During the Snowstorm

Chapter 11: Landscape after snow (2)


Yin Guo washes the vegetables and cuts them up plate by plate. There is no sliced meat, so sausage is used instead.

The hot pot is turned on, and the boiling water boils.

Lin Yiyang came here by train, running around on the road, his body was not clean, so he took a hasty shower. This is his foothold in New York, so he would naturally keep a few sportswear on hand, change into the sportswear, and walk behind Yin Guo. Once wearing a full set of sportswear, he looks thinner and fair-faced, like a good student.

He thought about it just now, and guessed that Yin Guo was looking at his own arm. In fact, the pattern is neither exaggerated nor full, and most of it is on the inside of the right arm. It's just that maybe for girls... maybe it's an exaggeration.

So, even though he felt that the sleeves were stuck on his wrists, he restrained the idea of rolling them up.

The man sat down, on her right.

After a second of silence, the two spoke at the same time.

"What do you want to eat first?" Yin Guo asked.

"Do you want a drink?" Lin Yiyang said so.

"Pick what you like to eat." He replied.

"Bar." She replied at the same time.

The two stopped again, and suddenly both laughed.

This smile actually resolved the delicate atmosphere.

"I'll get it, you order." He left the seat, came back with the wine, opened the bottle, and filled his glass.

The wine bottle hangs over her glass, asking for her opinion: "How much?"

"Refill it," she replied, "I drink very well, and the first time I cleared the table, I was drunk."

Lin Yiyang laughed again.

It was the first time someone said in front of him: I drink well.

Wheat-colored wine filled the glass, but she paid attention to the pourer.

He's so pretty when he smiles. And there is a big difference between smiling and not smiling, like two completely different people, when not smiling, handsome is handsome, but it is difficult to get close, there is a feeling of carelessness and contempt; when smiling, he looks like a big brother next door, that The younger sisters chase after the older brother one after another.

This night, two people ate hot pot. When the water is boiling, put the vegetables, and when it is cooked, be polite and humble.

Later, when Yin Guo had a good time eating, she would rest her chin on her hands and watch him talk, because she had drank a few sips of wine, and from time to time she would utter a few words with her tongue out, unable to get around what was in her mouth.

Lin Yiyang swung the glass, stared at her, and raised his head from time to time to drink up the wine in the glass.

A person with a good capacity for alcohol will have a big tongue before finishing a bottle.

And he, with at least six empty bottles at his feet, was still awake.

In the second half of eating, there was a strong wind outside the window, and the branches were blown into an exaggerated arc. It's snowing again.

"How did they come back? Will the subway be out of service again?" She was a little worried.

Lin Yiyang didn't take it seriously: "Two men, not girls, can spend the night anywhere."


The contents of the pot are about the same.

Do you want to sit down for a while, or get up and tidy up

Yin Guo couldn't help but glanced at him, in the steaming white mist of water smoke, he really looked like that night, his pupils were dark and he was looking directly at himself. That night was the first time she looked at a man at such a close distance. At that time, she was startled, and she just wanted to guess which country he was from...

Lin Yiyang bent down, picked up the half bottle of wine on the floor, and lifted the bottle to her in a gesture.

This is asking her if she wants more.

"I don't want it anymore, you can finish your drink." Yin Guo stood up and piled all the plates together, as if preparing to clean up.

"Here," he said, "I haven't finished eating yet."

He wanted to clean up by himself, so he could only find this excuse.

But there was really nothing in the pot. He took the chopsticks and stroked the water twice symbolically.

I guess I'm not full, so I'm embarrassed to say, right? Yin Guo thought.

Next time I will prepare to order more dishes.

That night, there was a blizzard all over the city. Wu Wei mingled with his cousin in the bar and didn't come back.

New York in March was as cold as the Great Northeast in December.

The heating in the room was terribly hot, much hotter than the hotel. She slept until midnight, feeling extremely stuffy, with a dry throat, got up from the bed, drank a glass of water by the bedside, and wanted to go to the bathroom.

I thought Lin Yiyang was asleep, but I didn't expect to open the door. He was sitting alone in the living room, surfing the Internet at the dining table, because the lights were not turned on outside, and all the light came from the screen of his laptop, which immediately attracted her attention. passed.

"You haven't slept yet?" She was surprised.

His first action was to buckle up the computer: "Is the computer too bright?"

very good.

The room was completely dark now.

"No, no. I'm going to the bathroom." Yin Guo explored step by step, groping forward.

She just arrived on the first day, and she was not familiar with the structure of the house, so she had to remember where the switch was.

There was a soft "pop", and the room was brightly lit. Lin Yiyang turned on the light for her.

