Dramas Of Abusive Scums Causes Comfort

Chapter 55: Beat the evil forces


The landlord never dreamed that Xie Ran would actually become the leading eldest brother of Qixing students.

For a long time, Xie Ran's impression in the minds of Tongzilou tenants was silent and fragile. Kong had a good-looking face and good academic performance, but he couldn't handle it.

When Xie Ran was admitted to Qixing, the landlord was very disapproving of the pantothenic acid. Qixing was not a place where students from ordinary families could stay. With Xie Ran's family background and character, it would only be marginal. Whether the characters can stay or not is a question.

In the landlord's mind, Xie Ran must be ignored in Qixing, and it would be nice not to be bullied.

She never thought that Xie Ran would actually be the eldest brother of Qixing students.

At this time, the group of boys standing outside the Tongzilou were tall and full of famous brands, and looking at their sloppy speech, they were definitely good players in making trouble.

This group of people is afraid that no one will dare to provoke Qixing, who is a powerful person all over the place.

So the situation reversed in an instant. It turned out that the landlord and a group of people surrounded Xie's parents to coerce, and now it has become a group of Xie Ran's younger brothers who surrounded the landlord and his group to negotiate.

After sitting at the negotiating table, the landlord finally understands what a hooligan is not to be afraid of, just that the hooligan has culture.

Xie Ran's attorney is the real ruthless character.

In contrast, students who only use their fists are simply too innocent.

Lawyer Meng Feixuan talked about various public security management regulations, legal provisions, etc. at his fingertips, as if he copied and pasted from the documents, and directly silenced the landlord and the others.

Not only that, but he is also very sophisticated and practical, grasping the various tricks of the landlord's group and making crazy hints, and without any hesitation, he superimposed the landlord's sentence to several years.

How could the landlord understand this, when the other party counted them down one by one, the whole person was already stunned, unable to refute a word.

She even began to secretly rejoice that she was fortunate enough to sit down and negotiate privately, otherwise, as it was at the beginning, the lawyer Meng would only be able to send the entire family to the bureau.

Of course, her whole family is now surrounded by Xie Ran's younger brothers.

In the end, lawyer Meng calculated the settlement amount as high as 50,000 yuan. The landlord was stunned when she heard it. She originally wanted to extort a few thousand yuan from the Xie family's parents. How could she expect to pay so much in a blink of an eye, and she burst into tears. Shouting to try to fool the past.

But Xie Ran was indifferent no matter how she cried and screamed, and only looked at her coldly: "Then see you in court."

After all, he didn't give the landlord any chance to entangle at all, he just left.

The landlord has never encountered such a neat and unsympathetic person, which makes her sloppy tricks, which have always been tried and tested, completely useless.

The key people also have the confidence to be neat and tidy. Just looking at Xie Ran's style, the landlord has no doubt that he will really sue on the spot.

If you see it in court, the amount of tax evasion listed by lawyer Meng is far more than 50,000 yuan.

The landlord clutched his chest and sat on the ground: "I'll give it, I'll give it!"

When they came out of the landlord's house, the Xie family's parents were still in a daze, and in a blink of an eye, they not only didn't have to pay the rent in the landlord's overlord clause, but received 50,000 yuan in cash as compensation.

A full 50,000 yuan! This is almost their entire family's annual income.

Originally, the landlord wanted to make excuses for not having the cash to delay it. Xie Ran's classmates went directly to hold down the landlord's brother, forcing the landlord to withdraw money immediately. The landlord used to ask others to withdraw money. There is also such a day, when I want to cry but have no tears, I can only obediently withdraw money in the end.

Thinking of Xie Ran's classmates, Xie's parents had the opportunity to thank them at this time, and quickly said, "Classmates, thank you very much this time."

"You're welcome." Guan Heng waved his hand and looked at Xie Ran with respect, "It's our honor to be able to help Brother Ran."

He used to think that Xie Ran was very good at games and fights, but he didn't expect people to be really high-IQ and ruthless characters. When he negotiated with the landlord just now, it seemed that the main force in the negotiation was lawyers, but he could see that Xie Ran was really in control. people.

Obviously, like them, they are only high school students. Xie Ran is not as tall as them, but when he sits on the edge of the table, his aura and posture are as stable as Mount Tai.

There are a lot of people on the landlord's side, and they only do things that are rude and arrogant. The voice alone is enough to give people a headache, but they couldn't scare Xie Ran at all.

Xie Ran steadily controlled the rhythm. Lawyer Meng cooperated step by step and pressed for a strong claim. In the end, Xie Ran made a very cold decision, leaving no room for the landlord to operate.

Guan Heng had only seen this kind of boldness when his elders held a general meeting of shareholders.

As expected of the big brother!

Guan Heng has never played with a poor person like Xie Ran before. In fact, he was a little disgusted when he first saw the environment of the Tongzilou. This would see Xie Ran himself walking through the yard calmly and orderly instructing the movers to start. Moving, not feeling inferior or uncomfortable because of being in a bad place, the disgust in Guan Heng's heart disappeared without a trace.

