Dressed As An Omega Who Was Divorced By Seven Alphas

Chapter 55


Naturally, the reporters' means of transportation could not keep up with Fitz's aircraft.

They stretched their necks like geese and watched the aircraft turn into a flash of silver light and disappear into the night sky.

You think the journalists will just give up?!


Media reporters are like dandelions scattered across the vast world; their busy and sharp figures can be seen everywhere.

They are like satellites orbiting the planet, tirelessly monitoring every corner of the world.

The Fitz aircraft's driving code, the direction it was heading, and the destination it had arrived at - Donno Palace.

"Donnuo Palace? Are you sure it's Dongnuo Palace?" a reporter asked in a hoarse voice.

"It's the Dongnuo Palace!"

"Then, that person is..."

"Oh my god, the guard let us in! That alpha really could be the prince!"

Just as He Huan and Fitz got out of the car, the media reporters who had been waiting at the door to cover the king's birthday banquet received messages from their colleagues and had already set up their "cannons" and aimed them at the two.

Whether it was Fitz carefully helping He Huan down the stairs, or personally putting on a coat for He Huan, or the intimate and familiar interaction between the two, all were faithfully recorded in the reporters' weapons.

Before knowing Fitz's identity, reporters had already uploaded the footage of the two hugging and getting into a car together to the Internet in order to compete for traffic.

But no one expected that things would take such a sharp turn!

This alpha who suddenly appeared could be the prince? How dare he show up at He Huan's doorstep surrounded by reporters at this critical moment

Considering the royal family's traditional secretive and privacy-conscious habits, this alpha who was suspected to be the prince had obviously broken the rules for He Huan.

"This is true love!"

"He Huan is indeed a male god harvester, she can even win over the prince."

Several reporters who published Fitz's photos were almost frightened and quickly asked the company's publicity department to withdraw the photos.

As a result of this connection, new information was discovered.

The eyes of the spectators were like microscopes, and soon someone said, "Isn't this alpha the military brother who saved He Huan when he caused a riot in Kersburg because his virgin makeup was too sexy?!"

—Shit, is this the ultimate love story of the century

—I know! I know! Fortunately, I saved the picture early, and it was quickly censored!

—Brother Jun? So this person is…

—I’ve been talking about pictures for so long! Gossip does not leave pictures, chrysanthemums are worth thousands of people*, you can judge for yourself!

The curiosity of the onlookers was like a bottomless pit. They all showed their magical powers and soon found out the picture.

—His Royal Highness is so handsome that my knees hurt!! I can do it!

—Beautiful love! I agree to this marriage.

—I am now looking forward to their baby, it will definitely be very beautiful!

Next, people started discussing online whether He Huan’s baby was A or O. Many people even said that since the two had such excellent genes, they must have more children.

The reporters looked at each other in bewilderment when they saw this.

They came to watch and take pictures, and not only were they not chased away, netizens were not banned from posting the photos online either.

Does this mean... the prince allowed them to film and report, or even - publicize? !

"Can I guess that the prince did it on purpose?"

"I think so..." a reporter said uncertainly, "Is this the so-called alpha possessiveness?"

Amid the reporters' secret photography, He Huan came face to face with them as soon as he got off the aircraft.

He didn't expect that there would be so many reporters gathered at the gate of Dongnuo Palace.

"Let's go." Fitz pulled the coat around him closer and held him in his arms.

He Huan was just surprised, not afraid of these reporters as Fitz thought.

He originally planned to go directly to the Duke of Cowland's house to ask for an explanation, but he learned that the family would most likely stay in the palace tonight.

Furthermore, the marriage between Yalen Corran and Fitz was not an ordinary family union. It was related to the future of the empire and had very important political and historical significance.

If this matter is not dealt with in time, it will be like shooting an arrow with no way back.

Seeing that Fitz didn't care about the reporters' sneak shots, was he going to announce their relationship to the world

He Huan didn't want to make their relationship public before, and didn't even want Fitz to know that he was pregnant.

Unexpectedly, fate played a trick on us. After only a few hours, the situation had already developed and flown into outer space.

It could be the alpha's possessiveness, or it could be that he was stimulated by Miles' post.

He Huan looked at Fitz from the side and said with a smile, "Will your father kick us out?"

"Don't be afraid, I'm here," Fitz said.

