Dragon King’s Son-In-Law

Chapter 67: Super big news


Just like when college graduation is approaching, students are about to go their separate ways. Some stay in the same city to work hard or get together, and some have to face separation. wWW, QUAbEn-XIAoShUo, com "Long Son" will also face a choice after this week. It should be on the shelves. I don't know why, Xiaolong is a little sad. For more than a month, everyone has been chasing here. But there are bound to be many classmates who will be separated after this week. How should I put it, Xiaolong is a bit sentimental...

Xiaolong himself also knows that the real height of "Long Son" will be this week. If the results can still be brilliant, this week will be the final glory of "Long Son"!

I have never asked for votes, but this is the last time. In the future, "Long Son-in-law" will be submerged in countless novels from Qidian. Although Xiaolong will continue to work hard to write, he may never have the opportunity to appear in the field of vision of the students who pay most attention to it.

In the last week, if you have any recommendation votes, just try your best to win. This is the final glory.


After receiving Zhao Guang's promise, Hao Ren felt reassured and quickly took a taxi back to school before the dormitory was closed.

There were more than a dozen people sitting in dormitory 302, all of them boys from the dormitory next door or opposite to Hao Ren's dormitory.

They were sitting messily on the edge of the bed, on chairs and on the table, discussing countermeasures.

"Why are you back so late?" Yu Rong asked when he saw Hao Ren returning to the dormitory.

"Working as a tutor outside." Hao Ren said.

"Zhao Jiayin is about to be fired. At this time, he is still in the mood to be a tutor." Yu Rong muttered with some dissatisfaction.

"Who said Zhao Jiayin is going to be expelled?" Hao Ren asked him without arguing with Yu Rong, putting the counseling materials on his desk.

"I heard from several friends in the student union that the school takes this matter very seriously and wants to deal with it seriously," Yu Rong said.

Yu Rong was the "personal psychic" in dormitory No. 7, and no one doubted his source of information.

"You also know what it means to deal with it seriously. It must be ordinary students who will suffer." Yu Rong continued.

"Yes, there have been fights between ordinary students and the basketball team because of venue issues before. The fight was not as serious as this time, and the student was given a warning." Gu Jiadong interrupted.

"I've beaten him too, and I'll punish him as well." Hao Ren said.

"You're fine!" Yu Rong said flatly, "My friend from the student union told me that the nature of the fight depends on who caused it. You went to break up the fight later and accidentally injured someone, so the problem is not Big. In situations where both parties are at fault, the person who started the conflict first will receive a heavier punishment, and the school already favors the basketball team."

When he said this, everyone else's expressions dimmed. Zhao Jiayin sat by the bed and remained silent.

Zhao Jiayin is very popular in the entire dormitory building No. 7. He is cheerful and enthusiastic. Everyone is very anxious when something like this happens this time.

If Zhao Jiayin was expelled from school because of something like this...

"Okay, okay, it's useless to talk about it now. Everyone should go back and rest early." Hao Ren waved his hand and said.

"Yes, you all go back, don't worry about me!" Zhao Jiayin also stood up and drove the crowd out.

Everyone also knew that there was nothing they could do if they stayed here, which would only make Zhao Jiayin even more upset, so they walked out of dormitory 302 one after another.

And when only Hao Ren and the four of them were left in the entire dormitory, the dormitory suddenly became quiet again. They each returned to their respective beds, and Hao Ren said to the lower bunk, "Zhao Jiayin, don't worry, it should be fine."

"Haha." Zhao Jiayin smiled reluctantly. He probably also knew that he was doomed this time.

"Do your parents know about this?" Zhou Liren asked.

"I didn't tell them!" Zhao Jiayin said.

"Otherwise we will jointly submit a letter saying that their basketball team is not good!" shouted Cao Ronghua, who was sleeping in Zhou Liren's lower bunk.

"Don't be too naive. It's obvious that the school protects the basketball team." Zhao Jiayin fiddled with the coins in his hand and said calmly.

"Hey, go to sleep, go to sleep, we'll talk about tomorrow's matters tomorrow!" Zhao Jiayin turned off the light with a "pop".

Speechless all night. All four of them felt very heavy.

The next day, Zhao Jiayin followed Hao Ren and the others and went to class as usual. And the more he appeared to be nonchalant on the surface, laughing and scolding Zhou Liren and the others, the more his classmates guessed that he had something on his mind.

Now, the school's official punishment has not yet come out, and he is now waiting to be sentenced.

After the morning class was over, Hao Ren said that he still had some things to do. Instead of having lunch with Zhao Jiayin and the others, he quietly went around to the administration building and went to the vice principal's office on the sixth floor to find Lu Qing.

