Drama Goddess

Chapter 94


"Aunt, I already have a boyfriend." Wu Mangmang said with her eyes lowered.

"I forced you to do that. I know everything has changed now, but please forgive me as a mother. I always want to do something for my child." Cheng Huiyun patted the back of her misty hand. "I wish you happiness. Send us an invitation when you get married. I think Cheng Yue wants to see you happy the most.

Will I marry Lu Sui? Today, I am too confused to even think about it.

The wind was very strong at the seaside, and my misty hair was blown up. The wind blew on my face, bringing a biting pain.

Wu Mangmang hid his hands in his coat pockets and just looked at the blue sea quietly.

If I say that what Cheng's mother said had no effect on Wu Mangmang, I would definitely be lying.

Back then, Cheng Yue was the person who brought charcoal to Wu Mangmang in the snow. He was the person she most looked forward to, desired the most, and placed all her spirit on.

That feeling did not fade away with the passage of time, but was forcibly frozen by the fog, becoming the most piercing glacier in her heart.

But now that the snow and ice have melted, the impact came quickly and violently, and Wumangmang was caught off guard and had no idea what he wanted.

Wu Mangmang was thinking that if Cheng Yue had come back a year earlier, or even half a year earlier, her and his ending would have been different, and she would not be as confused as she is now.

Because for so many years, Wu Mangmang's heart has always been pointing towards Cheng Yue.

He was the roasted sweet potato given to the hungry and cold child on the coldest winter night. Just smelling the scent made her burst into tears of gratitude and her soul was overwhelmed by him.

But later someone took this piece of roasted sweet potato that tasted like heaven away from Wu Mangmang. There was always a voice in the dark telling Wu Mangmang that as long as she behaved well and became excellent, it would return the roasted sweet potato to her.

This became the biggest contradiction in Wu Mangmang's heart.

On the one hand, she deceived herself by saying that everything was fake and just acting, but deep down in her heart she told herself that as long as she became better, he would come back.

All the abnormalities were, to put it bluntly, the result of intensified conflicts. If Wu Mangmang had really succeeded in convincing herself that her childhood sweetheart relationship with Cheng Yue was just an act, she would not have been in so much pain and in need of psychological questioning.

Cheng Yue is the deepest obsession in Wu Mangmang's heart.

Just like how Wang Yuan had pestered Lu Sui for several years for an explanation, just to hear him tell her the reason for the breakup in person.

Although Wu Mangmang was convinced that Cheng Yue had abandoned her, she stood up again because she wanted to hear his explanation.

People’s obsession is always the most terrifying.

Now Wang Yuan and Jiang Baoliang are married and they love each other very much. But if Lu Sui goes back to tell her now that he was wrong all along and that she has always been the one he loves, he would want to get back together.

So what will Wang Yuan choose

Of course, God didn't play a joke on Wang Yuan, because he found a more interesting target.

When the baked sweet potato in Wu Mangmang's heart was replaced by the sudden caviar, it put the baked sweet potato that she had longed for for more than ten years into her hand, which inspired her to stand up again and keep going.

If reality allows her to eat both roasted sweet potatoes and caviar, of course everyone will be happy. Just like when Wu Mangmang bought clothes before, she had difficulty making choices, but fortunately she had a rich wallet and could easily say: buy them all.

Unfortunately, now is not the time to buy clothes.

However, human nature makes them tend to favor the weaker side when faced with emotional choices.

Wu Mangmang was thinking about Cheng Yue, thinking about the moment yesterday when he rushed out without hesitation and pushed her away. In the end, she was the one who let him down.

If she had been more mature and rational at the beginning, she and Cheng Yue would not have reached this point, and Cheng Yue would not have suffered so much for her.

But at the time she was only concerned with her own pain and forgot that Cheng Yue also loved her. He might not be less distressed than she was, but because he was stronger and more mature, he could leave rationally.

Wu Mangmang felt that love like that was hard to come by in a lifetime, and she was afraid that she would never find someone who loved her as much as Cheng Yue did.

And what about Lu Sui

When I thought of this name, my heart began to tremble.

Their relationship was not deep, and they were together and apart for only a year in total.

