Dressed As A Male God’s First Love

Chapter 81


After waking up, Wen Anan was completely confused!

There is no other reason, it’s all because—


After turning on the computer, Wen An'an's face was full of question marks!

After watching her editor make a series of fatal calls, and seeing all the manuscripts in her manuscript box reduced to zero, she really didn't know what to say!

Editor Xiaoxi: An'an! ! Do you still have manuscripts saved? ! ! With this momentum now, you must not stop updating it! ! Intermittent updates have a great impact on popularity! !

Looking at the message from editor Xiaoxi on the screen, Wen Anan wanted to cry for a moment!

She worked so hard to save fifty chapters of manuscripts, but inexplicably, she sent them all out!

Although, it’s really exciting to see the profits from the backend explode!

but! but! So many archives...

Wen Anan, who had a sad face, really wanted to hit the wall at this moment! Why did she send out all the manuscripts with her weak hands!

Take things as they come: No... The manuscript has been saved...

After Wen Anan weakly replied to her editor, she quickly saw Lin Xi on the other side of the computer replying quickly again.

Editor Xiaoxi: It doesn’t matter if you don’t save the manuscript! As long as you never stop updating it!

Looking at what the editor sent, Wen Ananna smiled bitterly again.

She also wants to keep updating, but starting from today, she will be very busy!

Today she is going to shoot a promotional video for Chanel makeup, and tomorrow she is going to attend Chanel's global press conference...

It feels like she will be very busy in the coming week!

Take things as they come: I don't know if I can guarantee it, I've been a little busy recently.

Editor Xiaoxi: Busy? Aren’t you a full-time author? Any other jobs

Take things as they come: Well... writing novels should be considered my part-time job. In real life, I still have other jobs. And recently, I happened to be on a business trip and a little busy...

Editor Xiaoxi: Then you published fifty chapters in one go...

Be content with the situation: I told you, I sent it wrong... ugh~

Editor Xiaoxi: No matter what, I’m busy and can’t stop updating. Cutting off updates is too debilitating. Your novel is gaining momentum now, so you must keep it steady.

Take things as they come: Okay, I'll try my best. I will definitely find time and try to update one chapter every day.

Just when Wen Anan finished typing this sentence and was still thinking about hurrying up or writing something first, she heard a doorbell ringing from the door of her suite.

Listening to the doorbell, Wen Anan safely guessed that it must be Assistant Jiang.

Sure enough, as soon as she opened the door, she saw Assistant Jiang entering her room with the room service people.

"If you've washed up, you can sit down and have breakfast first."

After Assistant Jiang finished speaking, Wen Anan saw the room attendants placing breakfast on the long table in an orderly manner.

She blinked her eyes. She had already finished washing, sat down at the dining table obediently, and started eating breakfast.

"We have limited time. While you are eating, you can listen to your schedule for today."

After finishing speaking, Assistant Jiang explained everything Wen Anan had to do today.

As for Wen Anan, who was eating breakfast while listening to Assistant Jiang talking about what she was going to do today, her eyes suddenly lit up.

Because she didn't have much to do today. Apart from shooting commercials, she also had dinner with some senior executives of Chanel.

It seems like there’s nothing else going on!

"Assistant Jiang, can I come back very early today?"

Wen Anan blinked and looked at Assistant Jiang expectantly.

If she comes back early, there will be no problem updating!

"What, are you busy?"

Assistant Jiang glanced at Wen An'an in surprise. Normally, this little girl was very well-behaved and did whatever others said.

But today after hearing about her work, she actually said such words. It seems that there must be something important to do.

"Well... I actually... the manuscript of the novel is gone, and I want to come back and write it..."

As soon as Wen Anan said these words, Assistant Jiang immediately started to laugh and cry.

He really didn't expect that what this little girl was going to say was actually this kind of thing.

Helplessly stroking his glasses, he said softly: "If you shoot quickly, you should be able to come back very soon."

But of course, Assistant Jiang felt that it was the first time for Wen Anan to shoot this kind of advertisement, and it was for an international brand like Chanel, which has always been particular about it. It would definitely be impossible to finish the shooting quickly.

