Drama Goddess

Chapter 5


The speaker may not mean it, but the listener must take it seriously.

Wu Mangmang's heart skipped a beat, and he wondered if his "uncle" knew about his illness.

But then he thought it was impossible, because only her family and Wu Yong knew about her illness. But if Wu Yong dared to reveal her illness, he would lose his medical license.

However, Wu Mangmang immediately thought that when her father went to plead for mercy, he might just mention his "mental illness" to gain sympathy, which might not be impossible.

Wu Mangmang was in a daze when he was suddenly pushed by Lu Qingqing.

Lu Qingqing sighed in her heart. She was usually a very smart girl when seeing the fog, so why was she so distracted today

Although Lu Qingqing also knew that her uncle's face could easily distract women in this world where appearance is everything, Wu Mangmang shouldn't be like this. Hadn't he suffered enough

Wu Mangmang had come back to his senses at this moment, and turned around and asked Lu Qingqing quietly, "What is the God of Wealth's last name?"

Lu Qingqing slapped her forehead and remembered that she had forgotten to tell Wu Mangmang about this. "Lu."

Wu Mangmang quickly made amends, "Mr. Lu, it was all my fault last time. I was blind and didn't recognize a great man. You are a magnanimous person. Please don't be angry. It's really not worth it for me. I'm angry and hurt you, but I'm hurting my heart."

Wu Mangmang is dressed up again. If he adds horseshoe sleeves and a "zha" sound, he will look exactly like a little eunuch in front of the Emperor.

She actually knew that speaking like this in the current situation might only add fuel to the fire, but if she could control her words and actions, she wouldn't need to see a psychiatrist.

According to Wu Yong, when she encountered a situation that she wanted to escape from, she would use acting to deal with it, because actors are always playing the roles of others, and they do not actually have real experiences, so there is no need to cry and laugh, or live and die for the lives of the people in the situation.

Once the show is cut, the emotions are gone.

Before Wu Mangmang finished speaking, a man sitting on the right hand side of Uncle Caishen laughed out loud, "Are all the girls nowadays so funny when they talk?"

If you look at the fog without tinted glasses, then her habit of performing can indeed be called a disguised form of humor.

Because of this laughter, Wu Mangmang was particularly grateful to this man whom she had not noticed at all just now. He not only resolved her embarrassment, but also eased the atmosphere.

Wu Mangmang took a closer look and found that the man who laughed was actually quite handsome, the kind of tough guy handsome, with a short flat head, and looked very energetic. Although the laugh lines at the corners of his eyes revealed that he was not young, they also showed that he was a person who loved to laugh.

People who love to laugh are usually easier to get along with and usually have good luck.

Wu Mangmang observed with his sharp eyes that on the entire poker table, the most chips were piled in front of him.

Wu Mangmang should not have ignored this kind of man; he was exactly the image of Mr. Right in her mind.

Judging from his elegant manners, he must be from a good family. Judging from his handmade custom-made leather shoes, he must be financially capable. His physique makes women feel particularly safe. Although he can't fight four people alone, he can definitely take down two or three thugs.

This man not only satisfies the beauty's admiration for a hero, but also satisfies the gold-digger's desire to cry in a BMW.

But this man who was almost as good as she imagined was actually ignored by her just now.

It’s just that Uncle God of Wealth is too eye-catching.

Sitting there motionless, but his whole body is full of drama.

So although Wu Mangmang was distracted by the gentleman with the nice laughter, his attention soon returned to the God of Wealth.

"Qingqing, you are becoming more and more out of control, bringing all kinds of people here." Lu Sui said lightly, and his eyes returned to the card table.

Only a vast expanse of fog was left, and my face suddenly turned red, so hot that I could fry an egg on it, and my head seemed to be boiling.

This is probably what it means to feel ashamed.

Miss Wumangmang has never heard such words in her life.

She was actually a spoiled child. Although her parents didn't care much about her when she was young, they were always generous to her with money.

Wu Mangmang has always been the "white, rich and beautiful" girl in the class since elementary school. She is responsible for all the ice cream and birthday cakes in the class.

He had a bunch of little followers behind him, and he was always surrounded by people until he went to college.

Even without mentioning the money in her purse that had to jump out, just the face of Wu Mangmang was enough for her to enjoy more preferential treatment than others.

After all, Wu Mangmang is the campus belle of G University, and was even voted as the most beautiful campus belle of all time on the campus BBS.

Until today, Wu Mangmang was finally awakened by a bucket of cold water. It turned out that in front of some people, she was nothing. Her appearance and family background, which she was proud of, were not worth mentioning in the eyes of others.

It seems that I really need to start working on both the inside and the outside.

Lu Sui's light words made the atmosphere at the scene suddenly awkward.

Ning Zheng looked at the poor little Wu Mangmang with some sympathy.

People like them have seen all kinds of beauties, and the feeling of being amazed disappeared many years ago.

But at this moment, Ning Zheng looked at the vast fog and felt for no reason that this little girl was incredibly beautiful.

It was just a simple white T-shirt with the front half tucked into jeans, which is the common outfit of young girls who think they are trendy nowadays.

