Dramas Of Abusive Scums Causes Comfort

Chapter 48: Epilogue Find your life back


The autonomous driving technology in this world is already very mature, but the sensitivity is still lower than that of manual operation, but Meng Feixuan's control is still very good.

Meng Feixuan reported the situation while driving: "Mr. is no longer in the game, but there is still no sign of separation of the consciousness atom group..."

Now Xie Fafa is an unrivaled legend in the Mingyue Rivers and Lakes. As soon as he goes online, he will attract a large number of onlookers. Although Xie Ran is used to being watched, he can't stand the constant crowd of people following him and secretly taking pictures with him. .

Meng Feixuan was even more angry. Although his quality was low, he was watched by so many people, and he couldn't continue to review pornography with his husband.

All in all, the game experience is very poor.

Moreover, the game was over for them, and Xie Ran simply retreated again, but it was strange that the original owner's consciousness atom group still showed no signs of being separated.

Meng Feixuan fell into deep thought: "Could it be that the plot of my newly downloaded TV series doesn't work? His obsession has nothing to do with games?"

Xie Ran: "..." His system still hasn't given up learning from TV dramas.

Xie Ran thought thoughtfully: "Maybe it was caused by the game, not necessarily solved in the game."

Just as he was talking, Meng Feixuan suddenly said with a stern tone: "Sir, there is a car following us behind!"

Xie Ran glanced in the rearview mirror. Not far behind their car, there was a sports car adorned with it. Xie Ran's eyes darkened slightly: "Who is driving?"

Xie Ran recognized this car, and in the original owner's memory, it was this car that hit him when he was running with Kuang Jingning, causing him to be paralyzed.

Meng Feixuan: "Wait a minute, I'll hack into the other party's driving system to see."

But just as Meng Feixuan made a move, the front of the car suddenly twisted out of control, and then slammed into Xie Ran's car.

Xie Ran already knew that: "It's the two people just now."

In the original owner's memory, after the car accident, he fainted. When he woke up and went to investigate, the traces at the scene had been cleaned up. The owner of the car who finally confessed was a strange and honest man. Without the thought or energy to investigate carefully, the matter will be hastily settled.

It was not until I thought about it many years later that I realized that there were many unreasonable things in the whole car accident. For example, the man who hit him was obviously a high-priced sports car, but the man who came out to confess his guilt came from a very ordinary family.

It's just that things have changed, and it's impossible to re-trace.

At this time, Xie Ran had an answer.

In the sports car, Kuang Jingning's face changed greatly, trying to stop Tan Yunguang's movements: "Are you crazy? What are you doing?"

Just now Tan Yunguang didn't care to provoke Xie Ran, making him embarrassed and embarrassed. When Xie Ran got in the car and left, Kuang Jingning also angrily pulled Tan Yunguang into the car, ready to leave the place of right and wrong first.

Unexpectedly, Tan Yunguang followed Xie Ran's car like a madman.

"Don't you want to chase Xie Fafa? I'll help you!" Tan Yunguang's eyes were red, and he stepped on the accelerator suddenly, but he was about to hit Xie Ran's car.

"Are you going to die!" Kuang Jingning looked terrified, and grabbed Tan Yunguang's hand, but Tan Yunguang was also ruthless, his hands were firmly on the steering wheel, and he couldn't pull them apart for a while.

At this time, there were a lot of vehicles on the road. The left side was the rolling traffic, and the right side was the guardrail of the viaduct. Xie Ran's car had to hide. The distance between the two cars was getting closer and closer, and they were about to collide.

"Go to hell!" Tan Yunguang let out an almost frantic laugh. Suddenly, the steering wheel, which was unable to be pulled by Kuang Jingning, seemed to have been hijacked by someone.

With a "bang-" sound, the sports car slammed into the elevated guardrail.

"Ah, it's a little late." Meng Feixuan said with a guilty conscience. When he invaded Tan Yunguang's driving system, the two cars were already too close to each other, and it was too late for the other to stop. The only thing he could do was turn the steering wheel.

"It's not your fault, it's human nature." Xie Ran said, there is a code of artificial intelligence that cannot harm human beings, so Meng Feixuan will feel guilty. Xie Ran doesn't care about the situation of Kuang Jingning and Tan Yunguang. It was his own fault, but at this moment, if it was in the game, he might want to pat Meng Feixuan's head, "Call them an ambulance."

