Dragon Martial Emperor

Chapter 18: A good show is on


When Long Yu walked out of the Martial Arts Pavilion, the show finally began.

Liao Lele took a few steps back, opened his eyes wide in the crowd, stared at the two people in the field, and shouted: "Long Yu, come on!"

"Junior sister, I think you are wasting your efforts."

Behind Liao Lele, an outer sect disciple sneered: "Everyone knows that the outer sect directors every month are about to become inner sect disciples. In other words, Feng Yang is definitely one of the strongest outer sect disciples. There is no way that Long Yu can be Feng Yang's opponent."

"You talk so much nonsense, so long-winded."

Liao Lele snorted: "Some people said before that he was definitely no match for Tan Yue and Han Jian. What about now?"

Hearing this, the outer disciple snorted coldly, looked at Liao Lele and Long Yu with contempt, and stopped talking.

However, Tan Yue, who was lying on a stretcher nearby, looked as if fire was coming out of her eyes when she heard this, and glanced at Liao Lele like a knife.

"This damn woman actually dared to look down on me. I will make her pay the price."

Tan Yue whispered viciously.

Fang Kang, who was sitting beside her, heard this and said, "Junior Sister Tan, after we deal with that loser Long Yu, it won't be too late for us to deal with that woman."


Tan Yue didn't say anything more out of hatred. Fang Kang's words were still a bit intimidating to her. After all, Fang Kang was also a master who was about to become an inner sect disciple.

In the field, on the open space outside the martial arts pavilion.

Feng Yang stared at Long Yu leisurely, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes: "Waste, did you comprehend some super martial arts in the martial arts pavilion, so that you have the confidence to face me?"

"Have you mastered a super martial arts skill? Can't you try it yourself? Let's do it."

Long Yu smiled contemptuously and hooked his finger at Feng Yang.

This action was extremely contemptuous, and Feng Yang's face gradually became gloomy. He then took a step forward and said cruelly: "Waste, you will never leave here standing tonight!"

As he stepped forward, ripples appeared in the air, and the several feet distance between him and Long Yu was reached in an instant!

"It's the Sky-shaking Body Technique!"

As soon as Long Yu saw it, he immediately knew what kind of martial arts Feng Yang was practicing. It was the Zhenkong martial arts. He had also seen it in the martial arts pavilion just now. Like the Shunfeng step, it was a mid-grade martial arts, but the principles of the two martial arts were different.

The Instant Wind Step was to make one's body as light as the wind, thereby increasing speed, but the Shocking Air Body Technique was to vibrate the air to create ripples, and use the air ripples to propel one's body.

In the initial learning and minor success stages, there is not much difference in the effects of the two body techniques, but when you reach major success, they are completely different.

The Instant Wind Step at the Great Accomplishment Realm can take a step in an instant and cross a distance of three meters, accelerating one's own speed to the extreme!

The Zhenkong body technique at the great perfection realm can greatly vibrate the air ripples and suppress the actions of surrounding enemies!

As a strong man who was about to be promoted to an inner disciple, Feng Yang had naturally already mastered the Zhenkong Body Technique to the highest level. As soon as he moved, the air ripples spread out, instantly enveloping Long Yu.

Suddenly, waves of air made it difficult for Long Yu to breathe. The power of martial arts that had been cultivated to the great perfection realm was completely incomparable.

"Nine Nether Dragon Seal, open!"

Long Yu's mind moved, and the Nine Nether Dragon Seal on his chest suddenly became hot, and a huge force of thousands of pounds surged into his whole body through the black lines.

If Long Yu wants to fight against Feng Yang, who has reached the fifth level of martial arts and has mastered the ultimate martial arts, it will be almost impossible for him to do so without activating the Nine Nether Dragon Seal.

The next moment, Feng Yang's figure, carrying the ripples of the air, came close to Long Yu.

"Panlong Leg, Panlong Leg!"

There was a fierce look in Feng Yang's eyes, his legs were like a coiled dragon, and he condensed his powerful internal energy and attacked Long Yu.

It's another martial arts move that has reached the highest level, the Coiling Dragon Kick!

"Heavenly state of mind, suppress!"

Long Yu gritted his teeth, and the state of mind of suppressing heaven surged out, slightly suppressing Feng Yang's strength. Then he threw an ordinary punch at Feng Yang's legs.

The Demon Subduing Body enhanced his basic strength. At this moment, his punch had a force of nearly 20,000 kilograms, which is equivalent to the force of twenty horses!

A punch and two legs collided with a loud bang. The powerful internal energy of the mysterious energy burst out into a cyclone, which spread to the surroundings. Suddenly, dust flew all over the sky, blocking the vision of many people under the moonlight.

Long Yu felt a sharp pain in his fist. As he was fighting with his bare fists against the Coiling Dragon Leg, a martial art that he had cultivated to perfection, he was naturally at a disadvantage.

However, thanks to the mysterious internal energy condensed in his fist and the almost identical power levels of both sides, he did not suffer any serious injuries in this fight.

Feng Yang was knocked back two steps by Long Yu's punch, and his face suddenly turned blue and purple. This loser actually had the power to defeat him

And what was that force that suddenly hindered his movement? Why did he feel an aura that suppressed the heaven and earth, just like when he was in the Zhentian Canyon

While he was thinking, Long Yu's figure in front of him suddenly moved in the flying dust, turned into a breeze, and disappeared from Feng Yang's eyes.

