Drama Goddess

Chapter 64


Wu Mangmang didn't know what Ning Zheng was implying, so he instinctively responded, "A University is also a good school."

Ning Zheng smiled and said, "I didn't say that University A is bad. But the major you chose can be used as a hobby."

In fact, Wu Mangmang has never regarded his work as a hobby.

In the past few years of work, Wu Mangmang had been working seriously except for the time when he took leave to receive treatment from Wu Yong. Until he met Lu Sui, many unexpected things happened.

"By the way, why did you think of studying at A University? There is also a very good university in this city that offers your major." Ning Zheng said, looking into the misty eyes.

Wu Mangmang did not avoid Ning Zheng's eyes. She understood Ning Zheng's hint, "Oh, how come Mr. Ning feels sober, but others seem muddleheaded, right?"

Ning Zheng shrugged. "Why do you look like someone has hit you right in the heart and you're getting angry out of shame?"

Ning Zheng's words almost choked Wu Mangmang to death.

Wu Mangmang was indeed a little angry and embarrassed, because she had long forgotten her original intention of choosing to study at University A.

"I don't want to bother with you." Wu Mangmang turned his head away.

Ning Zheng looked at Wu Mangmang's face, which was obviously flushed because of anger, and even the corners of her eyes were slightly red.

A beauty is one who can be angry or happy, and is charming no matter how you look at her.

"So boring. How come you have become as boring as Lu Sui since you have been together?" Ning Zheng said jokingly.

Ning Zheng's words directly hit the nail on the head for Wu Mangmang. In fact, she herself also felt that it was quite boring and there was no fun at all in her life.

"Yes, who can be as interesting as you, your brother and Shen Yuanzi, right?" Wu Mangmang was hit in the sore spot, so he fought back without any grace.

"Why are you eating?" Lu Sui walked over, raised his hand to check the time, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

Wu Mangmang immediately put down the food in his hand. After hearing Lu Sui's words, he realized that he had actually broken the rule of not eating after 8 o'clock. It was all because of Ning Zheng's anger.

"Oh, I was a little hungry just now." Wu Mangmang covered up.

Lu Sui glanced at Wu Mangmang, then looked at Ning Zheng, and then said to Wu Mangmang: "Aunt is looking for you."

Wu Mangmang said "Oh" and hurried to serve Queen Mother Lu Jianan.

"Let's go. Don't you want to cooperate with Lan Yue?" Lu Sui looked at Ning Zheng and said.

With Lu Sui acting as a matchmaker, Lan Yue and Ning Zheng had a very pleasant conversation.

Tonight's heroine, Shen Yuanzi, slowly walked to Wu Mangmang's side and said with a smile, "Ning Zheng wants to persuade Lan Yue to help him promote his products. But Lan Yue has indeed taken good care of herself. She is forty years old, but she still looks like a baby. If she is willing to help Ning Zheng, it will be very convincing."

Wu Mangmang lowered his eyelids, not knowing what Shen Yuanzi was trying to do.

"In fact, Lan Yue and Ning Zheng have some grievances. If Lu Sui hadn't mediated, she would never help Ning Zheng. But she would never help Ning Zheng unconditionally." Shen Yuanzi paused, playing with the wine glass in her hand, and raised the corner of her eye towards Wu Mangmang. "It all depends on how Lu Sui convinces her, don't you think?"

Wu Mangmang smiled and looked back at Shen Yuanzi, thinking that your method of sowing discord was too low. Do you want me to destroy the cooperation between Lan Yue and Ning Zheng

Wu Mangmang looked up at Lu Sui and Lan Yue. Lan Yue was naturally beautiful, generous and radiant, but if someone like Lu Sui really wanted to be with Lan Yue, there would be no place for her, Wu Mangmang.

Wu Mangmang's vision is very accurate. For a person like Lu Sui, he never allows any accidents in his life. Everything is under his control. He knows clearly what he wants and what he doesn't want. There is definitely no hope for Lan Yue.

"Lu Sui is a very persuasive person." Wu Mangmang followed Shen Yuanzi's words.

Shen Yuanzi thought that Wu Mangmang didn't understand her hint, but when she looked into Wu Mangmang's eyes, she realized that she had made a fool of herself, so she sneered in response. A woman who is arrogant and underestimates her enemy will not know how she will die.

Wu Mangmang glanced at Shen Yuanzi's leaving back and felt a little regretful. Back then at the grassland villa, she had given Shen Yuanzi a thumbs up. She never expected that she would do this to herself now.

She wanted to say a few words of comfort. Her relationship with Shen Yuanzi was not that close, and Miss Shen looked down on her as a nouveau riche who had risen to prominence lately. She might even think that she had ulterior motives.

