Drama Goddess

Chapter 46


When Wu Mangmang was brushing her teeth, she looked in the mirror at her short hair that had been bitten by a dog, and she couldn't help but slow down her brushing movements.

The problems with her brain are getting more and more outrageous. She has had long straight black hair for so many years, but it was ruined on Singles' Day.

And as for short hair, if you don’t have a stylist living at home, it’s best not to touch it. It does look pure and cute when it’s just blown, but after sleeping on it it may become a bird’s nest, and if you rub it a few times it will look like it’s been chewed by a dog.

Wu Mangmang soaked himself in the bathtub and reluctantly recalled what happened in the evening. It was really a typical case of "if you don't do it, you will die."

Lu Sui's demeanor was really good tonight. He didn't even yell at her "crazy" in public. He really showed his good self-control.

Apart from closing her eyes and pretending to ignore it, although Lu Sui didn't say anything harsh to her, Wu Mangmang felt indescribable discomfort in her heart.

That's roughly the mentality.

When her ex-boyfriends encountered such things, they would yell at her for being crazy, but Wu Mangmang always denied it and yelled back, saying that a man without a sense of humor would be better off dead.

How can men like them, who have minds as small as a needle tip, expect to marry a real white, rich and beautiful woman

Even she, a psychopath, looks down on them.

But when he met someone as tolerant as Lu Sui, Wu Mangmang began to reflect on himself, always feeling that he had let Lu Sui down for his tolerance.

She was worried that one day Lu Sui would no longer be so tolerant of her.

Nothing remains constant.

Back then, that man even dared to block a knife for her, and his right hand became disabled and he couldn't use his strength. In the end, didn't he just leave without looking back

But the only difference was that she was not sick at that time, or had not yet developed the disease.

So, no matter whether she is good or bad, everyone will let her go for various reasons.

So instead of being a painfully sober person, there is actually nothing wrong with being the way she is now.

But tonight, because of Lu Sui’s attitude, Wu Mangmang suddenly felt a little guilty, feeling guilty that she was not worthy of his kindness.

She felt that she had been childish and stupid tonight. She couldn't help but cover her face with her hands when she thought about it now. But at that time, she felt so excited and stimulated that she couldn't stop herself at all.

"Oh." Wu Mangmang wailed and submerged herself in the water. Gradually, a familiar feeling of suffocation came over her. She enjoyed a moment between death and death, then suddenly floated to the surface, gasping for breath.

It might seem scary to others, but to Wu Mangmang, it’s just a game she’s used to.

There was one time when I didn't master the skills well. Fortunately, the aunt at home found it in time, otherwise I would have gone to heaven in the fog.

Otherwise, Ms. Liu would not have been willing to send her to see a psychologist.

Wu Mangmang wiped the water off her face and felt that she was really pretentious.

There are so many people in the world who are more miserable than her. No one else wants to live or die, but here she is well fed and warmly clothed, has both parents, no mortgage, a decent job, and her current boyfriend is also very good-looking. How could she have thoughts of committing suicide

It's simply courting death.

But humans are such suicidal animals.

When survival is no longer a problem, they feel that they are superior to animals and different from beasts. They begin to pursue emotions and ideals, demand respect and love, and explore the meaning of life.

To put it bluntly, if Wu Mangmang lived in a family struggling for survival, her mental illness would become a problem because she would not have time to be sad.

So, rich people have more troubles.

Wumangmangchi walked out of the bathtub naked, admired her young body in the mirror, which was now glowing pink just out of the bath, and said, "You are such a stinky skin, a coward who wants to die but dares not to!"

Wu Mangmang pulled the towel next to him to wrap around his body, and changed his tone and said, "I'm not a coward. Death can be as light as a feather or as heavy as Mount Tai."

If she died like this now, not only would she not be able to go to heaven, I guess no one in the world would shed a few tears for her.

Boss Wu and Ms. Liu would probably angrily scold her for wasting food and being a nuisance.

Wudandan might cry a few times.

Lu Sui would probably be annoyed by having to deal with the Public Security Bureau. In this case, when a girlfriend dies inexplicably, the first person to be suspected is the boyfriend.

As for netizens, they would probably speculate whether she had been in a car accident.

In short, no one will remember her ten years later.

Of course Wu Mangmang didn't want to die like this.

She didn't want to pursue a master's degree on a whim. She just felt that she had some talent in this area and that if she worked hard she might be able to become an expert.

If she dies one day in the future, I hope someone will say: The passing of Wu is a great loss to our antique restoration industry.

