Dragon King’s Son-In-Law

Chapter 39: Brown candy tactics


Thanks to the classmates who tipped me yesterday (the amount of the tip yesterday): Blood Yaoyao (200), Soaring Knight (100), Cat Eating Butterflies (100), Yuan Yi (100), *Dream Fantasy* (100) , I love the grapes (100), the piggy butt (100), the golden sun (100), and those who tipped me in the early morning, consider it as a tip for me today, and list it tomorrow~~Xiaolong again thank you for your support! !


Eight players, including Hao Ren, ejected almost at the same time. WWw. QuAnBen-XIaoShuo. Com

Hao Ren's starting position seemed to be at the front, but in fact it was far away from the inner circle, because he could cut into the inner lane at the start of 1500 meters, so Hao Ren ran diagonally over, and when he was close to the inner circle, he only took the second to last position. position, and the front positions are already occupied by players starting closer to the inner circle.

As for Huang Xujie, because of his super explosive power in the 100-meter dash, he still managed to grab the first place despite being in the seventh ring of the track. This means that if Hao Ren wants to win the first place, he must surpass at least six of the other seven people and eventually face Huang Xujie. In the process, he must also ensure that after he surpasses the others, he cannot be defeated again. Others come back.

In the stands, Xie Yujia frowned slightly when she saw that Hao Ren was in such a disadvantageous position at the start. Zhao Yanzi also stared at the track nervously, as if he was also worried about Hao Ren's ranking.

At this moment, the eight players on the track had lined up. Hao Ren was at the end of the team and was in no rush to overtake him. Like him, others are also conserving their strength, settling for the status quo for the time being, and preparing to overtake at the critical moment.

Therefore, Huang Xujie took the lead, followed by the others. This situation is like a long-distance running training camp, except Huang Xujie shouts slogans in front.

"Huang Xujie, come on! Huang Xujie, come on!"

The girls' shouts gradually grew louder.

There were many girls among them, rushing down from the stands and entering the inside of the playground to cheer Huang Xujie.

Because of the large number of people, the volunteers who maintained the order of the sports meeting could not stop them. As long as they did not affect the normal progress of the game, they could only acquiesce in their entry to cheer.

They stood in a circle in the playground surrounded by the track, cheering and cheering Huang Xujie from as close a distance as if they were watching a racing competition.

Xie Yujia thought for a moment, then walked down from the stands and went inside the playground to cheer Hao Ren on.

Now that the 1,500-meter long-distance race has completed one lap of the playground, which is a distance of 400 meters, the runners are slightly tired and their steps are not as fast as when they started.

The time to compete for endurance has truly arrived.

Hao Ren took the lead in overtaking!

From seventh place, he surpassed two in a row!

"Okay!" Xie Yujia stood in the playground, raising her hands to cheer him up.

It's just that Hao Ren, who was at the end of the team, took the lead and didn't attract too many people's attention. More people are paying attention to the constant overtaking between the two players in second and third place.

As for Huang Xujie, he is currently far ahead, and no one can threaten his position.

Hao Ren surpassed two, stabilized his body, adjusted his breathing, exerted force again, and surpassed one again!

The player who was originally in fourth place deliberately blocked it to the right, but Hao Ren easily bypassed his blockage and got through smoothly!

This coordinated action surprised Xie Yujia.

And Zhao Yanzi, who was sitting in the stands, couldn't help but his eyes lit up. The movement of Hao Ren's steps just now contained the Bagua's direction of life and death, one step to death and one step to life, but it was not a certain footwork that he had deliberately learned.

Could it be that this guy has unknowingly broken through the first level of the Concentration Art and realized the way of heaven and earth? Zhao Yanzi had some doubts in his heart.

She really wanted to go down to the playground and take a closer look, but she knew that she was not tall, and even if she went down, she wouldn't be able to see anything in the crowd, so she could only stay in the stands obediently.

After Hao Ren took the fourth place, he gradually approached the second and third places who were constantly entangled in front.

At this time, Hao Ren finally appeared in people's attention.

In the stands, Zhao Jiayin and the others were always concerned about Hao Ren's racing situation, not because they cared about Hao Ren, but because of their bets.