Besides, Lu Sui is so strong and outstanding. If she leaves, he will definitely be able to find a woman who is much better than her, right

Maybe this is the way everyone is happy, the Lu family no longer has to worry about having an unqualified mistress, and Lu Sui no longer has to be dragged down by this lunatic...

Just thinking about this made me feel uncomfortable.

She took a breath, looked down at the time, turned around and walked a few steps before she saw Lu Sui standing by his car on the coastal highway.

Wu Mangmang stopped and looked at Lu Sui from afar.

Before I saw him, it seemed like I could think anything and do anything, but when I saw the road ahead through the fog, my heart suddenly calmed down.

No one's feelings should be wasted, and just because he appears to be stronger, we cannot assume that he will not be hurt emotionally.

She had experienced that kind of pain herself, so how could she bear to let Lu Sui go through it again.

"How did you find this place?" Wu Mangmang walked up to Lu Sui and asked.

"As long as you set your mind to it, nothing is impossible." Lu Sui took off his coat and draped it over the foggy shoulders, then reached out to hold her hand. "Not bad. You stood there for two hours and knew to walk back before you froze into an ice stick."

Wu Mangmang looked back at Lu Sui in surprise. Had he also stood with her for two hours

A bitter warm current surged in Wu Mangmang's heart, but now, every bit of kindness Lu Sui showed to Wu Mangmang, made her feel more guilty.

Wu Mangmang still remembered what he had promised Lu Sui. If she wanted to cheat on him or had any second thoughts, she would tell him in person.

But now her heart has been shaken and is no longer so pure. Wu Mangmang herself hates the current situation extremely, but she cannot completely eliminate Cheng Yue from her heart right now.

"What did Cheng Yue say when you met him in the hospital?" Lu Sui asked.

Wu Mangmang lowered his eyelids guiltily and avoided Lu Sui's gaze, "He didn't say anything."

“Oh.” Lu Sui raised the last word and turned his head to look at the misty face that didn’t dare to look into his eyes.

There was a terrifying silence in the car. Lu Sui was so smart that Wu Mangmang knew he must have figured out something but just didn't say anything.

It's a pity that she has been "acting" for so many years, but now she can't show any acting skills at all.

"I..." Wu Mangmang wanted to say, give me some time, I won't let you down, I'm not a fool.

Those who leave me cannot be pursued. She just felt a little regretful. After all, she really wanted to take a bite of that delicious roasted sweet potato.

"Lu Lin has already made the dress for you for the Christmas dinner. Shall I take you to try it on?" Lu Sui said.

The last Christmas dinner left a very bad impression on Wu Mangmang, and their relationship went from bad to worse afterwards.

This year, Wu Mangmang and Lu Sui have not discussed this topic. Wu Mangmang has tacitly agreed not to participate as they have agreed not to get married. If he accompanies Lu Sui to the dance, it will attract a lot of speculation in this regard.

Now when Wu Mangmang heard Lu Sui say this, he knew that he was forcing him to make a clear statement.

Even if the incident with Cheng Yue had not happened, Wu Mangmang knew that he was not ready to accompany Lu Sui to the Lu Yuan Christmas dinner.

Although feelings gradually heat up, it always takes time to accumulate and verify.

Wu Mangmang felt that Lu Sui understood his mentality, and all this changed because of the appearance of Cheng Yue.

Wu Mangmang couldn't say no. She knew that if she said she didn't go, Lu Sui would definitely think that she was thinking about Cheng Yue.

But even Wu Mangmang herself cannot say that her decision was completely unaffected by Cheng Yue.

Naturally they didn't go to Lu Lin's place; the misty silence had already expressed her point.

"Go to sleep." Lu Sui said good night to Wu Mangmang in the corridor.

This was the first time they slept in separate rooms after their reconciliation. Wu Mangmang stared blankly at the door slowly closing in front of her. She lay on the bed, feeling that all her strength was gone.

It's not that she doesn't want to tell some lies, but every change in her expression can't escape Lu Sui's sharp eyes. Even if she can deceive him for a while, he will still find out in the long run.

Wu Mangmang lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling all night.

After getting up early and taking a pill as prescribed by the doctor, Wu Mangmang is now completely calm. She also knows that this is not a good thing. If it was Lu Sui's first love who came back, she would not know how upset she would be.

If we put ourselves in her shoes, Lu Sui would have been very tolerant of her.

