Drama Goddess

Chapter 6


Lu Sui sneered faintly and waved his hand with the back of his hand facing outward towards Lu Qingqing and Wu Mangmang, signaling the two "noises" to hurry up as if chasing away puppies.

Lu Qingqing grabbed Wu Mangmang's arm and led her downstairs, "Let's go."

Wu Mangmang was still a little worried and asked, "Does this mean everything is fine?"

Lu Qingqing said: "It should be fine now."

Wu Mangmang was always worried until she got a definite answer. She knew that she was fine and she would not starve to death as she had hands and feet.

But all the beauty in their family is concentrated on her, and the ratio of men to women is drastically unbalanced. If her brother has no money, how will he find a wife in the future

Lu Qingqing looked at the mist and wanted to go back, so she grabbed her and said, "It's okay, it's okay. You are so lucky for my uncle. Once the news of what happened tonight gets out, no one will bother your family again."

Wu Mangmang finally felt relieved. He let out a breath and laughed, "You know what, today was really a bit weird. I used to be notoriously bad at playing cards. I thought I was doomed today, but I didn't expect to get ninef." This was really weird.

Seeing that Wu Mangmang was smiling again, Lu Qingqing said excitedly: "You must be very lucky today. Come on, I'll set up a card game for you and have fun." After Lu Qingqing said this, she reached out to hold Wu Mangmang's hand.

Wu Mangmang did not move. She looked at Lu Qingqing with some confusion. To be honest, Lu Qingqing was too nice to her tonight.

No one dared to say anything at that time. Lu Qingqing's hands were shaking but she still spoke up for her. Knowing that her pocket money had been confiscated, she found ways to give her money.

Maybe pie in the sky does exist, but it is impossible for it to happen to her.

"Qingqing, is there something wrong with you? Just tell me what you have to say. I will never say no if I can help you in any way." Wu Mangmang said generously.

Lu Qingqing's mouth opened and closed, and finally she said, "Didn't you post that Hermès bag on your Moments last time?"

When Lu Qingqing said that, Wu Mangmang suddenly remembered that she had to wait in line for two years to get that bag made of special material, but it was not a big deal. Wu Mangmang immediately said, "What did I think it was? You helped me so much, a bag is nothing. I'll send it to you tomorrow."

Lu Qingqing didn't say anything.

Wu Mangmang immediately changed the topic and said, "Why don't you go to my house now and I'll get it for you?" She could especially understand women's craze for bags. Once they had one, they would never want to wait overnight to get it.

Lu Qingqing smiled and nodded several times.

The foggy mansion now looks absolutely super rich and beautiful.

Seven or eight years ago, when other places were only selling for a few thousand yuan per square meter, the developers here suddenly offered an eye-catching price of 70,000 yuan per square meter.

Everyone who bought it was called an idiot.

At that time, Wu Mangmang's parents had just reconciled and had not yet had a second child. They were anxious to save the relationship with their only daughter, so they were willing to be an idiot as long as their daughter was happy.

Thinking about it now, Wu Mangmang's luck wasn't that bad after all. This 300-square-meter mansion, which currently costs 200,000 yuan per square meter, was enough for her dowry.

However, Wu Mangmang had no intention of inviting Lu Qingqing to visit her residence at the moment. She turned her head to Lu Qingqing who had parked her car downstairs and said, "Wait a moment, I'll go up and get it for you."

"Can I use your bathroom?" Lu Qingqing smiled awkwardly.

What else can you say in the fog

As soon as Lu Qingqing entered the foggy house, she immediately sighed, "Wow, omg, are you traveling back in time to ancient times? Even costume dramas can be filmed in your house."

Wumangmang Taoist is a completely Chinese style, and it is a typical Chinese classical style, with partitions, screens, curtains, Luohan couch, Duobao Pavilion...

Even the toilet in the bathroom is made of blue and white porcelain.

Most of the items on display in Duobao Pavilion are ceramics, ranging from imitations of Ru kiln to pastels and enamels. Wu Mangmang takes advantage of his work to find people to imitate and burn them. In short, he strives to restore a realistic ancient era.

It's convenient for her to direct and act in the film herself.

But that's also why she doesn't want to invite people into her home.

Wu Mangmang poured a glass of water for Lu Qingqing who had just come out of the bathroom, and said, "Wait a moment, I'll get your bag for you."

Lu Qingqing was not a quiet person. She stood up and followed Wu Mangmang to visit her house.

"Just pile the bags like this?" Lu Qingqing was really enlightened. Wu Mangmang led her directly to the utility room.

The utility room is filled with antique shelves, on which are piled layers of bags, shoe boxes and other items.

"These things don't match the style outside." Wu Mangmang explained as he struggled to rummage through the pile of bags, "The place is not big enough, so we can only pile them here."

After much difficulty, he dug out the bag that he had been waiting in line for two years from under the mountain in the fog and handed it to Lu Qingqing.

Lu Qingqing said exaggeratedly: "Is this how you treat my baby?"

