Dressed As A Male God’s First Love

Chapter 29: (Additional update)


"Hello, viewers, and welcome to the first issue of the second season of "Real Game". After voting by the majority of netizens, the Werewolf special has become the game theme of the first issue of our second season with the highest number of votes. Dear players, Don’t live up to everyone’s love for you and present the best Werewolf to the audience!”

After all the regular guests and temporary guests of the show are in place, the werewolf special episode of "Real Game" has officially begun!

Because it is a real game, the scenery of each episode of the show is built according to the theme of the game.

The theme of this issue of Werewolf is to simulate the small enclosed space in the movie, so everyone will have a room to rest and sleep at night, cough! To be more precise, it's a place to be killed.

At night, each villager can only stay in his or her bedroom, and only the werewolves can move...

"Now, please take out your mobile phones and view your own identity cards."

Under the words of the mechanical voice on the big screen, all the guests took out their mobile phones and looked at their identity cards.

After seeing their own identity cards, everyone showed various facial expressions on their faces so that the photographer could take a close-up of their faces and put them into the show.

So everyone's faces are either funny or the author's exaggerated expressions and movements.

However, when the photographer of the program moved the camera to Wen Anan, the little girl's calves were trembling! And his eyes were still wet, and he looked like he was about to cry.

"Could it be..."

"Wen Anan must have drawn the werewolf card!"

The staff of the program were extremely surprised when they saw the close-up of Wen Anan's face on the screen.

They never thought that Wen Anan would get the werewolf card!

What is the most important theme of the game Werewolf? That is courage, wisdom and acting skills!

It can be said that the werewolf is the most difficult to play in the Werewolf theme, and it is also the player character with 0 win rate in their program so far.

But now Wen Anan has gotten the most difficult werewolf card! No matter how you look at it, it’s impossible to win!

Because this little girl is brave, smart, and acting! That’s all without any revelation!

The most important thing is that his identity card has been exposed so completely. This is completely without any acting skills!

As a result, the entire program staff became worried for Wen Anan, a timid little girl.

But the good thing is that Wen An'an's luck attribute is probably full. At this time, everyone is looking at their identity cards, and no one pays attention to Wen An'an.

"Now that everyone knows their identity cards, the game officially begins!"

But after the mechanical sound stopped, the lights in the entire studio went out, and the room suddenly became dark.

"Tick tock...tick tock..."

It seemed like the sound of water dripping, and it also seemed like the sound of a clock ticking. The sound was so eerie that it echoed in the darkness.

This frightened the naturally timid Wen Anan. Although she knew that this was filming a program and there would be no danger, she was still afraid.

Fortunately, this torture did not last long, and the room finally became bright again.

However, when the room lit up, Wen Anan discovered that the surrounding scenery was completely different from the one just now.

White walls, white chairs, white floors, white lights, white TV... Everything, everything, is white... Such a tonal setting makes people feel a little hairy.

In addition, there are eleven people crammed into this room, so it makes people feel small and depressed.

I have to say that the arrangement of the program team is simply amazing.

Just when Wen Anan was at a loss, the other twelve guests all started to perform.


"Where is this?"

"Ah~! Who are you?!"

Listening to the screams, Wen Anan subconsciously hugged herself and shrank down, her little face looked pale and pitiful!

"Okay, okay, Xu Xi, Leqing, you two should stop acting. Look, you have scared our lovely little sister An An."

As the regular guest captain of "Real Game", Jiang Long saw Wen Anan's frightened and pathetic look, and without thinking, he scolded the other two regular members, Xu Xi and Leqing.

Listening to Jiang Long's words, the others noticed that Wen An'an was really frightened. Not only was her face pale, her pink and tender lips were also pale.

It looked like he was really scared.

"I'm sorry, little sister An An, I didn't mean it."

"Yeah, don't be afraid, it's all fake."

Because Wen An'an was the youngest among the eleven guests this time, and everyone knew that she was a little crybaby who had become popular recently, so everyone coaxed her softly.

Feeling everyone's kindness, Wen Anan shook her head and muttered in a low voice: "I don't blame you, it's just me who is timid..."

Seeing the way the little girl Chechenono spoke, several regular guests of "Real Game" complained to the program team in their hearts:

The program team is doing something wrong! It's so bad to drag such a timid and cute little girl into such a scary special!


Just when everyone's attention was focused on Wen Anan, the TV hanging on the wall suddenly lit up.

