Drama Goddess

Chapter 42


Lan Yue leaned on the balcony railing, shook the red wine glass in her hand, smiled awkwardly, and didn't even look at Lu Sui's eyes, "I feel a little embarrassed. I failed to force the emperor to abdicate, and went abroad in disgrace. Now I'm back in disgrace. I originally wanted to bring a man to show off in front of you, but then I thought it was childish. Anyway, you wouldn't care."

"Lan Yue, you are a very good friend." Lu Sui said.

"Don't worry, I've let it go. You don't have to use the word 'friend' to reject me." Lan Yue laughed at herself. "In the past two years, I have traveled to many places, seen many landscapes, and met many people. Now when I think about it, I feel that I was really narrow-minded. I regret it."

Lan Yue walked right in front of Lu Sui and looked up at him, so close that she could almost count his eyelashes. "What about you? Do you still need a female companion like me who is always available at your beck and call?" Lan Yue didn't want to describe herself as a bed partner.

Although she and Lu Sui had a simple relationship where they didn't talk about feelings but only about needs.

Lu Sui slightly turned sideways to avoid this ambiguous distance.

Lan Yue sighed, "Are you afraid that your girlfriend will be angry? When did you change your taste? I'm really a little curious."

Lu Sui naturally would not answer such private questions.

Lan Yue also understood, and then said: "I really envy her. She met you just when you wanted to settle down, and she was in her best years, clean and pure."

"Don't be so stubborn. This is not the reason why you got divorced, Lan Yue." Women who appear to be very mature actually have a very irrational side in their hearts.

Lan Yue always attributed her inability to win Lu Sui's heart to her divorce, which was the only stain on her.

But after all, they were so compatible in bed that for several years Lu Sui had only her by his side.

So she had hallucinations.

However, it was only after Lan Yue left that she figured out her own position. She was just a substitute for the call girl that Lu Sui was unwilling to find.

Men are so beastly, they have to have an outlet, if not you, then her.

Their erections are not even because they are interested in you, but because their physiological needs have accumulated to a certain level and need to be released. If there were no women on the earth at this time, I am afraid they would be willing to have sex with female gorillas.

"Sorry, I'm saying the same old thing again." Lan Yue smiled, then said, "Okay, I won't stop you. You can call me anytime you need me. I'll enjoy it, too."

A forty-year-old woman who has been married and divorced has now settled for the second best and just wants to enjoy physical pleasure.

When Lu Sui met Lan Yue's old lover, Wu Mangmang was in a more miserable state, and he obviously felt excluded.

Lu Lin and Shen Yuanzi were having a great conversation, and Lan Shan was able to join in the conversation. Even if Wu Mangmang wanted to talk, no one paid any attention to her.

Shen Yuanzi has a grudge against Wu Mangmang because of Ning Zheng. Lan Shan doesn't have any good feelings towards Wu Mangmang either. As for Lu Lin, it is obvious that she intends to treat this former object of pursuit coldly.

So Wu Mangmang had no help among the girls.

As for Ning Zheng and Shen Ting, women have no right to interfere in a man's world. Moreover, Ning Zheng seemed to have taken the wrong medicine today and actually learned to be aloof from Shen Ting.

Wumangmang doesn't have the social obsession in the real world, but today Weibo was flashing so happily that his phone was sadly out of battery. Now he can only sit alone in the corner because this is the only charging socket.

Who is Lu Sui? When he walked in, he immediately understood the foggy situation.

Although the little girl was lying comfortably on the sofa playing with her mobile phone, she looked like a poor abandoned girl.

"I'll take Mangmang and go first." Lu Sui went up to hold Wu Mangmang's hand, then turned to say to everyone.

Wu Mangmang exclaimed: "Hey, it's only charged 36%."

The fog is so thick and regretful.

Wu Mangmang sat in Lu Sui's car, opened the memo, and added a note: You didn't even let me fully charge my phone.