"It's already called." Meng Feixuan replied, and then said "Huh", "Sir, you and Xie Ran's consciousness atoms in this world have begun to separate."

Xie Ran made a sound of "um". He probably knew what was going on, and he was not too surprised. He just flicked the panel of the autopilot system, "See you in the next world."

The original owner's consciousness gradually became clearer, until he regained control of his body, he knew that Xie Ran and Meng Feixuan from other worlds had left.

Looking at his intact and healthy body, he let out a low, unknown sigh: "Thank you."

That night, Yin Luoyan made a fuss and called him to tell him that Kuang Jingning and Tan Yunguang had a car accident. Both of them were seriously injured and would likely be disabled for life.

The original owner didn't have much mood fluctuations, and only responded coldly: "It has nothing to do with me."

In the original timeline, he was paralyzed for ten years, and finally burned with the jade and stone of Kuang Jingning. In fact, all his love for Kuang Jingning has already been exhausted. The only thing he wants is to find his life back, without encountering Kuang Jingning, without disabilities Life.

When he realized that his car accident might not have been an accident, his biggest obsession was to go back to the truth and prevent the tragedy from happening. The last time Tan Yunguang hit his car, he found someone to take the blame and escaped. This time, Tan Yunguang cocooned himself, and brought the real initiator, Kuang Jingning.

But none of this has anything to do with him anymore.

Yin Luoyan didn't expect that the senior brother was not only indifferent, it was almost as if his heart was still in the water, so he said angrily "Oh", but heard that the senior brother suddenly changed the topic again.

"Luoyan, please help me with something." The original owner said a number, "This is the money paid by Mingyue Jianghu to recycle AKM, and more than 10 million in selling materials in the game. I want to be a charity fund, to help people with disabilities."

"I'll wipe it!" Yin Luoyan's real name was shocked, "Senior brother, if you play games for another two years, Mingyue Jianghu will be annexed by you?!"

The original owner: "… "

_(:з"∠)_ It's not him, it's President Xie and Meng Feixuan.

After that, the original owner went abroad for further studies, and occasionally met with Yin Luoyan. In the original timeline, the Yin Luoyan family eventually went bankrupt due to some business decision mistakes. The Yin family noticed the risk in advance and successfully avoided the crisis.

After graduation, the original owner returned to his alma mater to do research, and he also took time out to do charity work. He lived a busy and fulfilling life, and he also played games in his spare time.

He tenaciously used his identity information to register a third account to log in to Mingyue Jianghu, but was quickly locked up by the game company. The game official promised to give him a monthly discovery subsidy, and asked him not to mess around in the game.

The original owner: "..." Okay.

Although it wasn't him who messed up, he just played the game well and was still within the range of normal players.

However, there are subsidies for playing games to relax.

As for the "online dating" between him and Meng Feixuan, they ended up regretting the breakup on the grounds that the distance was too far.

Yin Luoyan expressed regret for this: "Although brother Meng is of average quality, he still has nothing to say to senior brother."

The original owner laughed without saying a word.

Once in a while, Yin Luoyan brought the child to play with him, and said casually, "Senior brother, do you still remember Kuang Jingning and Tan Yunguang?"

The original owner: "What?"

"Tan Yunguang's family went bankrupt. Wasn't Kung Jingning crippled after the car accident? I don't know why they are with Tan Yunguang again, but now the Tan family is in trouble, and it seems that there is trouble again. It is said that Tan Yunguang doesn't want to spend any more money to hire a nanny..." Yin Luoyan sighed.

"Oh." The original owner shrugged, "You deserve it."

Yin Luoyan: "…"

He even suspected that if the conditions allowed, the senior brother might want to set off firecrackers? !

Xie Ran traveled to a new world, a person also named Xie Ran, this time he found himself in a classroom after his consciousness became clear, and at the same time received the life memory of the original owner.

Xie Ran in this world was born in a poor family. Both parents worked in factories. Later, his mother became seriously ill and exhausted all the family savings and owed a lot of money. Since then, his life has become very difficult.

