Drama Goddess

Chapter 65


Lu Sui did not return to the room until the early morning. Wu Mangmang closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep. But Lu Sui took a shower and went to bed and kissed her along her back all the way to her tailbone. The hot breath from his nose made Wu Mangmang feel tingling and numb in the soles of her feet.

She liked his kiss, which was gentle and passionate. It made Wu Mangmang feel like she was a delicious and charming mousse cake, needed and missed by Lu Sui.

However, Wu Mangmang was clearly not in the mood to deal with Lu Sui tonight.

However, Lu Sui's patience and endurance were excellent. Even though Wu Mangmang was extremely unwilling, he couldn't help but wrap his legs around his waist in the end.

In the morning, Wu Mangmang was in good spirits because Lu Sui had only gently tormented her once last night, which was really an extra favor.

"After breakfast, come with me to the hospital to see my aunt." Lu Sui put down the coffee cup in his hand and said.

Wu Mangmang was shocked, "What happened to aunt?"

Didn’t Lu Jianan’s voice sound full of energy yesterday

"It seems that there is something wrong with his heart. He was admitted to the hospital for examination last night." Lu Sui said.

Wu Mangmang held his milk cup and lowered his head, knowing that Lu Jianan must have been sick because of Lu Sui's anger, and of course he must be the culprit.

"Aunt, you're in good health, so why were you suddenly admitted to the hospital?" Wu Mangmang asked Lu Sui tentatively.

"She was diagnosed with heart problems during a checkup years ago and should have been hospitalized long ago." Lu Sui said calmly. If Wu Mangmang had not overheard his conversation with Lu Jianan, he would definitely not have associated Lu Sui with him when he saw how calm she was.

Wu Mangmang turned around with the cup of milk in her hands. She felt that Lu Jianan might not want to see her. It would be bad if it was not good for her condition.

But it was impossible that Lu Sui had not thought about this issue. Since he had brought it up, Wu Mangmang had no choice but to bite the bullet and go to the hospital.

When walking into the ward, Wu Mangmang wished he could hide himself behind Lu Sui to avoid hurting Lu Jianan's eyes.

Of course this is just wishful thinking.

Lu Jianan has no children and her husband is a busy man. She is the only one in the ward at the moment. Two assistants are reporting on their work. When they see Lu Sui coming in, Lu Jianan asks all the outsiders to leave.

Wu Mangmang lowered his head and did not dare to look into Lu Jianan's eyes, but heard Lu Jianan ask: "Mangmang, are you well?"

Wu Mangmang raised his head and said, "It's fine now, aunt. No need for IV drip today."

Lu Jianan smiled and nodded, "You seem to be a little weak and often catch colds. You should go see an old Chinese doctor for treatment."

"Thank you, Auntie. I will."

The atmosphere in the ward was very harmonious, even Wu Mangmang began to wonder if he had heard it wrong last night, or if that conversation was just his imagination

This is Lu Jianan’s ability. No matter how much he dislikes someone in his heart, he always acts very perfunctorily on the surface.

Lu Sui sat beside the bed and asked about Lu Jianan's health. When he called the doctor for detailed questions, Wu Mangmang was sitting on the sofa, bored, and picked up an apple from the fruit basket to peel it.

When peeling the first apple, the skin broke off at one-third of the way through. Wu Mangmang put the apple aside and picked up another one, which he also peeled off.

By the fifth apple, Wu Mangmang had finally managed to peel a complete white apple. He held it in his hand and didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Auntie, do you want to eat an apple? Mangmang just peeled it." Lu Sui's words saved Wu Mangmang from the awkward situation of having to use the apple in his hand.

Wu Mangmang found a fruit plate and cut the apple into cubes. He put a small fork next to it and handed it to Lu Sui with both hands.

Lu Jianan took a small bite out of courtesy, but Lu Sui slowly and leisurely finished the whole apple.

After visiting the patient, Lu Suirang Wu Mangmang went to the hospital for a full body check-up. As for the blood test, it was agreed to be done tomorrow morning.

It was already afternoon when the examination was completed. On the way back home, Wumangmang received a call from Nuanyang, who excitedly told her that the game had been updated and there was a Dragon Boat Festival event, and asked her to hurry up and make rice dumplings to get rewards.

In fact, Nuan Yang was the only one who was excited on the phone. Wu Mangmang covered the microphone, terrified that Lu Sui, who was sitting next to her, might hear Nuan Yang's words.

Nuan Yang asked Wu Mang Mang on the phone, "If you don't have time to go online, give me your account and I will log in to help you complete the task."

Wu Mangmang refused decisively. She didn't like others touching her game account, as it would make her feel like her privacy was violated.

After Wu Mangmang hung up the phone, he glanced at Lu Sui secretly. Seeing that there was nothing unusual about him, he breathed a sigh of relief and felt very lucky.

But I was not as lucky as yesterday because of the fog at night. I was dragged to bed at nine o'clock on time and was tossed around until twelve o'clock before I could rest.

Her body was very tired, but her spirit was extremely excited. She stared at the ceiling with her eyes open. When Lu Sui's breathing became even and deep, she tiptoed out of bed, went to her bedroom opposite and turned on the computer.

