Dressed As A Male God’s First Love

Chapter 47


Just when Wen An'an felt nervous and worried, a line of text appeared on the TV.

Pink Princess Room—Chen Xiaoxing.

Looking at that line of words, Wen Anan felt very broken inside.

Please take good care of our little cute baby while daddy is away! ^-^

Looking at the smiley face on the TV screen, Wen Anan wanted to cry.

For such a arrogant and overbearing little boy who is not very good at playing cards, she really feels that her future is dark!


Suddenly, the sound of the door opening rang in Wen Anan's ears.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Wen Anan's head turned around subconsciously, and she saw a small figure walking in.

There are some differences in the boy's appearance in the video. He looks taller than in the video, and his facial features are more refined and handsome.

Judging from the appearance of the child, he is probably no more than seven years old. Perhaps because he is the child of a celebrity, he is dressed more fashionably than ordinary children.

However, these are not the point. The point is -

"You look weak, not as powerful as my dad at all."

When the little guy saw Wen Anan, he had a look of disgust on his face!

Listening to the little guy's words, Wen Anan almost cried.

One of the most fearful children is those who look like little adults like Chen Xiaoxing!

Seeing the disgusted look on the boy's face, Wen Anan muttered aggrievedly, which powerful boy would choose pink.

However, Wen Anan, who was not good at communicating with others, did not notice that although the little guy had a look of disgust on his face, his two little ears were red.

"Forget it, I'm very powerful anyway. I'll protect you when you do missions in the future, huh."

"… thank you."

Wen Anan subconsciously replied politely, but what she didn't expect was that the little guy actually took it seriously.

"You're welcome, don't worry, with me here, we will definitely win in any mission!"


For some reason, Wen Anan always felt that something was not right when listening to the slightly milky words of the little guy in front of her.

She is an adult and needs a six-year-old to protect her? ? ? Still protecting her? ? ? Is she that weak...

After the staff of the "Daddy's Cute Baby" program saw this scene on the monitor, everyone laughed.

They really didn't expect that today's hottest child star and today's hottest talent idol could collide with this classic fairy tale-like 'the bossy president fell in love with me' scene.

This simply makes this episode so exciting! This pair of CPs is so interesting!

"Hahaha~! Our little star is still as awesome as her boyfriend as always! The title of the arrogant little prince is really not for nothing."

"Wen An'an is also very good. Her sense of variety shows is great, and the shooting effects are also great. This is the first time I have seen someone like her who doesn't like to talk at heart. She can be so active after appearing on a variety show. Something to watch.”

"So, she really deserves to be praised by others as a lucky person favored by the God of Variety Shows. It really doesn't hurt at all to invite her here this time!"

Even Wen Anan herself doesn't know that since she last participated in "Real Game", she has been recognized by the variety show circle as a lucky person favored by the God of Variety Shows. If she is invited to appear on the show, it will have miraculous effects!

Therefore, when "Daddy Cute Baby" thought of the guests to invite for this episode, they took the initiative to choose Wen An'an. Even if one was invited as a guest, they all accepted it.

"Okay, we already know each other. Let's go."

This was the first time Wen Anan met such a strong child like Chen Xiaoxing, and she looked at him in confusion.


As soon as Wen Anan said these words, the little guy standing next to Wen Anan looked at Wen Anan with an expression of "Are you an idiot?"

"Of course I'll go to the hall and continue recording the show."


Wen Anan nodded, feeling a little helpless. She always felt that as an adult, she was being educated by a child...


Just when Wen Anan was about to go out, she saw the little guy glanced at her with his big round eyes, and then gave her a soft hum, as if something was wrong.


Wen Anan looked at the little guy walking beside her with a puzzled face, and for a moment she didn't understand what this little guy wanted to do.



She was even more confused when she saw the little guy said something very arrogantly, then stretched out his palm and placed it in front of her, motionless.

hand? What happened to the hand

"You are so stupid!"

The little guy's big black eyes gave Wen An'an a helpless look, and then his small palm held Wen An'an's hand hard.

"Follow me carefully and don't lose it."

As he said that, the little guy took Wen An'an's hand and walked in front of Wen An'an in a high-spirited manner, like a little rooster, holding her hand and leading the way.

Where Wen Anan couldn't see him, the corners of the little guy's mouth almost reached his nose.


As an adult, Wen Anan was confused when a little guy who was only as tall as her waist held hands and walked forward.

etc! Is there something wrong? Have her and this little boy's identities been reversed? ?

When Wen Anan, who looked confused, appeared in the lobby of the villa, there was a lot of exclamation.