However, what Assistant Jiang never expected was that he was completely wrong!

Not only was Wen Anan not shooting very slowly as he imagined, on the contrary, the shooting was very smooth!

"Yes! That's the expression, very good!"

This time, chanel’s advertising invited internationally renowned photography masters.

Among the works he photographed, he especially photographed women.

As long as a female star is under his lens, whether she looks good or not, her appearance will improve a lot!

The most important thing is that the photos he takes are very soulful and can capture the soul of the photographer under the lens.

Therefore, Chanel really put in a lot of effort to hire such a big-name photographer to shoot.

Through the photographer, Assistant Jiang also realized that Chanel's chief designer really liked Wen An'an.

"You don't need to deliberately make expressions, you just need to be yourself. Imagine your most comfortable state..."

Originally, Wen Anan was very nervous about her first commercial shoot and being stared at by so many people. However, after listening to the photographer's praise and comforting words, she gradually let go of her worries. Tension.

Imagining the photographer's words, she gradually thought about her most comfortable state.

Gradually, she closed her eyes, with a peaceful expression on her face...

Colorful flowers, a girl with lazily disheveled hair, a delicate and beautiful wreath on her head, and a Chanel haute couture 'Flower Fairy' dress.

At this moment, Wen An'an was as beautiful as an angel falling into the flowers. The beauty was so unreal, so dreamy.

Originally, she had just finished styling and was still nervous, but she actually didn't look so beautiful.

Because she was nervous, it made her look more down-to-earth.

However, gradually, when she was comforted by the photographer's guidance, she seemed to be cheating, and her temperament suddenly changed!

She closed her eyes, with a peaceful look on her face. She looked really beautiful. Just looking at that face, she felt as if she was seeing an angel who could bring happiness to people. She was so happy, it was So satisfying.

Seeing Wen Anan like this, Assistant Jiang was completely stunned.

However, he was stunned, but the professional photographer was not stunned at all, but quickly pressed the camera to capture Wen Anan's beauty.

Listening to the sound of "Click~! Click~!" and the sound of the camera, Assistant Jiang came back to his senses.

He also quickly took out his mobile phone and took a few photos of Wen Anan. Then he remembered something and simply turned on the video mode and recorded Wen Anan who was filming a commercial.

"Open your eyes and continue to think about... things that can make you happy..."

The photographer's voice seemed to have magic power, making Wen Anan open her eyes, and she was thinking about the things that made her happiest.

So, her slender white palms gently rested on the flowers in front of her, and then her slender fingers began to dance gently on the flowers.

It looked like the flowers under her hands were a piano, and the petals she touched with her fingers were black and white piano keys...

It's as if one can feel that there is a wonderful song coming from under her fingers...

"Okay! An! You are great! You are so beautiful under the lens! I have photographed many people, but you are the only one who is so beautiful."

Listening to the photographer's words of praise, Wen Anan pursed her lips in embarrassment.

Apart from thanking her, she couldn't think of any other words to express her appreciation for the photographer.

"However, you are still a little green now. I look forward to seeing how you behave when you mature towards the camera..."

"Thank you... I will definitely work hard in the future..."

Thinking that she would shoot a lot of commercials in the future, Wen Anan said seriously.

However, this time, she was very lucky that she bumped into a photographer who was so good at shooting a promotional advertisement for the first time.

Otherwise, she probably really doesn't know what movements to make or what expressions to make.

She felt that the photographer was like a master of hypnosis. He could make her understand clearly what he said to her, so that she would not be so nervous when facing the camera.

That’s why this commercial was filmed so quickly.

After the shooting was completed, it was only around three o'clock in the afternoon.

Just when Wen Anan was about to take off the makeup on her face and go back to the hotel to write, she heard Assistant Jiang calling her.

"First take a selfie and post it on Weibo while removing makeup."

As Assistant Jiang is Wen An'an's manager, of course he has to consider Wen An'an in everything.

So after seeing Wen Anan wanting to take off her makeup and change back to her original look after taking the photo, of course she stopped quickly.

