Dramas Of Abusive Scums Causes Comfort

Chapter 37: emotional logic


The Zhenlong chess game is the proud work of Mingyue Jianghu Company. It claims to represent the most advanced algorithm today. It has created countless topics since the server was launched. Now that the chess game has been broken, the company will naturally seize the opportunity to promote it.

The speed of the game company is very fast. In less than a day, the official website, forums and major media platforms have been fully released. There is no doubt that the IDs of the mysterious players Xie Fafa and Meng Feixuan will soon become popular on the entire Internet.

Regrettably, neither Xie Fafa nor Meng Feixuan had any intention of appearing, and the game company could not force them. In the end, through negotiation, they only agreed to use their image in the game as a promotional image.

However, the image of this game has also become popular on the Internet, Xie Fafa is not bad, his image is ordinary and nothing special, but Meng Feixuan really surprised everyone, the young man is bright and delicate, and his whole body The proportions of the upper and lower parts are just right, and they are a bit brighter than the most popular teenage idols.

There are two types of player images in Mingyue Jianghu, one is created by using the face pinching function provided by the system, and the other is edited and modified on the real image of yourself.

As soon as the promotional pictures of the two were released, many people asked whether Meng Feixuan was using his real image or the system to pinch his face.

The game forum of Mingyue Jianghu has also been slaughtered by Xie Fafa and Meng Feixuan's posts for several days. It is completely focused on them, and occasionally someone mentions Jian Jingsheng, and everyone's attitude is basically tacit, and Jian Jingsheng is not worthy of being compared with them.

Title: U1S1, although Xie Jingsheng was greened by Xie Jingsheng, he actually earned it!

Content: As a person who has eaten the whole process of Dongsan Zongfufu and Jianjingsheng triangle melon, I always thought that Xie Fafa was scumbag and bold, and he actually used Tangtang Chaoyan Pavilion as a spare tire.

But Xie Fa was too strong since he abandoned Jian Jingsheng and was with Meng Feixuan.

I'm starting to feel now that Xie Fafa and Jian Jingsheng used to be together in poverty alleviation...

Seeing that Jingsheng was abandoned, but he was in love with Xie Fafa, don't you think he has earned it

1L: ? ? ? ? ? Damn, it is the original sin to force e-sports dishes. As long as it is strong enough, scumbags can be washed into poverty alleviation.

3L: Hahahaha, what the hell is the East Third General Manager, can the landlord think of a more ugly name? But I have to say, for a moment, I actually felt that the landlord had a shred of truth in what he said.

11L: Although, Jianjingsheng is still the number one player in the top player rankings, so why can't he match up with the dishes? !

13L: ... 11 Brother, I really forgot, Xie Fafa and Meng Feixuan were so strong that I gradually forgot to see that Jingsheng was also a master.

20L: Damn, I can only say that Jian Jingsheng really has a relationship with the third general manager of the East, but Xie Fafa scumbag didn't have to wash it. Thank you.

33L: The landlord is confused and speaks, please check carefully, are these human words? !

This post is only short-lived on the forum because of the three views, but similar views are not an isolated case. Although there were many people who ridiculed Jian Jingsheng in the previous forum, the wind direction basically sympathized with his green light, and condemned Xie Dafa for playing with scumbags. Emotional.

But now, as Xie Fafa and Meng Feixuan became famous, some people gradually felt that Xie Fafa's original approach was not incomprehensible.

After all, he and Jian Jingsheng are so different in level, even if they got married successfully at that time, they still have to break up in the end.

Although there are not many people who say this clearly, it is enough to make Jian Jingsheng and the members of Chaoyan Pavilion uncomfortable.

In the past, Jingsheng was only cuckolded, but now there is a prefix - cuckolded for being too naive.

I have to say, it hurts.

World Channel:

[Fuck! Chaoyan Pavilion has captured the Sword God Family!]

[Wow! real or fake! Didn't several guilds fail to capture it? Yun Nu also said that it is impossible for a guild to succeed!]

[Yun Nu is a reckless man, who doesn't know?]

[Jianjingsheng is still more capable than Yunnu, and Chaoyan Pavilion has hired a lot of expert foreign aid this time, and Nuyunlou is no match.]

[Really, my friend is on the master list. This time, he took over the list of Chaoyan Pavilion. He just sent us a message saying that thanks to so many foreign aids, the BOSS was taken down. Yun anger lost to himself. Great.]

[The Chaoyan Pavilion is the first guild to successfully capture the system sect, there is something... ]

[Yo, was it considered poverty alleviation before Xie Fafa?]