But everyone has his own pride and bottom line, and Lu Sui can't just endure it blindly. What's more, he is still a person standing in the clouds, and he can't get what he wants. Why should he hang himself on this crooked tree in the fog

Wu Mangmang sat in front of the mirror and put on some light makeup. People always need to look better to be more energetic. She didn't want to be defeated by her pathetic past self again.

When Wu Mangmang went downstairs, Lu Sui was already sitting at the dining table. She walked over and sat down, but Lu Sui didn't even look at her.

Wu Mangmang drank a bowl of porridge, pursed his lips with a napkin, looked at Lu Sui and said, "I want to go to the hospital to see Cheng Yue later."

Lu Sui folded the newspaper in his hand, put it beside him, and said, "Peter will help you arrange a car."

Wu Mangmang looked at the cold Lu Sui and felt extremely uncomfortable, but he also knew that he could not blame Lu Sui.

Her performance the day before was so horrible, so it was reasonable for Lu Sui to be unhappy.

Wu Mangmang stretched out his hand and covered Lu Sui's hand on the dining table. "Don't get me wrong, he saved me. I just thought I should go see him. Can you give me some time? I will handle everything. I just need time to confirm."

Lu Sui pulled his hand away from Wu Mangmang. He was indeed angry, but he was more angry at himself.

As rational as Lu Sui is, he certainly knows that if he wants to win at this time, what he should do is to treat Wu Mangmang more tolerantly and gently. This girl is very soft-hearted, and as long as he doesn't make any mistakes, Wu Mangmang will definitely not say that she wants to break up.

It’s just that everyone has emotions and they are not robots.

The deeper the love, the greater the expectations.

In Yu Lusui's opinion, the best situation would of course be that Wu Mangmang decisively and firmly rejected Cheng Yue, but they both knew that this was impossible.

Lu Sui was disgusted with Wu Mangmang's stupidity and indecision, and even thought angrily that he should just let this stupid woman and that stupid man be a couple, and then watch them continue to be stupid from generation to generation.

In this way, he would have less trouble.

The light makeup on Wu Mangmang's face and the carefully selected clothes made Lu Sui feel dazzling and ironic. She was a typical ungrateful person.

"Can you only see Cheng Yue?" Lu Sui looked up at the fog.

Wumangmang shook his head.

Lu Sui looked into the misty eyes and said, "Then prove it to me."

Lu Sui stood up and said, "After going to the hospital today, you'd better go to Wu Yong. Heart disease always needs heart medicine. Your medicine has returned. Whether it can be cured depends on you."

I was so confused by the fog that I didn't know how I got out of Lu's house.

Instead of going to the hospital to visit Cheng Yue first, she went directly to Wu Yong's office.

Fortunately, Wu Yong had no patient appointments at the moment, so when he saw Wu Mangmang coming, he led her directly into the office.

Wu Mangmang sat quietly on the sofa for a while before slowly speaking, "Doctor Wu, I think I understand my mother a little bit now."

Wu Yong adjusted his sitting position. Wu Mangmang had talked to him about Ms. Liu before, but never in this tone.

"In fact, people's emotions are sometimes uncontrollable. She must have felt very bad when her father treated her like that. Not only did I fail to help her, but I blamed her instead. Now that I think about it, when my parents were in love, my life must have been very happy, so I was unable to correct my mindset when the gap was so big later."

"But if you look at my parents now, they get along very well. But in fact, my mother's focus has long shifted from my father. She is devoted to her social circle, while my father is devoted to his career. The atmosphere at home is very good now."

"I thought about it all night last night. Why didn't I think about it before? It's ridiculous to always ask others for love and pin all my hopes for happiness on others. I have been feeling sorry for myself for so many years, but in the end I realized that the root of all the mistakes lies with myself."

"When Cheng Yue left, I hated him so much and swore never to talk to him again. But now I think about it, what did he do wrong? He loved me and was even willing to sacrifice his life for me. But how can a man who has no ideals of his own and only knows how to indulge in love all his life stand up and live up to the talent God has given him? I have never been able to understand him. I just kept asking for things. He has given a lot for me and suffered a lot. Now I just feel guilty."

"Mangmang, don't blame yourself for everything." Wu Yong said.

