During the Snowstorm

Chapter 1: wedge


The figure on the glass is translucent, swaying slightly.

The light in the room was dim, and it barely illuminated half of the street through the glass windows. Through the light, she saw a huge black shadow falling down from the other side of the road, hitting the roof of a car.

The alarm sounded immediately.

"What's the sound?" asked the person on the phone.

"The tree broke, and a car was smashed." Yin Guo covered his left ear, so that he could hear his friend's words clearly amidst the loud music, "The blizzard is terrible, do you know what the temperature is now? Minus twenty five."

"Whoever told you to go in winter, I have already reminded you," Zheng Yi yawned, not forgetting to laugh at her, "Blizzards are very common in New York in winter, so you can ask for blessings."

Yin Guo didn't even have the strength to complain: "I haven't showered for three days and three nights, you must help me fix the hotel tonight."

"Wait a minute, I've been checking."

The phone hangs up.

Yin Guo returned to his cousin Meng Xiaotian wearily: "Wait a while, Zheng Yi is looking for a hotel, tell me to give me a message later."

Meng Xiaotian was having a good time and didn't care about it: "It's really not good, just play here all night."

She was not as energetic as Meng Xiaotian, she lay down on the bar counter and looked out the window.

Who would have thought that she would encounter the strongest snowstorm in ten years.

First, the takeoff was delayed for ten hours at the Capital Airport, and then flew across the vast sea to New York. Because of the blizzard, the plane couldn't land. After hovering in the sky for more than two hours, it still went to Chicago.

That night, the hotels in Chicago were full, and the airline was unable to arrange accommodation.

The siblings were in the departure hall, one sleeping on a bench and the other on the floor, waiting for the next day's flight with a group of stranded passengers. In the early morning of the next day, they washed up in the airport bathroom and were full of anticipation and ready to go. As a result, I waited from early morning until dark before being arranged to board the plane to New York.

Good luck this time, and finally landed.

As soon as the plane came to a stop, the flight attendant informed everyone that there was no parking space in New York, and everyone was not allowed to get off the plane, and had to wait for the airport to make arrangements.

A group of people who slept all night at the airport continued to sleep with their heads covered on the plane.

After sleeping for six hours, I was woken up by the broadcast, my eyes were red, my head drooped and I lined up to get off the plane.

After getting off the plane, Yin Guo sat on the trolley and fell asleep while waiting for the luggage. At dusk, the luggage was finally sent out by the conveyor belt. She thought she had seen the dawn, but the hotel called: because they did not check in on time, both rooms were cancelled.

At that time, she was standing at the entry gate and almost cried.

Fortunately, a Chinese girl who was sleeping at the airport in Chicago stopped her after she left the customs, saying that her family members drove to pick her up. The other party told Yin Guo that in such a blizzard, it is more difficult to get a taxi than to reach the sky. She suggested that Yin Guo leave the airport with her car and go to Manhattan, which is better than staying at the airport.

With the help of kind people, Yin Guo and his cousin were sent here.

Despite the blizzard outside, at least there was wine and food.

Someone behind him pushed open the frozen glass door.

The cold wind blew through the back of her neck mercilessly, Yin Guo shivered, and pulled up the neckline of her down jacket.

Meng Xiaotian also wrapped his coat tightly: "It's so fucking bad, I thought I had time-traveled into "The Day After Tomorrow"."

Not to mention, it really looks like it.

The scene of the day after tomorrow is New York, the frozen Statue of Liberty, the cruise ship washed up from the sea, and the library that rescued everyone... Yin Guo likes watching disaster movies the most, and has watched this movie seventeen or eight times. The scene reappeared.

At this moment, the mobile phone shows that the outdoor temperature is minus 25 degrees, and the cold wind effect is added, and the body temperature is already minus 40 degrees. They came wearing the thickest down jackets, and they couldn't bear it outdoors in such weather.

Just getting out of the car with luggage, I was about to freeze crazy.

Yin Guo put the phone in front of her, and asked Meng Xiaotian to keep an eye on it, so as not to miss Zheng Yi's news. After explaining, she put on the down jacket and hat, rested her hands on the edge of the bar, rested her head on it, and closed her eyes to rest.

"It's really cold." Meng Xiaotian was like chanting scriptures by her side.

Yin Guo was confused, smelling the smell of grilled chicken wings in front of him, wanted to eat, but didn't bother to move.

The band on the stage sang an old song with a melodious tone, like the scorching sun, like a sunny day, like all the pictures related to summer. The lead singer said in a low voice in English between the songs, he was playing and singing to the girl he admired, he was deeply attracted by her, he couldn't help himself, he was fascinated, he was deeply in love, but he was timid and shy, he hesitated, he didn't know what to do near-

It's "Yellow".

"Sister." Meng Xiaotian called her.

"En." Yin Guo agreed.

"Xiao Guo." Meng Xiaotian patted her, as if something really happened.

Yin Guo exhausted her last bit of strength, raised her head, and opened her eyes.

In the blurred vision, a strange thing appeared, which was a glass of wine.

And, of course, the man behind the glass.

It's a young man. The upper body is wearing a black cold-proof suit and a black hat. It's hard to see how long the hair is, it's not long hair anyway. The pupils are pitch black. The skin is fair, the face is thin, the chin is pointed, and the bridge of the nose is not as high as that of Europeans and Americans, but it is still tall.

Asian? Like.

Chinese? Not sure, he hasn't spoken yet.

"Please." The man said.

