Drama Goddess

Chapter 71


"What a coincidence." Wu Mangmang has always been a very graceful ex-girlfriend. She has been dumped so many times, but she can always maintain a ladylike smile when she sees her ex-boyfriend.

The last time we met was outside the pork chop shop. It was such a surprise and it was also our first time, so I was not mentally prepared. This time it was much better.

Lu Sui didn't look back and responded with a faint "hmm".

Wu Mangmang looked at Lu Sui's cold head and didn't say anything else.

Half a year later, Wu Mangmang looked at the figure in front of her and felt a little dazed. Did she really have a relationship with Lu Sui

Why does it seem so mysterious when I think about it now

The indifference of the person in front of me was so deep in his bones.

Shen Ting is aloof and cold, and one look can freeze you into ice.

Lu Sui's indifference is like you are just a drop among the billions of drops of ocean water in his eyes, and you can't even jump up.

I was distracted by the fog and sadly forgot to press the elevator button. I ended up following the road all the way to the 11th floor.

The 11th floor is the SVP ward, and Boss Wu can only live on the 7th floor, even if he has money. This is such an unscrupulous hospital with an extremely strict hierarchy. Even if you have money, you won't be allowed to stay there. You have to keep the room for waiting, in case some big shot suddenly has a cerebral infarction, there will be no room left.

It was only when Wu Mangmang saw the glaring Arabic numerals "11" on the display screen that he realized how bad the situation was.

Lu Sui walked out of the elevator in front, glanced at Wu Mangmang who was pressing "7", then curled the corners of his lips and left.

This smile was seen by Wumangmang.

A thousand divine beasts ran through her mind. This was truly a misunderstanding. She didn't have any lingering feelings at all, right

Wasn't it because I wanted to stay with him for one more second that I didn't press the floor button

However, given Lu Sui's self-confidence and narcissism, Wu Mangmang felt that any explanation would be useless.

In Lu Sui's eyes, she had probably been classified as a hypocritical bitch who said she wanted to break up but then lingered and regretted it.

Just after lunch, Ms. Liu came to take over Wu Mangmang's shift. She had an appointment with Du Yuntao in the afternoon. Although Wu Mangmang was not willing to go to the appointment, Du Yuntao's middleman contacted Ms. Liu directly, and Wu Mangmang had no choice but to surrender.

Before this, Ms. Liu also made an appointment for Wu Mangmang to have a facial and hair done.

"Is it necessary to be so formal?" Wu Mangmang asked puzzledly.

Liu Lewei glared at Wu Mangmang and said, "Didn't you say I'd introduce you to someone from City A? Let's make an appointment tomorrow afternoon. Their family has businesses in both this city and City A. After you get married, you can live wherever you want."

Wu Mangmang rolled her eyes and said, "I already have a boyfriend. I went to see Du Yuntao today to make things clear with him."

Ms. Liu didn't care at all, "You also said, he's just a boyfriend."

Wu Mangmang was speechless. Ms. Liu's moral standards have always been low, and even her sons and daughters have low moral standards.

As they were talking, someone knocked on the door. Wu Mangmang thought it was a nurse, but it turned out to be Peng Ze.

It’s Lu Sui’s special assistant.

When Liu Lewei saw Pengze, he immediately turned around to look at the fog.

Wu Mangmang cursed in his heart, then walked over with a smile, "Pengze, why are you here?"

Peng Ze held a bouquet of flowers and a fruit basket in his hands, "Mr. Lu asked me to bring some things to visit Mr. Wu."

There is a set procedure for visiting patients. After completing the procedure, Peng Ze will say goodbye and leave, and the total stay time does not exceed three minutes.

Liu Lewei grabbed Wu Mangmang who was about to go out and asked: "What's going on? You and Lu Sui..."

"Lu Sui and I broke up peacefully and we are not enemies. He knew that Boss Wu had a car accident, so sending him some fruits is completely normal etiquette, okay?" Wu Mangmang's words extinguished the excitement in Ms. Liu's eyes.

"Tsk." Liu Lewei glared at Wu Mangmang unhappily. In fact, she didn't expect Wu Mangmang to rekindle her relationship with Lu Sui.

Now Lu Sui’s girlfriend is the precious granddaughter of the Zhao family. They are a perfect match made in heaven.

When Wu Mangmang and Du Yuntao were having dinner at night, Wu Mangmang wanted to get straight to the point and say that long-distance relationships were unreliable, but Du Yuntao took the initiative and said, "Mangmang, I designed a little game for you."