The original owner had excellent grades since childhood. After the high school entrance examination, he was admitted to Qixing Middle School, the city's best public high school and a private aristocratic school. In addition to exempting the original owner's tuition, Qixing Middle School also promised to give the original owner a scholarship every year. Considering the situation at home, The original owner finally chose to enter an aristocratic school, but he did not expect this to be the beginning of his tragedy.

The original owner was handsome and beautiful, and his family was poor. As soon as he entered the school, he became the target of bullying by Qixing school bullies.

Living in the fear of bullying on campus every day caused the original owner to be unable to concentrate on his studies, and his grades dropped seriously. When he was in the second year of high school, Qixing saw that his grades were not good, so he no longer reduced the tuition fee, and at the same time, he had to recoup his advance payment for the next two years. For the scholarship, the original owner's family could not afford the tuition fees for Qixing, and the scholarship had been used to repay debts, so it was simply unable to repay.

When he was desperate, Xu Feiyan suddenly found the original owner and forced the original owner to associate with him. It turned out that Xu Feiyan had fallen in love with the original owner when he first entered school and started bullying him to attract his attention. Later, he was afraid that he would be found out as a homosexual. Intensified and escalated to bullying, but in the end, he couldn't control his desires and moved his thoughts.

At that time, the original owner was already in a desperate situation, and as a last resort, he could only agree to Xu Feiyan. However, after the two met, the original owner's treatment in the school did not improve. Xu Feiyan was afraid that he would be found with the original owner, and he was still with the school bullies. bullying him.

In the end, the original owner failed the college entrance examination and was only admitted to ordinary schools. What is even more desperate is that after leaving the school, Xu Feiyan did not let him go, and used the original owner's original family to firmly control him. The two have been so entangled for several years, the original owner Body and mind were greatly tortured.

Until one time, the original owner's parents discovered his relationship with Xu Feiyan and rushed to fight Xu Feiyan for him. .

Xie Ran came across when the second year of high school had just started. The original owner failed the final exam of the first semester of high school. The school was re-evaluating his eligibility for scholarships and tuition reductions, but the news had already spread.

At this time, Xie Ran was sitting in the classroom, and two tall boys stood beside his desk, condescendingly, looking at him with a hippie smile.

Both of them often bullied the original owner. The one who took the lead was Liu Man, who led gangs and ran rampant in the school. However, because the family was rich and powerful, the school also kept their eyes open and closed to him.

The classmates in the class knew what they were going to do when they saw Liu Man coming over, but they didn't dare to provoke Liu Man, and they only secretly looked at Xie Ran one by one. Those who were immersed in reading, some people subconsciously looked in the direction of the corner, where Xu Feiyan was located.

There is another reason why everyone dares not speak for Xie Ran. Xu Feiyan is the real school bully of Qixing Middle School. Liu Man and his gang also want to give him face, and Xu Feiyan has always been the main force in bullying Xie Ran. Liu Man and the others bullied Xie Ran with Xu Feiyan's tacit approval.

Xu Feiyan was sitting in his place, and he was also looking at Xie Ran's direction, but unlike in the past, he always joined the ranks of bullying Xie Ran with great interest. At this time, his eyes were full of nameless eyes. Excited.

He was actually reborn!

At that time, Xie Ran's parents found out that he forced Xie Ran to be with him, and they fought with him. Xie Ran accidentally fell from the upstairs with him in the process of protecting his parents.

At the moment before his death, Xu Feiyan finally realized that he really loved Xie Ran, but it was a pity that although he was with Xie Ran when he was alive, he kept torturing each other, and the two never acted like normal The couple lived a good life like that.

He never thought that God would give him a chance to come back. Although he didn't know how it happened, when he opened his eyes, he found that he had returned to the night before the second year of high school.

This year was the worst year in Xie Ran's life, and it was also the time when he bullied him the most.

This is really great, this time, he must treat Xie Ran well, and no longer let anyone bully him, must protect Xie Ran to finish his studies safely, and pursue him openly and let everyone know, Xie Ran is his boyfriend.

They can fall in love well and live together sweetly after graduation.

Xu Feiyan was excited for a whole night, and planned the future of him and Xie Ran in his heart. Now, the first thing he has to do is to stop Liu Man and the others from bullying Xie Ran.