Seeing Hao Ren's ranking getting higher and higher, Zhao Jiayin held the binoculars and smiled happily. You know, most of the boys in the class ranked Hao Ren first, second, and third from the bottom. If Hao Ren is very impressive, he will take If he reaches fourth place, then he, the banker, will make a lot of money!

"It's useless. If you run fast now, you will still be overtaken later!" Yu Rong, who was second to last after beating Hao Ren by 100 yuan, said in a very positive tone.

"That's right, if you don't save your energy now, how can you run in the next few laps." Others also agreed.

Hao Ren, this kid, can't see it. In this sports meeting where there are so many experts, he can still reach fourth place. Even if he is fourth temporarily, it is not easy. Zhao Jiayin thought secretly.

Zhao Jiayin is very aware of the strength of these students on the track, and even knows a few of them because of playing basketball. They are either city champions or provincial runner-ups. If they are allowed to bet in the stands, they will compete with the people on the court. , it is estimated that he has been thrown away by half a circle by now. It is indeed not easy for Hao Ren to reach fourth place.

His eyes then glanced at Xie Yujia, who was following Hao Ren for a short trot on the playground to cheer Hao Ren on. Looking at Xie Yujia's youthful figure, he sighed in his heart. With a beautiful woman personally encouraging him, it's no wonder that Hao Ren's character exploded.

Poof! Poof!

Hao Ren's feet stepped firmly on the plastic track, and his arms swayed rhythmically.

His steps seemed heavy, but when he passed by the crowd watching the battle, he brought with him a breeze. It was not until Hao Ren occupied the fourth place that the students in the stands noticed that this inconspicuous player No. 8 had been making steady progress. His face was rosy, but he did not show too much fatigue.

"Who is this person..."

"Are you from the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering?"

"It seems like I was very far behind when I started..."

Some people started talking about Hao Ren. Because everyone can see that this No. 8 runner is running very calmly. When others are slowing down, he still moves forward at a constant speed, and occasionally accelerates slightly.

Xie Yujia watched Hao Ren pass by the curve in front of her, and could clearly see the slight tremor of sweat hanging on Hao Ren's cheeks. His resolute expression moved her slightly.

He looked firmly at the road ahead, not squinting at the many beauties on either side of him who were cheering for the players from their respective colleges or cheering for Huang Xujie.

This serious and persistent expression made Xie Yujia feel a unique attraction. You know, when watching the women's competition just now, Hao Ren, like other boys, was "enthusiastically" following the performance of the beauties on the track.

However, when something really falls on Hao Ren's shoulders...

Sweat dripped down his chin, part of which wetted his sweatshirt, and part of which fell to the track, broke into several pieces, and then seeped into the track.

While other girls were still cheering for Huang Xujie's handsomeness and infatuation, Xie Yujia was completely attracted to Hao Ren.

In the stands, Zhao Yanzi, whose eyes were fixed on Hao Ren, gradually saw some clues. Every step Hao Ren took seemed to contain the way of heaven and earth, and he was extremely calm. There seemed to be some special aura lingering around him. The natural energy from heaven and earth passed through his body, causing changes in the aura around him.

Zhao Yanzi couldn't see through it or see through it, but she knew that if Su Han was by her side, he would be able to explain what kind of state Hao Ren was in now.

She did not expect that the most important thing in the so-called realm is the unity of mind and heart, and Hao Ren was much better than her at this point.

On the rooftop of the stadium not far away, Su Han, wearing a blue dress and standing against the background of the blue sky, silently stared at the track below and nodded in appreciation. Then, the blue shadow flashed past and disappeared without a trace.

Just when the second place and the third place were in a stalemate, Hao Ren was like a light ghost, passing them easily.

After being overtaken by Hao Ren, these two people were shocked and tried to overtake them again, but Hao Ren had already left them behind!

In their panic, they never thought that Hao Ren's footsteps were so light and silent. Even Hao Ren's breathing was not heavy at all, as smooth as walking. How could they notice it? How could they detect it? Be on guard! This... is almost Qinggong!

"No way!" In the viewing area where Hao Ren's class was located, the boys stood up collectively, showing unusually surprised expressions.

As if in the blink of an eye, Hao Ren rose from seventh place to second place!

Everyone barely realized how this happened! And it was obvious that Hao Ren was surpassing the past one by one right in front of their eyes!