Wu Mangmang has been playing games a little too much recently. Although she knows that she is wasting her time, she just can't suppress the desire in her heart.

However, Wu Mangmang's hobbies in the game have begun to change. She used to like doing quests and dungeons, but now she prefers pvp, which is pk with other players in the game and exchanging martial arts.

Wu Mangmang feels that the most exciting thing is to join a camp and run to the enemy camp to kill a lot of people.

Two fists cannot beat four hands. Although Wu Mangmang is well-equipped, she cannot withstand the opponent's group attacking her.

So she died again and again.

But it doesn’t matter. Miss Wu is very well off now and has a lot of money left from selling the Ferrari.

In the game, it costs ninety-nine yuan to revive once with full health and mana, and usually no idiot would use this function.

Wu Mangmang kept dying, and kept resurrecting to kill people.

In the game, someone from the enemy camp has already started to brush the world, saying that a rich idiot came to Baishui River (where the enemy camp is located) and killed countless of them, and called on teammates from all camps to go to Baishui River to kill the enemy.

The people in the Wumangmang camp will naturally come to worship the local tyrant, and this killing will cause a river of blood.

Both camps were blood-thirsty. Since Wu Mangmang was too evil, the RMB players couldn't afford to offend him. In the end, Wu Mangmang's camp won a great victory, killing the other side so badly that they didn't even dare to revive.

After this battle, the number of people killed by Wu Mangmang broke the system record, ranking first, leaving the second place by an order of magnitude, and was given the title of "Big Devil" by the system.

Because she was too excited about the killing, when Wu Mangmang looked up, it was already dawn. She was startled and quickly put away her computer and slipped back to bed quietly. Fortunately, Lu Sui did not wake up.

Unable to eat in the morning, Wu Mangmang went to the hospital early to check his blood. Because he enjoyed VIP service, Wu Mangmang got the physical examination results at noon.

Everything is fine.

Wu Mangmang pouted at Lu Sui, "I told you it's nothing, I just caught a cold a few times. I heard that catching a cold more often can actually improve your immunity."

After a whole day of hard work and an all-night stay-up last night, I fell asleep in the car in the fog. When I woke up, it was already dinner time.

The first thing to do, of course, is to open the game client. Dinner and other things are just a passing thought.

However, to Wu Mangmang's surprise, all her equipment and warehouse had been looted, and now she was only wearing a small set of green underwear.

Countless silver and several years were spent to create a super-large one, but suddenly it became nothing. Even the gods would be angry.

Wu Mangmang decisively called the game customer service, saying that his account had been stolen and asked the game to restore his data as soon as possible.

The customer service lady replied that her account was not stolen, but she deleted her equipment and warehouse herself. The query results showed that the IP address she used last time to log in was the one she had always used.

When Wu Mangmang heard the result, he rushed downstairs like a tornado.

Lu Sui was sitting at the dining table, and Annie followed Wu Mangmang downstairs. She had originally gone upstairs to invite Wu Mangmang to come down for dinner.

Wu Mangmang rushed to Lu Sui and asked, "Lu Sui, why did you delete my equipment?"

Hearing this, Lu Sui just put down the cutlery, pursed his lips with his napkin, looked up at Wu Mangmang without saying a word.

In fact, Lu Sui originally wanted to simply delete the game character of Wu Mangmang, but he didn't expect that Wu Mangmang would not change his name or surname, and was still called Mangmang in the game. In the end, Lu Sui chose to spend more time just deleting all of Wu Mangmang's equipment and warehouses.

Wu Mangmang is so angry.

Others cannot understand the anger in her heart, but to the real Wu Mangmang, the Mangmang in the game is like another her. She manages Mangmang to perfection, and everything is the best and most beautiful.

The fog was so thick that I even had the illusion that it was another me, a me living in another parallel space.

A perfect tortoise shell that can shield her from all the troubles outside.

But at this moment, she even lost the last habitat that belonged to her completely, which made Wu Mangmang unbearable. She didn't understand why Lu Sui kept forcing her, always forcing her to do things she didn't want to do under the banner of doing good for her.

She has been very obedient and has studied very seriously.

However, Wu Mangmang grew up in the free and easy Wu family, not the Lu family whose elegance and dignity were engraved in their bones and blood.

She said that it is difficult to paint the bones of a tiger even though it is skin, because what is in the bones and blood cannot be changed.

Wu Mangmang was so angry that he was shaking, but Lu Sui just said calmly, "You spend too much time on virtual games and you don't even care about your health. If you can restrain yourself, I won't delete your equipment. This is just a small lesson. If you can restrain yourself from playing games for no more than an hour a day, I can have someone restore your data."

Wu Mangmang bit her lip and said nothing.

"Sit down and eat." Lu Sui pointed to the dining chair with his chin.

It's always like this every time. She is always the one who makes unreasonable demands, while Lu Sui is the one who makes the final decision.

Wu Mangmang felt a little powerless, as if no matter how much she struggled she could not get over Lu Sui's Five Finger Mountain. He deleted it with one word and could restore it with another.

It didn't seem like anything serious, but it was enough to show his control.

Wu Mangmang sat down on the dining chair. He didn't look at Lu Sui, but just stared straight ahead. He said calmly, "I want to break up."