I wonder if Xie Ran would be surprised and moved when he saw that he had helped him

In the future, there will be more and more such accidents and touching, and he will become Xie Ran's savior.

Xu Feiyan could almost imagine Xie Ran looking at him in surprise and gratitude with those beautiful eyes. Just thinking of this, his heart was filled with happiness and satisfaction.

This is how love begins!

Xu Feiyan could hardly suppress his inner commotion, and stood up with his fists clenched.

"Hey, Xueba, I heard that your grades are not good." Liu Man kicked Xie Ran's desk hard, the desk shook, and the textbooks and notebooks on the desk all slid to the ground with a "crashing".

Xie Ran lowered his eyes, swept over the learning materials that had fallen on the ground, then slowly stood up and looked at Liu Man lightly.

The original owner was a little thin, not too short, but he was still half a head shorter than Liu Man, who was tall and big. When looking at each other, he had to look up slightly.

But for some reason, the moment he stood up, Liu Man suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

When he bullied Xie Ran like this before, Xie Ran would just squat down silently to pick up things, but never dared to stand up and look at him.

If the line of sight accidentally meets, those beautiful eyes are always full of fear and anxiety, but at this time, Xie Ran's eyes can't see any emotion.

There is no fear or anger, just like a calm lake. Although he is looking up at him, he has an inexplicable feeling of condescending and looking down at him.

It actually caused Liu Man to take a step back involuntarily.

"Brother Man?" The younger brother beside Liu Man saw something unusual about him, and reached out and pushed him.

Only then did Liu Man come back to his senses, realizing his gaffe, and he was immediately angry, and he stopped going through the process. He raised his fist and was about to beat Xie Ran: "Stinky boy, you dare to pose in front of me—"

Xu Feiyan, who was waiting on the side, finally waited for the opportunity, and immediately rushed up and grabbed Liu Man's wrist, and shouted sharply: "Liu Man, stop me—"

Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden "puff", and an indescribable pain suddenly came from his lower abdomen.

Xie Ran raised his leg neatly and kicked Xu Feiyan on the spot, clutching his abdomen and falling to the ground. His face was instantly pale, and he was speechless with trembling.

Before everyone could react, Xie Ran had already retracted his feet, bullied him forward, and hit directly with a beautiful elbow. With a hard elbow, it hit Liu Man's chin directly.

Hearing the crisp sound of his upper and lower teeth snapping together, Liu Man's chin was raised high, and saliva and blood foam were splattered together.

All bystanders trembled subconsciously.

But it wasn't over yet. Xie Ran followed up with a set of moves, elbows and side kicks. Before Liu Man and his younger brother had shaken the gods, they cut down and knocked them all down.

As a rich president who could be kidnapped at any time, Xie Ran naturally learned self-defense skills, but unfortunately the original owner was a little weak and not strong enough, so he could only bring down these people.

Rao is so, it is enough for everyone on the scene to be surprised.

The students around: "...???"

Did they miss the plot? This development seems a bit wrong, doesn't it

Liu Man and his younger brother were caught off guard when they were unprepared. Fortunately, the other party was not strong enough, and the injury was not serious, but the pain caused their teeth to tremble.

Xu Feiyan was even more astonished, why is this plot different from what he thought

He covered his stomach and sat on the ground, his face was so painful that he was sweating coldly, and his head was in confusion. He couldn't figure it out for a while, so he subconsciously shouted: "Xie Ran, I'm here to help you..."

Before he could finish speaking, he saw a foot kicked violently.

Kick him directly in the face! ! !

All Xu Feiyan's unfinished words were kicked back, and he threw himself on the spot.

Liu Man and his younger brother: ! ! ! !

The students around: ! ! ! !

The author has something to say: Mr. Xie: I started to be a school bully today.

I originally wanted to use Mr. Xie's eyes to look at Liu Man with the look of pork... Forget it, hold back!

Xu Feiyan: Xiaoran, I announce you, I want to help you, move you!

Mark: You are dead.

The new world is barely considered a double life (?), or is it a time-travel male protagonist who encounters a rebirth scumbag? Slag Gong wants to come back, hee hee, think beautifully!

And, it's the repertoire again: Guess how Mark appeared

[Begin to be a school dad today]