Dramas Of Abusive Scums Causes Comfort

Chapter 88: Tie


Xie Ran turned off the live broadcast and officially rejected Meng Feixuan's whimsy.

With his riding skills, it is not impossible to take a Meng Feixuan with inconvenient legs, but Meng Feixuan's eyes are too eager to try, and it seems that the idea is not simple.

Xie Ran decided not to give him a chance to play.

Rao is so, and it is enough to cause serious mental pollution to the Meng family.

Xie Ran refused bluntly, Meng Feixuan felt very dissatisfied with Meng's group, drove a wheelchair and stopped in front of Meng Sien, put on an elder brother's face, and scolded solemnly: "Stinky brother, your brother I Your legs are like this, are you still in the mood to ride a horse? Are you still human?!"

Meng Sien: "...!" You were obviously very excited just now! I saw it all!

Meng Sien's face was red with anger, but he couldn't say a word.

After Meng Feixuan had finished educating Meng Sien, he returned to Xie Ran and said angrily, "Sir, let's go."

If you can't ride a horse with your husband, you will be very angry.

"Yeah." Xie Ran gave Meng Si'en a light glance, and pushed Meng Fei away.

That night, the topic of the wealthy Meng family appearing in Xie Ran's live broadcast room undoubtedly rushed to the Internet.

Xie Ran took advantage of the trend to break through his traffic bottleneck and became the first-line anchor of the Dalianmao platform... and then continued to commute to get off work on time.

The big-faced cat platform also gave up on saving his career. In fact, the anchor has already become a god for Xie Ran, and fans can't affect his godhood in any way.

After all, Xie Ran's recent operations have directly brought the traffic and fame of the entire Dalianmao platform. The publicity effect is explosive, and even celebrity spokespersons can't achieve such a miraculous effect.

Meng's shareholders are naturally dissatisfied. They are self-confident and look down on Xie Ran's Internet celebrity work. As a result, they were forced to collectively appear in Xie Ran's live broadcast room. Meng Yucheng also indulged Xie Ran to visit Meng's old house in the live broadcast. I felt lost and lost face.

The people from Meng Yuguan's faction discussed overnight and decided to attack Meng Feixuan as soon as he arrived at the company tomorrow, accusing him of being a scoundrel and bad, affecting the image of Meng's family, in order to suppress Meng Feixuan's more and more powerful arrogance in recent days.

However, early the next morning, before the Meng Yuguan faction had had time to act, they first received information about the stock price change, and they were all dumbfounded.

Affected by Meng Siyun's appearance in Xie Ran's live broadcast room, as soon as the stock market opened, the share price of Meng's Group directly hit the daily limit.

Meng Yuguan and several conservative elders: ? ? ?

Shouldn't Meng Siyun's appearance in an online celebrity's live broadcast be negative|News

It stands to reason that the image of the crown prince is very important for a wealthy family of Meng's level. Unless it is necessary, it should not appear easily. Suddenly appearing in the live broadcast will inevitably give people a feeling of not doing their job properly, and a mishandling will also make people feel Meng Shi can't do it, and the crown prince also wants to hype up the association of the topic.

Therefore, Meng Yuguan and their anger returned to qi, but they felt that this was an opportunity to attack Meng Siyun.

They never expected that the market's reaction was very different from what they expected. Meng Siyun's move not only did not affect Meng's image, but instead greatly increased the market's confidence in Meng's group, which was directly reflected in the stock price.

What kind of magical direction is this

Meng Yuguan hurriedly asked the secretary to inquire about the situation, and only then did he know what was going on.

It turned out that last night, Meng Shi and Xie Ran were on the hot search together on the live broadcast. At the beginning, netizens were just gossiping and eating melons, and the wind direction was closer to what Meng Yuguan and the others expected.

The general public likes the live broadcast of the giants, but some people think that the Meng family actually let an Internet celebrity live broadcast at home, which is too insignificant, and the mystery and style of the giants are instantly lost.

Until the middle of the night, an anonymous article published in a well-known Q&A community was suddenly reprinted in large numbers. From a financial perspective, the article deeply analyzed the market signals behind Meng Siyun's appearance in Xie Ran's live broadcast room.

To put it simply, Meng Siyun's appearance in the live broadcast of the Internet celebrity proves that this successor has eclectic courage and bearing. Many veteran giants fell because they failed to keep up with the market transformation in time. Meng Siyun first successfully deployed Meng. His new industrial structure, and then played a trend on the live broadcast, it can be seen that he has a good understanding of the general trend.

More importantly, this live broadcast completely dispelled the market's previous doubts about Meng Siyun's physical condition.

Meng Siyun was invisible for half a year after the car accident. Although he reappeared immediately and made the drone industry prosperous, he was disabled after all. No matter how Meng's announcement made it clear that Meng Siyun's body was no longer in trouble, in the eyes of the outside world, This prince is not as good as he used to be.