In front of the Sword God Family, the descendants of the sect BOSS Sword God were strangled by the masters of the rivers and lakes. After the refresh, they led all the disciples of the sect to bow their heads towards Jian Jingsheng: "The entire Sword God Family is willing to be dispatched by Mr. Jian Jingsheng in the future."

Fuguang looked at Jianjingsheng with ecstasy: "Brother Xiaojing, that's great, we finally succeeded!"

"Yes, it finally succeeded!" There was a hint of scorn in Jian Jingsheng's proud eyes.

Since Xie Fafa and the two cracked the Zhenlong chess game, he and Chaoyan Pavilion have been ridiculed, and people in Chaoyan Pavilion are even more popular.

He has never suffered such humiliation, but when the game company released the drafts of Xie Fafa and the two over and over again, he couldn't help staring at Xie Fafa's news.

He felt as if he was possessed, clearly Xie Fafa should just be a low-profile copycat Yin Luoyan, if it wasn't for his similar charm to Yin Luoyan, he wouldn't have given him a second look at all.

Why is such an ordinary player now so radiant, completely overshadowing himself.

Obviously, he should be under his own protection, and he is deeply rooted and grateful for himself.

Kuang Jingning couldn't tell what state of mind he was in, he just felt hated and angry, but helpless.

Fortunately, now, they finally captured the Sword God family.

During this period of time, the major guilds have successively started attempts to capture the system schools, but they have all ended in failure. This result cannot be said to be an accident. Most of the guilds have average strength and insufficient material preparation. The so-called attempts are just attempts. .

Everyone's eyes were on the real Great Guild Nuyun Tower and Chaoyan Pavilion.

Jian Jingsheng kept his mind and dragged the schedule after the action of Nuyunlou.

Yunnu's martial arts cultivation is high, and he is willing to spend money, but I am a reckless man. As expected, I couldn't hold back. Two days ago, I led the members of Nuyunlou to launch an attack on the sect of the system. Splitting from Fengyulou, the foundation is not stable. A while ago, they lost a lot of money in materials. After this setback, the entire guild is now on the verge of collapse.

Jian Jingsheng, however, roughly calculated the combat power of the system sect through the failure of Nuyun Tower, gritted his teeth, and spent a sum of money to hire a lot of experts to act as foreign aid.

Finally, the emperor lived up to the painstaking efforts.

As a result, Chaoyan Pavilion became the first guild to take down the system sect after Xie Fafa.

Jian Jingsheng had a lot of prospects in his heart in an instant, but Fuguang thought of something else. He pulled Jian Jingsheng's sleeve and asked tentatively, "Brother Xiaojing, we have conquered the system now, and we will play games together in the future. There must be more time, why don't we move out and live together?"

Tan Yunguang's family is well-off, and his family prepared a small apartment for him outside the school. He used to live in the school in order to spend more time with Kuang Jingning. Now that the two have established a relationship, he can't help but want to go further.

Seeing Jingsheng looking at Fuguang, it cost a lot of money to invite foreign aid this time, and naturally it was also the money that Fuguang paid.

"What's wrong with this." Jian Jingsheng touched Fuguang's cheek lightly, watching Fuguang's cheeks turn crimson, but his eyes became slightly cold.

He quietly opened the panel, found Bancheng Yanyu's name from the friend list, and sent him a message: [Luoyan, I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you doing?]

Jian Jingsheng first started playing this game because Yin Luoyan said he was playing.

Later, when Jingsheng met Xie Fafa in the game, and there was a substitute, he gradually had less time to pay attention to Yin Luoyan.

Now that I think about it, this is basically putting the cart before the horse. Even if Xie Fafa has Yin Luoyan's charm, it's just a fake.

Yin Luoyan's message seemed a little urgent.

Bancheng Yanyu: [Sorry, Yun Nu brought someone back to look for something, I'll find you later.]

Seeing Jingsheng frowning, he replied: [Hasn't Yun Nu already left Feng Yulou? What is he going to do?]

Bancheng Yanyu did not reply.

Seeing Jingsheng thinking for a while, he turned to look at Fuguang, and said softly, "Yin Luoyan seems to be in a bit of trouble, let's go to Fengyulou to see what's going on?"

Fuguang was a little puzzled when he heard the words. He also knew Yin Luoyan, but he was not in the same circle with them. The relationship between Jian Jingsheng and Yin Luoyan was not very good. The eldest and second child, the intersection is even more limited.

