Drama Goddess

Chapter 1


Wu Mangmang looked at the man in front of him with some boredom.

What was his name when he introduced himself just now

In fact, the elite man opposite has a very extraordinary appearance, at least 70% of the handsomeness of the recently popular male star named Huo, but like that male star, he also looks very serious.

Serious and abstinent, he should be very attractive, but unfortunately his temperament is too gentle and harmless, which causes Wu Mangmang to lose her appetite. She can only lower her eyes to look at her nails in boredom.

The new shiny gradient nail polish costs 680 yuan, which is quite reasonably priced.

Wu Mangmang bit her lower lip, thinking that the color was a bit plain, and thought about changing to a more charming Chinese red next time.

She raised her eyelids slightly and saw that the other person was still speaking incomprehensible words in a gentle tone. She lowered her eyelids again in a daze.

I really want to smoke a cigarette.

Wu Mangmang doesn’t actually smoke on a daily basis, and he doesn’t even know how to smoke.

But she liked the feeling of the cigarette between her fingers.

Her fingers are very slender and long, and her nails are also very round and long. The posture of holding the cigarette is very beautiful, so much so that every time Wu Mangmang smokes, she sits in front of the mirror and looks at herself in fascination.

In fact, her lips are also very suitable for smoking. Her misty skin is as white as the white of a boiled egg, soft and elastic, and she only prefers bright red among all lipstick colors.

The warm white and the extreme red set off each other, making her countless ex-boyfriends obsessed with her countless times.

The white smoke hanging on her fiery red lips was even more stunning.

But if you think that Miss Wumangmang has a charming and enchanting appearance, you are totally wrong.

Her facial features are very delicate, and she is beautiful with a natural innocence. Even with her dazzling red lips, she gives people the impression that she is just an innocent person pretending to be charming, with a unique kind of pure charm.

Misty's hair is smooth and straight, with a sheen that's good enough for a Pantene conditioner commercial. It's had its tail curled inwards at a barber shop, and her big Korean-style bangs fit snugly but don't cover her beautiful forehead in a rigid way.

It was this appearance that made the overseas elite who had studied in the top 100 universities in the world continue to chatter even after he clearly saw her impatience.

"You don't have to be afraid of language problems. I will always be with you." said the man opposite.

How did the topic turn to immigration overseas

Wumangmang smoothed her bangs. Although she didn't like speaking English, French or other small country languages, she actually didn't like settling abroad. Even though the air in China was extremely dirty, she was still willing to breathe freely under this sky.

"I think you misunderstood. It's me who doesn't want to study abroad." Wu Mangmang said.

This is another confusing topic. Her parents were determined to send her to study abroad. Wu Mangmang held onto the doorpost and struggled to resist, wailing bitterly. How could someone like her live abroad

She is spoiled and in the advanced stage of laziness. She knows nothing and can't do anything. What's more, she can't stand the occasional discrimination. How can she survive abroad

Even though the fog is as white as fluorescent light, we are still yellow people after all, and we are patriotic until death.

"In fact, it's good not to go abroad. The quality of education in domestic universities has generally improved nowadays, so you don't have to go abroad to get promoted. It's actually very difficult for international students who come back from fake universities to find jobs." The man opposite was very understanding.

"I have a friend who is a company president. He has an unwritten rule when recruiting people: no self-funded international students, and no students from schools ranked below 100."

What a lot of chatter, aren’t you thirsty, Wumangmang thought.

Is being in the top 100 so impressive? You have to know that since she graduated from college at the age of 21, her parents' initial criteria for her blind date were to select international students from prestigious universities ranked in the top 20 in the world.

At the age of twenty-three, the standard dropped to the top fifty.

At the age of 25, this standard has just reached the top 100.

The gentleman in front of her was quite lucky. Even after lowering her standards, he was still the first man she met.

"I'm so sorry for always saying this. Actually, I have a question I've always wanted to ask Miss Misty."

"Please go ahead." Wu Mangmang nodded and smiled.

Her smile was so playful that the man opposite was slightly stunned.

"With Miss Wu's looks, temperament, and family background, why would she come out for a blind date?"

Yes, why did she go out for blind dates? And she started going to various blind date banquets when she was young and fresh.