Under the lights in the room, she could see that Lin Yiyang had already changed his clothes. Probably because it was too hot, he took off his coat and only wore sports shorts and a half-sleeved top. Because of this, the tattoos that were deliberately hidden during dinner were all exposed.

Lin Yiyang saw her staring at his right arm again, reached out, picked up the tracksuit from the sofa, and put it on hastily.

Yin Guo took the opportunity to run to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and it was sloppy.

She untied her hair before going to bed. Because it was too hot, she tossed and turned on the bed for too long, and her waist-length curly hair was scattered on her shoulders in a mess. No wonder there are very few men and women mixed renting. It is really embarrassing to run into the bathroom in front of outsiders.

Fortunately, she was not wearing pajamas, but sportswear.

She made an annoyed face in the mirror, and washed her face first.

When he came out again, Lin Yiyang had already packed up his computer, and the power cord was also coiled up. It looked like he was going back to his room to sleep.

Yin Guo waved his hands, said "good night" in a low voice, and ran back from the living room.

The door just closed, and the next second, she opened it again and poked her head out: "You can keep writing, so you won't disturb me. Actually, I can't sleep either. I have to play for a while."

He watched the door hit again, exhaled lightly, and rubbed the back of his neck with his right hand, he was stiff and sore for most of the night.

Unconsciously, he looked at the door again.

Yin Guo lay back on the bed, playing with her mobile phone.

There seemed to be no movement outside.

Under the crack of the door, you can see that the light in the living room is still there, are you writing a thesis

A message from Lin Yiyang suddenly popped up on the phone.

Lin: Tell me something.

Xiaoguo: Yes.

Lin: I promise your brother that I will take him somewhere tomorrow.

Xiaoguo: Go, don't tell me specifically, he has been acting alone.

Lin: Wu Wei also went.

Xiaoguo: Oh, good.

Lin: We are all gone, is there any problem with you staying at home

Of course not, not a child.

Xiaoguo: No problem, anyway, I have training in the afternoon and I am not at home.

Lin: OK.

No more text

Under the crack of the door, the light in the living room also went out, probably going to sleep.

Yin Guo stared at the chat box of the two, as if something was missing. Why doesn't he send coffee emoji

People really can't form habits, any little bit of habit is broken, it will be uncomfortable. Holding the mobile phone, Yin Guo was very bored, and went to Zheng Yi's WeChat, and chatted with her about her and Lin Yiyang's alma mater. When Zheng Yi heard that Lin Yiyang was a poor student, he was very surprised, and he said a few words with emotion. A man who is awesome and shiny is most convinced of this kind of self-reliance.

Suddenly, a message popped up.

Lin: [coffee]

Her heart actually skipped a beat.

Before I could reply in time, Zheng Yi sent another message.

Zheng Yi: My alma mater has a special feature. Because it is a church school, you will not receive free condoms. There are other schools, hey.

see this sentence -

She really couldn't even reply to Lin Yiyang normally.


Lin Yiyang leaned against the refrigerator, wondering if there was something wrong with expressing himself.

Didn't she hear that, did she want to ask her out

She didn't go back to that [happy] anymore, she wasn't very used to it.

He leaned there, unconsciously knocked on the refrigerator door twice, and decided not to think about it anymore. He took out a bottle of canned coffee from the refrigerator, pulled on his slippers, picked up his laptop, and went back to his bedroom to continue working.


This time the snow stopped fast.

The cousin came back in the morning and slept until eleven o'clock. He pulled himself together and changed into clean clothes. He ran to Yin Guo's room and warmly invited her and the three of them to Chelsea Market.

My cousin's theory is that you always have to eat lunch, and you can eat it by yourself, so it's better for everyone to join in the fun.

Yin Guo was right when he thought about it. He changed his clothes and came out of the room.

Lin Yiyang and Wu Wei were at the kitchen bar, waiting for them, seeing Yin Guo being abducted out of the room, Wu Wei's feet were under the bar, kicking Lin Yiyang suggestively.

Lin Yiyang ignored him, and instead asked Yin Guo: "When are you going to come back to practice?"

"Three or four o'clock?" She pondered, "If you eat a little more, you don't need to eat dinner, and you can practice until eight or nine o'clock."

He nodded, probably having a clue in his mind.

They reached Chelsea before noon.

The whole market is full of food from the beginning to the end. You can eat standing, eating while sitting, eating outside the partner, or eating in the store. Lin Yiyang was familiar with the road, and took them to the seafood optional shop. The store is full of freezers, surrounded by sashimi and sushi, and there are counters for storing seafood.

Shrimp, sea urchin, oysters, oysters, etc., etc. are placed on large pieces of white ice.

My cousin has always loved to eat oysters. Standing in front of the oyster cabinet, looking at thirty or forty kinds of oysters, I was thinking about the load on my wallet. Lin Yiyang patted him on the back directly: "Buy four dozen first, I'll treat you."