This is the real aura of a big brother, commanding a move is like giving orders at a shareholders meeting!

Guan Heng was sighing in his heart when he saw Xie Ran suddenly looked back at him and said with a half-smile, "Aren't you going to pay to move?"

Guan Heng: "..." How could Brother Ran still remember this

Seeing that he was speechless, Xie Rancai Shi Shiran added another sentence: "Just kidding."

He spent money to hire a team, naturally he didn't have to work hard for these high school students, but Guan Heng and the others had nothing to do, so they helped to carry a few things. After all, it took a lot of time to negotiate with the landlord. With their help, they can also move. hurry up.

After Xie Ran finished speaking, the phone vibrated again. He picked it up and saw Meng Feixuan sent a message.

Meng Feixuan: [Sir, you don't have to move the house, you still have to collect the money. We are starting from scratch now, and we need to plan carefully!]

Xie Ran: "..."

After a while, Meng Feixuan spoke again.

Meng Feixuan: [Forget it, I just thought about it and felt that the quality is a bit low.]

Meng Feixuan: [But my quality is not high, so it shouldn't matter?]

It can be seen that AI still does not fully understand the moral standards of human beings, and is trying to analyze it.

Xie Ran unconsciously chuckled: "Fool."

The Xie family's parents saw these big boys, whose dress and behavior were obviously out of tune with the Tongzilou environment, helped to move the house without disdain, and each one of them still shouted "Brother Ran" enthusiastically. , it seems to be the case with them on a daily basis.

Xie's parents had mixed feelings for a while, looked at each other, and tacitly wiped away their tears: "It's great, it's really great."

Xie Ran decided to go to Qixing to go to school as a last resort. They were heavily in debt at that time and needed a high scholarship from Qixing to tide over the difficulties.

But in Qixing's environment, Xie's parents couldn't help worrying that Xie Ran would not be able to integrate or even be excluded. In the past year, Xie Ran had been telling them that he was doing well in Qixing and everything was going well, but he never mentioned it. His interactions with his classmates also made Xie's parents unable to really rest assured.

Now that Xie Ran is really getting along well with these classmates, and the classmates even admire Xie Ran's appearance, Xie's parents are finally completely at ease.

The moving team and the big boys acted together, and the small building suddenly became crowded and lively, attracting many tenants to come out to watch.

When the previous landlord's family was making trouble, many people saw it, but the landlord was too many and arrogant, and the tenant also had to look at the landlord's face.

Unexpectedly, after a while, the Xie family has already begun to move in a lively manner.

Those who had a good relationship with the Xie family came over to inquire, and when they learned the whole story, they were all surprised, and their expressions showed envy.

"Old Xie's family is really going to move to Ruijin? It's a good place. I've delivered goods there. The community is big, spacious, and very beautiful!"

"Xiao Ran is really capable, and he goes to Qixing and lives in Ruijin. Old Xie and his wife are lucky."

There are also people who are angry about the rental contract.

"The landlord's contract still has such an overlord clause?"

Father Xie was also very helpless: "I heard that lawyer Meng said that the clause was written that way on purpose, and they also watched people serve dishes. Tenants who don’t want to stay, just don’t have it. So it’s not going to happen to everyone.”

This is also the shrewdness of the landlord's family, otherwise there would have been so many tenants in the building that would have exploded long ago.

"That's not going to work. Who knows if she thinks we are easy to bully!"

"Then what can we do? We can't afford a lawyer, and we can't find anyone from Qixing to come forward!"

Xie's parents felt the same way. Xie mother pulled Xie Ran: "Xiao Ran, where did you hire that lawyer Meng? Is the price expensive, can others afford it?"

Xie Ran swept around the panicked other tenants and said in a low voice, "I'll ask Lawyer Meng to send you a guide to quitting the lease."

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and said gratefully, "Then trouble Xiaoran."

After nine o'clock in the evening, the Xie family finally finished moving the house.

The Xie family's parents were unhappy and wanted to greet Guan Heng and the others, but it was too late. Guan Heng and the others were still concerned about the game and refused to stay. They said hello to Xie Ran and ran away.

After the noisy boys were gone, Xie's parents had time to take a good look at their new home.

Ruijin Garden is not a particularly high-end community, but it is already a place that Xie's parents never dreamed of before.

The residential area is large, the greening is high, and there is a neat and beautiful residential garden. The house is square and well-lit. The whole house is cleaned and the windows are clean. It is completely two worlds from the package building.

Xie's parents walked around the living room and the room excitedly, and they kept saying, "It's too spacious, the layout is good, and it looks very comfortable."

"The kitchen is also big and clean. It must be delicious to cook."

They really looked good, their eyes filled with joy and hope that could not be concealed.

Mother Xie couldn't help but be a little worried: "For such a good place, the rent is a lot, right?"

But this thought only flashed for a moment, and she immediately regained her spirits: "Xiao Ran still has to live in such a place, and she has the spirit to study. I'll find a job tomorrow..."