Wu Mangmang shrugged. The only use of these bags for her was to take a few photos and post them on WeChat Moments and Weibo when she first got them.

But in reality, it is both delicate and inconvenient to use, and Wu Mangmang still prefers her riveted backpack.

Now that we have entered the room, there is no reason for the mist to rush to see us off.

She boiled water in a small ceramic kettle to make tea for Lu Qingqing.

Lu Qingqing held the imitation Ru kiln sky blue Gongfu teacup in her hand up to the light and said, "The quality is not bad. You are quite particular about it. You make each one in a set. It's just that the taste of this tea is a little bit off."

Wu Mangmang thought to himself, acting is all about making the scenes look real. Are you really eating hot meals when you are acting in a TV drama

Therefore, you can't compromise on the teacup, and as for the tea, a bag of third-grade jasmine tea that costs a dozen yuan will be enough.

The mist was vast and its elegant posture poured tea into Lu Qingqing's teacup.

"Is this tap water? It smells strongly of disinfectant." Lu Qingqing, who was used to drinking air-transported mineral water, said pickily.

"In fact, water plants now use chlorine/gas for disinfection." Wu Mangmang explained to Lu Qingqing wholeheartedly, and then added, "The water purifier is not powered on to save energy."

This is the pain of living in a luxury house when you are broke. You can hardly even pay the property management fee.

Lu Qingqing couldn't help but giggle.

"Actually, my uncle is not that stingy. It's just that you were really unlucky that day. You happened to run into my uncle and Dong Keke together." Lu Qingqing said.

Wu Mangmang was originally curled up in the cushion on the couch playing with his cell phone. When he heard what Lu Qingqing said, he immediately became interested.

"I knew you would be interested." Lu Qingqing said with a smile, raising her index finger.

She leaned towards the mist, sniffed and said, "What perfume are you using? It smells nice."

Wu Mangmang said, "It's the lily of the valley from Guerlain. Tell me quickly, why am I so unlucky?"

Wu Mangmang was filled with excitement. She knew there must be a reason behind what happened that day. Otherwise, a normal person would think she was crazy at most. How could she send a lawyer's letter for no reason

And this will also prove that it’s not that she is not beautiful enough, but that she accidentally stepped on the opponent’s landmine.

Wu Mangmang thought again of the indifferent demeanor of Uncle God of Wealth today, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt itchy.

It was as if the other person was holding a Persian cat and tickling her heart.

Wu Mangmang is such a person. The less the other party takes her seriously, the more she tries to attract the other party's attention in a humble way.

It is said that this psychological problem is caused by the fact that she receives too much attention and can easily grab the other person's admiration. The easier it is to get, the more disdainful she is. She likes to climb to the top and conquer unfinished tasks.

Many people cannot understand why those rich guys always form teams to climb Mount Everest, and whenever they have free time, they form teams to climb K2 (K2), which is known as the most difficult to conquer. Such a place is a place where your life safety cannot be guaranteed even if you have enough money to build a Mount Everest.

The thick fog is understandable. It's because they can't find any target that requires much effort to climb, so they can only risk their lives, which is exciting.

Wu Mangmang felt that she was too young and had not lived enough, so she decided to conquer the mountain of men. At least her life would not be in danger.

But maybe in the future she will marry a rich man, a very rich man, and when she is in her thirties or forties, she will choose to conquer the world's mountains.

I've gone off topic. I was almost distracted by the fog.

Fortunately, Lu Qingqing didn’t keep the secret, “Dong Keke and my uncle are childhood sweethearts.”

"I didn't realize she was that old. Oh, so she lied about her age." Wu Mangmang couldn't help but interrupt, "I was wondering if she could be only 28 with such deep neck wrinkles."

"She just flew to Switzerland to get sheep placenta injections not long ago, and my mom happened to see her there." Lu Qingqing said.

Wu Mangmang immediately asked curiously, "Is sheep placenta really that magical?"

Lu Qingqing also immediately began to give Wu Mangmang some scientific knowledge.

Wu Mangmang said: "I can suggest my mother to try it. She used it and it worked well, so I'll go there too."

"Okay, we'll form a team then." Lu Qingqing said.

Seeing that the two women were about to talk about something else, Wu Mangmang was still thinking about the gossip and brought the topic back, "Go on, so Dong Keke is your uncle's girlfriend?"

"First love. To be precise, it's just first love." Lu Qingqing emphasized.

Wu Mangmang started to talk about something else again, "First love? Just now you said childhood sweethearts, doesn't that mean Dong Keke's family is also rich and powerful?"

Wu Mangmang hugged the pillow, touched his chin and said, "No wonder Dong Keke has been in the industry for so many years and has basically no scandals. Moreover, her first movie was directed by a big name and produced in a big way, and she acted with a superstar. I thought she saved the galaxy in her previous life."

"Tsk, she's nothing special. She comes from a family that does mining."