The jeans are deliberately made to look old, with several holes worn on the knees and thighs, but you could call them trendy.

White canvas shoes and rivet backpack.

The breath of youth is overwhelming, which is quite attractive to those men who are trying hard to regain their youth.

However, what attracted Ning Zheng the most was the foggy look.

There was a look of confusion on her face at first, as if she had not yet recovered from being humiliated like this.

What followed was burning shame, but his eyes were very stubborn, trying to express an expression like "I don't care, you don't have the final say, it's you who doesn't know the value of gold and jade."

But in fact, the poor little thing's self-esteem has been thrown to the ground.

He looks hurt, but pretends to be strong and says "you can't hurt me".

Such awkwardness, shyness, bright eyes, flushed cheeks, rapid breathing, and heaving chest are all amazing.

But no matter how surprised he was, and no matter how sympathetic he was, Ning Zheng was unwilling to refute Lu Sui's words in front of him.

Unexpectedly, although Lu Qingqing's face turned ugly and she was a little scared after hearing this, she did not just pull Wu Mangmang away. Instead, she continued to beg, "Uncle, Mangmang is here to apologize sincerely. She already knows she was wrong."

Wu Mangmang didn't expect Lu Qingqing to be so loyal.

She can definitely be described as a man of great righteousness. She didn't expect that the friendship of "liking each other's posts" between them would make Lu Qingqing try her best to help her.

In fact, Wu Mangmang had already realized that the God of Wealth was a man of his word, and no one present was willing to risk offending him by refutation of his words.

Lu Qingqing was able to do this, which showed that she had much more courage than blocking machine guns and blowing up bunkers.

Seeing this, Ning Zheng had no choice but to help Lu Qingqing give Lu Sui a way out, otherwise the two little girls would definitely be scared. "These little girls look pitiful. Why not give them a chance?"

Lu Sui looked at Ning Zheng and smiled without knowing why.

Although Ning Zheng didn't understand the meaning of Lu Sui's smile, he already knew that Lu Sui didn't care about the little girl, he just didn't like being disturbed.

It was true that Lu Sui originally liked quietness and lived his life like an ascetic monk, even suppressing his desires.

He went to Tibet once a year, and every time everyone thought that he would come back dressed as a lama, but he was still alive in the world.

"Come on, help me draw a card." Ning Zheng turned his head and said to the girl next to him.

The beautiful female companion stretched out her freshly manicured hand, twisted her hips and touched a card, her body language so rich that it was breathtaking.

But it was of no use. I picked up a useless card and it was hit by the opponent after I played it.

Ning Zheng's female companion pouted, and he gently patted the back of her hand, "It's okay."

The ladder has been handed to Wu Mangmang, and her fate, or the fate of her father's small furniture factory, depends entirely on her luck of cards.

Ning Zheng put his arm around his female companion's shoulders and said to Lu Sui, "How about letting the little girl help you pick a card?"

Lu Sui didn't comment, but he leaned back in his chair to make some space.

Lu Qingqing gently pushed Wu Mangmang and whispered behind her: "Uncle doesn't like being touched."

Wu Mangmang was lucky that she was wearing a T-shirt and jeans today, which would help prevent any part of her body or fabric from touching her uncle, the God of Wealth.

Wu Mangmang walked to Lu Sui's side, straightened his chest and pulled in his stomach, wishing his chest was pressed against his back. He didn't even dare to exhale the hot air. He could only hold his breath and stretch out his hand. Without any unnecessary body language, he drew a card at lightning speed.

As if she was afraid that others would not allow her to touch the cards.

This was a neat and tidy move, not only making Ning Zheng chuckle, but also making Shen Ting, who was sitting opposite Lu Sui and was serious, smile.

Wu Mangmang is also a mahjong player. When he was in college, he often lost living expenses to the girls in the same dormitory.

Although it was a bit intentional, it is also a fact that my luck with cards has never been good.

At this moment, Wu Mangmang didn't dare to turn over the cards to look at them. He just touched the card with his thumb. It should be an "F", but he couldn't tell the exact number.

Wu Mangmang lowered his eyelids and took a peek at Lu Sui's cards.

Wow, not only are the f cards all the same suit, but they are also dragon seven pairs. I already have three nine f cards in my hand, so I just hang on to the other nine f card.

But looking at the cards on the table, there is not a single f, which shows that the other three players all want f. Even so, they still dare to make such cards. They are really brave.

"Turn it over quickly and let us see. Lu Sui lost a car today. It depends on whether you can help him turn over." Jiang Baoliang said.

There was really nothing Wu Mangmang could do. She couldn't figure out what F it was anyway. Whether it was a dragon or a worm depended on this one card. She closed her eyes and turned the card over with all her might and placed it on the table, her hand reluctantly leaving the card surface.

There was silence all around. Wu Mangmang waited for five seconds but there was no movement. He had no choice but to open his eyelids and half-close his eyes to look at the card.

"Wow, it's ninef, it's ninef, it's really ninef." Wu Mangmang jumped up with a smile, and started jumping and dancing while holding Lu Qingqing.

The road follows the push down of the cards.

Ning Zheng smiled and said, "It seems that the little girl is very lucky for you."