In other words, if there is something wrong with Feng Yulou, it is not their turn to help Yange.

Why did Jian Jingsheng suddenly care about Yin Luoyan

Fuguang murmured in his heart, but now he obeyed Jianjingsheng's words, nodded and replied, "Okay."

Xie Ran logged into Mingyue Jianghu Game and appeared in front of Zhulu Villa. Generally speaking, Meng Feixuan logged in simultaneously with him in the game and stayed inseparable, but this time he stood for a while, but Meng Feixuan still disappeared. trace.

Xie Ran paused and called out, "Mark?"

The control panel lit up, and Meng Feixuan sent a message: [Sir, I have something to do, I will find you later.]

Xie Ran looked at this message and thought about it seriously. As his AI, what could Meng Feixuan have that he didn't know

Thinking to no avail.

Xie Ran didn't bother, and just casually looked at the game trends. In the past few days, due to the influence of the guilds' official occupation of the system, prices in the game fluctuated sharply again.

Nothing at all, Xie Ran decided to go to the agent to check the situation again. He asked the servants of Zhulu Villa to lead the horse out and rode it all the way to Dongsan Street.

Unexpectedly, at the intersection of Dongsan Street, there was a loud shout in the air, and two masked men jumped from the house by the roadside and stopped in front of him.

Xie Ran's equestrian skills were superb, he pulled the reins in an instant and stopped the horse.

I heard the taller masked man squeeze his throat and say, "I opened this mountain, and I planted this tree. I want to pass by here and leave it to buy road money."

Xie Ran frowned slightly, and glanced at both sides of the road. As the largest market in Luozhao City, Dongsan Street had neither mountains nor trees.

Generally speaking, no one will stand in the way here.

Sure enough, the unconventional behavior of these two people instantly attracted the onlookers of the surrounding players. Others were even more surprised than Xie Ran that they never imagined that someone would rob Xie Fafa on Dongsan Street!

Are these two crazy

Xie Fafa is very rich, yes, but what is the difference between robbing him on Dongsan Street and throwing himself into the net? Is there anyone in the game who doesn't know that Dongsan Street is almost Xie Fafa's site? At least half of the NPCs here are working for him!

Xie Ran naturally knew that something was wrong, but it was not important to him. He had a lot of people. He raised a hand and was about to call someone.

At this moment, there was another flash next to him, and a tall and slender youth jumped out from the side, stopped in front of the horse awe-inspiringly, and faced the two masked men, shouting: "Bold madman, you dare to disrespect my husband. , I think you are going to die."

Xie Ran: "..."

He looked at Meng Feixuan's back indifferently, and asked in a low voice, "Where did you hire the actor?"

"Clam?" Meng Feixuan turned his head and looked at Xie Ran innocently, "Is it obvious?"

Xie Ran: "Well."

"Alas." Meng Feixuan's tense aura was instantly deflated like a punctured ball, and he waved at the two masked men, "It's over, I've been seen through."

The two looked at each other, hesitated for a while, and then took off the masked face towel. Once the towel was taken off, the surrounding players gasped instantly.

"Fuck, isn't this Yan Xiaowu?"

"Then next to her... Could it be Yang Xianyun!"

"Why did Yan Xiaowu come to Dongsan Avenue? No wonder my friend went to Penglai Island today to receive a mission and couldn't find anyone!"

"Emmm, I heard right, they should have been invited by Meng Feixuan to come and act?"

"What's the matter? You can still ask the boss to go to the cave, how much is this?"

"No, are the settings of Yan Xiaowu and Yang Xianyun so difficult?"

I saw that the shorter one of the two was Yan Xiaowu, while Yang Xianyun was the one who spoke while holding his throat. The two were a little embarrassed, Yang Xianyun touched his nose and asked ashamedly, "Are we acting too badly? ?"

Meng Feixuan shook his index finger: "No, our husband is smart."

Xie Ran: "..."

Only then did Xie Ran know that Meng Feixuan's idea of learning emotional skills from Yang Xianyun and Yan Xiaowu was actually serious.

In Meng Feixuan's analysis, although Yang Xianyun and Yan Xiaowu are only two sets of data, their emotional lines are planned and designed based on the public's cognition, so theoretically they are in line with the general public's emotional cognition.

Xie Ran: ... His AI still has logic.

The only problem is that the person in charge of designing the relationship between Yang Xianyun and Yan Xiaowu seems to be addicted to the ancient romance.

These two people tried their best to teach Meng Feixuan.