Then she can rest in peace.

Otherwise, she can also be a perverted female killer. When the police school talks about cases in the future, her psychology will always be mentioned for analysis.

In view of the above two points, the entire weekend time on the second day of the fog was spent reading postgraduate entrance examination materials.

When I get tired of studying, I read a mystery book by Agatha, like Murder on the Orient Express.

It's a pity that the time is too long ago, and with modern investigative methods, there is no need for Detective Polo anymore.

So the fog turned to look at Keigo Higashino,

When Lu Sui returned home from a social event in the evening, he walked to the door of the side hall and looked at Wu Mangmang, who was sitting inside, scratching her head with a pen and studying. It really felt like he had raised a daughter.

The little girl probably encountered a problem. She just finished scratching her hair and then bit the pen tip in her mouth.

I finally started writing and then flipped through the book to the end.

It should be about the answer.

Lu Sui could clearly read the words "What the hell is this answer?" on the misty face.

"Want to take the postgraduate entrance examination?"

Wu Mangmang was so focused on doing the questions that he only reacted when he heard Lu Sui's voice and was hugged by him from behind.

"Have you been drinking?" Wumangmang wrinkled his nose.

"Yeah." Lu Sui half let go of the fog and loosened his collar.

I had a hunch that Lu Sui's attitude tonight was wrong, and wine was the medium of sex.

Seeing Lu Sui's appearance, a word suddenly popped up in Wumang's mind.


Wu Mangmang tried his best not to alert the enemy and said: "The postgraduate entrance examination is really difficult, but English is okay." Which blogger of Gao Bigger doesn't know a few words of English

“But are the people who set the political questions really human?” I answered all the multiple-choice questions incorrectly, as I had no idea of the weird thinking of the person who set the questions.

Lu Sui took the mineral water handed over by Peter and took a sip, "Don't scratch your head, I'll ask someone to hire a tutor for you tomorrow."

Lu Sui sat next to Wu Mangmang and asked, "Which school do you want to apply to? Have you contacted the tutor yet?"

Look, this is a highly efficient person who has taken full control of the initiative in an instant.

Wu Mangmang bit the tip of his pen and looked at Lu Sui, hesitantly saying, "I want to take the entrance exam to University A. My uncle is quite familiar with the professors there, and I have all the professional questions."

The reason she hesitated was that University A was not in this city.

"Your major is indeed the strongest in University A." Lu Sui said.

Wu Mangmang carefully observed Lu Sui's expression. This man didn't seem to mind at all that University A was not in this city.

This is definitely not normal. Is he not caring? Or is he caring too much and therefore doesn't want to alert the enemy

Wu Mangmang thought while slowly packing up his books and stationery.

Lu Sui looked at Wu Mangmang with amusement as he put the pen into the pencil case.

The pink little bunny pencil case, is it addicted to acting

"I went upstairs. I'm so tired after studying all day." In order to make it more realistic, Wu Mangmang even yawned.

"Well, what a pity. I wanted to give you the prize I lost tonight." Lu Sui said as he looked at Wu Mangmang who was holding the book to his chest in a defensive posture.

Can't a person be so cunning?!

We are all adult men and women, so how could we not understand Lu Sui's meaning in the vast fog

This has to be a replica of there's no such thing as a free lunch.

But we are all men and women who live for the sake of food and drink. Sooner or later, we will have to break through the obstacles, so there is no need to be pretentious in the fog.

It wouldn't be a loss if I could get a photo of Lu Sui's abdominal muscles in return.

After all, it is Lu Sui who is doing the hard work.

"I'll come to your room with a camera later to find you." Wu Mangmang said.

"Yeah." Lu Sui smiled and didn't move, as if he was afraid that Wu Mangmang would go back on his word.

Wu Mangmang waved his hand and said, "Go take a shower quickly."

Isn't this obvious enough

After returning to her room, Wu Mangmang took a nice bath and quickly applied a facial mask.

I want to change into a sexy pajamas, but it really doesn’t match my hairstyle.

Wu Mangmang had no choice but to take out a lively and cute pink bunny hooded sweater from the closet. There were two long bunny ears hanging down from the hood, which was so cute and adorable.

Unable to find suitable bottoms, Wu Mangmang could only put on a pair of shorts.

The hem of the bunny shirt just reaches the base of the thighs, hiding the shorts, but the pants can be seen when you raise your hand.

After getting dressed, Wu Mangmang took out his SLR camera and checked the battery level. Only after making sure that everything was in good condition did he go and knock on the door.