"I didn't. It's just that I could only see the bad in others before, but now I can see the good in them." Wu Mangmang smiled, "Thank you, Dr. Wu, for accompanying me through all these years. I think it's time for me to face reality. I think time is really a magical thing. Things that I once thought were the end of the world now seem ridiculous when I recall them."

"What about Lu Sui? You talked about your mother, father, and Cheng Yue, but you didn't talk about him." Wu Yong asked.

Wu Mangmang thought for a while and said, "This matter is still in progress. Maybe in ten years I will be able to talk to you about him. Of course, it may not take ten years. Relationships are not the focus of my life now."

Wu Mangmang stood up and stretched out his hand to Wu Yong, "Can I hug you?"

Wu Yong hesitated for a second.

"Like a friend, I may not come to see you again in the future." Wu Mangmang said.

The best doctor for heart disease is yourself. The guidance and enlightenment of others are of course of great help, but whether you can break out of the vicious circle in the end depends only on yourself.

Wu Yong smiled and stretched out his head like a mist.

Wu Mangmang gently hugged Wu Yong and said, "Doctor Wu, do you know what is the best way to overcome fear and anxiety?"

Wu Yong said nothing.

"That is to make yourself fearless." Wu Mangmang said softly, then slowly withdrew from Wu Yong's arms.

When he reached the door, he winked at Wu Yong playfully and said, "Don't miss me too much. I know you have been studying me for many years."

"Mangmang." Wu Yong called her at the door, "Love has always been the focus of life. It's not that love is no longer important when you get older. People only settle for second best when they can't get what they want. Of course, love is not the only focus of life."

"Thank you." Wu Mangmang smiled faintly.

Wu Mangmang then went to the hospital.

Cheng Yue is still in the hospital for observation. He only has some skin injuries. The biggest injury is a broken left wrist, which was caused when he supported himself on the ground in a hurry. His head received a slight impact on the ground. Because the brain is a delicate object, he has to stay in the hospital for observation.

Wu Mangmang sat beside the bed somewhat embarrassedly and peeled an apple for Cheng Yue.

Cheng Yue took the apple and smiled. "Do you still remember that when you were in junior high school, you brought an apple to school every day. It was an imported apple, big and red. Few supermarkets in China sold it. Even if they did, they cost more than 10 yuan each. You couldn't finish it every day, so you had to give me half and forced me to eat it, saying that food should not be wasted."

Wu Mangmang opened his mouth and remembered this.

It's really funny to recall it now. She was really stupid at that time. She never considered whether Cheng Yue, who came from a poor family, would have other ideas in his mind. No wonder, with her conditions, she failed to catch up with Cheng Yue after three years, and finally won him over in high school.

"My behavior must have given you a headache at that time?" Wu Mangmang said.

It was indeed very annoying at one time, but when I think back on it now, that sweetness is like heroin that is hard to quit, Cheng Yue thought.

In fact, there is another detail that Cheng Yue did not mention. At that time, when Wu Mangmang peeled apples for him, she always peeled them from the beginning to the end with one knife. The eldest lady must have practiced this skill by destroying countless apples at home.

Miss Wu would always generously share the apples with the skin cut off with her little followers.

Only the most complete one was given to him—Cheng Yue.

Today, the skin of the apples she peeled broke many times, but she didn't take it seriously. She didn't know whether her technique had become rusty or she no longer had the same mood as before.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, that driver, I discussed with my aunt and didn't ask him to pay compensation. This is all my fault. I will pay for your medical expenses..."

Cheng Yue interrupted Wu Mangmang before he could finish his words.

"I can still afford this little bit of medical expense," Cheng Yue said.

Wu Mangmang stopped talking. She was just stating the facts, but there was no doubt that such words would hurt Cheng Yue's self-esteem.

"Don't worry, my self-esteem is not so fragile now." Cheng Yue said with a wry smile.

"Although I don't want to admit it, my self-esteem almost drove me crazy at the time. I used to hate your parents' money-making, but a certain wealth foundation can indeed give people dignity. If I hadn't left at that time, I really didn't know what our future would be like. I was afraid that I would not be able to help but do something to hurt you. But now, Mangmang, I may not be as rich as your boyfriend, but I will no longer feel that my self-esteem is damaged because you buy me apples that I can't afford or treat me to Western food that I can't afford. Only in this way can I dare to love you again, and you don't have to worry about my damn self-esteem anymore." Cheng Yue said.