If Fitz had no one to rely on, he would not dare to bring He Huan to Dongnuo Palace.

King Cent's method of forcing marriage would not be so gentle.

According to the temperament of this ruler of the empire, anyone who disobeys him and refuses to surrender and confess will have his only destination in hell.

So far, Center has mainly used persuasion and strong pressure on Fitz, and has not used force.

The reason is simple. Cent's dictatorship and tyranny over the years have already caused many people to be dissatisfied with him.

Fitz took advantage of the situation and gained the support of Marshal Xu Xianglei. Especially after his outstanding military exploits in the previous Battle of Kersburg, no one in the military or political circles was dissatisfied with him.

The major factions in the military and politics have already begun to secretly take sides.

Sente knew this very well, so he was eager to obtain the military strength of the Kauran family.

Fitz seemed to want to reassure He Huan, and he explained: "I will take care of everything."

Would He Huan worry about this? Of course not.

His eyebrows and eyes stretched out like fern feathers in the morning light, magnificent and flamboyant: "What should I do? I'm actually looking forward to it."

Fitz didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he put his fist to his forehead, took He Huan's hand and walked towards the door: "As long as you are happy."

When Fitz and He Huan entered the magnificent hall of Dongnuo Palace, all the distinguished guests in elegant clothes disappeared.

The beautifully decorated venue drooped desolately, like the sepals of a flower after it lost its petals.

King Cent ended the birthday party early.

Fitz's eyes darkened slightly, perhaps there would be a tough battle tonight.

He Huan looked at it with great interest. This was the first time he had truly witnessed the luxury of the interstellar age. It was extremely fresh and interesting.

A purple figure walked out from the shadow of the side corridor, with wavy blonde hair and a slender figure. It seemed that Mrs. Gloria had been waiting for the two of them here for a long time.

"Fitz, He Huan."

"Aunt Gloria."

"Hello, ma'am."

After a brief greeting, the atmosphere between the two sides fell into a stalemate.

Fitz said nothing, silent and cold.

Seeing this, He Huan stood quietly beside Fitz.

Finally, Mrs. Gloria broke the silence with a slightly awkward smile: "Fitz, the Donnell family has always been your backer, and so have I."

"So?" Fitz remained unmoved.

Gloria's smile became more and more forced, but she still tried to show her kindness: "I am here on behalf of my father. I think you are right. You will never repeat the mistakes of the Tangnai family. When my father died, he still remembered my sister's name. My sister..."

"Groya!" A rough voice suddenly penetrated the entire hall.

Gloria turned pale, bit her lip and looked at the person who came.

King Sente strode over, followed by a large group of people.

Everyone who was in the reception room before gathered together again.

Gloria took two steps back, looked deeply at Cent and the others, then turned and walked to Fitz.

Senter's face suddenly turned cold. The Kaulan family following behind him looked at him unkindly.

Although the person currently at the helm of the Donnell family is Gloria's brother, in fact the financial power of the entire family is in Gloria's hands.

The hopeless and spineless Duke of Donnell could only live a luxurious life thanks to Gloria's superb ability to make money.

Gloria Donnell is not only the representative of the Donnell family, but also the richest noble in the empire.

Its vast wealth is said to be enough to support half of the empire's army.

Now, after the two sides have fallen out, they both feel there is no need to maintain superficial harmony. The atmosphere is like the meeting of cold and warm air, and a storm is about to come.

Sente's gaze was as cold as an icy arrow. If he hadn't felt guilty towards the former Queen Tadai, how could he have allowed Gloria's wealth to accumulate to such an extent

In the past, he let her go because she was well-behaved and obedient, but he didn't expect that this ungrateful person would bite him back.

Mrs. Gloria took a deep breath and her complexion soon returned to normal.

She looked determined and protected He Huan.

Sente's sharp gaze also fell on He Huan.

This omega who bewitched Fitz was indeed beautiful, but in the eyes of Cent, who was used to seeing beautiful women, there was nothing special about her.

Cent frowned. How could such an ordinary omega dare to instigate Fitz to disobey him

"Fitz, I did not give you permission to bring an omega who does not meet your status into the Tono Palace."

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-11-12 23:54:34~2019-11-17 23:56:57~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Diandian, Wu Guan is also the third brother, J., Tinono 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Paper Moon 27 bottles; Eighteen Bamboos 10 bottles; I Love CP 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!