This live broadcast allows everyone to see Meng Siyun's daily situation simply and directly. The state of Meng Siyun in the camera is really good. Except for the need to sit in a wheelchair, everything else is basically the same as ordinary people. Many netizens ridiculed that Meng Siyun looked healthier and more lively than himself.

Especially at the end of the live broadcast, when Meng Sien mentioned the racecourse, Meng Siyun also controlled the wheelchair to drift in place, which more intuitively showed how flexible he was, and there was no inconvenience or frustration as rumored.

The so-called hearing is false, and seeing is believing. No matter how many manuscripts Meng sends, it will not be as intuitive as Meng Siyun's last live broadcast.

The heir has both vision and courage, and the health doubts have been completely eliminated, and the market's confidence has increased greatly. Therefore, as soon as the market opened today, the Mengshi Group's share price went up to the daily limit.

Meng Yuguan after reading the report: "..."

Nonsense, nonsense at all!

The anonymous article written by an unknown person looked professional and well-informed, but the most basic premise was wrong.

The original intention of Meng Siyun's appearance in the live broadcast has nothing to do with enhancing market confidence. It is simply to vent Xie Ran's anger and ridicule them, the elders of the Meng family!

Meng Yuguan scolded the author of the article for making things out of nothing and was far-fetched, but he had to admit that what the other party said was true to some extent.

Meng Siyun's current condition is indeed very good, even better than before the car accident. The Meng Yucheng faction is gaining momentum in the group and has already suppressed him completely.

"Who is the author of this article?" Meng Yuguan asked the secretary.

"I can't find it out." The secretary lowered his head and said, "The other party has hidden his information, but the think tank guessed that he should be a famous financial circle due to his sensitivity to the market and professionalism in writing. Perhaps it is for this reason that he anonymous."

"Trash." Meng Yuguan scolded incompetently, and then dialed a few people from his own faction, "It seems that we are moving faster."

At the same time, Meng Feixuan was also sending a message to Xie Ran: [They are in a hurry and they are in a hurry]

By the way, I attach a few screenshots of the internal monitoring of Meng's Group. They are all monitoring images of people from Meng Yuguan's faction. From the high-spirited fighting spirit when they first entered the company in the morning, to the dejected after receiving the news of the stock price, the change is obvious.

Xie Ran: "..."

Xie Ran: [Have you invaded the surveillance system again?]

Meng Fei said in a daze: [I am the crown prince, so I can adjust the picture directly.]

Xie Ran: [So?]

Meng Feixuan: [… Well, it’s an invasion.]

The crown prince can directly ask his subordinates to hand over the monitoring, but it is still faster to invade directly without disturbing Meng Yuguan's people.

Meng Feixuan began to change the subject: [Mr.'s article is really well written!]

Meng Feixuan: [Write me very well! This AI is very excited to see it!]

Xie Ran pressed his eyebrows: [They shouldn't be able to sit still.]

Xie Ran could easily guess what articles Meng Yuguan and the others would write, so he simply took advantage of their strengths. Before Meng Yuguan and the others made their move, they directly took salaries from the bottom of the pile. Meng's stock price went up and down, and Meng Feixuan was the biggest contributor. , Meng Feixuan's influence within the group has grown to such an extent that Meng Yuguan and the others cannot continue to sit idly by.

Meng Feixuan: [I'm all ready, sir.]

Meng Feixuan: [After this matter is dealt with, the consciousness of Meng Siyun and I should be able to be separated.]

Meng Feixuan: [Sir, don't you really want to hurry up and let me have a look?]

Xie Ran: [Have you found a problem with your logic?]

Meng Feixuan paused for a while before continuing to reply: [Prince Meng's obsession is whether he wants to date Mr. Xie Ran, and I want to date you, I don't think it is contradictory.]

Meng Feixuan: [Whether he wants to or not is his business, anyway, I think so!]

Xie Ran: "..."

A few days later, the office of the vice president of Mengshi Group.

Xie Ran knocked on the door of the office, and Meng Feixuan immediately stepped forward in his wheelchair: "Sir, you are here."

"Well." Xie Ran glanced at him, "Are you all ready?"

"Okay." Meng Feixuan patted his thigh and made an OK gesture.

This day is the day when the Mengshi Group holds the board of directors. Originally, Xie Ran was not in the list of members of the meeting, but his situation is special. If there is no accident, he will soon become one of the core shareholders of the drone company, and the technology he holds , will also affect the development layout of the Meng family in the next few years. Therefore, with special approval from Meng Yucheng, Xie Ran was invited to participate in the discussion of related issues.

Xie Ran glanced at Meng Feixuan, who was in a suit and leather shoes today, showing a serious seriousness that is rarely seen in ordinary times.

"Your tie is wrong." Xie Ran said.

Meng Feixuan's tie... is the style of the red scarf.

"I did it myself." Meng Feixuan glanced down at his chest and began to scold the human body skillfully, "Human hands are not good enough. Obviously the online tutorial looks easy, but it is so difficult to operate. Meng Siyun quickly set me free..."

Xie Ran walked to Meng Feixuan, bent down slightly, and stretched out his hand to loosen his tie: "I'll teach you."