Wu Mangmang swallowed the words that were about to roll out of his mouth.

Over the years, Wu Mangmang has seen many suitors, but no one has ever designed a game for her alone.

Girls like this kind of uniqueness.

"Ah, let me see."

The game that Du Yuntao designed for Wu Mangmang is a puzzle game with a total of ninety-nine levels. The main storyline is about an extremely beautiful princess (the avatar is Wu Mangmang's face processed in a cartoon) who passes five levels and kills six generals, and finally saves the hero.

I tried to play two levels in Wumangmang, and it was quite interesting and challenging to my IQ, but it wouldn't crush me to the point where I completely despair about my own IQ.

"How is it?" Du Yuntao asked flatteringly.

Wu Mangmang became soft-hearted after taking other people's things.

It can be seen that Du Yuntao put a lot of effort into this game.

"Is this really designed for me alone? You won't release it to others to play with?" Wu Mangmang looked at Du Yuntao and said.

"Yes, I will never give it to anyone else. After you complete the level, I will delete the master copy on my side. After you complete the last level, there will be a treasure chest with a big surprise inside." Du Yuntao said with a smile.

So, Wu Mangmang spent the entire meal playing games.

During this period, Wu Mangmang also opened a Weibo account, logging in with her small account called "Wuzhihongxing", and posted a screenshot of the mini-game on Weibo: This is a game he designed for me alone, it is unique, (*^__^*) hehe...

This small account has not posted many Weibo posts, and has very few followers, only five people.

And if you have X-ray vision, you can see that there are many other small trumpets in Wumangmang, called One Red Apricot, Two Red Apricots, Three Red Apricots, all the way to Nine Red Apricots.

On the Weibo account of "Three Red Apricots", the latest post is, "On Christmas Eve, he came all the way from another place to accompany me to listen to the clock strike twelve at night. He also gave me a beautiful necklace and a sweet Christmas cake." The post was also accompanied by a photo, which was the perfume necklace that Ning Zheng had given her.

On the Weibo of “两枝红杏”, it was written: They even took care of my friends, the 50% discount is really a great deal.

On the Weibo of "Yizhihongxing", it was written: It is so happy to have someone deliver breakfast to me every day.

And on the Weibo of "九枝红杏", it was written: What a weird person, actually saying that others are not worthy of me.

There is only one message posted on this Weibo, and no one is paying attention to it yet.

Wu Mangmang quit Weibo, hid his darkest secret, and continued playing the game.

After dinner, Du Yuntao sent Wu Mangmang downstairs to the hospital and said, "I'll go upstairs to see my uncle."

The misty eyes reluctantly left the phone screen and looked up at Du Yuntao, "No, no."

Du Yuntao was very determined. This was a rare opportunity to gain favor with his father-in-law.

Wu Mangmang refused again and again, but as soon as she entered the ward, she saw Du Yuntao knocking on the door with a fruit basket.

Wusong and Liu Lewei were quite satisfied with Du Yuntao. Du Yuntao sat for half an hour and got to meet their parents.

Wu Mangmang sent Du Yuntao all the way downstairs. When they were about to say goodbye, they saw Lu Lin getting out of the car opposite.

"Mangmang." Lu Lin greeted.

"Sister Lu Lin."

Lu Lin walked over quickly, glanced at Du Yuntao, and asked Wu Mangmang with a smile, "Is he your boyfriend?"

If someone else had asked, Wu Mangmang would have refuted it immediately, but she couldn't hold it back and needed to keep her distance from the Lu family, especially Lu Lin.

So the fog remained silent.

"I won't disturb you anymore. I'll go upstairs for a while. My aunt is in the hospital." Lu Lin said.

"Aunt?" Wu Mangmang asked after hearing the words.

Lu Lin nodded.

Wu Mangmang thought, no wonder I ran into Lu Sui in the elevator today.

After seeing Du Yuntao off, Wu Mangmang regretted his own talkativeness. Now that he knew that Lu Jianan was sick and hospitalized, he felt embarrassed to pretend that he knew nothing.

Lu Sui knew that her father was injured and hospitalized and sent a fruit basket. It would seem a bit unreasonable for Lu Jianan if she didn't go to see me.

Besides, even though Wu Mangmang didn't like it, she had to admit that she had learned a lot from Lu Jianan.

Lu Lin went up to the eleventh floor to get some things and then went downstairs. Lu Sui was waiting for her in the car.

"Did you see Mangmang's new boyfriend just now?" Lu Lin asked Lu Sui with a look of anticipation on her face.

