Dramas Of Abusive Scums Causes Comfort

Chapter 62: Absolutely dominate


Xie Ran stood proudly, with a look of innate arrogance in his expression, and he did not look like an ordinary student who was careful and submissive when facing an authority.

A fluttering "That's it?" is full of arrogance, but no one at the scene dared to reprimand him, let alone give him a look.

After all, those who can publish papers in "UNIVERSE" are indeed qualified to question "this is it?" about their scholarship.

Even without mentioning the academic significance and achievements of publishing papers on UNIVERSE, Xie Ran has enough capital to look down on the entire Qixing in terms of practical interests.

At present, major domestic universities and scientific research institutions have corresponding incentive policies for publishing papers on "UNIVERSE". The promotion of position level is the most basic, and the single bonus given to individuals ranges from 100,000 to 1 million. As for books Not to mention the priority of people in subsequent applications for research grants.

At the beginning of this year, a university that was eager to improve its comprehensive strength even offered a reward of 2 million cash plus a set of two rooms for publishing papers on "UNIVERSE", which caused heated discussions in the industry.

And these are only rewards from the unit where the author works. In addition, the talent introduction departments in various regions also have other corresponding rewards and preferential policies, and there are countless hidden benefits.

In other words, as long as Xie Ran is willing, not to mention scholarships, even houses and cars, there will be institutions willing to provide them.

At the beginning, Xie Ran entered Qixing because of financial difficulties in his family and for a high scholarship, so just now Vice Principal Zhou also habitually wanted to use money to stabilize Xie Ran.

Unexpectedly, Xie Ran was already shy and introverted when he was recruiting students at this time, and he didn't dare to negotiate conditions with the school.

The facts are indeed different. When recruiting students, Xie Ran only had good grades, and there were many students with good grades who could not win Xie Ran, and there were a lot of other students to choose from, so Xie Ran had limited space for negotiation. Eligibility for exemption and scholarship amount are all within the special recruitment criteria of Qixing.

This is why Qixing did not pay enough attention to Xie Ran after being recruited, because there are still many such students in Qixing. Qixing has a lot of money and can completely plunder high-quality students by relying on high scholarships.

However, there are very few students who can publish papers in "UNIVERSE", let alone high school students, even if all universities and scientific research institutions in the city are counted, they may not be able to publish one a year.

Therefore, Qi Xing must leave Xie Ran no matter what.

As the first high school in the city's history to train authors of the "UNIVERSE" paper, Qixing will not only have an explosive growth in word of mouth, but will also give corresponding tilts in regional policies.

And once they don't stay, Qixing will not only lose these opportunities and resources, but Xie Ran's dynamic will inevitably attract the attention of the entire education and academic circles. Qixing has always been known for its wealth and wealth, so Xie Ran cannot be retained. , I am afraid that it will lead to doubts about the school from the outside world.

Qi Xing had no choice at all.

Xie Ran occupies an absolute dominant position, no matter what posture he wants to use to talk to Qi Xing, even if he proposes to ride on Vice Principal Zhou's neck, Vice Principal Zhou can only consciously wash his neck immediately.

... I'm afraid that Xie Ran doesn't look down on his neck at all.

Faced with Xie Ran's arrogance at this time, Vice-Principal Zhou didn't dare to say a second word while his face was ugly, he could only smile flatteringly, and said embarrassingly: "This is just our initial idea, what kind of reward do you want, we We can talk again."

Xie Ran was noncommittal, and only asked lazily, "Don't you want me to drop out of school?"

"How is that possible?!" Vice President Zhou was shocked when he heard the words, and continued, "This is absolutely nothing, who is talking nonsense?"

He yelled at Wang Siyi angrily, "Siyi, who told you to talk nonsense?"

"No, no, it's not me." Wang Siyi was already in a cold sweat at this time. He never thought that Xie Ran would actually publish a paper on "UNIVERSE". What kind of amazing development is this

If this matter hadn't been said by Vice Principal Zhou himself, he'd probably think it was a prank, or something rather clumsy.

It's not hard to imagine what Xie Ran's status will be in Qixing next, not to mention him, the leader of the whole school, when he sees Xie Ran, he will automatically shorten his head. , the more I think about it, the more I regret it.

If the school knows about it, it would be strange if he did not peel his skin and ask Xie Ran to blame.

At this time, when Vice Principal Zhou suddenly asked, Wang Siyi suddenly came back to his senses, denied it quickly, turned his eyes to Xu Feiyan, and tried his best to throw the blame, "Yes, Feiyan said, I thought it was because there was a new student at the school. notice."

"Feiyan?" Vice President Zhou noticed that Xu Feiyan was also present, and was a little puzzled for a while, and at the same time there was a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

In just over a week since the start of school, Xu Feiyan had already brought a lot of bad influence to Qixing. First, he was beaten by Xie Ran in the equestrian class and lost a big ugly face, which directly affected the reputation of Qixing's equestrian class. , and was then caught by Teacher Feng Ji for posting a pornographic video on the playground, and it became known to the whole school.