Eh? Chinese

Yin Guo took off the hat of his down jacket, sat up straight, and was about to speak when a man with glasses who also had a Chinese face came over and put the second glass of wine in front of Meng Xiaotian: "This is yours."

"How embarrassing." Meng Xiaotian giggled.

"You're welcome," said the man with glasses, "my compatriots."

Meng Xiaotian immediately introduced Yin Guo to them: "This is my sister."

They know each other? How can it be? Meng Xiaotian was in New York for the first time.

Yin Guo looked at his cousin.

"When you called just now, they came in at the table next to mine," Meng Xiaotian explained to her, "I heard them speak Chinese, so I asked casually what kind of wine is good here."

Yin Guo understood.

The man with glasses smiled and asked, "Did you two not find the hotel? Are you trapped here?"

In this weather, no one would be in the mood to bring three large suitcases with fresh labels to the bar for entertainment. It is reasonable to speculate that the two siblings are trapped here.

"Yeah, the hotel reservation was cancelled, and now I'm waiting for my friend to find it," Meng Xiaotian said proactively, "I hope I can find it. If it doesn't work, I can wait here until tomorrow morning. Anyway, I have something to eat and drink." .”

The man with glasses smiled: "He called a car, if you can confirm the hotel, I will take you there first."

The "he" in the glasses man's mouth is naturally the man who doesn't talk much.

"That's great." Meng Xiaotian was so moved that he went crazy.

"We'll wait until you get your reservation," the man with glasses said with a smile. "If it's early, I'll take his car. I'll take you there. The subways here extend in all directions, and you can go almost anywhere."

Meng Xiaotian raised his glass happily: "Thank you brother."

"You're welcome." The man with glasses clinked glasses with him.

The two chatted happily.

At the small round table next to them, the man ordered snacks, sipped his wine, and watched the band perform.

Yin Guo is not like his cousin who is familiar with himself, looking down at his wine to pass the time.

My cousin's cup is milky white, and my own cup is made for ladies, it's orange, with a few fruit pieces. She sniffed it curiously. The smell of alcohol was not strong. She stirred it with a straw and looked at the liquid carefully.

Suddenly, she found that the man glanced at her funny.

It seems to be saying: afraid of something

Yin Guo let go of the straw, and concealedly tucked the long hair on the side of the ear behind the ear, pretending to be stupid.

The phone vibrated, and Zheng Yi's WeChat popped up.

God bless, it was the screenshot and contact number of the hotel, followed by a message: There are not many rooms available in Manhattan, and they are expensive. I booked the last room in Queens for you, hurry up, they only promise to stay for two hours.

Yin Guo bumped Meng Xiaotian's arm with his elbow and showed him the phone.

"That's awesome," Meng Xiaotian was overjoyed, and said to the man with glasses, "We've done it."

"It's pretty fast," the man with glasses praised, "It seems that your friends are quite reliable. Where is the hotel?"

Meng Xiaotian handed the phone to the man with glasses.

The man with glasses shook his head, and put Yin Guo's cell phone under the man's eyelids: "How long will it take for your car to arrive?"

"ten minutes."

The man said the second sentence tonight.

"That's coming soon," Meng Xiaotian put down the glass, "I'll go to the bathroom first."

"Let's go together." The man with glasses left with Meng Xiaotian.

Here, Yin Guo and that man are left.

Yin Guo kept her head down and chatted on WeChat, and reported to Zheng Yi that she had met two Chinese men, who looked friendly, invited them to drink, and said that she would give her a ride to the hotel. Although she was moved, she was also worried about safety issues, so she quietly discussed with Zheng Yi, would it be dangerous? Zheng Yi's judgment is - in such a ghostly and worrying weather, scammers will not be able to open their businesses, but what if Bao Qi encounters a pervert with a human face and a beast's heart

Zheng Yi: You should be more careful and learn more about it.

Yin Guo turned off the phone.

Holding the straw, she slowly stirred her glass of wine, and looked at the man at the next table who was only a step away from her.

After a while, the man sensed her gaze and looked back.

"Are you an overseas student?" Yin Guo asked politely, "Still work here?"

"International students." The man said.

"New York University?"

The man shakes his head.

He looked at the twinkle in Yin Guo's eyes, and guessed her anxiety: "Afraid I'm a bad person?"

Yin Guo smiled sheepishly and did not deny it.

The man took out a wallet from his arms, took out a Chinese ID card, and put it on the bar in front of her. Then, he took out a magnetic card and put it with his ID card.

"This is my school's magnetic card," he pointed to the name on it, "you are right."

Then he pointed to his face and asked her to look at real people and photos at will.

He usually doesn't carry his ID card, but it's just useful during the day today, so he didn't expect it to be useful here.

Yin Guo looked down and saw the magnetic card first.

Georgetown University? Zheng Yi also has one, she has seen it before. He and Zheng Yi are alumni

Yin Guo remembered that Zheng Yi's school had a very good location, in the wealthy area of Washington DC, it was a good school, and it was also a university with expensive tuition. This one doesn't look fake. The ID card is also quite true.

The personal photo on the magnetic card is the same as the photo on the ID card, and the name is also the same.

Do you want to ask Zheng Yi for confirmation? How to seek evidence? Send photos

Too disrespectful, forget it.

Yin Guo folded the ID card and the magnetic card together, and wanted to return it to him, but the man put his hand into the inner pocket of the winter jacket—

What else do you want

Under Yin Guo's confused gaze, the man took out his phone, unlocked the screen, and opened the photo album. Soon, he turned the screen of the phone, and what was facing Yin Guo was the information page of his passport, with the same name:

Lin Yiyang


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