nature.

However, we should go back when we should. Half an hour later, Zhao Guang drove them back to the city in his black Chevrolet.

The drizzle of rain continued, and Zhao Yanzi, who had played like crazy for two days, finally couldn't resist the weariness that swept over him. He leaned on the car seat and fell asleep in a daze.

Hao Ren looked at the monotonous scenery near the highway and felt the quiet atmosphere in the carriage. He suddenly realized that after these two days of outing, he seemed to have become much closer to Zhao Yanzi's family.

Not to mention whether Zhao Yanzi has an intolerable temper as a young lady, Zhao Hongyu and Zhao Guang are indeed very kind to him and cannot find any fault with him.

"After you return to the city, come with us to a family dinner." Zhao Hongyu, who was sitting in front, suddenly said.

"Family dinner?" Hao Ren put away his cluttered thoughts and asked doubtfully.

"Well, it's Azi's third uncle, his second uncle's family, and our family," Zhao Hongyu said.

Zhao Hongyu completely regards me as one of her own... Hao Ren thought to himself.

But thinking about meeting relatives other than Zhao Yanzi's parents, Hao Ren felt a lot of pressure and shook his head, "This is unnecessary..."

To be honest, he didn't have a clear idea about whether to really marry Zhao Yanzi. If there is a new way to solve the current troubles in the future, maybe he will not become Zhao Yanzi's "husband", and Azi will not marry him reluctantly.

Of course, another reason is that Hao Ren knows that Azi's third uncle doesn't like him, so he doesn't want to join in their family dinner.

"Okay, then I'll send you back to school directly." Zhao Hongyu said. She had no intention of forcing Hao Ren.

"Are there three brothers of Zhao Yanzi's father's generation?" Hao Ren asked again.

"Yes, Ah Zi's third uncle, you met last time. He is not married and has always been single. Ah Zi's second uncle is doing business abroad, but part of his family stays in Donghai City, so we often meet We met." Zhao Hongyu explained.

Zhao Guang did not participate in what they were talking about and drove the car seriously.

Hao Ren felt that their lifestyle was no different from ordinary people, but they might be richer than ordinary people. Especially Ah Zi's second uncle, his business should be bigger than Ah Zi's father.

As for Zhao Yanzi's third uncle, he has a ferocious appearance, a bad personality, and his temperament is not that of a successful person. He is probably idle without a stable job. It is no wonder that he is still single and cannot marry a wife.

As if guessing what Hao Ren was thinking, Zhao Hongyu continued, "Azi's third uncle is diligent in cultivation, does not care about worldly affairs, and has never thought about starting a family, so you don't want to look at Azi's third uncle. Although he is ordinary, he is actually the one with the highest cultivation level among the three brothers."

"Oh? How does it compare to Su Han?" Hao Ren asked casually. He remembered that Zhao Hongyu once said that Su Han was already at the level of a top expert in their circle.

Zhao Hongyu smiled and said, "Both Su Han can't beat Ah Zi's third uncle."

Her answer surprised Hao Ren slightly. Two elders Lu can't beat one Su Han, and two Su Han can't beat one third uncle. According to Zhao Hongyu, Su Han is already a heaven-level master who is only one step away from entering the realm of ascension. So how strong is this third uncle? …

For me, a newbie who is still struggling with the basic skills, Azi’s third uncle can crush a hundred of them to death with one finger...

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Hao Ren's forehead.

"Her third uncle is a little prejudiced against you, but don't worry, he doesn't kill innocent people indiscriminately." Zhao Hongyu smiled again and said.

This third uncle dotes on Ah Zi very much, and no matter what, I am Ah Zi's "fiancé" in name. If during this period, I violate the "husband's way", then I will probably die in an ugly way...

Hao Ren's forehead was suddenly covered with a deeper layer of cold sweat.