So Wu Mangmang obediently followed Lu Jianan to socialize and benefited a lot from it. However, it was really painful to wear high heels for too long, and someone had to continue to rescue her.

Somehow, Wu Mangmang remembered her first love, whom she had not thought about much in many years, but thought about frequently this year.

Thinking back to the time when he carried me on his back while climbing the mountain in three-inch high heels, he was such a poor guy, but he had really good physical strength.

Maybe she drank too much champagne, or maybe she was distracted by the past, but when Wu Mangmang followed Lu Sui downstairs, the thin heel of her high heels accidentally got stuck in the gap of the elevator, so that she fell forward in embarrassment. Fortunately, Lu Sui reacted quickly and Wu Mangmang was able to avoid the embarrassing situation of biting shit.

However, even so, the next day, the video of Wu Mangmang, Lu Sui's girlfriend, "falling in the elevator" became a hit on the Internet, with over 500,000 hits in half a day.

The video was taken by a hotel guest at the time, who happened to use his mobile phone and uploaded it to a famous video website for everyone's entertainment.

The Lu family responded promptly that day. The video was withdrawn by the person who filmed it in the afternoon and disappeared from the Internet.

In fact, falling down is very normal, but it is not acceptable when it happens to celebrities or socialites, as it is enough to make ordinary people clap and laugh.

Even if a shoulder strap slips off while celebrities are chatting, the media will report it with big headlines, let alone the fact that this was a wrestling fall in the fog.

Although the video was withdrawn, some people still saved it on their computers and edited it into various spoof videos for their own entertainment.

Because of this incident, Lu Jianan didn't treat Wu Mangmang well for a whole week and temporarily stopped her social activities.

Good fortune never comes alone, and misfortune never comes singly. After Wu Mangmang fell, he caught a cold again. This time he coughed particularly badly. His whole body was hot at night, but his forehead was cold. He went for an X-ray and found out that he had pneumonia and needed to get an IV drip at home.

However, despite being sick, Wu Mangmang was happy and at ease. She could do her tasks seriously and upgrade her game equipment. She had slipped out of the top 20 on the equipment ranking list.

Wu Mangmang actually plays games secretly. Lu Sui really doesn't like her playing games. He thinks that wasting precious time in the virtual world is a waste of life and is also very harmful to the eyes.

As for Wu Mangmang, she just couldn't help but indulge in the virtual world. She felt safe and comfortable. She could forget all the unpleasant things when playing games.

This was the gulf between them that could not be crossed.

Considering that Lu Sui hadn't come up to check on him for an hour, Wu Mangmang felt a little strange, so he tiptoed downstairs and prepared to harass Lu Sui in his study.

However, there was no one in the study, but a loud female voice came from the side hall for guests. Wu Mangmang listened carefully and heard his own name from Lu Jianan's mouth.

"Just indulge her. She can't even walk. I don't know what she's thinking about all day long." Lu Jianan was a little exasperated.

"Aunt, don't be angry, just teach her more." Lu Sui comforted Lu Jianan.

"How else can I teach you? I have never worried so much in my life. I can teach a pig so well. You are a piece of rotten wood that cannot be carved. If your mother were still alive, you would never be able to enter the Lu family."

Wu Mangmang held her breath in her mouth and puffed her face up to the size of a pig, so she said that she was a piece of rotten wood. Lu Sui lied to her with his eyes open and said that Lu Jianan liked her.

"Mangmang is very smart, she is just young. Thank you for your concern, aunt." Lu Sui said.

"How can she be considered young? She is not serious at all." Lu Jianan rubbed his temple with a headache, "I think it is unnecessary for her to study for a master's degree. It is useless anyway and it is not in this city. If she really wants to make progress, she should be sent abroad to study for two years. Her academic qualifications are really not that good."

In fact, the undergraduate school that Wu Mangmang attended is also first-class in China. Of course, it cannot be compared with Yale, Harvard, and MIT.

When people around him started saying things like “I did this and that when I was at Yale,” Wumangmang felt a little embarrassed.

Eavesdropping is not a good habit, especially when others are still saying bad things about you. Wu Mangmang turned around and tiptoed back to the room, restarted the game, spent three thousand dollars, and gave himself a new look.

Currently, she is the only one in the entire server wearing this outfit. Wherever she goes, she attracts countless attention and shouts of "Goddess, please date me".

These people don't care about her academic qualifications.

Lu Sui went upstairs on time at nine o'clock. Wu Mangmang felt really pitiful for himself. Because he was sick and couldn't make love, he had to go to bed at nine o'clock, even earlier than Wu Dandan.

