Dressed As An Omega Who Was Divorced By Seven Alphas

Chapter 9


Muriel's memorial service will be held tomorrow.

A large number of people in the industry and media reporters from all walks of life will attend the event.

He Huan's intelligent brain has been bombarded since he woke up in the morning.

The Gibbs family persisted in trying to reconcile with him.

He Xun wanted to ask him not to reveal the cause of Muriel's death.

He Huan sneered. He had been very harsh and difficult to the original owner before, but had he ever thought about today

After He Huan dealt with the relevant matters for tomorrow's memorial service, he turned off the smart brain and went to rest.

He still had another drama to shoot, and the crew notified him to go to the set the day after tomorrow to shoot the last two scenes of his role.

He Huan only has some memories of the original owner and is not very familiar with this book called "Another World in the Box".

It takes some time and practice.

By the time he got a little feeling, half a day had passed.

After dinner, He Huan lay in the bathtub filled with warm water, stretched his limbs comfortably, and relaxed his body after a day of hard work.

The pool water flowed over his neck, and faint red marks were visible in the water.

Although it no longer hurts when his fingers touch these marks, their presence is very strong. Every time He Huan takes a shower, it reminds him how hard a man once marked him.

He Huan wiped the mist off the wall mirror and tilted his neck to the side. The glands in the mirror had regained their former smoothness.

From the outside, he looked just like an unmarked omega.

But the emptiness of the body cannot deceive oneself.

He Huan buried his face in the water, trying to wash the handsome face out of his mind.

The momentary satisfaction led to more serious consequences.

How could a mere pheromone marking gland satisfy an omega's greedy needs? Moreover, his body had been completely opened up by the other party.

A little bait given when one has tasted the sweetness is like drinking poison to quench thirst.

Before he could suffocate and break out of the water, He Huan turned the faucet and changed the hot water to cold water.

Tsk... what a terrible experience.

Taking a bath not only fails to relax you, but also makes your body more tired.

He Huan changed into loose clothes, walked to the balcony, sat cross-legged, and practiced under the moonlight.

Because he successfully avenged Seidlan and eliminated some of the resentment in the original owner's soul, his magic power was restored.

So he was able to tamper with Fitz's memory in the first two days.

As long as he removes the mark as soon as possible and cuts off his dependence on alpha pheromones, the man will no longer think about him.

Muriel's belated memorial service was held in a grand manner.

Some fans and media reporters from remote planets even set out three days in advance and traveled thousands of miles to come.

They were dressed in dark clothes, had solemn expressions, and held blue flowers in their hands - Muriel's favorite cornflowers.

The cornflower is a plant that is cold-resistant and drought-resistant. The poorer the soil, the brighter the flowers it can bloom.

Just like Muriel, hardworking and tenacious.

This is her greatest shining point and the reason why fans follow her.

It was still dark when He Huan arrived, but fans and reporters had already surrounded the cemetery.

At first glance, the entire cemetery is decorated with these small blue flowers.

It's like hope blooming in the dead wilderness.

When everyone saw He Huan, they bowed slightly, which was a sign of respect for the one they loved.

He Huan was shocked by their solemnity and bowed in return.

If Muriel and the original owner could see such a scene in the sky, they would definitely be very pleased.

A fine drizzle fell from the sky, and in the gray dawn, the view of the cemetery was heavy.

The surroundings were quiet, with only the faint sound of He Huan's footsteps.

He walked over to Muriel's grave, placed his right hand on the tombstone, and looked at the smiling woman in the photo.

She was so cheerful and lively when she was alive, and was full of enthusiasm for life.

Birds that belong to the sky should not be imprisoned in cages and eventually sacrificed to depression.

He Huan placed the cornflower in his hand in front of the grave and said softly, "I hope you will be free in your next life."

Then he stepped aside to accept condolences from everyone.

Fans came forward one by one, placed the flowers in their hands in front of the tombstone, and said their carefully prepared eulogies.

He Huan gave them a souvenir.

There were many photographers standing nearby, holding a variety of photographic equipment and reporting live on their respective platforms.

His almost whispered word "freedom" spread throughout the galaxy.

There was a sudden hurricane on Zhiwang.

―What does He Huan mean by that? What kind of abuse did the goddess suffer

― Damn He Xun, the goddess must have been tricked into marrying him.

―Even if I have to go to jail, I will beat this bastard to death!

He Xun, who was driving to the cemetery, was feeling a little uneasy. He didn't want to attend any memorial service at all.

But now he is in a difficult situation. He is Muriel's husband and has to go whether he wants to or not. At the same time, he has to stop He Huan from saying anything inappropriate.

There have been a lot of negative comments about him on the Internet these days, and they can’t be deleted no matter how hard we try.

Netizens are like maggots on the tarsal bone, and they must dig up what happened back then.

When I think about facing the numerous reporters and Muriel's crazy fans...

He Xun tugged at his tie irritably, his brows furrowed.

He Jin, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly cursed.

He Xun was already in a bad mood, and angrily shouted: "What are you arguing about?!"

He Jin showed him the comments online: "Dad, He Huan said that you restricted Muriel's freedom. All netizens were misled by him and are scolding you. What does Muriel's death have to do with you? She..."

He Xun glanced at the merciless comments on the Internet and was so angry that his face turned blue: "Rebellious son!"

I pressed the wrong button on the controller and almost collided with the car behind me. The car behind me made a sharp turn and just missed the guardrail.