The moment the TV turned on, everyone's eyes turned towards the TV screen.

"The game begins now."

The mechanical sound that disappeared just now reappeared in everyone's ears.

For those who have watched "Real Game" and other old players, this is definitely a classic opening line for the Werewolf theme.

However, Wen Anan, a newbie, had never experienced this before.

So the more she watched it, the more she felt - this variety show is too scary!

“We are all villagers, but there are three werewolves among the villagers.

The following is the composition of the camp in this game:

Human-wolf camp: 3 human-wolves.

Villager camp: 1 prophet.

1 guardian.

6 villagers. "

"Turn-based! Each round is based on days, and you vote to choose the wolf you think.

The one with the most votes will be eliminated.

When the werewolf leaves the room at night to eliminate the villagers, the villagers can only stay in their own rooms.

The night prophet can choose a player and divine whether this person is a wolf camp or a villager camp.

The guardian chooses a person every night to protect him from the attacks of wolves. The selected room will be automatically locked and cannot be opened.

If all the wolves die, the villagers win.

If the number of villagers and wolves is the same, the wolf wins.

The final winner will receive a reward of one million yuan.

I’ll invite everyone next.

Try to live hard^-^"

After reading the rules of the game, Wen Anan felt that this game was too difficult for her!

Because what she drew was a werewolf!

"I recommend the prophet to verify Brother Long's identity. It's really easy for him to get the werewolf card!"

"I agree too! Brother Long is definitely the most skilled veteran among all of us!"

"Hey! You can't eliminate me so quickly just because I can play!"

Seeing the other guests having fun together, Wen Anan tried her best to minimize her presence and prevent others from noticing her.

One is because she really doesn't want to have contact with strangers, and the other is... she is a werewolf! Her acting skills are so bad! I can't hide anything I want.

Therefore, if she talks too much, she will make mistakes. She should hide and talk less and let others notice her less.

It's just a pity that with Wen An's appearance and current popularity on the Internet, as a regular guest of the program team, how can they let her go

So poor Wen Anan became the most watched temporary guest on the show again.

Wen An'an finally made it to the 'night', and everyone had to go back to their bedrooms. While waiting for the werewolves to arrive, Wen An'an never thought that as soon as she entered her room, she would not be able to come out. Pass!

"Hahaha! Xu Xi, the guardian, did not guard his partner CP Leqing, but chose to guard Wen An'an!"

"Hahaha! This issue is so interesting! The weakest werewolf in history! The confused guardian protects a werewolf hahaha!"

When the staff of the program team saw the werewolf Wen An'an that Xu Xi actually protected, they were all overjoyed.

Everyone is thinking that this program is definitely stable! Stable! It’s such a magical start, even the script wouldn’t dare to write it like this!

But at this time, Wen Anan, who was a person at that time, was in a confused state.

"Why can't it be opened..."

Wen Anan twisted the door handle, but found that she could not open the door.

Is the door broken? Wen Anan blinked, and after patiently trying again, she completely discovered that she was locked from the outside.

Then, the rules of the game were immediately recalled in her mind.

"Could it be that... I'm being protected by a guardian?"

No! Such a trap...

The expression on Wen Anan's face suddenly froze, but she thought that since she was locked up, she didn't have to go out to kill people, which was actually quite good.

So Wen Anan, a werewolf who didn't look like a werewolf, obediently returned to the bed in the room and lay down.

As for Wen Anan's two other werewolf companions in the voting hall, they were really confused.

"Didn't we agree on three werewolves?"

"Is there one more left?"

So, on the first night, the two miserable werewolves waited for the arrival of the third werewolf and wasted a whole night without killing anyone.

By the second night, when they saw that the third werewolf still hadn't appeared, the two could only ignore the other missing werewolf.

"So, who do we kill?"

"Kill Brother Long! I think Brother Long should have an identity!"

"It's dawn. Last night, Jiang Long was killed."

When all the players gathered in the voting hall, they heard such a notice.

All the players laughed and looked at Jiang Long, but Jiang Long had a bad look on his face.

"I am a prophet. I detected a werewolf last night..."

The game continued one round after another, and the staff of the program team were almost laughing to death.

Although Wen Anan didn't do anything or say anything, coupled with her identity as a werewolf, her whole body was full of scenes that made people want to laugh!

I saw that the guests were eliminated one by one, and the situation on the field had reached a white-hot stage.