After listening to Assistant Jiang's reminder, Wen Anan nodded blankly, took the mobile phone handed over by Assistant Jiang, and took a selfie of herself.

This time, maybe Wen An'an was lucky, or maybe the look done by Chanel was so pretty!

Therefore, Wen Anan's selfie this time is quite beautiful!

Although it may not be as beautiful as the set of promotional photos that the photographer specially took for her, it is better than all the selfies and photos she has taken before~!

"Okay, you go take off your makeup. I'll edit it for you and post it on your Weibo."

Assistant Jiang took the phone, checked Wen Anan's selfie, and finally nodded with satisfaction this time.

Seeing Assistant Jiang's satisfied look, Wen An was relieved. When she boarded the plane, Assistant Jiang also asked her to post a selfie on Weibo. As a result, after she finished taking the photo, Assistant Jiang looked disgusted... She thought, she really couldn't forget it!

After seeing Assistant Jiang satisfied, Wen Anan went to the dressing room to remove her makeup and change clothes.

What she didn't know was that when her selfie was edited by Assistant Jiang and posted on the Internet, it shocked countless netizens!

Wen Anan v: New look! [smile.jpg][picture]

As soon as this Weibo post was posted, it immediately attracted countless licks from pretty girls!

It also made many netizens understand why the tall and powerful Chanel found Wen Anan to be their image ambassador!

The reason is very simple!

Just because Wen Anan is so beautiful! And it’s also in line with Chanel’s new perfume series this season!

I go! Wen Anan is so good-looking! It’s too outrageous!

6666 Only then did I really realize how powerful Wen Anan's beauty is! There is no star more beautiful than her in the entire entertainment industry!

This selfie is so beautiful! The shape of this flower fairy is so beautiful!

I’m really looking forward to the finished product of Chanel’s advertising campaign! ! !

I feel like Chanel’s new perfume is going to be sold out this season!

Already ready to buy this perfume!

For a time, Wen Anan, who just posted a selfie on Weibo, was on Weibo's hot search list.

And her selfie photo was also reposted by major forums and websites, which shocked waves of netizens!

It also brought about the popularity of Chanel in China!

Chanel's latest perfume to be launched in the latest season, the hot search index has increased a lot!

"Assistant Jiang, where are we going now?"

After the shooting, Wen Anan sat obediently in the car. After taking off her makeup, she no longer looked as beautiful as before, so unreally beautiful.

Now she has a plain and small face, just like that of a leader's sister, although the appearance of this leader's sister... seems to be a little taller.

"Well, let's go back to the hotel now. I just received a call from Chanel's chief designer, Mr. Carlisle's assistant, saying that he is not free to have dinner with you today."

After hearing Assistant Jiang's words, Wen An was relieved.

God knows how afraid she is of eating with strangers. She feels embarrassed just thinking about it, especially since the stranger seems to be very powerful, so she subconsciously wants to avoid it.

However, where can she hide from her identity now

Even if she has no emotional intelligence, she still understands that it is her honor that Carlisle, the No. 1 person in the fashion circle and the head of Chanel, wants to have dinner with her.

If she refuses, she will never be able to work in the fashion industry again.

But now, she can only hang out in the fashion and variety show circles!

Therefore, she really couldn't afford to offend Carlisle, a fashion boss.

Seeing Wen Anan breathing a sigh of relief, Assistant Jiang shook his head helplessly.

I don’t know when this girl will truly mature.

But... maybe it's because of her 'immature' ignorance and youthfulness that she is so popular with people, right

For example, Carlisle, Mr. Shen, and... their boss Shen.

"By the way, those things that the photographer asked you to think about just now, things that make you happy and make you feel at ease, what did you think of at that time?"

Assistant Jiang suddenly asked with interest.

Listening to Assistant Jiang's question, Wen Anan blinked and then answered very honestly.

"I thought about staying at home, sitting in front of the computer and writing novels..."

Wen Anan's words immediately made the curious look on Assistant Jiang's face freeze.

It took him a while before he came back to his senses.