"Coal mine?" Wu Mangmang asked immediately, thinking that this was incredible. If Dong Keke was the descendant of a coal boss, her genes would be too beautiful. Her mother must have to be very beautiful to raise the average value.

"No, she's just a marble miner." Lu Qingqing said, "There's nothing special about her family. If there's anything special about them, it's that Dong Keke is the only woman who has been pregnant with my uncle's child in all these years."

"When?" Wu Mangmang immediately opened his eyes wide and asked, "I haven't heard that the national goddess has been pregnant?"

"When I was seventeen or eighteen years old." Lu Qingqing said.

Wu Mangmang is a master at interrupting people, and she continued, "I knew it. It must have happened when they were very young. Look at your uncle now. He is absolutely impervious to all rumors. It's just that he was too impulsive when he was young. He either didn't want to use condoms because he felt it was just an itch, or he was too impatient and didn't have a condom in his pocket. But it's also possible that Dong Keke bought fake emergency drugs."

Wu Mangmang couldn't stop talking about this topic. "But more than a decade ago, we weren't that open, and the Internet wasn't that developed. They probably didn't know how to use contraception. What a sin! How can our country be like this? There is such a lack of sex education, and it's still hidden."

"Let me tell you, last time I saw a news report about a couple with PhDs who had no children after marriage, so they went to see a fertility clinic. It turned out that they were two idiots who thought they could have a baby simply by covering themselves with a quilt." When Wu Mangmang said this, he immediately laughed out loud.

Lu Qingqing also started laughing.

"What do you think is the reason behind your uncle and the others' behavior?" Women especially love to gossip about other people's privacy.

"How would I know such details?"

"Okay, go on." Fortunately, Wu Mangmang remembered to bring the topic back, "The goddess must not have given birth to the child, right?"

"Isn't it? Dong Keke hadn't made her debut at that time, but she had always wanted to enter the entertainment industry. Her family opposed it, and it was my uncle who supported her in pursuing her dream. But Dong Keke, that idiot, actually aborted the baby behind my uncle's back in order to enter the entertainment industry, and even lied to him that it was a natural miscarriage."

The result is predictable. The two childhood sweethearts who were each other's first love broke up.

"Now Dong Keke regrets it and wants to quit the entertainment industry to win back my uncle." Lu Qingqing said "tsk" several times in a row, "What a pity, now the women who want to have children for my uncle are lined up as far as the Pacific Ocean, how can the old and ugly Dong Keke get her turn?"

Wu Mangmang nodded and said yes, at least she wanted to queue up.

"Do you understand?" Lu Qingqing asked Wu Mangmang.

Wu Mangmang nodded, "I understand. At that time, this incident must have caused an immeasurable psychological trauma to our uncle, so now when he hears that a woman is pregnant with his child and wants to have an abortion, his face will change immediately."

Wu Mangmang sighed and said with deep understanding: "So, the injuries you suffered in childhood are difficult to make up for no matter how happy you are when you grow up."

Wu Mangmang bit her nails and said, "After all, this is my first child, so the impression must be particularly deep. And my first love would rather choose career than him? How hurtful to my self-esteem!"

Long-term illness makes a doctor, Wu Mangmang herself is almost half a psychoanalyst. She moved closer to Lu Qingqing and said in a tone that was not confident enough to say bad things about someone, but was particularly gossipy: "With our uncle's vindictive personality, didn't he make things difficult for Dong Keke at that time?"

"Our uncle is not that kind of person. After all, one night of love is worth a hundred days of grace. He would not bother to do that kind of thing. She's just a woman. If she wants to leave, just leave." Lu Qingqing naturally supported Lu Sui.

"But then again, it's not that I don't want to take revenge, it's just that the time has not come yet." Lu Qingqing smiled, "Didn't the Dong family have problems recently? They didn't open the mine and were jealous of others doing real estate. As a result, the economy is in a downturn, the capital chain is broken, and the real estate has problems again. Dong Keke is thinking about coming back to find her uncle."

"Oh, so it's because of this Dong Keke that you came back to find your uncle?" Wu Mangmang said clearly, thinking that it seems that the God of Wealth has no attraction to first love. Thinking of this, the charm of the God of Wealth in Wu Mangmang's heart also dropped by 30%.

"No, she has been flirting with my uncle for years, trying to rekindle the love affair, but how could my uncle ever go back to her? She used to be able to behave herself, but this time she has lost all her dignity and is crying and begging my uncle to help her family?" Lu Qingqing pouted.

"Then what?" Wu Mangmang asked.

"And then what? My uncle is not a saint. He is generous and magnanimous for not taking advantage of her family's misfortune."

"But..." Lu Qingqing patted Wu Mangmang's shoulder with regret, "But it's a pity. Why not do something else? It just happened to expose the scar in my uncle's heart."

This incident was simply a repeat of the past, and Wu Mangmang also knew that he had walked into trouble.

"Actually, this matter is not my fault. It was their own carelessness or lack of physiological knowledge that caused a death. In the end, the cause and effect turned into my fault. Who did I offend?" Wu Mangmang sighed.