Because no one thought that Wen An'an's pink princess room that no one wanted was actually the theme room chosen by Chen Xiaoxing!

This is simply incredible!

Everyone looked at Wen An'an with envy, jealousy and hatred. At this time, everyone was thinking in their hearts that Wen An'an must be very lucky.

He was able to pick things up without fighting or snatching them, and he picked up a big treasure like Chen Xiaoxing.

And then, this group of guests became even more jealous.

Because all the cute little kids showed great kindness to Wen Anan.

"Sister An An is so beautiful!"

"Sister An An is even more beautiful than on TV!"

"Sister An'an..."

Wen Anan, who was originally confused when she was led out by classmate Chen Xiaoxing, became even more confused when she saw the other four children calling her name very happily.

She had never seen this group of children before. Why were these children so happy to see her

Wen An'an didn't know, but the staff of the "Daddy's Cute Baby" program knew that before the five guests came, they showed the edited videos of the five guests to a few little guys. .

Unexpectedly, these little guys all liked Wen Anan the most.

This makes the staff of the program team think about whether these five cute babies in their program team are all facial-conscious!

After all, Wen Anan is the best-looking celebrity among the five guests.

"Hello, five guests, because the five dads need to go out to earn money to support their families. Therefore, you have to take care of their children on behalf of the five dads. Your task today is very simple, that is, to take care of them. Make nutritious lunches for them and accompany them. They played until the five nannies came back in the evening.”

When she heard that she had to take care of the child all day long, Wen Anan felt a sense of despair.

Lowering her head, Wen Anan saw the little guy looking at her seriously.

That childish little face with baby fat is full of the seriousness of an adult, and it really looks a bit imposing.

"Can you cook?"

"I, I know a little bit..."

While staying at home, Wen Anan would occasionally take out some ingredients to cook for herself.

However, more often than not, she orders takeout directly.

"Don't be nervous, I won't dislike you."

Chen Xiaoxing patted Wen Anan on the shoulder and comforted Wen Anan like a little adult.


For some reason, Wen Anan always felt that she should show off her special skills and show this little guy who had looked down on her from the beginning that she was not such a loser!

"There is an orchard behind the villa and castle. You can pick whatever vegetables you need from there. As for the meat ingredients, you can find them in the refrigerator in the villa kitchen. So, now I ask you to make the first meal for your respective cute babies. Let’s have a nutritious lunch! By the way, everyone can only make nutritious lunch for their own cute kids. In the end, we will select the best nutritious lunch today, so there will be rewards that you can’t expect! Please do your best!”

As soon as they heard that there was a special reward, all the little cute kids became excited.

They all followed their brothers, sisters and partners, mumbling about making lunch. Among them, even classmate Chen Xiaoxing was no exception.

However, Chen Xiaoxing is more arrogant and more reserved after all.

"What's your best dish?"

After thinking about it, Wen Anan shook her head and said a little embarrassedly: "It seems not."

She doesn't like cooking very much, and she doesn't have much talent for cooking, so... As for what kind of cooking she is best at, she really doesn't have one.

It feels like the meals are all the same, with no big difference in taste.

I can only say that it is not unpalatable. If it tastes good, it depends on luck...

"How stupid. My dad is really good at cooking."

The little guy muttered something disgusting again, but it was disgusting. Soon, the little guy seemed to be afraid that Wen Anan would be sad, so he murmured hurriedly again.

"But forget it, it's normal for girls not to know how to cook now. My mother can't, it's my father who does all the cooking."

Listening to the little guy's words, Wen Anan blinked and defended herself softly: "It's not that I can't do it, but I can do it a little bit."

"Okay, okay, you don't have to explain to me. I told you, I won't dislike you."

The little guy patted Wen An'an on the shoulder again, looked at her with a serious expression on his young face, and said solemnly.

"…Thank you very much."

The program staff who saw this scene were amused and laughed again.

They feel that Wen Anan is really suitable for variety shows! Even if you don’t debut as a singing and dancing idol in the future, you can still debut as a variety show star!

I didn't see that the other four guests were still awkwardly following the four cute kids, trying to get along with them and coaxing them. Wen An'an has already contracted this issue, and all the laughs and highlights are there!

And she didn't do it intentionally, these are all natural, funny and explosive points based on her character.

Of course, the cute baby Chen Xiaoxing also contributed a lot~!

"Send a few more photographers to follow Wen Anan and Little Star."

Ever since, at the order of the program director, the other guests discovered that Wen Anan and Chen Xiaoxing had one more photographer than they did!