Taking a deep breath, Assistant Jiang looked at Wen Anan helplessly.

"An'an, when you put your fingers on the flower just now, did you think it was a keyboard instead of a piano?"

"Piano? Of course not, I can't play the piano. I just use it as a keyboard~"

As she spoke, Wen Anan had a relaxed smile on her face, and she made the same movements as when she was filming the commercial, and also dubbed the sound effects of her code words.

That look is really indescribably cute!

"Ta-ta-ta~! I'm coding!"

After seeing the relaxed and bright smile on Wen An'an's beautiful face, Assistant Jiang really didn't know what to say! ! !

Suddenly, for a moment, Assistant Jiang really felt that Wen Anan should not be a star, but should be a writer!

Thinking of this, he became a little curious again. This little girl who loves writing so much, what will the results of the novels she writes be like

Will it be as popular as her being a star

"Then if you like writing novels so much, how is the novel going? Is it popular?"

Assistant Jiang's question made Wen Anan a little distressed.

As a newcomer to this world who has just started writing novels, how well can she write, and the fact that she is so popular... She has just started writing novels.

So, the introverted, timid and humble Wen Anan said a little vainly.

"The writing... I think it's okay. As for whether it's popular or not... I'm not sure."

Wen Anan's answer made Assistant Jiang nodded slightly. He thought Wen Anan was writing it, so he answered so reluctantly.

"An'an, if you need anything like publishing a novel, you can tell me."

"No, no, no! No, no, no! I just wrote it for fun! There is no need for anything!"

As soon as Wen Anan heard Assistant Jiang say that she wanted to help, she quickly waved her hand.

What a joke! Originally, being a star already owed the Shen family so much money. She simply wrote a novel and let the Shen family participate. She would not even think about being able to pay off the things she owed the Shen family in the future!

So, Wen Anan decided to write a novel for her! That’s a million! Don't expose it in front of Assistant Jiang and the Shen family!

Just let her be quiet, write a novel, and earn some 'pocket money'.

However, at this time, Wen An'an had never thought that at the beginning, she just wanted to use her spare time to write novels to satisfy her hobbies and earn some 'pocket money'.

But later, unconsciously... it was no longer 'pocket money'.

Seeing Wen Anan's reaction, Assistant Jiang didn't think much about it.

He thought that the little girl Wen Anan's performance in writing novels must not be very good, so he did not dwell on this topic any longer.

It's a pity that Assistant Jiang, who has always made accurate guesses, really made a mistake this time!

If Wen Anan's performance in writing novels is not that good, then the performance of people all over the world in writing novels is really not that good~!

Soon, the car drove to the hotel.

Wen Anan didn't even go to dinner and went back to her room directly.

After entering the Su Mansion in the luxurious suite, Wen Anan quickly started writing.

"Bah bang bang!"

Her fingers were tapping quickly on the keyboard of her laptop, writing a novel with a serious look on her face.

And while she was writing the novel, Assistant Jiang was not idle. Instead, he sent all the successes of his afternoon shooting to Mr. Shen and Shen Zheng.

When Mr. Shen received Assistant Jiang's email, he immediately called.

I asked Wen Anan if he was still used to living abroad and when he would be able to come back to Balabala. He was really nagging endlessly.

However, there was no movement at Shen Zheng's place.

Assistant Jiang guessed that Shen Zheng was probably too busy, so he didn't see it.

Assistant Jiang's guess was also correct.

Recently, Shen Zheng received a big order to cooperate with an international company, so he has been very busy recently.

He was so busy that he no longer had time to read the emails Assistant Jiang sent him.

Therefore, he waited until he had finished his work for a few hours before he had time to see the email Assistant Jiang sent him.

After clicking on the email, when Shen Zheng saw the videos and photos that Assistant Jiang sent him, Shen Zheng, who was originally tired from a busy day's work, felt as if he had drank something functional at this moment. Like a drink.

Suddenly, I became energetic.

At this time, he was looking at Wen Anan who was filming in the video. Even he himself didn't know that there was a faint smile on his face.