But at best, these can only count Xu Feiyan's incompetence and Qi Xing's bad luck, and in the final analysis, Xu Feiyan cannot be investigated.

But Xu Feiyan even threatened to drop a student who had just published a paper on "UNIVERSE" behind the school's back.

Vice-Principal Zhou's face sank immediately, and he reprimanded Xu Feiyan: "Feiyan, how can you be so messed up?"

Xu Feiyan was completely stunned. He originally planned to use some means to make Xie Ran unable to study, so he had to ask him for help, just like in the previous life.

Unexpectedly, the situation turned around in the blink of an eye, and the entire Qixing had to beg Xie Ran not to transfer schools.

As for him wanting Xie Ran to not be able to go to school, it is a big joke. Now let alone high school, as long as Xie Ran is willing, he doesn't need to take the college entrance examination at all. He can enter the top colleges and universities in the country, and international famous schools are no problem.

Xu Feiyan's head was in chaos, and when he was reprimanded by the principal, he suddenly woke up, and his face was pale.

Vice-principal Zhou is different from Wang Siyi. He is also one of the school's directors and holds shares in Qixing. If he reports his behavior to the management, Xu Feiyan will really have no choice but to walk away. of.

Especially Xu Feiyan just caused some trouble for the Xu family, and only explained and reflected at home on weekends.

Xu Feiyan was in a dilemma, and in the end he could only laugh awkwardly: "Uncle Zhou, I'm just joking with him."

"Nonsense! Is this a joke?!" Vice-principal Zhou snarled, but Xu Feiyan has a special status after all, and he has to save some face for him even if he is angry, and in the end he can only apologize to Xie Ran, "Xie Ran. Classmate Ran, this is a complete misunderstanding, Feiyan is ignorant and doesn't know the importance of joking, we ask him to apologize to you solemnly, don't worry about it..."

When Xu Feiyan heard that he wanted to apologize to Xie Ran, his expression changed suddenly, but in this situation, he had no room to refute, no matter how embarrassed he was, he could only shut up and hold back.

Vice-principal Zhou explained for a long time, and his tone was very flattering, but Xie Ran was unmoved, with no expression on his face, and he didn't answer the other party's words.

But it was this casual look that gave Vice-Principal Zhou an inexplicable sense of oppression that he was looking down on. This kind of feeling had only happened to him before when he was facing the strongest opponent in a formal business meeting.

It was obvious that the other party was only a half-year-old student, and Vice-Principal Zhou was shocked, and for a while he felt that he could not deal with it. Just when he was helpless, he suddenly swept aside Wang Siyi, and quickly pulled Wang Siyi: " Siyi, you are Xie Ran's head teacher, you should know Xie Ran's situation best, come and tell him."

Wang Siyi was suddenly cued, and his heart suddenly panicked. He used to target Xie Ran a lot, but now Xie Ran turned over, he was just sitting still, for fear that Xie Ran would turn over old accounts.

Vice-principal Zhou did not know these things, and asked him to do Xie Ran's work.

Wang Siyi was speechless, and after thinking about it, he came up with a way to divert the conflict, so he leaned forward and said with a smirk: "Xie Ran, I heard before that you seem to have some conflicts with other classmates, are you in? Worry about this? Don’t worry, we will do ideological work with those classmates, and we will definitely create a good learning environment for you in the future.”

Wang Siyi has always known about Xie Ran being bullied, but Wang Siyi has always paid no attention to Xie Ran, and secondly, bullying Xie Ran is either rich or expensive, and Wang Siyi is too lazy to go into this muddy water.

Although Xie Ran didn't say a word at this time, in Wang Siyi's view, he must be afraid of bullying. Now Xie Ran is not what it used to be, and then I'm afraid that the whole Qixing will be holding Xie Ran.

In this case, Wang Siyi thought that he might as well do this favor first.

He said this very skillfully, neither saying it was bullying nor involving Xu Feiyan, but only saying that he had vaguely heard some contradictions, as if he didn't know the truth, but he was still willing to solve the problem for Xie Ran.

... If Xie Ran had any problems with him later, it would be easy for him to clear the relationship.

The most important thing is to first shift Xie Ran's focus to those students who bully him, and then help Xie Ran solve this problem that has been bothering him. With Xie Ran's character, he will definitely not care about himself anymore. .

Wang Siyi's abacus is very good, but Xie Ran's algorithm is completely different from his.

Xie Ran didn't pay attention to Wang Siyi's trivial matters at all, and was listening to Meng Feixuan drafting the conditions for him. At this time, when Wang Siyi opened his mouth, Xie Ran noticed another thing.

