Drama Goddess

Chapter 3


"I'm sorry for wasting your time. You won't ask me to pay for the overtime, will you? I really have no money left. I even sold my car." Wu Mangmang took two pieces of tissue paper from the tissue box handed to her by Wu Yong to wipe her tears. She was still picky at this moment, "Doctor Wu, you are a high-income person after all. Can you please not buy this kind of promotional paper next time? At least buy a box of Xin Xiangyin. It's not expensive."

Wu Yong took back his kindness.

"Hey, no, no, no, I need to use it again." Wu Mangmang covered his nose with a tissue and blew his nose. Only then did his nasal cavity feel better. "Can I use your bathroom? Doctor Wu."

Wu Yong nodded helplessly.

Half an hour later, Wu Yong had to knock on the bathroom door, "Mangmang, are you okay?"

No one answered, so Wu Yong knocked twice more anxiously, "Mangmang, mangmang!"

"Stop arguing. Your eyeliner is all crooked." A misty soprano shouted out from the bathroom.

Wu Yong wiped the sweat off his forehead. He actually thought that Wu Mangmang was just thinking too much.

"The door is not locked, come in." Wu Mangmang's voice returned to its usual sweetness.

Wu Yong opened the door and went in. Wu Mangmang was brushing her eyelashes. "It will be fine in a moment."

After the mascara dried, Wu Mangmang walked out of the bathroom and took out her sunglasses to put on her nose. She looked at the light in Wu Yong's office. It was just right for taking pictures, and the view from Wu Yong's office was pretty good. She decisively handed the phone to Wu Yong, "Doctor Wu, take a few pictures for me."

Wu Mangmang quickly walked to Wu Yong's desk, posed with long legs, pulled up her white T-shirt and tied a knot above her belly, revealing her smooth, flat and beautiful belly. She placed one hand on her deliberately raised buttocks to highlight her chest line and hip curve.

"Doctor Wu, my shoes should be close to the bottom of the photo so that I will look taller." Although misty, who is 167cm tall, is not considered short, she is far behind a woman who is 170cm tall, and legs are never too long.

Wu Yong shook his head helplessly. Although Wu Mangmang was his patient, he was still not used to her jumping thoughts.

"Hey, wait." Wu Mangmang ran to Wu Yong's side, "I almost forgot to use Meitu. I knew you wouldn't take the initiative to help me click on Meitu to take pictures." Wu Mangmang called up the software and said, "Although I am already very beautiful and don't need whitening, brightening, or lengthening my height, I seem to have some dark circles under my eyes recently."

Wu Mangmang finished the software, made an OK gesture to Wu Yong, walked back to his desk, lifted one foot and hooked it behind him, pouting, pointed his right index finger at his cheek, and made a very pretentious expression.

Wu Yong felt a chill down his spine. He could never understand why women were always so keen on taking selfies.

"Those who are keen on taking selfies are all beautiful women, and I do this to beautify the online environment." Wu Mangmang replied to Wu Yong. She took back her phone and was quite satisfied with the photo effect. While opening Weibo to post a photo, she said to Wu Yong: "Doctor Wu, are you following my Weibo? I only need 98,000 followers to enter the million-level army."

Wu Mangmang raised her phone and laughed, "I gained 23 more followers today. Even though they are haters who curse at me, I don't care."

Wu Mangmang chatted with Wu Yong casually, "Doctor Wu, do you know Long Xiujuan? She changed her name to Xiao Longnv. Her fans just reached one million last month, and she set up more than a dozen tables at Shangjin to celebrate. She was afraid that people didn't know she was a nouveau riche. As soon as you heard her previous name, you knew that her parents only had elementary school education." Wu Mangmang clicked his tongue twice, "If I had a million fans, I wouldn't want to be as tasteless as her. Then I'll invite everyone to Xingguang Happy."

"Xingguang, do you know?" Wu Mangmang asked, slightly tilting his head.

Wu Yong shook his head. He knew Shangjin, but a table of drinks cost no less than 5,000 yuan, just to celebrate the one million fans

"Xingguang is a membership-based system. Non-members are not allowed. It costs half a million dollars a year just to maintain membership." Wu Mangmang said, "My dad is a member. I can borrow his card when the time comes."

Wu Yong sighed, "Mangmang, you don't have to act like this. You are not such a vain and exaggerated girl."

Wu Mangmang clicked the button and a Weibo message popped up, "Doctor Wu, you are wrong. This is my true nature."

Wu Yong's phone beeped. Wu Mangmang leaned over to take a look. "Doctor Wu, it turns out you've been following me for a long time. We're following each other. What's your Weibo name?"

"Hurry up and go. You've already delayed me for an hour." Wu Yong quickly put away his phone and sent Wu Mangmang out the door. Then he opened her Weibo. On it was a photo he had just taken of Wu Mangmang, which had been slightly retouched.

Sunlight, floor-to-ceiling windows, and young, beautiful women with amazing bodies. The accompanying text is "Is the office sunny?"

Misleading sentence.

Sure enough, a lot of people responded below, "Wow, I changed jobs, the office decoration is so intellectual and tasteful."

"She is indeed a white, rich and beautiful woman. Her office is on a high floor. Is it an independent office? A goddess with high education, high IQ and good looks."

Of course, some people also asked maliciously, "Your belly is so flat, did you get an abortion?"

Soon, Wumangmang posted another Weibo post, uploading a few more photos that he had just taken. "From now on, we will part ways and live happily ever after. Let's all be well, okay? Tomorrow is a brand new day."

Wu Yong rubbed his eyebrows and even acted on Weibo.