Wu Mangmang laughed out loud.

At the beginning, I wanted to present my love to Cheng Yue, but I never cared whether he needed it or wanted it.

What a reckless youth.

"So, if I invite you to dinner now, we can go to a high-end restaurant, right?" Wu Mangmang joked.

Cheng Yue also laughed. "Actually, when you treated me to a western meal that time, I had the money to pay the bill. I worked for two months during the summer vacation, but you refused to give me a chance."

Wu Mangmang frowned and said, "How stupid was I at that time?" He thought that as long as he didn't spend Cheng Yue's money, he wouldn't be a burden to him.

"Stupid in a cute way." Cheng Yue smiled.

"Later, in my heart, I thought, I must treat you to a Western meal there again in my life, and this time I want to pay the bill." Cheng Yue said.

Looking at Cheng Yue in the mist, she realized how many regrets she had left in Cheng Yue's life.

He came back to pursue his dream.

But her dream had been shattered long ago. Her burning heart had fallen to the ground, covered with countless dust, and was now cold and without any temperature.

Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you. Wu Mangmang knows the pain of shattered dreams, so she does not want Cheng Yue to experience it again. She is willing to do her best to reduce the regrets in his life.

In fact, Wu Mangmang has completely exiled herself here. She has extinguished all her expectations and demands, and only hopes that the people around her can be happy.

"Okay." Wu Mangmang responded, "But Cheng Yue, I..."

"I don't care." Cheng Yue pinched Wu Mangmang's palm with his right hand, "Mangmang, if you marry him in the future, I will sincerely bless you. For me, as long as you are happy, it doesn't matter whether this happiness is given to you by me in the end. If you can still accept me, I will never let go of your hand again."

When she returned to the villa halfway up the mountain in the fog at night, she and Lu Sui's relationship was no longer suitable for them to live together.

I called Lu Sui to report it, and Lu Sui had no objection.

Wu Mangmang looked at her phone absentmindedly for a long while, and finally played the ringtone she had specially recorded for Lu Sui over and over again.

"Mr. Limited Edition is calling, Mr. Belly Button Fetish is calling, Mr. Mommy's good baby is calling, Mr. Nth Blind Date is calling, Mr. Overbearing President is calling, Mr. Returning Love is calling, Mr. Scheming Boy is calling, Mr. Fatty Liver is calling, Mr. My Favorite is calling."

Wu Mangmang cried and choked, thinking that Lu Sui had never heard this ring tone before.

How she wished she could meet Lu Sui in her best years, how she wished she could only love Lu Sui in her life, she was so eager for that that she was even willing to bury everything that she and Cheng Yue had in the past.

But there is no "if" in life, and there will be no chance to start over. She has used up all her strength to love Cheng Yue, and can no longer give Lu Sui perfect love.

Maybe Lu Sui didn't care, he just wanted her to be with him.

But as Cheng Yue said, what about the future? What if Lu Sui can no longer satisfy her, when she can no longer respond to the kind of love he needs, and when they start to hurt each other

Her obsessive-compulsive disorder made her prefer to end this relationship when it was at its most brilliant than to see it degenerate into a gorgeous robe covered with lice.

What he didn't want even more was to let Lu Sui see her ugly face when her "fear and anxiety disorder" attacked again.

Since ancient times, beauties have hated seeing gray hair the most.

But Wu Mangmang did not realize that the position she was standing in now was the same position that Cheng Yue stood in at the beginning. She selfishly started from her own perspective, but under the banner of doing it for the other party's good, she arbitrarily decided the other party's needs and ignored his (her) real needs.

Fate plays such a trick on us that in the cycle of reincarnation, it puts the victim in the position of the abuser.

"Mangmang, Lu Sui has asked someone to deliver the dress you will wear tomorrow night. Come out and take a look. It's absolutely beautiful." Liu Lewei knocked on the door of Wu Mangmang's dormitory.

Wu Mangmang put away his phone, went to the bathroom to wash his face, and then walked out.

The evening dress was very flowing and seemed familiar. Wu Mangmang thought for a moment before realizing that it looked 50% similar to a dress in the game she was playing.

The theme of Luyuan Christmas Dinner this year is cosplay, which is really fashionable.