Looking at the little girl looking at the camera with a calm face in the video, Shen Zheng suddenly felt as if... he started to miss his little girl a little bit~!

Should he... also go on a business trip to France

However, what Shen Zheng didn't expect was that he hadn't put this idea into action yet! Someone had already taken action one step ahead of him!

"I say! Li Xi, you really have good taste! Tsk tsk tsk! Look at Wen Anan's face! It's a masterpiece! It's really not in vain that you flew all the way from China to France to follow me. We met by chance!"

Wei Lin took out his mobile phone and after seeing the hot news in China, he teased his friend, Li Xilai.

Of course, this playboy also has deep envy in his heart!

Look at the girl Li Xi wants to chase, she's so beautiful! Even if all the ex-girlfriends he had dated in the past were added up, none of them would be as beautiful as Wen Anan!

Li Xi, who was sitting on the sofa watching the football match, immediately turned his head after hearing Wei Lin's words and snatched the mobile phone from Wei Lin's hand.

Just in time, I saw the selfie that Wen Anan posted on Weibo.

Seeing the little girl's cute and peaceful face, he felt itchy in his heart.

But of course, the proud Li Xi would not admit that he came to France just to meet Wen Anan~!

"I came to France because of something serious."

Seeing Li Xi still wanting to quibble, Wei Lin curled his lips and said with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah! You came to France to do business. But, Master Li, I'm very curious. You came to France to do business. Are you going to the launch of Chanel's global perfume? Is this your business?"

"Get out of here, be careful, I'll beat you up."

Li Xi looked at him with a killing look, and Wei Lin, who was still joking and happy, suddenly became scared.

He pursed his lips and did not dare to provoke Li Xi anymore. He could only complain silently in his heart.

Hum! If you are interested in this little girl, just say so! He also made it seem like he wasn't interested in the little girl.

I'll see how you talk to that little girl tomorrow!

Hum! It would be best if the little girl Wen Anan ignores you! I'll see how proud you are when the time comes~!

At this time, Wen Anan didn't know what some people were thinking about her in France. At this time, she was concentrating on writing a novel!

"Crack, snap, snap!"

The crackling sound of typing resounded in this study room, which was neither very large nor very small.

Soon, when the hour hand was about to point to ten o'clock, Wen Anan finally finished writing the last chapter!

The moment it came to an end, Wen Anan relaxed and leaned back on the chair.


After taking a long breath of relief, Wen Anan's heart was filled with joy.


Wen Anan looked at the four chapters she had written. This time, she was very serious and did not send them out in a hurry.

After setting the time, Wen Anan turned off the computer.

Although judging from the background data, her novel is very good as her editor Lin Xi said.

However, she did not read what online readers said about the novel.

Wen An'an has always been very sensitive. When a novel is not finished, she generally does not take the initiative to read readers' comments.

And more often than not, in the real world, she would choose to save the full text.

In this way, no matter what she writes or what readers will say, she will not be affected in any way.

Therefore, even if Lin Xi told her that her novel was well received, if she continued to write it, it might create a new craze for the novel genre at Lujiang Station.

However, under such great pressure, Wen Anan did not want to read what online readers said about this novel.

What Wen An'an didn't know was that because of her "turning a blind eye", she had no idea how popular her first novel that tested the waters in the comics world was.

She didn’t know that her novel could really bring her a huge amount of income...


Wen Anan yawned and relaxed.

I was just about to take a shower and go to bed.

Who knew, after lowering her head and picking up the phone, she found that both Mr. Shen and Shen Zheng had called her.

However, she was coding at the time and her phone was set to silent mode, so she did not receive calls from the two of them.

After looking at the text messages on her phone, she found that Mr. Shen was not texting her. Instead, Shen Zheng actually sent her a text message.

Are you still getting used to it in France

Looking at the text message sent by Shen Zheng, Wen Anan twitched her lips and replied with a smile on her face.

Well, not bad.

Originally, Wen Anan thought that Shen Zheng would be very busy, so the text messages would be answered very slowly.

Unexpectedly, not long after she sent this text message, before she had time to get a change of underwear and go to the bathroom to take a shower, she heard the ringtone of her phone ringing again.