Seeing such a scene, others felt even more regretful, why didn't they choose the pink princess room in the first place? I didn't see it, but now because Wen Anan has chosen Chen Xiaoxing, he even has more shots than them.

However, none of these guests expected that Wen An'an's many scenes were entirely due to her own reasons, not the reason for which cute baby she chose.

After arriving at the orchard behind the castle villa, the little cute kids went crazy. Sayazi ran into the orchard and played hide and seek, completely forgetting about her mission today.

However, Chen Xiaoxing was the only one who did not join the large group of cute babies. Instead, he followed Wen Anan closely.

"Xiao Xing, why don't you go play with the other children?"

Yao Mengduo, who was following Wen Anan, asked curiously when she saw that Chen Xiaoxing did not go to play, but followed Wen Anan like a follower.

Chen Xiaoxing glanced at Yao Mengduo, then at Wen An'an, and decided to give Wen An'an some face and not call her stupid.


"I want to help sister An An."

"Ouch! Our little star is so good~!"

Listening to Chen Xiaoxing's words, Wen An'an was completely dumbfounded.

Why can this little guy act so well-behaved in front of others, but act so arrogant and arrogant in front of her

After hearing Chen Xiaoxing's words, the little guys who were playing all returned to their partners, brothers and sisters, and picked vegetables and fruits with them.

In this way, the cute kids on the program team are more harmonious and sensible than ever before.

Everyone obediently picked vegetables and fruits, and after filling their baskets, they left the orchard.

It's summer now and the weather is quite hot. After such a busy day, everyone is sweating a lot.

After leaving the orchard and without the shady shed, it became even hotter.

Even Wen Anan, who doesn't sweat easily, was sweating from the heat.

Others were even more embarrassed because it was too hot. Even if the cosmetics were all waterproof, their makeup was still a little blurry after sweating so much.

Compared to Wen An'an, who has no makeup, she looks really embarrassed.

Especially in the back, Wen Anan is decorated with butterflies, which perfectly complements the makeup of the others!

"Wow! Butterfly is following Sister An An!"

"Sister An'an looks like a flower fairy!"

On the way back, after passing the flower field of the villa and castle, for some reason, there were a lot of butterflies flying around Wen Anan, and some butterflies even stayed on Wen Anan's hair. It really looked like The other little cute babies said the same thing, like a flower fairy.

Feeling the butterflies surrounding her, Wen Anan subconsciously glanced at the pink bracelet on her left wrist.

She guessed that it must be the function of this bracelet. After all, it was shown in the comics that this bracelet has the ability to communicate with animals and plants.

Although she never used it once.

Raising her hand, Wen Anan stared at a butterfly flying in front of her, and then murmured silently in her heart.

Come here and stop on my finger.

Wen Anan had no idea that the butterfly would actually land on her finger after such a random experiment.

Her eyes widened and she stared unblinkingly at the butterfly on her finger with a look of amazement. Not to mention how dreamy and beautiful that look was.

This scene was quickly recorded by the photographer with a camera, and he also gave Wen Anan a beautiful close-up.

The other little guys who originally liked Wen Anan started to like Wen Anan even more after seeing this scene.

They no longer paid attention to their partners, brothers and sisters. Instead, one or two of them smiled happily and hung around Wen Anan, clinging to her.

This made a certain little guy depressed for a long time.

When it was time to cook, a certain little guy found an opportunity and drove away all the other cute little kids who were clinging to Wen An'an.

After opening the refrigerator, Wen Anan looked at the ingredients in the refrigerator, then looked down at the little guy who had been following her, hesitated for a while, and then spoke.

"What do you want to eat?"

However, Chen Xiaoxing did not answer her question, but asked Wen An'an instead.

"What do you like to eat?"

Subconsciously, Wen Anan replied blankly: "I like everything delicious."


Listening to Wen An'an's answer, Chen Xiaoxing glanced at Wen An'an with his big black eyes, as if he was speechless at Wen An'an's answer.

Seeing that she seemed to be disliked by a cute little kid again, Wen Anan pursed her lips and decided that she must show off her skills this time!

then! She decided to cook some noodles! After all, when she stayed at home and cooked by herself, what she did most was cooking noodles.

She thought about it again. Among the noodles she had made, it seemed that only tomato sauce noodles were the most nutritious and suitable for children...

"Do you like tomatoes? Let me cook you some tomato sauce noodles."

"Yeah, I don't hate it."

After receiving such an answer, Wen Anna quickly searched for ingredients in the refrigerator.

But thinking that just cooking a noodle might be too simple, Wen Anan decided to make a pork pie sandwich for the little guy.