Wu Mangmang smoothed her hair again and tucked it behind her ears. She couldn't remember how many times she had been kissed, but at least ninety-nine times out of a hundred, the men were interested in her.

She had tried dating before, and the other party was very sincere and caring towards her, but in the end she was the one who was pursued and the one who was always dumped.

She had five relationships when she was in college, but all of them ended in her being dumped, so her parents had to arrange various blind dates for her.

Wu Mangmang thought that they were really foresighted. Knowing that their daughter was unsalable, they decided to start going on blind dates at the age of 21. However, she was still unmarried at the age of 25.

"Because I haven't met anyone I like." Wu Mangmang said calmly.

Of course she couldn't admit it because she was always dumped.

In fact, this incident did not hit Miss Wu too hard, because she knew that countless of her previous boyfriends told her that they were not worthy of her when they broke up with her.

What’s even more amazing is that every breakup scene is never embarrassing.

When the other party asked for a breakup, Wumangmang always accepted it calmly and never did anything petty like pouring the water in the cup on the other party's head.

So, even after breaking up they are still friends.

Of course there are exceptions. Whenever her ex-boyfriends start dating new girlfriends, they will resolutely cut off contact with her and tacitly act as if they don't know her.

Once the fog was also very angry.

But one of them gave an explanation that she was too threatening to their current girlfriend, and even though they had nothing to do with each other, she would make their current girlfriend uneasy.

It is said that just one look at her will cause a critical hit of 100,000 points of damage.

What a perfect and thoughtful answer, so much so that Wu Mangmang had to accept the situation of completely losing these ex-boyfriends.

Thinking of the 100,000 points of damage, Wu Mangmang couldn't help but touch his phone to play mobile games.

Unfortunately, her parents had been wary of her. Before she came, they confiscated her Crazy 6 and gave her an antique phone instead, which only had the functions of making calls and sending text messages, and the only game it could play was Snake.

Bored, Wu Mangmang heard some movement at the next table and couldn't help but glance sideways.

The first thing that catches my eye is the hand casually placed on the table - the watch on the hand.

Patek Philippe limited edition.

However, the design of the watch is low-key luxury, so what is more attractive is the hand.

Clean and slender.

Like the hands of a conductor or a magician, they can no longer be described as beautiful. But with just one glance, Wu Mangmang has begun to imagine the feeling of such fingers walking on human skin.

Hands give people endless hope, I hope the face won’t make people despair.

Wu Mangmang raised her eyelids and looked over, and the man diagonally opposite her happened to glance over at her, but he looked away without any lingering glance, as if he didn't even notice Wu Mangmang.

However, Wu Mangmang's hand, which was casually placed on the table, couldn't help but clench the water cup. Her body felt a little hot. Unfortunately, she was wearing a skirt with a stand-up collar and a big bow on the side today, so she couldn't loosen the collar.

Wu Mangmang had no choice but to say goodbye to her ear hair again.

It seems too vulgar to describe Mr. Limited Edition as handsome.

How should I put it? He exudes more of a charm.

Also known as hormones.

The entire cafe seemed to be filled with a layer of male hormones. In addition to the fog, the lady in her left, who was about 35 or 36 years old, had also glanced over here several times.

Wu Mangmang took the opportunity to drink water and looked at the limited edition gentleman again through the glass.

His lips are so beautifully shaped, perfect for kissing.

If such a kiss falls on your collarbone or butterfly bone...

Wu Mangmang quickly shook her head. Recently, a friend sent her a Korean movie called "Toxic World".

She was probably poisoned, too.

A shabby jeep...

You absolutely cannot continue thinking about this.

When Wu Mangmang took a third peek at the limited edition gentleman across the street, he was finally caught by the other party.

The other person's deep and clear eyes were like a huge whirlpool, and all the gazes were sucked into the bottom of the lake, and even the people behind the gaze were buried there.

Mr. Limited Edition's gaze stayed on the misty face for no more than two seconds, and the corners of his lips seemed to be slightly upturned.

It wasn't sarcasm, but a casual smile of thanks that ignored people.

To thank Miss Wumangmang for her obsession with him.

Misty fingers clenched the water cup again, and her body was no longer hot, but excited.

In Miss Wu's limited life, the average time that all the men she met kept their eyes on her face was at least five seconds.