Picking up the phone, Wen Anan discovered that the call was from Shen Zheng.

"Hello… "

Wen Anan answered the phone, and Shen Zheng's cold and deep voice came from the phone.

"Why is it so late and you haven't slept yet?"

Listening to Shen Zheng's slightly reproachful words, Wen Anan felt at ease.

She raised her head, looked at the bright moonlight outside the window through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, and murmured softly.

"I just finished typing, now I'm ready to take a shower and go to bed."


Listening to Shen Zheng's somewhat surprised voice, Wen Anan acted like a child and followed Shen Zheng to complain about how she accidentally sent out the wrong chapter yesterday and sent out all the manuscripts.

"You, don't be so confused next time."


"Also, if you are very tired, don't write. Writing novels is just your hobby. Don't think of it as a hobby and make you too tired..."

"kindness… "

Listening to Shen Zheng's gentle voice, Wen Anan hummed again subconsciously, but after she hummed, she quickly reacted.

"Brother, writing novels is not just my hobby..."

As Wen Anan spoke, a faint smile appeared on his face.

"If I didn't become a star, I would become an online novel writer."

"An'an, actually, if you don't want to be a star, you don't have to do it. Big brother will support you, and you can do what you like at home."

Shen Zheng's words made Wen An'an feel slightly startled.

Indeed, deep down in her heart, she doesn't particularly want to be a star.

After all, she doesn't like to be in contact with people, and she doesn't like to live a life that is too sparkling.

She likes to be quiet and stay at home without contact with others. She just wants to immerse herself in her own world.

If it weren't for Mr. Shen's entertainment company and if he hadn't invested so much money in her, she might...eventually live the same life as she had in her previous life, staying at home and working as an online novel author.

but now…

"Brother, thank you for always taking care of me and tolerating me. But, I think sometimes, I may need to make some changes."

She thought that after being reborn in this comic book world, her beloved parents came back to life again.

And she also met a group of friends who were very close to her and took good care of her.

Among them, especially Shen Zheng...

She thought she should make some changes and try to get in touch with others.

After all, she trained so hard in "Super Idol". It would be a pity to give up and continue to change back to the Wen An'an she was before...

"Well, as long as you are happy."

"Brother, thank you for always supporting me."

Wen Anan suddenly missed Shen Zheng a little.

When she heard him say that when he raised her, her heart felt as if she drank hot milk, warm and sweet.

It feels really good to have the feeling of an older brother...

"Go to bed early and don't stay up late."

"Yeah~! I understand, brother, good night."

After hanging up the phone, Wen Anan took a bath in a very happy mood, then lay down on the bed and fell asleep peacefully.

And just when she fell asleep, the two chapters she had scheduled to be deposited were also released~!

After these two chapters were published, they caused a sensation in Lu Jiang's novels!

"Go! The heroine Xiao Longnu is dead?! Is it true? Is this coming to an end? Didn't it just come on the shelves?! This is really the first time I have seen 6666. The author wrote the protagonist to death novel!

Even after Wen An'an published a manuscript with 500,000 words, the shocking amount of updates has not subsided. Wen An'an's latest chapter wrote the plot of the heroine to death, which once again shocked a large number of netizens!

Therefore, the novel "Taoist Little Dragon Girl" is real this time, creating a focused topic.

Countless readers and authors have discussed the recently popular book "Taoist Little Dragon Girl". This popularity has even spread to a well-known domestic publishing and literary media circle!

"Xu Ke, what do you think of this newcomer to novels?"

"Well, just take things as they come... Is this the new online author who is famous for his volume of updates recently?"

"Xu Ke, don't judge this female author like this. The book "Taoist Little Dragon Girl" she wrote is very good, with very oriental characteristics. I think it will create a new trend in online novels."

"So? You don't want to recommend such a newcomer to online novels without any foundation or fan base in the competition we set up, right?"

"Then why not?"

The author has something to say: _(:3∠)_Accidentally fell asleep. . . Sorry_(:3∠)_

Please give me nutrient solution~!