Xie Ran slightly restrained her expression, and her eyes suddenly sharpened when she looked at Wang Siyi: "Have you heard of it? When did you hear it? Who did you hear?"

He spoke slowly and slowly, every word, every question was like a knife stabbed in Wang Siyi's chest. Wang Siyi couldn't think that his focus was completely different from what he expected.

Especially the last question made him lose his words in an instant, unable to answer at all.

Xie Ran: "...Since you've heard of it, why didn't you ask it before? Only now do you think about it?"

When Wang Siyi said it earlier, Vice Principal Zhou really thought it was just a small problem, and thought that Wang Siyi was very careful, but at this time Xie Ran asked a series of questions.

I'm afraid this is not an ordinary contradiction. Looking at Wang Siyi's faltering and speechless appearance, I'm afraid he has not heard it "indistinctly".

Vice-Principal Zhou's face sank, and he shouted, "Wang Siyi, what's going on?"

Wang Siyi was dripping with cold sweat, and he said: "I don't know, I really don't know..."

Xie Ran was expressionless: "I don't know why you didn't ask clearly? Or, students who have not published papers on "UNIVERSE" are not worth asking about?"

Compared with the bullying among the students, the teacher who knows the bullying but chooses to ignore it, in Xie Ran's opinion, needs to be dealt with more than the students themselves.

In his company, such employees are absolutely not allowed.

Wang Siyi was completely speechless, while Vice Principal Zhou was furious, both for the matter itself and for showing Xie Ran a gesture.

However, Xie Ran was not interested in the following plot. His goal had been achieved, so he looked back indifferently, turned to Vice Principal Zhou, and said in a low voice: "On the conditions, I will open the order and send it to your mailbox, and you will agree to draft a contract. If you don’t agree, you can go through the formalities directly, and you can transfer and drop out.”

After speaking, without waiting for Vice Principal Zhou to answer, he walked away, leaving the teachers in the first office to look at each other.

If they heard correctly, what Xie Ran just said was "open an order"? How many conditions did he prepare

And there is absolutely no room for negotiation for Qixing.

Either agree or lose him.

The most frustrating thing is that he has this confidence.

Qixing student group:

[Fuck, fuck, fuck! ! ! Have you heard? Xie Ran published a paper on UNIVERSE! ! !]

[UNIVERSE? What the hell? ?]

[? ? ? ? ? UNIVERSE? Is that the UNIVERSE I understand? Or the same name?]

[It's that UNIVERSE! ! Doesn't my dad have something to do with the city government? ! ! He also specifically told me just now that Xie Ran really published a paper on "Cosmos"! It is also the first paper in the field of quantum mechanics that our city has published above! It is said that the people in charge of scientific research culture have gone crazy, and they are now researching the corresponding incentives and resource preference policies!]

[What the hell? I just searched for that magazine on the Internet, didn't it say that the giants are so awesome that only scientists can publish articles on it? Xie Ran? ? Our classmate Xie Ran? We are high school students, right?]

[It is not a scientist to post on it, but those who can post on it are also very close to a scientist. I just checked my school card, and we are high school students.]

[Report! ! ! The latest news, the major famous colleges and universities have received the news, and now they are starting to call the Education Bureau and our school, ready to grab people!]

[? ? ? Xie Ran doesn't need to take the college entrance examination? so good?]

[The college entrance examination is still a ball. I think that Xie Ran can’t say that he can’t get an undergraduate degree, so he can directly get a degree and take a master’s and doctorate degree, and other colleges and universities have to consider it.]

[Wait, I'm psychedelic, didn't it mean that Xie Ran was addicted to playing games and caused his grades to drop, and that the school had issued a notice to cancel his scholarship?]

[What is the decline in grades? I think people are just concentrating on writing papers and not thinking about exams. It turns out that people don't need exams at all.]

[By the way, I heard that the school slipped and kneeled, and now I am struggling to keep Xie Ran.]


[There is also a gossip, I heard that the head teacher of Xie Ran's class was expelled from the school.]

[Really fired? It's a happy event.jpg, the morality of the teacher surnamed Wang is not good. When you see those special enrollment students who have no money, they all look at them sideways. I heard that they look down on Xie Ran, but I didn't expect them to be really big.

[Shh.jpg, and Xu that Yan was also dealt with, it seems that the vice-principal reported it personally.]

[Wow! ! He is a royal family member!]

[Guan Heng trumpet: What a few royal relatives are just a spicy chicken! ! Or the kind that cannot be recycled... (500 words of blocking words are omitted here)]

Student private chat:

[Khan, Guan Heng's trumpet has started again]

[Absolutely, where did he come from so much foul language? There are no repetitions!]

[What happened to Guan Heng? Since this semester, the quality has fallen off a cliff]

The author has something to say: Mark: Hey, Guan Heng's quality is very poor.

Mr. Xie: ... um.

At graduation, the classmates patted Guan Heng and hesitated.

Guan Heng: ? ?