Of course, they are all well-known people and will not wear game costumes like teenage girls, so this will test the designer's ability.

It has to have that style and also be luxurious, elegant and classy.

Wu Mangmang rubbed the material of the evening dress across her face for a long while.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Liu Lewei asked. Although Wu Mangmang did not live at home most of the time, Ms. Liu had already become a savvy in the social circle. How could she not see that Wu Mangmang was depressed

Wu Mangmang smiled and said, "Ms. Liu, if Lu Sui and I break up again this time, will you strangle me to death?"

Liu Lewei stared at the mist quietly for a long while, "To be honest, I never expected you to succeed."

Wu Mangmang blinked his eyes, not knowing whether to breathe a sigh of relief or to get a cerebral infarction due to anger.

Liu Lewei patted Wu Mangmang's shoulder and said, "Alright, stop sighing. When you get over this hurdle, I'll introduce you to someone. But don't be picky with me this time. You're almost 30, okay? Almost 30!"

Wu Mangmang only felt that he had received another ten thousand critical hits.

When a woman gets older, sometimes the pain of a broken heart may not be greater than the pain of having a new wrinkle at the corner of her eye.

Luyuan’s Christmas dinner was as successful as ever.

When the music ends and people disperse, some people may not be willing to leave. Anyway, there will be no one waiting for them when they go home, so they might as well drink together with their friends.

Ning Zheng gently touched Shen Ting's elbow, motioning him to persuade Lu Sui, "What's going on? Didn't you say you wanted to stay healthy and not drink? Could it be that you have been lying to us all along?"

At the bar, Lu Sui was drinking glass after glass of wine.

"I'm heartbroken." Shen Ting said lightly.

The fact that Wu Mangmang did not appear at the dinner tonight is enough to explain a lot of problems.

"Let's drink together." Shen Ting raised the glass in his hand towards Lu Sui.

Lu Sui looked at Shen Ting, clinked his glasses with his, raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, and smiled as he put the glass down: "I never knew you were so concerned about my x-ability?"

Shen Ting was stunned for a moment, then laughed awkwardly, but this laugh dispelled all the embarrassment.

"Don't assume that you can't do something that you can't do yourself." Lu Sui clinked glasses with Shen Ting again, and whispered in his ear: "So it's not unreasonable to keep in good health. Keeping soldiers for a thousand miles is just for a moment."

"What are you talking about? I don't understand." Ning Zheng interrupted.

Lu Sui and Shen Ting both tacitly ignored Ning Zheng.

Ning Zheng had brought trouble upon himself, so he had to save face. "Lu Sui, did you break up with Wu Mangmang again? Who's dumping who this time?"

Ning Zheng is a typical middle school student who seeks trouble.

"We've broken up, and you have no chance. If you want to interfere, go back and practice your kung fu first. I didn't hurt you last time, did I?" Lu Sui said.

Ning Zheng made an "oh oh oh" gloating expression and muttered, "If you don't want to marry her, it would be strange if she doesn't dump you."

"Don't judge others by your own standards." Lu Sui said indifferently.

After a long while, when Lu Sui left, Ning Zheng sighed to Shen Ting, "Lu Sui, what you mean is that people who don't want to get married are in a fog?"

Shen Ting remained silent.

Ning Zheng snapped his fingers. "Wu Mangmang is absolutely amazing. I knew I was right about her."

Ning Zheng's face was filled with joy, as if to say "I once liked her, and I'm very proud of her."

Shen Ting glanced at Ning Zheng and said, "Don't think about it. Lu Sui has made his attitude very clear today."

That means, they broke up and no one else can interfere.

The foggy Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were very boring. She slept for two whole days at home. On the 26th, she got up early, picked out her clothes, and put on light makeup.

Seeing that she still cared about dressing up, Liu Lewei felt relieved. "Are you going out on a date?"

Wu Mangmang was wearing a one-shoulder cashmere dress with bright red ruffles, which made her skin look bright white and she looked radiant. No wonder Liu Lewei misunderstood.

Wu Mangmang put on his cloak and coat, "No, I'll be back soon."

Some things may be established in the silence of both parties, but it is too troublesome to apply for new documents, so Wu Mangmang still has to go to Lu's house.

Lu Sui was having breakfast in the restaurant. If you come here at this time, there will be a greater chance of running into him.