Lu Sui glanced up and down at Lu Lin's face and said, "If you change your personality, she will probably look at you twice more."

Lu Lin's face darkened immediately, but she soon laughed again, "Mangmang's new boyfriend doesn't look that good. I don't know what's so good about him that he could have caught up with Mangmang."

Lu Sui said: "If you spend the time you spend caring about other people on doing real things, you won't have to beg me."

Talking to Lu Sui really risks angering people to death. Lu Lin snorted coldly and glared at Lu Sui's profile for two seconds. Since she had to ask for help, she would not poke at Lu Sui's scar.

A stranger

Are you still angry

Wu Mangmang arrived at the hospital early the next morning, "Ms. Liu, do you know that Ms. Lu Jianan is sick and hospitalized?"

"I know. I sent a flower basket yesterday." Liu Lewei said.

"Do you think I should go see her?" Wu Mangmang was really undecided and had to ask Ms. Liu for help, because Ms. Liu often boasted that she had eaten more salt than she had eaten rice.

Liu Lewei glanced at Wu Mangmang and said, "If you want to go, go ahead. Didn't you always say that she took good care of you?"

Wu Mangmang scratched her hair. How should she explain to Ms. Liu that Lu Jianan actually looked down on her

However, when it comes to being a human being, you cannot avoid conventional etiquette just because the other person doesn't like you.

"Didn't you and Lu Sui break up peacefully? If it was really peaceful, why didn't you go to see his aunt?" Liu Lewei's words were worth ten, and Wu Mangmang was decisively convinced.

The bouquets of flowers in front of the hospital were extremely expensive. Wu Mangmang spent four hundred yuan to buy a bouquet of bird of paradise that Lu Jianan liked and went up to the eleventh floor.

The eleventh floor is the SVP ward. All visitors must register. Those who are not listed in the remarks column will not be seen by the patient, or they will need to ask for permission before entering.

Wu Mangmang didn't have to see Lu Jianan, so he registered at the nurse's station and left his information. He also wrote a card and put it in the bouquet, asking the nurse to pass it on.

When Wu Mangmang was writing the card, footsteps were heard nearby, and then Lu Sui's voice was heard, "Come in."

Wu Mangmang's hands, which were writing, froze for a moment, then he turned around, picked up the flowers and followed Lu Suiwang to Lu Jianan's ward.

When Lu Jianan saw Wu Mangmang, his surprised expression disappeared in an instant, and a warm smile immediately appeared on his face, "Mangmang, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Wu Mangmang handed the flowers in her hand to Lu Jianan's assistant, walked to Lu Jianan's bedside with a smile and said, "I haven't seen my aunt for a long time."

The word "Aunt" was just blurted out by her. After she called it out, Wu Mangmang finally reacted and had an embarrassed look on her face. "I heard from Sister Lu Lin that you were sick, so I came to see you."

"Thank you." Lu Jianan said, "Are you used to studying at A University? It's much colder there than here."

"I'm quite used to it." Wu Mangmang said.

Both of them were trying to make small talk. Wu Mangmang just felt uncomfortable all over. "Aunt, take care of yourself. I..." I'll come to see you another day.

But before Wu Mangmang could finish, she was interrupted by a loud "Auntie", "Auntie, I bought you your favorite pineapple bun."

Zhao Xinyun walked in from outside, and only realized it belatedly that she saw the mist. Then she covered her mouth and smiled playfully, "So there are guests here."

Zhao Xinyun put down her things, walked naturally to Lu Sui, hugged Lu Sui's arms with both hands, then turned her head to look at the fog.

“This is…” Zhao Xinyun seemed not to know Wu Mangmang.

"This is Wu Mangmang." Lu Jianan took over Zhao Xinyun's words and introduced Wu Mangmang, "This is Zhao Xinyun from Xinhe Electronics."

Zhao Xinyun nodded to Wu Mangmang, "Hello, Miss Wu."

"Hello." Wu Mangmang looked into Zhao Xinyun's eyes and said.

When she caught sight of Zhao Xinyun and Lu Sui having physical contact, Wu Mangmang suddenly had an epiphany. She had originally thought that Lu Sui liked her a little, and she was quite proud that she was the one who dumped Lu Sui first when they broke up.

Seeing Zhao Xinyun now, Wu Mangmang came back to his senses from his blind complacency. It turns out that no one is indispensable, and no feeling is irreplaceable.

When I think of this, I can’t help but feel that sometimes life is really meaningless. We come here naked and leave naked, and we can take nothing with us.

"Aunt, I'll come to see you another day." Wu Mangmang said goodbye.