As everyone screamed in surprise, Huang Xujie, who was "leading" in the front as if he was taking a leisurely stroll, turned around and found to his surprise that the second place behind him had threatened his ranking!

And the person running in second place was none other than the "second grader" he dismissed!

Just distracted by this, his legs staggered and he almost fell. This dangerous behavior caused a burst of exclamations from the girls.

Huang Xujie didn't think this was the concern of the girls. Instead, he felt embarrassed. He gritted his teeth. No matter how he caught up with Hao Ren, he would never let him get close to him!

Huang Xujie suddenly increased his speed, and the cheers of the girls became louder as the frequency of his footsteps increased.

"Huang Xujie, come on!" A clear voice pierced through the shouts of the crowd.

Hao Ren turned his head slightly and saw the so-called "school beauty" Lin Li cheering Huang Xujie on the side of the track.

"Damn, this woman is going too far!" Zhao Jiayin stood up angrily when she saw Lin Li cheering for Huang Xujie in the stands.

Even if Lin Li is not in the same class as them, no matter what, she and Zhao Jiayin belong to the same college and the same major. From the perspective of numbers in Class 2 and Class 3, they are still in the next class. And at this sports meeting, even if Lin Li didn't cheer for Hao Ren, she actually cheered for Huang Xujie, Hao Ren's competitor from another college. This was a bit hard for Zhao Jiayin to accept.

In fact, not only Zhao Jiayin, but other boys in Hao Ren's class and even some boys in Class 3 couldn't stand it. In a sports meeting, even if you don't participate in the competition, you still have a sense of collective honor, right

On the track, Huang Xujie, who thought he could keep some distance from Hao Ren behind him, breathed a sigh of relief and turned around, only to see Hao Ren following him unhurriedly.

So he accelerated again and looked back, only to find that Hao Ren was following up again at a steady and constant speed.

How come this guy is like brown sugar... I watched his self-training last night, he should be no match for me...

Huang Xujie felt a crisis for the first time. He looked back at Hao Ren and found that his face was calm. He took three steps, exhaled two steps, and inhaled. He was in perfect running condition!

Didn't he regard me as a rival and completely surpass himself? In his eyes... there is no me at all

This thought suddenly came to Huang Xujie's heart.

Seeing Hao Ren approaching him step by step, Huang Xujie, who was determined to win the championship, did not dare to be careless. He quickly adjusted his breathing and ran forward quickly.

Seeing Huang Xujie's advantage shrinking little by little, Lin Li, who was wearing a youthful short skirt, became nervous and cheered hard for Huang Xujie again.

Xie Yujia, who happened to be standing next to her, became more and more angry as he watched, and deliberately hit Lin Li's bouncing waist with his elbow.

"Oops!" Lin Li covered her waist, frowned, and turned to look at the people around her angrily.

When she saw that the person who bumped into her was actually Xie Yujia, the squad leader of Class 2, her momentum suddenly weakened, but she still glared at Xie Yujia with unpleasant eyes.

"Sorry." Xie Yujia said lukewarmly, and then suddenly put his hand to his mouth to make a trumpet shape, "Hao Ren! Come on!"

Lin Li gritted her teeth and looked at Xie Yujia beside her, feeling angry but not daring to do anything. She knew that Xie Yujia had a good reputation in the college, and even some of the powerful characters in the school had a good relationship with her.

However, at this moment, seeing Xie Yujia cheering for Hao Ren loudly, Lin Li blushed and could not shamelessly cheer for Huang Xujie anymore.

As the competition progressed, the gap between the various rankings became wider and wider. The distance between the first place and the last place was almost half a circle away, but the small-scale ranking battle continued.

Hao Ren and Huang Xujie were running at the front, separated by a considerable distance from the third place, while the fourth place was closely following the third place, and there was always a chance of overtaking them.

As for other players, they are not the focus of everyone's attention.

In the stands, Xiao Ling suddenly turned to Zhao Yanzi and said, "Azi, that 'uncle' of yours is quite good at long-distance running."

"Of course." Zhao Yanzi puffed up her mouth proudly.

(It’s a big chapter of almost 4,000 words. There is also an update. Let’s see if I can spell it out tonight!)