Anne considerately stepped forward to help Wu Mangmang take off his coat and hang it up. Wu Mangmang said "thank you."

"Let me show you my ID." Wu Mangmang walked up to Lu Sui and said.

Lu Sui glanced at the misty skirt and asked, "Aren't you cold wearing so little?"

The skirt was very short, five centimeters above the knee, and the one-shoulder design was very wide, exposing the entire shoulder to the air.

Very beautiful, but not cold-resistant.

"I'll go upstairs to get my ID." Wu Mangmang did not answer Lu Sui's words.

With the certificate in hand, as I walked down the building in the fog, it seemed as if I had no excuse to stay any longer.

Lu Sui walked her to the door in a gentlemanly manner. Wu Mangmang smiled and waved at him, "Take care."

Lu Sui looked at the mist and took two steps before he slowly spoke, "Mangmang."

Wu Mangmang turned around, not knowing why his heart suddenly started beating faster. In fact, the ending was already destined and could not be changed.

"Mangmang, you must remember, it was always you who didn't want me, not me who left you." Lu Sui said.

Wu Mangmang wanted to cry, but she felt that it was all her own fault and she didn't deserve to shed tears and make Lu Sui feel uncomfortable. She was speechless and could only nod and hurriedly got into the car.

In the following few days when the year was almost over, Wu Mangmang did a lot of things, or rather, helped Cheng Yue do a lot of things.

They went to the western restaurant there to have a meal together. It was really strange that this western restaurant had stood for more than ten years and had not collapsed. It was simply a miracle.

They also went to the newly built amusement park together. The ticket price was certainly not expensive for them today, but Cheng Yue was unwilling to accompany Wu Mangmang at the beginning. His excuse was that it was too childish.

Then they went to the video game arcade, and Cheng Yue danced on the dance machine. It was quite rare for boys to dance this, but Cheng Yue was really good at it, he didn't miss any beat, his movements were chic and beautiful, and the surrounding junior high and high school girls all had stars in their eyes.

Many people applauded him.

Wu Mangmang laughed so hard that he fell down, "Didn't you refuse to jump back then?"

Cheng Yue was a little old-fashioned at first and was determined not to dance, let alone dance in front of so many people.

"You always said you wanted to see me dominate the dance machine." Cheng Yue wiped the sweat from his forehead and reached out his handkerchief to him.

Cheng Yue felt a little regretful. The Mangmang who would order him to lower his head and wipe his sweat seemed to have disappeared.

Then, Cheng Yue gave Wu Mangmang a hairpin inlaid with rhinestones. "You looked at it for a long time, but now that brand doesn't have that model anymore. This one is the most similar one I can find."

Wu Mangmang lowered her head, and her tears fell to the ground, forming a small pool of water.

When Zeng Ruling saw that the man who brought breakfast to Wu Mangmang downstairs had been replaced by another person, she simply opened her mouth to express her surprise, and then said, "I should have thought of it earlier."

"This guy is also very handsome. He's younger than your uncle, right?" Zeng Ruling happily ate the chicken drumstick roll brought by Cheng Yue.

"Eat your food. Can't all this food fill your mouth?" Wu Mangmang typed quickly on the computer and started writing his paper early in the morning.

"What's the relationship this time? Childhood sweethearts?" Zeng Ruling asked.

"I guess so." Wu Mangmang sighed softly.

"Do you know that your reputation in our school is almost as good as that of a socialite?" Zeng Ruling asked again.

Wu Mangmang's expression did not change at all. Her bad reputation has been around for a long time. I hope that when she becomes Nun Miejue in the future, everyone will change their view of her.

"But I see you don't seem to have much interest in him." Zeng Ruling touched Wu Mangmang's shoulder.

Wu Mangmang was silent. One of the items on Cheng Yue's list was to deliver breakfast to her every morning.

When Cheng Yue was in high school, Wu Mangmang prepared breakfast and lunch for him. She looked it up on the Internet and matched the ingredients according to nutritional information. She asked her aunt to prepare them every day and brought them to Cheng Yue.

Wu Mangmang thought about it silently, and it seemed that she had never done these things for Lu Sui. Now when she thought about it, she really felt sorry for him.

