Dragon King’s Son-In-Law

Chapter 61: How can you disrespect that


Because he was running too fast, and there were several circular steps outside the library, Xie Yujia almost missed the step and fell into Hao Ren's arms. Www,qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo,com

She barely managed to steady her body, her face was red from running in a hurry, and she couldn't straighten out her breath, "You... are you going back to the dormitory?"

"Well, what's wrong?" Hao Ren looked at her in confusion.

"I...I'll go back to the dormitory area too." Xie Yujia paused for half a second and said.

"Oh, let's go together." Hao Ren still had a confused and innocent expression on his face.

"My bike is over there, wait for me." Xie Yujia held her books and notebooks, walked to the parking area on the right side of the library, put her things in her car pocket, unlocked her car, and pushed her bike over.

Wearing a white sweatshirt, pushing a not-so-old bicycle, denim shorts and a pair of grass-green canvas shoes, this combination and scene make Xie Yujia look youthful and simple.

This is what Hao Ren imagined as the concept of "campus beauty" and "campus beauty". Rather than being as showy as Lin Li from Class Three.

Seeing Hao Ren staring at her, Xie Yujia blushed again and said to him, "Let's go."

"Yeah." Hao Ren walked side by side with her, passing by the open space in front of the library and crossing the flat bridge of the campus lake.

The sun was shining brightly, and the wheels of the bicycle made a ticking sound as they rolled slowly. After walking for more than ten meters in silence, Xie Yujia suddenly asked, "How is your grandma?"

"It's okay now," Hao Ren thought for a while, "Thank you for your concern."

Xie Yujia lowered his head, remained silent for a few seconds, and then asked, "What is your relationship with Su Han...?"

Her fair arms pushed the handlebars of the bicycle, her waist was slightly slanted, and her whole body was soft and straight.

"She is my distant cousin." Hao Ren replied bravely. In fact, he himself would not believe such an answer.

"That day, Thursday, I saw you entering her office." Xie Yujia said.

Hao Ren turned to look at her and realized that it was Xie Yujia who was following him that day. He suddenly thought, "Oh... I don't understand some things in the course. Go ask her for help."

"So she's cooking a small stove for you." Xie Yujia said immediately.

"Haha." Hao Ren smiled. Xie Yujia's words were not wrong. It’s just that this small stove is not a small stove for courses, but a small stove for cultivation.

"Anything else you want to ask?" Seeing Xie Yujia fell silent again, Hao Ren asked proactively.

"No more." Xie Yujia shook his head.

Hao Ren looked at her fresh and fresh face, like a little white carrot, and suddenly felt that his beautiful monitor was quite interesting.

They continued to walk side by side. Although Xie Yujia had a bicycle and had finished asking questions, she was not in a hurry to ride away.

“Warmly welcome the world-renowned biologist Hao Zhonghua and the world-renowned climatologist Yue Yang and his wife to our school to hold science and technology lectures!”

A red banner hanging on the top of Shanming's cafeteria appeared in their sight.

The Shanming Canteen is the only place to go from the off-campus dormitory area to the teaching area. This banner is exactly the same as the banner at the main entrance of the school. It is hung here to attract more students to pay attention to this information.

Xie Yujia looked up at the banner and brought up the topic, "I didn't expect our school to invite such a famous person to give a speech."

"Oh, do you know them?" Hao Ren showed some surprise.

Seeing Hao Ren's expression, Xie Yujia immediately said, "How could you not know? Hao Zhonghua is the most famous biologist in China. Domestic media say that he is the most promising Chinese to win the Nobel Prize in Physiology. His The paper on the transcription of genetic information was published in the American magazine "Nature". He also has several other topics, which I can't name. Anyway, even foreign media have praised him very highly... "

Xie Yujia talked endlessly about the international reputation of this so-called greatest biologist in China today. But let’s just say she is “a treasure trove of everything”. She can’t name the professional biology topics.

Seeing Hao Ren's confused look again, Xie Yujia felt as if he was playing chess to a cow and was a little angry, "Anyway, he is one of the most powerful scientists in China, and he is very young, only over 40 years old. He is often mentioned in various science and technology magazines. His name is often mentioned in his papers and even in the news, but you haven’t heard of it at all?”

Seeing her frowning like a teacher teaching a student seriously, Hao Ren couldn't help but laugh.

"You boys, you only play games and computers all day long, or you just stay in the dormitory watching movies and comics. You don't care about the things around you at all. Sooner or later you will be eliminated by this world!" Xie Yujia put his hands on his hips and said sternly said.

Seeing that she had raised the issue to this level, Hao Ren could only choose to give in, "Okay, okay, I remember his name."

"That's right!" Xie Yujia was now satisfied, "How could such a famous scientist not know about it! Besides, he and you are from the same family!"

"My family?" Hao Ren was a little confused.

"Yes, our surname is Hao. Three hundred years ago, you were one family!" Xie Yujia stared at Hao Ren and said.

Hao Ren smiled and said, "Okay, okay, the monitor is right. It turns out that the monitor is a fan of this Hao Zhonghua. I really can't tell."

"Be respectful! He is the most famous scientist in China!" Xie Yujia said again in a lecturing tone.

"Okay, okay..." A good man will not fight with a woman, and Hao Ren will not fight with the monitor. Hao Ren continued to give in, "Then the monitor must have attended the lecture this Thursday?"

"Of course! And he is not the only one here this time, even his wife is here! For us undergraduates, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Academician Hao and his wife are usually busy with scientific research and rarely appear in public. This is This time the school actually invited them to give a lecture at no cost! After all, even doctoral students may not have the opportunity to meet them!"

Xie Yujia gradually became excited as she talked. She has been a good student since she was a child, and she is a beautiful girl who studies science and engineering. It is easy to imagine her admiration for scientists.

Of course, even students who have no interest in scientific research would go to the auditorium that day to see for themselves because of the fame of Hao Zhonghua and Yue Yang.

Sure enough, Xie Yujia continued to educate Hao Ren while continuing to walk, "Hao Zhonghua is in his 40s and is already an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His wife Yue Yang is also very powerful and is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Some people say that the two of them combined They happen to be academicians of the two academies. Some people say that they can actually get the title of academician of the two academies, but they are not awarded it because they are too young... "

Hao Ren listened to Xie Yujia's "common sense" as he listened to gossip. As he walked, he couldn't help but laugh because of Xie Yujia's extraordinarily serious attitude.

After talking about it, Xie Yujia found that Hao Ren still didn't have a look of awe on his face. Instead, he was still smiling, as if he was listening to a joke, so his face changed and he became really angry, "You! For such a great scientist, there is no such thing as Basic respect!”

Hao Ren was about to defend himself when suddenly the phone in his pocket vibrated.

Pulling out his cell phone, he saw Cao Ronghua's number on it, so he lazily answered the call, "Okay, okay, I'm back. You guys should sort out your cards first!"

"It's not a card game! Something happened!" Cao Ronghua's extremely anxious voice came from the mobile phone, "Zhao Jiayin got into a fight with the people from the basketball team!"