Dragon King’s Son-In-Law

Chapter 31: Can't get it


(I refined everything that was not refined last week, and found that most of this week’s essence was used up instantly... It’s a new week, I hope there will be new support, haha!)

Zhao Guang drove Hao Ren to the gate of the dormitory area and did not send him in again. www,QuAnBen-XIaoShuo,cOm

Zhao Yanzi was still asleep, so of course Hao Ren didn't wake her up. He said goodbye to Zhao Guang and his wife and thanked them again for their hospitality this weekend.

Zhao Hongyu became more and more happy with her future son-in-law. She felt that he was sensible and smart. She felt that he was more pleasing to her than Zhao Yanzi. She secretly regarded him as half of her son.

Hao Ren returned to the dormitory and saw no one in the dormitory. He guessed that they probably went to the Internet cafe to play computer games. Because the school stipulates that freshmen and sophomores are not allowed to bring computers to their dormitories, and the school does not open network ports in the lower-grade dormitories, so the Internet cafe is the place where they go most often.

While they were all out, Hao Ren finished all the homework he had accumulated for the week. As for the more tedious ones that he was too lazy to do, he planned to borrow someone else's notebook and copy them over before class next week.

It's almost dinner time, and the other three in the dormitory haven't returned yet. In fact, Zhao Jiayin and the others thought that Hao Ren went home early on Saturday morning, and that he would return to the dormitory at seven or eight o'clock on Sunday night as usual. They never imagined that this weekend, Hao Ren would be with his "fiancée" "Going out to play.

When Hao Ren thought about it, the weekend he spent in Qingyan Mountain should be the most fulfilling and meaningful weekend for him in recent times.

He opened his phone and found the photo of Zhao Yanzi pouting angrily.

This was uploaded to his mobile phone using the computer in the hotel room.

Eyes shining like black pearls, a delicate nose, a small mouth like a cherry, and naturally upturned eyelashes, coupled with the blurred background of green woods and gray stone steps, make this guy look quite flat. Model potential.

If Zhao Jiayin and the others had not met Zhao Yanzi in person, otherwise they would have used this photo as the background of their mobile phone desktop, and they would have thought it was a picture of a beautiful woman downloaded from the Internet.

Hao Ren thought for a while, but finally didn't have the courage to use this photo as his phone's desktop.

Although she is just a little girl now, in three years she will definitely grow into a super beauty. But having said that, 15-year-old Zhao Yanzi, with her appearance, can be called a super beautiful girl, and she must be very popular in her own school.

Uh, what am I thinking, am I jealous... Hao Ren suddenly woke up.

At around seven o'clock in the evening, Zhao Jiayin and the other three finally came back noisily. They were a little surprised to see Hao Ren already in the dormitory.

"Why are you back so early today?" Zhao Jiayin asked.

They really thought Hao Ren had gone home. Of course, Hao Ren would not mention that he went out with Zhao Yanzi's family. If they knew that he went out with the little girl's family, they would definitely doubt his relationship with the little girl.

"Tomorrow is the sports meet. Ah Ren, you have to work hard and try not to finish last." Zhou Liren patted Hao Ren on the shoulder and said encouragingly.

Your expectations for me are really "high". Hao Ren had a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

"There will be no classes all day tomorrow, so it's quite fun!" When talking about the sports meeting, Cao Ronghua, who has a relatively calm personality, also seemed excited.

They chattered about which beauties would appear in the sports meeting, and rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find binoculars. However, they did not hold out any hope for Hao Ren's 1,500-meter long-distance running competition. If it wasn't a roommate in the dormitory, they might not care at all.

In their opinion, Hao Ren was brought in as a "strong man" to make up the numbers. It would be good if he could insist on not finishing last. After all, in this class of their major, there aren't any powerful people that people talk about. Most of them are ordinary students. Occasionally, there are a few who are more powerful, and they are also good at learning.

