Dressed as the Cannon Fodder Ex-Wife of the Regent

Chapter 4: Gu Linchao


In the deep dark alley, there was a carriage quietly parked.

The color of the carriage almost blended with the night.

If you don't look carefully, you won't notice it at all.

And all around the carriage are heavily guarded armored guards, and all of them have sharp eyes and chill.

Xue Ziyu looked at the battle in front of him, turned around and wanted to run, but found that his legs were so frightened that he couldn't walk at all.

Seeing the cruel young man approaching, he leaned on the wall and shouted sternly, "Who are you?"

The ruthless young man in black clothes just looked at him expressionlessly, showing disdain, waved his hand, and the armored guards behind him walked up to the first two and picked up Xue Ziyu.

"You, let me go..." Xue Ziyu wanted to yell loudly, but when he met the iron armor guard's cold eyes, he automatically silenced, not daring to struggle any more.

The boy in black turned his head and walked to the side of the carriage, and reported to the people in the carriage in a low voice.

"The person who had a private meeting with Xue Ziyu at the back door of Wen Mansion just now was Miss Wen San, not the princess..."

"Are you reading that right?" A moment later, a cold and deep voice came from the carriage.

"The subordinates can see clearly that it is indeed not the princess. Moreover, Miss Wen San was bumped into by the maid next to the princess and led by someone. Now it is estimated that there has been a commotion in the Wen residence." Black clothes The young man frowned, and when he glanced at Xue Ziyu at the side, he said again, "By the way, Xue Ziyu ran away, and the person who taught us was caught."

"Xue Ziyu?" In the carriage, the man's deep voice sounded slowly.

"Exactly." The boy in black replied.

At this time, the armored guard directly threw Xue Ziyu on the ground beside the carriage.

Looking at the black carriage in front of him, Xue Ziyu felt a sense of suffocation for no reason, and he immediately knelt down and begged for mercy without the armored guards yelling at him, "My lord, please forgive me, the villain is just a grass-roots person, and he keeps his own place on weekdays. He didn't do anything. If you have done something outrageous and unreasonable, please let the adults let the little one go..."

There was silence all around, and the people in the carriage did not speak.

For some reason, Xue Ziyu became more and more uneasy. Beads of sweat slipped from the top of his head, and the chill spread to his limbs.

He dared not move.

After a long time, a gust of wind blew from nowhere and lifted a corner of the curtain of the carriage, revealing the scene inside.

The man in the dark black robe was looking down at the files. Although he didn't show his face, his profile was dignified and elegant, giving people a sense of aloofness and abstinence.

He didn't seem to hear Xue Ziyu's begging for mercy.

The slender knuckles with well-defined joints tapped the small table lightly.

One after another, there is a rhythm again, but to Xue Ziyu's ears, it sounds like a reminder for death.

Just when Xue Ziyu was trembling with fear, there was a soft snort in the carriage.

It was a very faint voice, but it taught people not to ignore it.

"Such a thing, can Wen Rongjun take a liking to it

It seems that some do not agree with the other party's vision.

Xue Ziyu wasn't too stupid. He didn't understand at first, but when he thought of the armored guards guarding all around him, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he suddenly understood something, but he was so scared that he almost peed on his pants, and hurriedly clarified, "My lord Mingjian, little The person and the concubine are innocent, there is nothing... By the way, all of this was set up by Miss Wen San. It was her who wanted the villain to lure the concubine and take her away... The villain did nothing. …”

The ruthless young man standing beside the carriage was slightly surprised when he heard this, "Is what you said true?"

"The villain dare not hide it, every word is true, absolutely true, please be merciful, the prince, and spare the little one..." Xue Ziyu kowtowed and begged for mercy.