The driver behind was an irritable alpha. He stopped He Xun's car and knocked on the window, cursing: "How do you drive? What era is this? You almost caused me a car accident. Do you have your brain with you when you go out? Idiot!"

In the interstellar age, intelligent AI is widely used and car accidents rarely occur.

He Xun was used to being a superior, and most of the time he was flattered by others. How could he tolerate others pointing fingers at him and scolding him

What's more, he was in a very bad mood today.

"Who the hell are you scolding? Do you have any manners?"

The alpha was stunned for a moment, then pointed at He Xun's face and said, "Are you the scumbag He Xun?"

Now there are photos of He Xun everywhere on Zhiwang. His face is more famous than many celebrities.

He Xun's forehead veins popped: "Have some respect for me, you bastard!"

The alpha sneered and grabbed He Xun by the collar: "Respect? Respect an idiot? You killed Muriel, you are fucking tarnishing the word 'respect'!"

He Xun's face darkened, he twisted the alpha's wrist and pushed him hard: "Get out!"

His push was like pouring more oil on the furious alpha.

"You're so arrogant when you run over people with your fucking car?!"

He Xun rolled up the car window and was about to leave.

The alpha quickly grabbed his tie and said, "Want to run? You hit someone and still want to run. You are a scumbag!"

He Xun was almost suffocated by him. He Jin tried hard to pry the alpha's hands open, but his limited strength was of no use.

Chu Meixuan, who was sitting in the back row, yelled at the bodyguards behind her: "What are you doing sitting here? Go help!"

Four strong beta bodyguards got out of the car and immediately surrounded the alpha.

The alpha was not afraid at all, he faced forward with his chest out: "Try to hit me if you dare!"

There were many vehicles coming and going, all going to attend Muriel's memorial service.

Seeing the dispute happening here, everyone slowed down and watched, and some even took pictures.

The bodyguards didn't dare to hit anyone without He Xun's order, they just pushed the alpha away.

"Why did you hit my husband?!"

A petite male omega got out of the car, holding a filming device in his hand. He walked angrily to He Xun's car. When he saw He Xun in the driver's seat, he was stunned: "He Xun?"

He Xun saw that the camera in his hand was exactly the popular one that online anchors love to use.

His expression immediately changed: "Why are you so afraid of filming? Turn it off!"

He Jin hurriedly reached out to block the screen and threatened fiercely: "You are infringing on my portrait rights. Turn it off immediately, or I will send you a lawyer's letter!"

Omega is a relatively well-known anchor. He came to attend the memorial service today and broadcast live all the way, showing the audience exactly what happened before.

At this moment, the screen was full of comments supporting him.

―Don’t be afraid, host. I’m a lawyer. If he dares to send you a lawyer’s letter, I will help you with the lawsuit for free.

―Host, please help me hold this bastard back. I’m only a few kilometers away. My brother and I will help you beat him!

―I’ve forwarded this to other anchors and let them know. Let’s all deal with this scum together!

The omega immediately gained confidence and bravely retorted: "It was you who didn't drive properly and almost caused a traffic accident. You didn't apologize and hit my husband. Is there any justice in the world?"

He Xun felt that he was just being unreasonable. With all the troubles coming together, he almost wanted to swear.

Seeing this, Chu Meixuan grabbed He Xun and said, "I'll take care of this matter. You drive to the memorial service first."

Omega was a little confused when he saw a noble lady getting out of the car.

By the time he reacted, He Xun had already started the car and drove away.

The omega ran after him for a few steps: "Hey! Hey! You are so shameless!"

Seeing that He Xun's car turned a corner and even the rear of the car could not be seen, he stamped his feet in anger.

Just when he thought he was going to suffer a loss today, the comments in the live broadcast room suddenly changed from scolding to laughter.

―Good news! A brother stopped He Xun, the loser, and there is a live broadcast on 3378.

-Hahaha, everyone, look at that bastard's face, it's like a color palette.

Omega quickly called her husband to get in the car and ran to the front to watch the show.

Chu Meixuan wanted to show off her public relations skills, but before she could even open her mouth, the omega pulled his alpha back to the car like a gust of wind.

Chu Meixuan sneered, knowing that these people were strong on the outside but weak on the inside: "They shout loudly, but they just retreat into their turtle shells obediently."

She curled her lips in satisfaction and was about to ask her personal secretary to drive another car over.

Suddenly, a bodyguard came to her in a panic and showed her the smart computer.

Chu Meixuan almost fainted from anger when she saw the scene.

He Xun's car was surrounded by more than a dozen cars, and the huge crowd trapped He Xun in the middle.

The strong alpha pushed He Xun like a ball.

He Xun's neatly trimmed hair became a mess, his high-end custom-made suit was more wrinkled than pickled vegetables, his leather shoes had fallen off somewhere, and his pair of white socks had turned into coal briquettes.

"Hit and run, capitalists are awesome!"

"Having a bodyguard is amazing, but not only did he beat up the anchor's husband, he also threatened him?!"

"You bastard, you have the nerve to attend Muriel's memorial service. You are simply polluting her life."

"Call the police! Call the police!" Chu Meixuan's hands were shaking with anger, and she hurriedly opened her smart brain: "I want the police to arrest all these people and put them in jail!"

"No need to call the police." A passerby who had parked nearby to watch the show showed Chu Meixuan his smart computer screen, which displayed the police station's phone number. "I've kindly called the police for you, and also included a video of the car crash. I'm sure the police will invite Mr. He for tea soon. No need to thank me."