"I originally thought this plot was a little bit crude, but now TV dramas don't do it this way, but their sincere feelings convinced me, I decided to give it a try." Meng Feixuan explained to Xie Ran with reason, "Maybe it's a classic. is the best.”

Xie Ran suspects that if Meng Feixuan is allowed to study on his own, his AI will become more and more biased.

"I'll teach you." Xie Ran said.

Meng Feixuan showed an expression of disapproval when he heard the words: "Sir, although you are very smart, when it comes to feelings, I don't think you are as good as me."

Xie Ran pressed the position between his eyebrows.

In some respects, his AI always had inexplicable confidence. He looked at Meng Feixuan: "Follow me."

"Oh, good." Meng Feixuan immediately followed.

Xie Ran took Meng Feixuan to teleport to Penglai Island again, and the two reached the edge of Haishan Cliff.

The time in the bright moon rivers and lakes is dynamic, and the sun rises and sets. At this time, the Jinwu is sinking in the west, the sea mountain cliff faces the boundless sea, and the sea water is turned into a sparkling red by the rays of the sun.

Xie Ran asked Meng Fei to sit on the edge of the cliff, and then he sat aside and said, "Watch the sunset."

"Okay." Meng Feixuan's procedure obeyed Xie Ranran, and immediately responded obediently, looking seriously in the direction of the sunset.

Xie Ran also looked into the distance, with the usual flat tone: "People will be stimulated by pictures, sounds, and events, which will cause emotional fluctuations, and feelings will arise from this..."

Human emotions are the result of the combined action of genes, hormones, and the nervous system. Although Xie Ran is lacking in this aspect, he still understands the basic principles.

Machines have no biological medium, so he never expected Meng Feixuan to truly understand these emotions. Meng Feixuan only needs to understand "emotional logic".

It's like he doesn't really care whether he can feel the feelings or not. If it wasn't to solve the original owner's obsession and return to the original world, he wouldn't spend a little more time here.

"Human beings will be touched by beautiful pictures. At a certain moment, certain pictures will remain in people's memory forever and affect people's feelings throughout their lives." Xie Ran said, "The creation of nature is the highest level in the eyes of human beings. aesthetics, such as sunsets.”

He looked at Meng Feixuan: "Do you understand?"

Meng Feixuan looked back at him, but shook his head: "I don't understand."

Xie Ran chuckled, still indifferent: "Actually, I don't know much either."

But what does it matter.

Meng Feixuan tilted his head and said, "My system logic tells me that Mr.'s consciousness atom group is the best looking."

The sea breeze blew lightly, the young man's fluffy black hair trembled slightly, and the rays of light fell in his eyes. His eyes carried the ignorance of a machine exploring the world, but also had an instinctive sincerity. Xie Ran's heart moved slightly.

At this time, the message was swiped again on the World Channel:

[A big event happened! ! ! Yun Nu brought people back to attack the Wind and Rain Building! Prepare to grab the guild resident!]

[… Yes, this is very cloudy!]

[Misty rain in the half city is a bit miserable, half of the troops were taken away by Yun Nu, and now even the guild station is going to be robbed? !]

[Alas, it is said that Bancheng Yanyu looks like a god, but he is not a god after all. If it is a god, how could Fengyulou be bullied like this.]

Xie Ran looked at the news in the world, thought for a moment, stood up and said, "Let's go to Fengyulou and see."

Yin Luoyan was the original owner's friend in the end. He wasn't sure if the original owner had anything to do with Yin Luoyan when he stayed in the online game, so he couldn't help him.

"Okay, sir." As Meng Feixuan stood up, he typed cursingly on the World Channel.

[Meng Feixuan: Can you guys stop the big thing and let it happen to the world? I'm so arrogant that I have a relationship with Mr. ! !]

[Meng Feixuan: Yun anger, you are mosaic! Your entire guild is mosaic!]

World Channel Others:

[? ? ? ?]


[Who said that Meng Feixuan was of low quality? I think his quality is quite high, he can even curse at Mosaic!]

[Wake up, people with high quality will not curse people in the world, okay!]

[Fuck, hardcore show affection]

The author has something to say: Mark: I love dating!

Mr. Xie: Did I accidentally program myself into his core code when I wrote the code

Mark: Don't fight, don't fight, go to the dance studio to fight!

U1S1=One thing to say

Ahahahaha, in fact, Mr. Xie is just not physically fit (x, his IQ is still very high, and he can memorize theories...

The content of this chapter is purely made up, without any scientific basis!