"Hmm? Small Success of Instant Wind Step?"

Feng Yang was not prepared and suddenly lost his target, with a look of surprise on his face. He never thought that in just one day, this useless Long Yu could actually practice the Instant Wind Step to a minor level!


A series of heavy footsteps came from his left, which made him alert. He bent his legs like a dragon and swept straight to the left!

However, the next moment, he found that his legs had missed the target. Long Yu deliberately made footsteps on his left and then fled away.


A heavy punch came from Feng Yang's right side, and he hadn't folded his legs yet, so he had no way to dodge.


Feng Yang was hit hard on the shoulder by Long Yu's punch. He lost his balance and staggered, taking several steps back.

Fortunately, he was able to condense his internal energy in his shoulder at the critical moment, otherwise this punch would have crippled his entire arm.

Feeling the numbness in his shoulder, Feng Yang's scalp also felt numb. He was puzzled. How could Long Yu, a waste who was only at the fourth level of martial arts, possess a power more powerful than him

At the fifth level of martial arts, one has the strength of sixteen fierce horses, but the waste Long Yu actually possesses the strength of nearly twenty fierce horses, suppressing Feng Yang in terms of strength level!

The two of them differed in strength by more than 3,000 pounds, and the advantage brought by Feng Yang's mastery of the martial arts at the great perfection level disappeared in an instant.

"It's time to end it."

The corner of Long Yu's mouth curled up slightly, and he did not stop at all. The next moment, he kicked Feng Yang's back heavily.

"I've been waiting for you!"

Feng Yang was no fool, he had actually made preparations in advance. He coiled his legs into a dragon shape and used the Zhenkong body technique again. He turned around and swept out with both legs, one leg to block Long Yu's attack, and the other leg kicked straight at Long Yu's head!


Upon seeing this, Long Yu moved his body and retreated like a breeze, then randomly changed direction and continued his attack.

Although Feng Yang's Zhenkong body technique has been cultivated to perfection and can hinder Long Yu's movements through air ripples, the Zhentian artistic conception that Long Yu has comprehended has a stronger hindering effect on Feng Yang!

As one side gained strength while the other lost, Feng Yang gradually fell into a disadvantage.

"Ah, meet the elder!"

Just when the two were in a stalemate, a clear female voice with surprise came from the crowd nearby.

This female voice immediately attracted a lot of people's attention. The crowd who were originally focusing on the battle between Long Yu and Feng Yang in the field, all looked around, trying to find the figure of the so-called elder.

Even Feng Yang's heart trembled when he heard this.

"Oh no! If the elders knew that I had withheld the outer disciple's identity token, wouldn't that be terrible?"

Feng Yang suddenly panicked and looked around.

Only Long Yu was completely unmoved. The only thing in his eyes was his opponent Feng Yang. When he saw Feng Yang actually started to look around, Long Yu knew that victory was not far away.

"Heavenly Realm! Kill!"

The artistic conception and momentum spread, completely enveloping Feng Yang. Then Long Yu performed the Instant Wind Step and quickly launched punches and kicks at all parts of Feng Yang's body.

Each attack was launched from an extremely tricky angle. Not to mention that Feng Yang's mind was already in a state of confusion, even if he had focused his attention, it would have been difficult for him to completely resist it!

The next moment, before Feng Yang could react, punches and kicks rained down on him.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The countless attacks that condensed the strength of twenty fierce horses made Feng Yang completely unable to resist. He vomited blood, flew backwards, and fell heavily to the ground!

Feng Yang fell down and the whole place fell into silence. Everyone's eyes shifted back to him, all filled with disbelief.

In just a short while, Long Yu won

Isn't Feng Yang at the peak of the fifth level of martial arts? He was actually defeated by a kid at the fourth level of martial arts, and was seriously injured and unconscious. This was completely beyond everyone's expectations!

"Well done, you really won!"

A cheer came from the female voice that just said "Greetings, Elder", followed by a lively figure in a gray cloth shirt jumping into the field and running to Feng Yang who was lying on the ground seriously injured.

Who else could this figure be but Liao Lele

Just now, her words "Greetings, Elder" directly disturbed Feng Yang's mind, allowing Long Yu to succeed in one fell swoop and severely injure Feng Yang!

At this time, Liao Lele came to the unconscious Feng Yang, reached out and rummaged through his clothes, and quickly took out an identity token and an exquisite small jade bottle.

Seeing these two things, a satisfied smile appeared on Liao Lele's pretty face.

"The Qinghua Pill is here, Long Yu, take it!"

After Liao Lele put away his identity token, he threw the small jade bottle to Long Yu who was not far away.

Long Yu stretched out his hand to take it, opened it and took a look. Sure enough, a burst of intoxicating medicinal fragrance filled the air. It was a mid-grade elixir, the Qinghua Pill without a doubt!

But before he could relax, a sneer came from the side: "You are in cahoots with each other, and your victory is unfair. Tonight, I, Fang Kang, will make you, a waste, show your true colors and avenge Junior Brother Feng Yang!"

Everyone looked towards the direction where the voice came from, and saw a thin young man in a blue cloth shirt walking up to the stage beside Tan Yue who was on a stretcher.

This young man, with dark skin, bulging muscles and a strong body, is none other than Tan Jian's follower Fang Kang, who had just reached the sixth level of martial arts cultivation not long ago!