In the end, no one expected that Wen Anan would survive until the end!

The eliminated players didn't get spoilers, so they didn't know who the last werewolf was.

"This friend of ours is really well hidden! I have never seen him come out to vote to kill anyone."

"You said... it couldn't be Wen An'an, right?"

"Impossible! How could Wen An'an's pitiful look be a werewolf!"

"Uh... I think it's possible. Because Wen Anan is a new player, she doesn't understand that werewolves come out to kill people at night, so she doesn't come out to kill people every night."

"Well, that makes sense, why the game could be ended last night, but Wen An'an still didn't come out to kill someone to end the game."

Just when the eliminated players are guessing who is the last werewolf, this issue of "Real Game" has come to the most exciting end!

"Leqing! I never thought that you would be the last werewolf!"

"Nani? Xu Xi, you are such a joke, I am a villager, okay!"

"Haha! Come on! You cruel werewolf! On the first day, you wanted to kill our lovely sister An An. On the last night, you actually wanted to kill our lovely sister An An! Sister An An, she is a werewolf! Come and vote for her with me!"

"Bah! Xu Xi, I never thought you would be a werewolf. But now it seems that you are the last wolf! I will vote for you! Sister An An, I am not a werewolf and I will vote for him!"

Seeing the two remaining villagers looking at each other, Wen Anan looked confused.

She felt that she had been paddling the whole game, but she somehow survived to the end? And neither of them had ever suspected that she was a werewolf

And... being locked in a room as a werewolf... unable to get out, seems to be really embarrassing.

But, is she just lucky

Seeing the two of them yelling at her and throwing themselves at each other, Wen Anan's lips moved slightly.


"Feel sorry."

Wen Anan decisively voted for Xu Xi, who had protected her throughout the game.

When Xu Xi saw that Wen An'an actually voted for him, he said to Wen An'an with despair on his face.

"An'an, if you vote for my brother and me, then we will lose!"

However, as soon as Xu Xi finished speaking, the big screen suddenly lit up, and countless ribbons landed around Wen Anan.

"Werewolf wins! Congratulations to Wen An'an for becoming the game king of the first issue of "Real Game"!"


Along with this mechanical sound notification, the whole place was silent for a moment!

"Wha, what?! Wen Anan is a werewolf?!"

"What the hell! Xu Xi, you idiot! You protected a werewolf! You are awesome!"

"...I'll go! No wonder I'm still depressed about why the third werewolf never shows up. It turns out that he was all locked in the house by Xu Xi, the funny guardian."

"Hahaha! I'm going to die laughing! This werewolf game is so exciting!"

"Hey! I'm sorry everyone, I'm guilty! But who made sister An An look so cute and need others to protect her!"

"But little sister An'an is really lucky!"

"I encountered this situation when recording a program for the first time. I am looking forward to recording a program with little sister An An for the second time!"

The first issue of the second season of "The Real Game" came to an end with great laughter.

After watching the entire show recording, the staff were all very happy!

Based on their experience, their first issue will definitely explode! And it’s the kind that explodes!

And among all the guests, Wen Anan is definitely going to explode!

Although this little girl didn't say much throughout the entire show and was even the quietest guest in the room, she was definitely the soul of this show!

All the focus will be on her.

"I'm really looking forward to the effect after the show is broadcast! I'm so looking forward to it~! The effect of this episode is really amazing!"

"Oh, this little girl Wen Anan is going to explode!"

"Yeah, definitely want to be popular!"

"Haha~ Her aura is so strange. She doesn't talk as much as others, but her variety show feel is the best."

"Well, I kind of want to ask Wen An'an to be a regular guest on our show."

"This is a good suggestion..."

It's a pity that if Wen Anan knew about it, he would never agree to become a regular guest in such a terrifying and brain-burning game!

Wen Anan felt that she had used up all her brain cells and courage during the recording of this episode.

Although...she paddled the whole time and didn't do anything.

Just after Wen Anan finished the recording of "Real Game", the third episode of "Super Idol" and Wen Anan's first performance was officially broadcast on the show.

And this time, Wen Anan, who sang "National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance" in ancient costume, caused a new sensation. Once again, she was on the hot search. She successfully attracted a large number of fans and became a well-deserved popularity king...

The author has something to say: The rules of the werewolf game here are based on the Japanese movie "The Werewolf Game". If you are interested, you can check it out. The movie is pretty good