While everyone was still thinking about what to do or how to make lunch, Wen Anan was already one step ahead of others and started making lunch.

After washing and cutting all the ingredients, Wen Anan first fried a pork pie and then started cooking noodles.

When the noodles were almost ready, Wen Anan made the pork pie sandwiches into something that the children would like. After thinking about the fact that there were five cute little kids in the show crew, Wen Anan made a total of five sandwiches and separated them. After making the images of five little cute babies, he stopped.

"Wow~! It smells so good!"

After Wen An'an's tomato sauce noodles were cooked and taken out of the pot, everyone could smell the delicious smell of tomatoes.

After watching Wen An'an bring out the tomato sauce noodles that were exquisitely arranged and looked particularly appetizing, everyone looked at Wen An'an in disbelief.

There are not many girls who can cook these days! Especially for a girl who does such a good job, there are not many!

Didn't you see that except for Wen An'an who easily finished the nutritious lunch, the other four members of the program team are still missing

Several other guests were really lucky. They didn't expect that they would need to cook to record the show this time.

There was no advance notice. This group of celebrities who couldn't cook were all blind.

But even if they are not prepared, they still have to bite the bullet and do it.

So, when the four of them finished cooking and put them together with Wen An'an's lunch, there was no need to compare. Just from the appearance, Wen An'an's tomato sauce noodles won!

Not to mention, those five cartoon pork patty sandwiches made by Wen Anan!

As soon as these five cartoon pork patty sandwiches came out, all the little cute kids went crazy with joy.

Even Chen Xiaoxing, a little guy who always pretends to be an adult in front of Wen Anan, is very happy.

Everyone held the sandwich firmly in their hands, but no one was willing to eat this adorable sandwich.

Seeing the five little guys wanting to eat but reluctant to eat, Wen Anan was rarely amused.

Her smile made everyone else slightly startled.

Because Wen Anan was so pretty, and she was usually very quiet, didn't talk much, and didn't smile very much, so she didn't pay much attention to her.

But now, Wen An'an's smile has made everyone know what it means to be charming with a smile, that is, he is talking about Wen An'an!

"Eat it. If you like it, I'm making it for you."

After interacting with the children for a long time today, Wen Anan found that these children were actually quite obedient, neither crying nor making trouble, and were particularly well-behaved.

After hearing Wen Anan say that he would make it for them, the five little guys happily ate the sandwiches.

After finishing the sandwiches, the little guys got together again and finished the tomato sauce noodles cooked by Wen Anan.

In the end, of course there is no suspense at all about who won first place in today’s nutritious lunch.

Of course, the pairing of Wen Anan and Chen Xiaoxing became the well-deserved champions~!

"An'an, I really didn't realize that you can actually cook."

"You just lied. The food you made was delicious!"

"I also want to eat the tomato sauce noodles made by Sister An An~!"

Seeing that her cooking skills were praised by others, Wen Anan was really speechless.

After all, her cooking is really average. But these people...

They must be terrible at cooking, Wen Anan muttered silently in her heart.

However, Wen Anan's cooking is actually quite delicious. However, because she always only cooks for herself, she feels that cooking for herself is quite average.

"Okay, now that today's first place has been selected. Then, we will let today's first place choose today's special reward."

As soon as the director of the program group finished speaking, all the children stared at the task card in his hand with bright eyes.

"The reward for the first place today is... It will be decided by the first place, where will you go to play next~!"

As soon as they heard that they could go out to play, all the children looked forward to it.

Especially after hearing that the places they could choose to go out to play today include an amusement park and a zoo, the children were even more excited.

But it's a pity that because they are not number one, they have no right to choose where they can play next.

So several children looked pitifully towards Wen An'an and Chen Xiaoxing.

"Where do you want to play?"

Wen Anan held the reward cards that she could choose from. She had difficulty choosing and really didn't want to make a choice at all, so she threw all the cards to Chen Xiaoxing without thinking.

After looking at the card in his hand, the little guy blinked and took out the zoo card.

"Let's go to the zoo!"

"Yeah! Let's go to the zoo!"

"I want to see giraffes~"

"I want to see the tiger~!"

As soon as Chen Xiaoxing finished speaking, he saw the other four little cute babies jumping up with joy.

Seeing how happy these children were, of course the others agreed to go to the zoo without any objections.

So, the program team happily decided that the next filming location would be in the zoo~!

However, what no one expected was that they just went to the zoo to record a show, and they would also make international headlines in a foreign country~!

The author has something to say: Good morning~✿✿ヽ(°▽°)ノ✿

Please give me nutrient solution~!