"As for Mr. Guo, all the graduate students who were admitted this year have already arrived at the school and started helping with experiments. I talked to him last time and he is researching a new technique for repairing Buddha statues and gilding them. I also want to go and learn from him first, is that okay?" Wu Mangmang looked at Lu Suidao in the darkness.

"Next month I plan to take you to a winery in France to stay for a while. There's no rush to go to school after school starts." Lu Sui said, stroking Wu Mangmang's back up and down.

"Oh." Wu Mangmang turned his back to Lu Sui to show that he was a little angry.

But Lu Sui behind her had no intention of changing his mind, nor did he come to coax her as Wu Mangmang expected. Anyway, he had the final say in everything. Wu Mangmang opened her eyes wide in the darkness, feeling a little dazed.

Before the trip to France took place, Wu Mangmang started a cold war with Lu Sui.

Or it could be said that it was Wu Mangmang who started a unilateral cold war, and Lu Sui would tease her when he was free, and put her aside when he was busy, leaving Wu Mangmang's mouth pouting so much that it could hold an oil bottle, and he ignored her.

Mr. Lu obviously understands that women should not be spoiled too much.

There is simply no way out in the fog. This person is stubborn and even if you get angry or start a cold war with him, he will just treat you like a child, pat your head and let you reflect and grow on your own.

As for Lu Jianan, Wu Mangmang's attitude was even more negative. This was Wu Mangmang's shortcoming. She really couldn't get along with people who didn't like her.

Although this aunt did not like him, Wu Mangmang had to admit that she was really teaching him with all her heart, so Wu Mangmang was not ungrateful. In addition, because of Lu Sui, Wu Mangmang was very patient with her and regarded Lu Jianan's words as an imperial decree. She was almost getting hemorrhoids from holding it in.

But perhaps because she was too careless, Lu Jianan's patience with her finally ran out. One day, Wu Mangmang had just finished an IV drip and was about to go downstairs to stretch his muscles when he saw his angry aunt going straight to Lu Sui's study.

Wu Mangmang was a little surprised. Lu Jianan, like Lu Sui, was a person who never showed his emotions on his face and always remembered the demeanor of a socialite. This was the second time he was so angry. The last time was when Wu Mangmang eavesdropped on someone.

Wu Mangmang hesitated for a moment, but curiosity overcame everything. He turned around and went back to get a glass, placed it upside down on the door of Lu Sui's study, and put his ear close to it to eavesdrop.

"Lu Sui, no matter who you like, your aunt won't interfere. But do you really understand Wu Mangmang?" Lu Jianan seemed to throw something to Lu Sui and let him see it for himself.

"I know all this, aunt." Lu Sui's voice was calm.

"Did you know that she was admitted to a mental hospital when she was eighteen?" Lu Jianan raised his voice by half a degree.

"Mangmang is fully recovered now, no different from ordinary people." Lu Sui said calmly.

"What do you mean everything is fine? She has been seeing a psychiatrist." Lu Jianan said.

"Aunt, who doesn't have some mental illness in modern society? You have been with Mangmang for such a long time, do you think there is anything abnormal about her?" Lu Sui said calmly.

"Lu Sui, Wu Mangmang is absolutely not an option. I know you. You are not interested in ordinary women, but you don't need to find a mentally ill one to seek fresh excitement, right?" Lu Jianan said bluntly.

"Aunt, I always respect you, but please don't interfere in this matter. I know my own feelings clearly." Lu Sui said coldly.

"Lu Sui, if you marry Wu Mangmang, someone will always check her background. Then nothing can be covered up, and your aunt will not agree." Seeing that Lu Sui's attitude was very tough, Lu Jianan softened his tone.

"Lu Lin has already made us worry so much, do you want to do the same?"

Wu Mangmang was too lazy to listen to the rest of the words. She put the glass back to its place and went back to her computer. As soon as she came online, she was pulled into the team by Nuan Yang.

"I'm so anxious, I've been looking for you for a long time. A new dungeon is being opened today, and we're going to get the first armor. Can you leave me your contact information? Next time when we form a team, I'll know whether you'll be online or not." Nuan Yang said to Wu Mang Mang on YY (voice chat software).

Wu Mangmang thought about it and gave his cell phone number to Nuan Yang.

Opening up a new dungeon is a double test of physical and mental strength, but Wu Mangmang and Nuan Yang cooperated very well and the journey was relatively smooth.

What was even better was that Lu Sui did not come to urge her to go to bed on time at nine o'clock in the evening, so Wu Mangmang was happy to continue playing games.