I just hope that in the future he can meet a girl who has never had any other men in her heart, a healthy and optimistic girl, who will give him all the purest love.

Time passed faster and faster, and the number of things Cheng Yue had undone on his list became fewer and fewer.

"I have one last thing to do." Cheng Yue said as he sent Wu Mangmang back to the dormitory, "We have never spent Valentine's Day together. Roses are really expensive on Valentine's Day. I don't want to burden my mother, but I also don't want you to look down on me, so every Valentine's Day I tell you to help my mother at home."

Wu Mangmang laughed, "You don't have to help me avoid certain memories."

Cheng Yue rubbed his forehead embarrassedly.

I remember one year, after Cheng Yue once again rejected Wu Mangmang's request to spend Valentine's Day together, Wu Mangmang questioned him for a long time, and Cheng Yue finally couldn't help but lied and said he wanted to help his mother sell flowers on the street.

They are really a middle school boy and girl.

That day, Wu Mangmang, for the first time ever, accepted roses of all colors given to her by all her suitors. She carried a large basket of roses and sold them downstairs of a high-end restaurant in the city.

Her flowers sold very quickly because the flower girl was so beautiful.

I still remember that winter was exceptionally cold. I was freezing in the fog and collecting money while warming my hands. But there was a fire burning in my heart.

She wanted to tell Cheng Yue through her actions that she would not look down on him and that she could sell flowers with him as long as they were together.

Wu Mangmang stood on the street, counting the money one by one. She counted the money a little slowly because her hands were frozen and she was not good at counting money.

She had a big smile on her face, thinking about Cheng Yue's expression when she handed the folded money to him. He should be very touched, right

Would he feel sorry for her and pull her hand into his arms to keep it warm

Just thinking about it makes me feel so happy that I almost die.

In fact, the window of fate opened a small gap for Lu Sui to peek at that time.

That day, he and a female companion were sitting in a high-end restaurant, having dinner by the window.

The pretty little girl in a pink coat and a white fluffy hat quickly attracted the attention of him and his female companion.

For the sake of convenience, let's call her Miss A, because even if Lu Sui were to recall, he probably wouldn't be able to remember this lady's name.

Miss A said: "That girl is pretty and has a good temperament."

Lu Sui glanced at her indifferently. He was not interested in the little girl.

Miss A sighed, "What a pity."

Lu Sui didn't say anything, waiting for Miss A to continue talking.

Miss A looked at Wu Mangmang, who was smiling so hard from counting money, and said, "It's too easy for a pretty girl to take shortcuts."

Uh, I forgot to mention that Miss A is talented and capable, but her looks can only be described as "generous" at best.

Lu Sui smiled, looked at Wu Mangmang again, and said, "The girl comes from a well-off family. She came out to sell flowers to experience life."

"I don't believe it. Let's make a bet." said Miss A.

Lu Sui disagreed, "I don't have any prizes I want."

Miss a died.

As for Wu Mangmang, it can be imagined that her flower-selling not only did not make Cheng Yue grateful to her, but instead caused the young couple to have a cold war for three days, which ended with Wu Mangmang bending down to apologize.

Cheng Yue said: "I am so stupid. I will probably never find a girl who can sell flowers for me in winter in this life."

Wu Mangmang laughed and said, "You are all stupid. I actually sold the flowers given to me by other boys, and then smugly gave the money to you. My IQ must have been negative at that time, right?"

Cheng Yue thought about it and said, "Maybe."

Coincidentally, February 14th this year was still extremely cold. The temperature in the city dropped below zero at night, and there was rain and snow in the sky.

Wu Mangmang sat in the booked restaurant waiting for Cheng Yue. She already knew what Cheng Yue was going to do.

She accidentally saw a valuable diamond ring on the shopping receipt he dropped.

It's a pity that she no longer has the energy to respond.

The last thing she could do with Cheng Yue was to wait for him to give her a red rose that she had been waiting for for many years.

Then say thank you, thank him for his love that has never changed over the years.

She also wanted to say sorry that she failed to keep the promise she made when she was young to love only him for the rest of her life.

If he wants to make up for it, Wu Mangmang hopes that Cheng Yue can fall in love with another very good girl again, have a bunch of babies, and live a happy and joyful life.

This was the forgiveness she wanted most.

This is true for Yu Chengyue and Yu Lusui as well.