They were extremely excited and chatted about tomorrow's sports meeting. Hao Ren ignored them and walked to the balcony to get some fresh air.

The rain has dispersed and the bright moon is in the sky.

Hao Ren silently ran the Concentration Technique twice, feeling refreshed and all the turbid air in his body was drained away.

No matter how carefully he experienced the thousand-year-old tree in the Taoist temple on the top of Qingyan Mountain and the stone tablet with Taoist scriptures engraved on it, he always felt that he could not grasp the vague feeling no matter how hard he grasped it.

Hao Ren has not forgotten the comfortable feeling of the thick smell of wood entering his body. And when the breath in his body led to the tree trunk, the weak suction was also difficult for him to understand.

Water properties…

Hao Ren suddenly thought of what Su Han said when she grabbed his arm.

Could it be that the Concentration Technique refers to the water vapor between heaven and earth? An idea came to Hao Ren's mind.

"If you want to suppress it, you must strengthen it; if you want to weaken it, you must strengthen it; if you want to destroy it, you must strengthen it; if you want to seize it, you must strengthen it. This is called twilight. The weak is stronger than the strong... "

The text on the stone tablet came to Hao Ren's eyes again.

Hao Ren's heart felt like a blow, and he felt that the barrier between the first level and the second level of Concentration Art was about to be broken through.

It turned out that Zhao Guang asked me to visit the Taoist temple on the top of the mountain, not only to accompany Zhao Yanzi, but also to test my understanding.

Hao Ren frowned and tried hard to find that "water" feeling.

And the more persistent he is, the harder it is for him to understand.

He took a long breath and slowly operated the Concentration Technique. Let your emotions calm down.

Water is yin, wood is yang, they are mutually reinforcing, restraining and complementing each other, combining hardness and softness, controlling and complementing each other... Hao Ren thought of the ancient tree and suddenly had some real insights.

The pure wood-scented seed left in Hao Ren's body suddenly sprouted. And in a daze, the water vapor between heaven and earth formed several tiny water columns, rushing in and rushing into Hao Ren's body.

Hao Ren felt extremely comfortable all over his body. His originally clear body seemed to have turned into a clear container, carrying all the natural energy between heaven and earth.

He knew that he was about to break through the first level of Concentration Art and reach the second level of absorbing the natural energy of heaven and earth! This was the insight that the thousand-year-old tree brought to him. As for the stone tablet, it talked about the way to control water, which was in line with the third level of the Concentration Art to use the energy of nature!

The water mist that was originally scattered in the air gradually formed nine faintly visible swirling water flows, which penetrated into Hao Ren's nine important acupuncture points on his upper, middle and lower body.

After entering Hao Ren's body, the thick water vapor found its place and gradually settled down.

"Aren, what are you doing outside!" Zhao Jiayin suddenly shouted in the dormitory.

Hao Ren was suddenly startled. The nine water columns that were pouring into Hao Ren's body immediately dissipated.

Zhao Jiayin walked to the balcony and patted Hao Ren on the shoulder, "What are you thinking about outside? There is still a game tomorrow! Get some rest early!"

He dragged Hao Ren back to the room inside.

Almost at the same time, the seeds of enlightenment that the ancient tree brought to Hao Ren were exhausted. Hao Ren could no longer find any trace of wood breath in his body, nor could he control the thick water breath in his body. It was like a container that had leaked at the bottom, and all the water vapor that had been accumulated was gone.

The natural aura around Hao Ren's body returned to chaos again, moving freely between the five elements.

Hao Ren knew in his heart that his failure this time was a great opportunity to break through to the second level of Concentration Art, and he didn't know when he would break through next time.

Although he was disappointed, he did not intend to blame Zhao Jiayin. After all, Zhao Jiayin saw him standing outside for so long and came to let him go back to the room to rest. It was for his own good.

Hey, next time I’d better find a quiet place to practice without being disturbed. Hao Ren climbed to his upper bunk and thought with some annoyance.