Drama Goddess

Chapter 38


Lu Sui turned his head to look towards the mist and asked in a cooperative tone, "What services does the one-stop service provide?"

Wu Mangmang was stunned and blinked her eyes. This question really hit her.

So I made a pause gesture, quickly took out my phone and started searching on Baidu.

And then, nothing happened.

Wu Mangmang felt that his bottom line had been touched again, which could be considered an improvement in his "attitude".

Lu Sui had come to his senses by now, and pointed at the foggy phone screen and said, "Descendants of the Dragon is good, give me a set."

The mist swept towards the commentary of "Descendants of the Dragon": four dragons with cat-style blowing/flute (swaying dragon, rotating dragon, free-spirited dragon, deep-inhaling dragon).

Wu Mangmang felt like his eyes were going blind, so he quickly turned the screen to black.

"Do you like it so much? You must have been there often before the heaven/earth was swept away, right?" Wu Mangmang asked.

Lu Sui smiled and shook his head, without saying anything, he started the car.

Wu Mangmang stuck his head out to look at Lu Sui's expression, "Heaven/Renjian is probably a bit too low for Mr. Lu. The minimum rate should be $500 an hour to be worthy of you."

Wu Mangmang became more and more excited as he spoke. "Recently, a Taiwanese actress was accused of prostitution. With your status, someone should have introduced you to someone, right? Two million New Taiwan dollars a night, wow."

Wu Mangmang couldn't help but think of Mrs. Liu and Du Yijun. They had a very pleasant chat in Lu Sui's grassland villa. Wu Mangmang had heard some gossip about this Mrs. Liu, and it seemed that she also had a part-time job to make quick money for celebrities.

Following the intuition gives me a headache. Women's divergent thinking is too scary.

"What kind of character do you have? How can you ask about customers' privacy like this? Call your manager over." Lu Sui said.

"Cunning." Wu Mangmang muttered.

But she was really curious, but Lu Sui's attitude made her curse inwardly, thinking that he was indeed an old man with a lot of bad intentions.

Wu Mangmang was thinking that he had to give way to Lu Sui and issue a health report to put people at ease.

"Why, are you interested in my sex life?" Lu Sui asked Wu Mangmang who remained silent.

Wu Mangmang shook her head and said, "To be precise, I am interested in men." If she knew more about this kind of knowledge, she would be able to act as an expert when the WeChat group held midnight sessions in the future.

However, Lu Sui did not seem to have any intention of giving Wu Mangmang a scientific explanation, and instead asked, "What do you want to eat for breakfast?"

This topic is too broad, and this person just brought up an embarrassing topic and then talked about eating. I was confused and unable to accept it.

But when he smelled the aroma of pig intestine rice noodle on the street, Wu Mangmang couldn't help but shout, "Stop, stop, eat this."

"Boss, I'd like a serving of pork intestines rice noodle in clear soup, with an extra portion of pork intestines and no green onions." Wu Mangmang placed the order with familiarity and didn't even need to ask Lu Sui's opinion because he frowned, which was rare for him.

Before he could speak, Wu Mangmang had already raised her index finger to silence him. "I know this kind of thing is not good to eat, and it's disgusting just thinking about it, but it's also a traditional delicacy of our great China. And I don't eat it every day."

"This pig intestine rice noodle shop has received high reviews online." Wu Mangmang waved his phone in front of Lu Sui, "You really don't want to have a bowl?"

Lu Sui shook his head, took some paper and wiped the bench for Wu Mangmang, and then wiped the table in front of her.

Wu Mangmang's breakfast was quite large, and she also ordered a beef pot cake, which was a perfect match with pig intestine rice noodle. She bit the beef pot cake gently, and saw that the pig intestine rice noodle served by the busy and sweaty boss actually had green onions. She couldn't help but complain, "Boss, I said no green onions."

"Sorry, sorry, I was too busy and got mixed up." The boss smiled but didn't offer to cook another bowl.

Wu Mangmang could only wave his hand and said, "Forget it."