Lu Sui had probably just taken a shower and changed into jeans and a white T-shirt. He looked several years younger. He had a refined and noble temperament, which completely blurred the boundaries of his age.

In fact, Lu Sui himself is not old, but Wu Mangmang likes to silently think that he is an old man. Just like Lu Sui said, she is just looking for a sense of superiority.

At this moment, when Wu Mangmang saw Lu Sui's abdominal muscles faintly visible under his tight T-shirt, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva and felt a little scared.

After Lu Sui's eyes swept across the misty rabbit ears, they moved directly to the key point.

Wu Mangmang curled his lips and lifted up the bunny jacket with both hands, "I'm wearing pants."

Although it is almost the same whether you wear it or not, the confidence is completely different.

Lu Sui moved aside and Wu Mangmang walked in wearing rabbit-head slippers.

I turned around and saw Lu Sui taking off his T-shirt.

"You, what are you doing?" Wu Mangmang stuttered a little.

“Didn’t you say we were going to take pictures of our abdominal muscles?” Lu Sui asked back.

"Ah, oh." Wu Mangmang finally reacted and blamed Lu Sui in his heart for being too direct and not giving him any psychological preparation.

Wu Mangmang lowered his head and played with the camera to hide the blush on his face.

It’s not that she has never seen the world, but the mermaid line that goes deep under the jeans is so irresistible that people can’t help but let their imagination run wild.

"How?" Lu Sui asked.

Wu Mangmang then realized that Mr. Lu, who was rich and omnipotent, actually had no idea how to style himself.

Wu Mangmang blushed, lowered her head and said, "Just whatever you want."

He is handsome, has a good figure, is a natural clothes hanger, and is not afraid of the camera. He looks good no matter how he is photographed.

To be honest, being able to pose is a very powerful ability.

Of course Mr. Lu doesn't need to pose in any way. Just standing there he looks like a magazine cover photo.

There were a few crackling flashes in the mist, and suddenly I said, "Ah," "I almost forgot."

Wu Mangmang walked towards Lu Sui, put his hand on his trouser button, raised his head and said to Lu Sui: "Our agreement does not allow buttons to be buttoned."

Lu Sui grabbed Wu Mangmang's hand and said, "Don't cause trouble."

But having said that, it's too late.

Wu Mangmang hasn't even undressed yet, but something can't stand the loneliness anymore.

As a woman, Wu Mangmang cannot understand a man's character that can be easily ignited.

But at this time women always feel a sense of superiority, proud of their own huge charm and proud of being more evolved than men.

Wu Mangmang was of course no exception, but people tend to lose their guard when they are proud. When she was thrown heavily onto the bed, Lu Sui had already covered her.

The next second, Wu Mangmang's lips were blocked. Obviously Lu Sui had learned from his previous experience and was determined not to give Wu Mangmang a chance to speak.

Once you start laughing, you can't go on.

"I think I may not be able to respect your principles." Lu Sui said in Wu Mangmang's ear. His voice was low and hoarse, which made her feel as if a series of electric sparks were running under her skin.

Men really are two different animals.

The upper body is soothing you with gentle whispers, caring for you like Japanese tofu, and is afraid that you will melt if he blows on you.

But the lower body was so strong that it was not easy for you to retreat. In just a moment, Wu Mangmang felt like he was already meat on the chopping board.

But Lu Sui was a little anxious, and the kisses became more and more frequent.

My soul was dizzy and floated for three thousand miles in the fog. I only came back to my senses when I felt the coolness on my body.

It turned out that Lu Sui stepped back slightly to take off his own clothes.

Wu Mangmang was stunned after just one look.

Although she has never eaten pork, she still has a lot of scientific knowledge in this area. Lu Sui's pork is obviously oversized.

Wu Mangmang couldn't help but step back, but Lu Sui soon caught up with him.

Although it was a bit like showing off to others to say that she was a virgin at this time, Wu Mangmang thought it was better to say it out loud, "I, this is my first time."

The point is, you'd better go easy on it, or be prepared to do more.

Wu Mangmang felt that Lu Sui's movements paused significantly, and his body suddenly left her. She could hear Lu Sui taking a few quick breaths, then turning over and getting out of bed.

Wu Mangmang jumped up, pulled the quilt to cover himself, and didn't understand what Lu Sui meant.

Lu Sui put on his pants, turned around and said, "Sorry, we should have been more careful."

Although Wu Mangmang felt that the change was a bit sudden, as a girl, she couldn't just shamelessly rush towards a man when he said he should be cautious, right