This time, he brought the business card with him. If Lu Qing was not in the office, he would call Lu Qing directly.

Tuk-tuk-tuk... As Hao Ren knocked on the door slightly, Lu Qing's voice came from inside, "Please come in."

Hao Ren opened the door, walked in, and saw Lu Qing sitting at his desk, looking up some information.

"Hello, Principal Lu..." Hao Ren said. The moment he spoke, he was a little unsure whether to call him Elder Lu or Principal Lu.

"Mr. Hao, come and sit." Lu Qing pointed to the chair opposite and said politely.

Hao Ren closed the door and sat across from him a little unaccustomedly, "You can just call me by my name."

This was the first time that he directly faced Lu Qing's status as vice president, and it was still in the office of the vice president of the university. He had never thought that he would directly talk to a school leader at the president level before.

"Haha, okay." Lu Qing smiled and nodded.

"I came to you because of the fight yesterday." Hao Ren got straight to the point, "You must already know about this matter. I also participated in the fight, but the school's intention seems to be to severely deal with the students who provoked the trouble. And that classmate is my good friend in the dormitory... "

"This matter," Lu Qing interrupted Hao Ren, "has been mentioned at the school affairs meeting this morning. What the school means is that this kind of matter is related to the school spirit and discipline of the entire campus and must be dealt with seriously."

"Yeah." Hao Ren's heart sank slightly. When he heard Lu Qing say this, he couldn't help but wonder, did Zhao Guang's phone call have no effect

"How do you think this matter should be handled?" Lu Qing changed the subject and suddenly asked Hao Ren again.

Hao Ren hesitated for half a second, and then continued, "I think the basketball team provoked the whole thing first, and Zhao Jiayin had no choice but to take action. The fault of the whole thing is mainly those on the basketball team. And most students are right. The basketball team is dissatisfied with the way they occupy the outdoor basketball court. They have their own indoor training ground, but they have always... "

Lu Qing looked at Hao Ren with a smile, "You don't need to analyze the reasons for me, you can tell me how to deal with it."

"Zhao Jiayin didn't do much wrong, and he was attacked and injured by them. At most, he should ask the counselor of the college to teach those on the basketball team that they are not allowed to occupy the outdoor basketball court for ordinary students, and they attacked ordinary students. Students who have a bad influence should at least be given a warning," Hao Ren said.

Lu Qing looked at Hao Ren, calm for a few seconds, and suddenly nodded, "Okay, I'll do as you say."

Hearing Lu Qing's answer, Hao Ren looked at him in surprise. He just put forward some opinions and hoped that Lu Qing would know his attitude, but he didn't expect Lu Qing to make such a decision.

"Actually, the principal means that this matter must be dealt with seriously." Lu Qing seemed to see through Hao Ren's thoughts and leaned forward, "Have you asked Ah Zi's father to call?"

Hao Ren nodded slightly.

"The boss is very busy. There is no need to bother him with such trivial matters in the future. In today's meeting, the principal made it clear that the outcome of this handling would be to protect ordinary students. I knew that the boss had secretly contributed." Lu Qing said with a smile.

Hao Ren explained, "I'm also anxious..."

"Haha," Lu Qing looked at Hao Ren kindly, "Have you broken through the second level?"

"Well, I had a breakthrough a few days ago."

"It's really not easy," Lu Qing said with a pleased expression, "I have never heard of Su Han personally guiding others to practice. She is the second master I have ever seen. If you learn from her, you will definitely make rapid progress."

Hao Ren guessed that the top master must be Zhao Yanzi's third uncle, but he had a violent personality and Hao Ren did not expect to get guidance from him.

"There are classes in the afternoon, so I'll go back first." Hao Ren stood up and said. He felt a little uncomfortable staying in the vice-principal's office for too long.

"Go..." Lu Qing waved his hand.

After walking out of the administration building, Hao Ren went to the cafeteria to eat, and then met Zhao Jiayin and the others in the afternoon to continue class.

After a morning of forced laughter, Zhao Jiayin was listless in the afternoon, putting the book under his arm and getting ready to sleep.

"Big news! Big news!"

A few minutes before class was about to start, Yu Rong suddenly rushed into the classroom waving his arms, "The disciplinary notice is out!"

"Huh?" Everyone in the class, including Xie Yujia, raised their heads curiously and nervously.

Zhao Jiayin's head suddenly bounced off the table.

"The results of the punishment are posted in the window on the first floor of the administration building. The students who participated in the fight on the basketball team were given four warnings, two verbal warnings, and were temporarily expelled from the basketball team! They also had to compensate Zhao Jiayin for his medical expenses! Finally, Zhao Jiayin It’s okay! Hao Ren is okay too!”

Yu Rong shouted excitedly.