Of course, Wu Mangmang didn't eat the green onion. He could only bite the pot cake and look at Lu Sui, but Mr. Lu obviously didn't have the self-awareness of Ning Zheng.

But Wu Mangmang was very polite to ask, "Please help me pick all the onions. You have nothing to do anyway."

Lu Suikan glanced at the fog and said, "Just order another bowl."

"Why is it so wasteful? There are still many children in Africa who don't have enough food." Wu Mangmang obviously forgot what he had said to Ning Zheng.

"Don't you want to help me choose?" Wu Mangmang asked with her big innocent eyes. She felt like she was about to kill herself.

But after a moment of silence, Lu Sui actually picked up the chopsticks and slowly picked up the chopped green onions for her.

Wu Mangmang was so excited that he couldn't help but take out his phone to take a series of photos of Lu Sui's hands. Then he chose a photo with the best angle and handed it to Lu Sui, shaking it, "Your hands look so beautiful when you pick the chopped green onions."

Wu Mangmang took back his hand and admired it happily. "When I first saw you, I thought your hands were beautiful, like the hands of a piano player. But I didn't expect them to look even better when you were chopped green onions."

Such beautiful pictures must be shared on Weibo, "When he bends down and carefully picks chopped green onions for you, his hands are so sweet."

Soon, someone responded with a comment, "It looks great, I'm drooling."

"It looks good, please touch me."

"What long fingers!!!"

"Well, I knew I wasn't the only one concerned about length."

Wu Mangmang suppressed his smile and put away his phone.

When I looked up, I saw the girl in the pink sweater and her boyfriend kissing each other affectionately. Several girls next to me kept looking around, but the girl in the pink sweater didn't pay any attention to her at all.

"I can't eat anymore. Help me." The girl in pink sweater pushed the pig intestine rice noodle in front of him to the boy. The boy smiled and kissed the girl on the face, then lowered his head and started eating with chopsticks.

The pink sweater gave the boy a kiss on the ear as a reward.

The sweetness and intimacy of sharing saliva is really something that makes people miss and envy.

This is what love is all about.

Wu Mangmang turned around and looked at the jade Buddha opposite him. He pretended to be friendly to the people, but in fact he was not friendly at all.

Lu Sui had finished picking the chopped green onions and pushed the bowl towards Wu Mangmang.

Wu Mangmang handed the half-eaten beef pot cake in his hand to Lu Sui, pursed his lips, and said "hmm" as a gesture.

Lu Sui took it and put it directly on the table.

Look, that's the difference.

Wu Mangmang thought it was meaningless, so he took two bites of the pig intestine rice noodle and put it down. "I'm full, let's go."

When getting on the bus, Wu Mangmang sat very close to the window, with his face facing out the window, almost sticking to the door.

Lu Sui was silent along the way. Wu Mangmang felt that her love affair was like a pantomime.

Her anger was so obvious, but Lu Sui didn't say anything to comfort her.

The old man is smart and has long learned that when a woman is angry, he should let her be angry for a while and then talk after she calms down.

I looked at my blurry face in the car window in the fog, and I missed the person who would feel nervous for a long time every time he frowned for me.

Oh, has she grown old too? She actually started to reminisce about the past.

Wu Mangmang laughed at himself.

The car stopped at the entrance of the villa. Wu Mangmang unbuckled her seat belt and was about to get out, but the door wouldn't open, so she had to look back at Lu Sui.

"Are you still angry?" Lu Sui asked.

Compared with the nitpicking and self-pity in the fog, Lu Sui seems much more relaxed and comfortable.

If he wasn’t a heavyweight competitor standing on the ring, Wu Mangmang would have to admit defeat even if he didn’t want to.

She was still yearning for love, but Lu Sui had already skipped this step.

He was looking for a girlfriend just as he said, with the intention of getting married.

A person with decent living habits, a woman who can give birth to a son.

"Why should I be angry? You didn't provoke me." Wu Mangmang said helplessly.