Several possible means of revenge flashed through Wu Mangmang's mind: answer the phone decisively when he does that in the future? Don't let him ejaculate inside when he does that in the future

Just thinking about this picture makes people feel refreshed.

On Monday afternoon, Wu Mangmang made an appointment with Wu Yong.

"How have you been lately?" This is Dr. Wu's usual opening line.

Wu Mangmang was not pretentious and poured out everything that had happened in the past two weeks like pouring beans.

Of course, this also includes the part performed with Shen Ting.

Wu Yong made a mark in the notebook, and Wu Mangmang once again played the role of a vulnerable woman who was forced to have an abortion.

"Why did you play the role of a person with a bad background who was forced to have an abortion? Haven't you always liked to challenge different roles?" Wu Yong asked.

"Again? When?" Wu Mangmang didn't quite remember.

"It's the person who sued you last time." Wu Yong said.

"Ah!" Wu Mangmang made a gesture of sudden realization, "Him." He became my boyfriend.

Wu Mangmang remembered that this was indeed the case.

"Why did you perform this again then?" Wu Yong asked again.

"There's no reason. It just went smoothly for me to act and the lines came naturally without me having to think about them. Sometimes I always feel that these things are not created by me, but have already existed in my mind, just waiting to be decoded." Wu Mangmang said.

If these things would pass through her mind, she would be able to control herself from having an attack.

Wu Yong highlighted it.

But he suddenly had a feeling that the foggy knot in his heart might not be alleviated with the passage of time and the maturity of his mind. Instead, it was buried behind the layers of years and would follow her for the rest of her life like a ghost.

Why do we always mention abortion subconsciously

This kind of drama did not appear in previous years, but it suddenly happened twice this year. However, the sample size is not enough, so it remains to be seen.

However, Wu Yong made a very bold guess.

Ever since he started working as a counselor in the fog, she has never played any positive roles and has always been on the path of being a female cannon fodder.

This is a subconscious and total denial of oneself.

It seems that I have determined that I am not valued or cared for because I am bad.

It is more comforting than not being able to win the love of others no matter how good she is.

As for abortion, perhaps the thought hidden deep in Wu Mangmang's heart was that she should not have come into this world at all.

It is best for two people who don't love each other not to have children.

Of course, these are all Wu Yong's personal speculations, and he cannot tell Wu Mangmang about them.

"Your acting range is a bit narrow. Why don't you try other types of roles?" Wu Yong said.

"For example?" Wu Mangmang asked.

"Like the female wasp."

"So you can also joke, Dr. Wu." Wu Mangmang said with a smile.

"I am recommending it seriously." Wu Yong said.

"I come to you for consultation so that I won't have seizures in the future." Wu Mangmang raised his eyebrows.

"In fact, it's better for you to have an outlet for your emotions than to have no outlet at all. Remember to try a positive role next time." Wu Yong said.

He walked out of Wu Yong's office in the fog, and just as he walked out the door, he received a call from Lu Sui.

"Hello." Wu Mangmang's voice was at least forty-five degrees more artificial, just like the tone of a girl in love.

The main thing is that tonight is the time to collect gambling prizes, and Wu Mangmang deliberately carried a backpack, which contained a SLR camera that she hadn't used in years.

But Mr. Lu’s abdominal muscles are worthy of a SLR.

"Where are you? I'll ask the driver to pick you up." Lu Sui said.

"No need, there's a subway downstairs, I can go there by myself." Wu Mangmang said.

Perhaps it was because he had lost the Hummer for too long, Wu Mangmang had become completely accustomed to public transportation.

At this time, if you wait for the drivers to arrive and then get to the dining place, the traffic will definitely be stuck until 8:30 in the evening.

It’s better to take the subway. It saves everyone trouble and everyone can have dinner on time.

"Don't leave there, I'll come and pick you up." Lu Sui changed his words.