Meng Feixuan changed his words for a second: "I can continue to be a human being!"

Xie Ran laughed and didn't say anything. He stood up Meng Feixuan's shirt collar and wrapped his tie around: "This way..."

Meng Feixuan didn't look at the tie, but looked up at Xie Ran. From his perspective, he could just see Xie Ran's Adam's apple, and with Xie Ran's voice, the Adam's apple slid up and down slightly.

Below the Adam's apple are tightly buttoned shirts and neatly tied ties.

"Sir." Meng Feixuan felt that his breathing seemed to be heavier, and couldn't help calling him.

Xie Ran: "Huh?"

Meng Feixuan: "I really want to tear off your tie!"

Xie Ran paused on his hand and looked down at him, just in line with Meng Feixuan's gaze.

Meng Feixuan looked up at him, his eyes were fiery, and he was still explaining seriously: "There is this picture in our CP article, first tear off your tie, and then tear off your shirt. The button of the shirt is broken... I didn't understand why CP texts like to write this before, but now I seem to understand."

Xie Ran: "Why?"

"There's no reason." Meng Feixuan reached out and touched Xie Ran's tie on his chest, "I just want to do this... Ah, I see, this is what humans say, sexual impulse!"

Xie Ran: "..."

Xie Ran held his wrist to prevent him from really pulling off his tie: "Are you sure?"

"It should be!" Meng Feixuan thought about it seriously, "I think so!"

Xie Ran: "This is in the office."

Meng Feixuan's smile became even more perverted: "It's very reasonable, office play is also a popular scene for Huang Wen."

Xie Ran took a step back and looked at him blankly: "Do you want to learn?"

Meng Feixuan quickly restrained his mind: "I learn."

"Put your eyes and hands." Xie Ran made sure that Meng Feixuan's eyes and hands were in the correct position, so he continued to tie him.

This time, Meng Feixuan obediently put his hands behind his back and watched Xie Ran's actions carefully, but he did not forget to sigh: "I will study our CP text after the meeting, I think I have a better understanding of those essences now. A new understanding..." In this way, there is still a good place to be a human being.

Xie Ran has experience as if he didn't hear it.

Just as he was talking, the phone in Xie Ran's pocket vibrated.

"I'll pick it up for you." Meng Feixuan said while naturally reaching into Xie Ran's pocket to get the phone.

When he was in the AI state, many of Xie Ran's calls were filtered and conveyed by him. Now it is not so convenient to operate, but the two still maintain this tacit understanding and do not feel that there is anything wrong with Meng Feixuan's actions.

An unfamiliar number was displayed on the phone screen. Meng Feixuan flicked the answer button and pressed the speakerphone.

"Xiao Ran, it's me." Ying Casey's voice came from the phone, "Don't hang up, I have something to tell you."

Ying Casey's number has long been blocked by Xie Ran, this is a special number.

If it was normal, Xie Ran would just hang up, but now he is still tying Meng Feixuan's tie, so he ignored it for a while.

"Xiao Ran, I know I'm wrong. It was my mother who was wrong in the past, and I didn't do it well, which made you sad..." Ying Kathy's voice was hoarse and had a dry cough. She seemed to have suffered a lot, which was touching. "I know you won't forgive me, but I really can't do it without you, I can't go on any longer, Xiaoran, can you see me for the last time, as long as you have one side, I will never appear in the future again. In front of you..."

Xie Ran glanced at the mobile phone expressionlessly. He thought that Ying Kaixi should give up after being beaten by Meng Feixuan in a wheelchair, but he didn't expect this trick.

In the memory of the original owner Xie Ran, in the second half of the entanglement between the original owner and Ying Casey, the original owner suffered from severe mental weakness. In the end, it was also because Ying Casey changed the original owner's medicine when he pretended to commit suicide, resulting in the accidental death of the original owner.

Now Xie Ran has broken up neatly, and Ying Casey still wants to save himself by committing suicide.

Xie Ran didn't care whether Ying Casey really wanted to commit suicide or put on a pretense. He was not responsible for other people's lives.

Xie Ran was about to hang up the phone directly, when Meng Feixuan suddenly said, "Do you want to commit suicide?"

"I don't want to, but I really can't live without you..." Ying Casey finally heard the answer, and hurriedly continued to sell miserably. After saying a few words, he suddenly realized that the voice on the other side seemed wrong, and he suddenly said, "You are Who?"

Meng Feixuan: "I'm Mark."

Ying Casey was stunned for a moment, the sadness in his voice was gone, replaced by the anger of being discovered by others: "Why did you answer the phone, Xiaoran?"

"He's tying me a tie." Meng Feixuan told the truth, "We're studying office play, so I'm a little busy."

Should Casey:! ! ! !

The next second, the call was hung up.

The author has something to say: Mark: Honest system, tell the truth.

Ying Casey: I am so pissed off.

Mr. Xie: … Forget it.

The scene of the scumbag is finished, there is really no angle to abuse him...

Then the world is about to end, and the country is almost doge.