But after Wu Mangmang came out of Wu Yong's office, she had no car to travel by, so she had to take the affordable subway. She looked down at the bus card she had just applied for and sighed. Fortunately, she always wore sunglasses in the photos she posted on Weibo, otherwise, if people found out that such a beautiful, rich and beautiful woman was squeezing into the subway, she would definitely be ridiculed.

After a while, there were already hundreds of replies on Weibo, and Wumangmang sighed with satisfaction. He turned to check the Weibo of his friends circle and saw that Long Xiujuan had just updated a Weibo three minutes ago. The content was nothing new, and her smile in the photo was so stiff, wasn't it just to show off her new "dimples"

Wu Mangmang took a quick glance and wanted to close it, but his peripheral vision caught the last line of words, "Three minutes ago, from iPhone 6s." Wu Mangmang's eyes dimmed, and he went to look at other people's Weibo posts in his circle of friends. They were all from 6s.

He is really pretentious.

You know, iPhone 6s was just released yesterday, and there was a long line in front of the Apple store. Unfortunately, she was short of money, otherwise she would definitely have posted a Weibo using iPhone 6s as soon as possible.

Then I looked at the Weibo posts I posted using the Crazy 6 account, and all the replies from my friends were "Haha". I had only one feeling, which was "a slap in the face".

There was also a tip in the circle of friends at this moment. It was posted by Wu Mangmang’s “best friend” Lu Qingqing. It said that she recently tried a Japanese eyelash growth liquid, and her eyelashes grew 2 mm longer within a month. Lu Qingqing also posted a real photo, and her eyelashes did seem to be longer than before.

Wumangmang took off her sunglasses and took out a small mirror to look at her eyelashes. They were a little deformed by the sunglasses, but they could be longer. Her fingers deftly flipped through the phone and typed a few words, "How many meters? Where can I buy it?"

But as soon as she said this, she felt that it was too low. She actually asked about the price. Wu Mangmang deleted the words she had typed, sighed, silently put the phone in her pocket, and then silently stomped her foot hard. She heard the "dirty man" behind her scream and jump on the spot with his feet in his arms.

Wu Mangmang snorted coldly. Do you know why I like to wear high heels? The smaller the force-bearing area, the greater the pressure.

"Damn bitch!" The wretched man rushed towards her and raised his hand to hit her.

As a result, Wu Mangmang raised his hand to block the wretched man's hand, then twisted the man's arm behind his back with his backhand, and stepped on his back with one foot. His movements were very skillful, "Cid, you have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will become evidence in court." In order to "act well in action movies", Wu Mangmang went to a martial arts school.

But after Kuaizui said it out loud, Wumangmang realized that this is the mainland, where CID is not applicable. It was all her fault that she was bored recently and actually watched old TVB movies.

"You're crazy!" the wretched man cursed.

Wu Mangmang was distracted for a moment, and the subway just arrived at the station. She let go of the wretched man and ran out of the subway like a little rabbit. After getting away from the crowd, she held the railing beside her with one hand and put her other hand on her waist, gasping for breath.

The surprised eyes of the subway passengers flashed before her misty eyes. She turned around uncomfortably and leaned against the handrail. She didn't know when her face was covered with tears. She wiped it with the back of her hand, feeling annoyed. Her makeup must have been ruined again. She took out a small mirror and saw that it was indeed a smoky makeup. Fortunately, it was not shameful to be bare-faced, so she simply took out a wet tissue and wiped it all off.

While Wu Mangmang was in a panic, her cell phone suddenly rang loudly. It was a demo she had recorded in the KTV studio. "I am Zhenai.com, I am Baihe.com, I am Jiayuan.com, and I am Do Not Disturb..."

Wu Mangmang picked up the phone impatiently, "Mommy, what's the matter?"

"This isn't a Hong Kong or Taiwan drama, why are you calling me mommy?" Mrs. Wu Liu Lewei scolded, "Are you going home for dinner tonight?"

"I don't have money to take a taxi." Wu Mangmang replied. Her family was nouveau riche after all, and they bought a villa halfway up the mountain. There were no buses or subways. It took 40 minutes to walk from the foot of the mountain to the top, and at least an hour and a half if she wore high heels.

"Then use Uber. I'll transfer the amount you spend to your Alipay account," said Ms. Liu.

"Mom, are you afraid that people don't know that you have learned how to use smartphone apps?" Wu Mangmang curled his lips.

"Your brother misses you, will you come back or not?"

"No." Wu Mangmang hung up the phone decisively. Why should she go back just because her brother missed her

She missed her parents so much when she was a child, but didn’t they pay any attention to her

Oh, now the relationship is reconciled, and a forty-year-old clam gives birth to a pearl with eggs, so it becomes a treasure

Pick up and drop off at kindergarten in person every day

Bath him every day by yourself

Do you have to tell him stories every night to get him to sleep

Wu Mangmang felt that it was really ridiculous.

I won’t go back. I definitely won’t go back.

"I am ATM, I am Alipay, I am Tenpay, I am Doraemon..."

The evil sound disturbs people.

Wu Mangmang answered the phone weakly, "Dad."

This made Wusong shudder and he quickly shook his head, thinking that he had found the wrong psychologist for Wu Mangmang. Wu Yong thought it was useless as soon as he heard it.

"Mangmang, why don't you come back for dinner? Your brother misses you every day."

"Dad..." Wu Mangmang burst into tears, "You and mom are patriarchal. You only like boys who can carry on the family line for our Wu family, right? Are daughters made of grass? You have to get up at three in the middle of the night to grind tofu, and go to the streets to sell tofu during the day. Now even my horse-drawn carriage for selling tofu has been confiscated..."

“Beep, beep…” The person on the other end of the phone has hung up.

Wu Mangmang put away her phone, but she was finally free. Who said acting has no benefits? Today, she played the role of Tofu Xishi very well.