Wu Mangmang sighed. Lu Sui actually misunderstood that she was angry that he only sent the driver over. She asked herself if she was so pretentious.

"Really? No need. I'm in the elevator. That's it." Wu Mangmang hung up the phone.

However, although Wu Mangmang had confidence in public transportation, she still failed to arrive at the restaurant on time.

Lu Sui looked at his watch and saw that he was already half an hour late due to the fog, which was beyond his tolerance limit.

Mr. Lu is usually so picky that he has to deal with people even if they are thirty seconds late, so Wu Mangmang has pushed him to a new low.

In fact, Wu Mangmang was also helpless at the moment. The screen of his mobile phone was broken when he was calling the obscene man on the subway, and he was also taken to the police station.

The wretched man's mother rushed over upon hearing the noise, and insisted that it was Wu Mangmang who slandered her son. She shouted loudly that she would find a lawyer to sue her and demanded that she kowtow to her son and admit her mistake.

Of course Wu Mangmang disagreed, as it was clearly that wretched man who pinched her butt on the subway.

The woman said that Wu Mangmang’s skirt was too short and she deliberately wanted the man to touch it.

The scholar couldn't explain himself when he met the soldier, and the woman was full of swear words. Wu Mangmang was so angry that he could do nothing.

Although her skirt is not long, she is wearing very thick wool socks, okay

Half an hour later, the other party actually found a lawyer with a face as vulgar as that son. It seemed that his family had some money, so he was so arrogant.

Wu Mangmang first called Ms. Liu, but Boss Wu and Ms. Liu were on a plane at the moment and their phones were turned off.

As for the others, Wu Mangmang couldn't remember any of their phone numbers, including Lu Sui, so she couldn't call Lu Sui to tell him she couldn't go.

One can imagine Mr. Lu’s anger at being stood up.

The fog was so thick that it was not until two hours later that Ms. Liu got off the plane and turned on her cell phone, and only then did she notify the lawyer to rescue her from the police station.

Fortunately, Ms. Liu was out of town at the moment, otherwise she would have been bombarded with fatigue in the fog.

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening when I finished the formalities. I got off the taxi in the fog, walked home listlessly with my head down, feeling as if all the strength in my body had been drained.

The unreasonable middle-aged lady is definitely a human biological weapon.

The car parked on the side of the road flashed its lights. I had to look up in the fog, and saw Lu Sui opening the door and getting out of the car.

Wu Mangmang's head tilted weakly to one side. She really didn't have the energy to deal with anyone tonight. Not only was she scolded by the humanoid weapon, but she was also severely beaten up by Boss Wu. At this moment, Wu Mangmang didn't want to see anyone at all.

Wu Mangmang simply stopped and waited for Lu Sui to scold her, even coming to her doorstep to accuse her.

However, Wu Mangmang waited for a long time, only for Lu Sui to hold her face in his hands.

"What's wrong with your mouth?" Lu Sui asked. There was a blood scar on her beautiful red lips, which was very unsightly.

Wu Mangmang blinked her eyes, feeling her lips being gently caressed by Lu Sui's thumb. Her nose felt sore and she buried her head in Lu Sui's arms.

At this time, no matter who it is, Wu Mangmang will grab hold of even the slightest comfort like a life-saving straw.

The cold winter always makes people yearn for warmth.

The weather forecast said it would snow tonight, and everyone thought it was a joke, but we didn't expect that it would actually snow.

Lu Sui hugged Wu Mangmang and originally wanted to take her to the car, but Wu Mangmang refused to move. When Lu Sui moved slightly, she hugged his waist tightly like a frightened rabbit and refused to let him move.

Lu Sui had no choice but to hold Wu Mangmang and stand in the snow and wind to act as a snowman.

Lu Sui waited for a long time. When he felt that Wu Mangmang was not moving much and his hands began to weaken, he gently moved his arms, but found that Wu Mangmang had no reaction.

This girl is really capable. She actually fell asleep while standing.