"Don't think about this, I'll find a way." Father Xie seemed to be stimulated and began to think, "If only I could buy a small apartment here for Xiaoran in the future..."

Xie Ran: "...?"

He reluctantly rented in Ruijin because he had limited funds now. This is the transitional place. Do Xie's parents still want to settle down here

Still small

What he rents now is two bedrooms and one living room, isn't it small enough

But seeing this pair of parents, who may be weak and incompetent in the eyes of outsiders, excitedly planning the future, carefully considering every step to pave the way for the original owner, clumsy and full of hope, Xie Ran finally did not refute, only silent for a while, To Xie mother: "You take care of yourself first, money is not in a hurry."

The hard days won't last long, but it's not worth it if the mother burns her body first because she's worried about the money.

Father Xie also nodded: "Yes, we won't take the 50,000 compensation today..."

Speaking of this, Xie's parents were still like a dream, they carefully took out the money and began to plan its use. Father Xie thought for a while, and took out 10,000 yuan and handed it to Xie Ran: "Xiao Ran, take this and invite yours. Classmates, thanks to their help today, you will use the rest at school."

10,000 yuan is undoubtedly a huge sum of money for the Xie family, but seeing the clothes of Guan Heng's group of people, Xie's parents can also think of the consumption level of these people. Xie Ran wants to be friends with them. is not possible.

Xie Ran looked at their unconcealed concern, and inexplicably thought of his parents in the original world. His emotional feelings were always very light, and his parents were typical elites. The communication at home has always been simple and efficient, and almost never appeared. Such an intimate and intensely revealing moment.

Xie Ran was suddenly a little curious, what kind of emotional state were his parents in the original world holding when they communicated with him

"Okay." Xie Ran didn't embarrass the Xie family's parents. Anyway, 10,000 yuan could not affect the Xie family's current life. He took it and went back to the room first.

As soon as he closed the door, Meng Feixuan's skillful voice calling for credit came from his cell phone, and the calm lawyer Meng regained his youthful clarity: "Sir, I hacked into the router of the landlord's house and disconnected their network."

"I also compiled the information on cheap and cost-effective neighborhoods in the city, and sent a copy to each of the tenants on the side of the package." Speaking of this, he was still a little resentful, "I am so kind, but someone thinks it's fraudulent information, angry I'm dead."

However, Meng Feixuan is a strong AI, and continued: "I have also sent all the tenants the relevant laws and regulations to deal with the trap of the landlord's contract and the guide to quit the lease."

As you can imagine, the real trouble for landlords is only now beginning.

Xie Ran wasn't interested in these things that had nothing to do with his plans, but the boy's familiar voice made him feel like he was in the original world for a moment.

He didn't stop Meng Feixuan from speaking, he just walked to the window.

The scenery here is completely different from the Tongzilou. The windows are wide, and the garden of the community is outside. The night is low, and the residents in the community are lit up with lights, like patches of light hanging on the high-rise buildings.

Xie Ran said: "Mark, report the work."

"Okay, sir." The teenagers switched to professional work mode and began to report on their progress in the world.

Half an hour later, Meng Feixuan's report was over, and Xie Ran was about to wash up when he saw a message entered on the phone, but it was sent by Guan Heng.

Guan Heng: [Brother Ran, come back soon, I can't bear it alone.]

Xie Ran: [?]

Guan Heng: [QAQ, I just knelt ten times in a row, when will you be able to give me a higher score? I can't do it without you.]

Xie Ran: [… ]

Guan Heng: [Pay! !]

Xie Ran thought for a while: [I'm not free, I'll let Lawyer Meng take you to fight.]

Guan Heng: [The lawyer Meng in the afternoon? Forget it, his professional ability is so strong, the game must be very good.]

Before Xie Ran returned the message, Meng Feixuan had already scolded: "Mosaic, I want to show him a good look!"

Xie Ran was noncommittal and replied: [I asked him to get on my account.]

After he finished speaking, he put down the phone and went straight to wash up.

When he came out, he saw Guan Heng's information on his phone swiped: [Brother Ran, Lawyer Meng is so awesome!]

Guan Heng: [He got back all the points we lost.]

Guan Heng: [QAQ but he is too good at swearing... ]

Guan Heng: [He also doesn't allow us to block the text inside the bureau]

Guan Heng: [Hey, strange, how did he know that I blocked the text in the bureau?]

Xie Ran: "...Mark?"

Meng Feixuan quickly denied: "He is talking nonsense!! I am a civilized green system!!"

Xie Ran was silent for a moment, and replied to Guan Heng: [Lawyer Meng should not speak foul language.]

Guan Heng: [He didn't say foul language, but he said that he sprinkled rice on the keyboard, and the chickens he raised were better than us.]

Xie Ran: "..."

On his phone screen, a cartoon white chick is running around the frame of the screen, looking like he's trying to lose weight.

Xie Ran: [He is telling the truth.]

The author has something to say: Mark: I'm just telling the truth.

Ji Jiu: cluck cluck!

Guanshuiyu: I cried when I was angry.