Although she had been dumped countless times, she had never been ignored like this at the beginning.

Call her a slut or call her courting death, Miss Wu has always liked men like Mr. Limited Edition who ignore her charm.

Of course, there are thousands of men in the world, and Wu Mangmang has naturally met men who ignored her charm.

But they couldn't make her want to pursue him.

But the limited edition gentleman's smile clearly said to her:

Although I have no interest in you, do you want to pursue me? You can try it.

His eyes were really charming, as if they had a fish hook, which made Wu Mangmang reluctant to let go of the bait.

The elite man opposite looked at his watch and said, "It's time for dinner. How about having dinner together, Miss Wu?"

Wu Mangmang decided to be an honest girl at this time.

"Sorry, I have to work during the weekdays, so I have more shows scheduled on weekends." Wu Mangmang gave a helpless smile.

The elite man's smile faded slightly, but he quickly perked up again, "I understand. Then I'll invite you to dinner next time."

"Okay." Wu Mangmang stood up and nodded slightly to send the elite man away.

As he sat down, Wu Mangmang immediately took out his antique phone to make a call.

"Hello, Mr. Gao, can we change the meeting place at 7 o'clock to..." Wu Mangmang reported the name of the cafe where she was currently sitting.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Mangmang keenly caught the limited edition gentleman on the opposite side's curious gaze towards her mobile phone.

Well, it is indeed rare to see young people using old-fashioned mobile phones these days.

Especially a beautiful and fashionable young person like her.

While waiting for the next Mr. Gao, Wu Mangmang began to look at Mr. Limited Edition without any hesitation.

Judging from the length of his calves when he was sitting, he was at least 180cm tall.

I just don't know if there is 18 cm there.

Wu Mangmang sighed. She urgently needed to take a lighter to play with in her hand to distract herself.

She was probably poisoned, but that was understandable.

The 25-year-old leftover woman has wanted to offer her precious "virginity" countless times, but she is always dumped before that.

Time passed so slowly. After identifying the limited edition gentleman's high-end custom-made leather shoes, Wu Mangmang admired his broad shoulders and his tall and handsome nose for a while.

Finally, Mr. Gao arrived at 6:40.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting." Mr. Gao had not expected that a beautiful lady like Wu Mangmang would not only arrive on time but also early.

"I came early." Wu Mangmang maintained a decent smile.

When she smiles, her eyes are always curved, revealing an innocent beauty.

Mr. Gao was obviously shocked.

"Miss Wu's name is really special. The surname Wu seems to be very rare." Mr. Gao started today's blind date conversation with the topic of names.

But Wu Mangmang was obviously distracted.

The lady sitting opposite Mr. Limited Edition stood up and went to the bathroom.

It was only then that Wu Mangmang realized that there was a female companion sitting opposite him.

It is enough to see the charm of Mr. Limited Edition, which directly swallowed up the light of everyone around him.

The limited edition female companion has a very good figure, moderately fat and thin, of moderate height, with a Chanel suit and shoes, an Hermès platinum bag, beautiful short hair, a silk scarf with unique patterns and colors, and an impeccably beautiful face.

This shows that the owner of the limited edition has high taste and extraordinary financial strength.

The misty hand "accidentally" knocked over the red wine glass in front of him, and the wine-red liquid flowed accurately onto Mr. Gao's pants.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry." Wu Mangmang stood up at a loss.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'll go to the bathroom." Mr. Gao left the table.

Based on Wu Mangmang's understanding of beautiful women, Mr. Limited Edition's female companion would not be back soon because she had some makeup problems and needed to tidy up her look.

Wu Mangmang carried her Hello Kitty rhinestone bag and sat down opposite Mr. Limited Edition.

The other person just raised his eyebrows slightly and did not show any surprise. It seemed that he was used to being approached.

Wu Mangmang turned his antique phone on his fingers and said, "Sir, I heard that the 6s is out. I really want to buy one. Are you interested?"

Wu Mangmang stretched out his hand, and just when he was about to cover the back of the other person's hand, Mr. Limited Edition slowly withdrew his hand.

In fact, Wu Mangmang didn’t know whether she wanted to touch his hand more or his limited edition Patek Philippe watch.

"You're not worth a 6s."

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