Lu Sui said: "I don't eat the pot cakes you left behind. It's just my personal lifestyle habit. It has nothing to do with our relationship. Even if I eat it, it doesn't prove that they love each other deeply."

Oh, Wu Mangmang thought, it turns out Lu Sui also saw that couple.

Come to think of it, that couple’s display of affection was really eye-catching.

Wu Mangmang looked at Lu Sui provocatively: "What if I say that my lifestyle habit is that my boyfriend must unconditionally eat what I leave behind? In this way, I don't have to worry about whether I can finish the food before ordering. I can eat whatever I want and try whatever I want."

Girls should always try new things. If she buys something and doesn’t like it, she can give it to her boyfriend, and he will eat it unconditionally. This is sweet pampering.

It's not about money.

Lu Sui said: "You can try whatever you want. It doesn't matter if you can't finish it."

Wu Mangmang was trying to find fault with the answer: "But I also think that saving is a virtue."

"So, I think our living habits are incompatible." Wu Mangmang looked into Lu Sui's eyes and said.

"So how important do you think this matter is in our lives?" Lu Sui asked.

Well, it was a bit of an exaggeration, Wu Mangmang admitted.

“If it is not a crucial issue, can we put it aside for the time being and seek common ground while reserving differences?” Lu Sui said.

Damn sensible old man.

Wu Mangmang was a little confused and finally struggled to say, "But I want to write this down. Quantitative change can lead to qualitative change."

Lu Sui nodded.

Wu Mangmang took out his phone, opened the memo, and wrote:

On November 2, he refused to eat the beef pot cake I left. Also, he didn't pick the chopped green onions carefully, and there were still several pieces left.

After Wu Mangmang finished writing, he showed it to Lu Sui and said, "Take a look. If there is no problem, sign and seal it."

Lu Sui was really at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

"Is Ms. Liu's attitude making you uncomfortable?" Lu Sui opened the car door for Wu Mangmang.

Wu Mangmang was confused for a moment, and then he pretended to be stupid, "Why do you ask like that?"

"You suddenly seem a little..." Lu Sui was thinking about the words and finally chose a word, "aggressive".

"I don't understand. Speak Chinese." Wu Mangmang said.

Actually, it is really hard to express in Chinese.

"Did you eat explosives today?" Lu Sui asked.

Wu Mangmang actually realized this. She wanted to contradict Ms. Liu, which led her to also contradict Lu Sui.

"No, actually I was just pretending to be good these days." Wu Mangmang confessed.

Now the situation is so foggy that we are stuck in a dilemma and have no choice but to leave the decision to Lu Sui.

In fact, Lu Sui is just a chicken rib to her, tasteless to eat and a pity to throw away.

But after what happened yesterday, I believe everyone will know about her relationship with Lu Sui in the near future. If they broke up like this, and people knew that she had never even tasted Lu Sui, Wu Mangmang felt that she would definitely be laughed to death.

Hey, face is such a meaningless thing, but you can't help but care about it.

At this moment, Wu Mangmang just hoped that Lu Sui would kick her out on his own initiative. Anyway, she had already gotten used to it.

"Thank goodness. I've seen a lot of well-behaved girls." Lu Sui said.

Wu Mangmang felt that she was too slow to realize it, so she asked why Lu Sui fell in love with her

There are a lot of well-behaved and beautiful girls on the street, so how come the pie fell on her head

Although Wu Mangmang once had unrealistic fantasies that Lu Sui fell in love with her at first sight, or fell deeply in love with her unknowingly and couldn't extricate himself.

But she also knew that it was just a casual thought.

Today I finally understand that after all this time, they have been treating her as a new and exciting toy.

Wu Mangmang also breathed a sigh of relief. Recently, she had been following Lu Sui and almost suppressed herself into a fishing girl.

Unexpectedly, Lu Sui didn't care about fishing and wolves at all, he just liked her craziness.

Wu Mangmang thought that from now on he could be considered to be "having a seizure under orders".