He asked Yin Guo to wait at the small table with the cut sea urchin, took out money from his wallet and gave it to Wu Wei, and asked him to follow Meng Xiaotian to buy the small things he wanted to eat, while he went to the lobster stall by himself.

Sea urchins and oysters alone are already piled up on the table.

"It's too crowded, too crowded," Wu Wei took the initiative to put the sea urchin on the long table by the window, there was a row of people sitting there, and there were just two empty seats, "Yin Guo, go and sit by the window."

Yin Guo didn't think much, and ran over to sit down, taking a seat for Lin Yiyang by the way.

Lin Yiyang came back with two lobsters, put them in front of Yin Guo first, turned around, and came back after a while, and there were two more.

Meng Xiaotian smiled and said, "Thank you brother."

"Brother Yang, aren't you generous?" Wu Wei smiled and praised, "He is the most generous."

Good guy, there is no discount for one oyster per person, one lobster per person, and sea urchin and sea prawns.

My little Lord Yang, your standards for picking up girls are really high enough.

One month's food expenses are gone, but you can still make money, so let's work hard.

Lin Yiyang sat next to Yin Guo, his phone vibrated, and he looked down, it was Wu Wei.

It doesn't matter: If you dare to say that you are not interesting to others, I will break off your head and kick it for you.

He didn't return.

Yin Guo just took a bite of sea urchin when Lin Yiyang left again.

When I came back again, I bought hot seafood soup for the four of them, fearing that they would have a stomach ache if they ate too cold.

The friendship between Wu Wei and Lin Yiyang has never been felt that this young master Yang has such a caring heart, and he was so taken care of that he cried like crazy. Sure enough, if a man wants to grow up, first of all, he needs someone in his heart.

Lin Yiyang sat down and found that Yin Guo ate a few pieces of sea urchins without touching the oysters, so he exchanged a dozen oysters for the sea urchins at Wu Wei's table and put them in Yin Guo's hand.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Yin Guo asked him who was sitting on his right.

Lin Yiyang picked up an oyster and signaled that he was eating it.

Yin Guo smiled at him.

He saw her using a fork to pierce the lobster, and he snapped off the claws of the two lobsters and threw them on the plate in front of her.

What Lin Yiyang wanted to say was: the meat of the pliers is the tenderest and sweetest, but the meat of the body is old and hard to bite, so let her eat the pliers.

But when the words came to the mouth, it became: "Eat all of this first."

Yin Guo didn't think there was anything, guessed that he might think the tongs were too small and it was troublesome to eat, so he gave it to himself.

She took the fork and began to disassemble the first tong. The man was not as delicate as she was when he ate. He picked up the body of the lobster in front of him and finished it in two or three bites. Yin Guo just started to disassemble the second pincer.

So, he also slowed down, drank the seafood soup slowly, squeezed lemon juice on the oysters slowly, and ate the oysters one by one for fun.

Eat for a while, and play with oyster shells for a while.

The girl eats slowly, he used to be impatient, even when he was with the little junior sisters, he would leave after eating.

But since last night, I feel that it's good to eat slowly, so that I can fully understand her tastes and hobbies, and I can talk by the way. He poked the oyster shell with his index finger, slowly turned it around on the table, and chatted with Yin Guo about the past blizzards.

By the way, listening to Wu Wei and Meng Xiaotian muttering obliquely behind.

The two of them were chatting about the interesting things nearby. Wu Wei introduced that there is a High Line Park nearby, a sky park transformed from an abandoned railway bridge, and an art gallery next to it is also very good.

Meng Xiaotian is not interested, what is there to do in the park.

Wu Wei lowered his voice: "When you walk in the park, you can see a hotel. All the rooms have floor-to-ceiling windows, just like small glass boxes."

Isn't it just a hotel? A beautiful flower is a hotel, my cousin is inexplicable.

Lin Yiyang probably guessed what Wu Wei would say next.

He laughed and took a sip of the seafood soup.

They said Standard Hotel.

Because each room is like a glass box, you stand in the park and look up at the room above, and you can see couples doing some favorite things in the room. Everyone keeps a tacit understanding, does not draw the curtains, and likes to perform while greeting tourists who are walking in the park and looking up at the hotel.

This can be regarded as a kind of interest, and it may not be available every day. If you are lucky, you can watch one.

The last time Lin Yiyang and his classmates came over, they were a couple. When they heard Lin Yiyang tell this allusion, they immediately became excited.

Of course he didn't look at it, and went to drink coffee next to the art gallery by himself.

The young man is full of blood and likes this. After the two communicated, all the seafood was wiped out within five minutes. Said to go to the park, immediately ran away. Yin Guo was surprised to see the two big men walking away with their shoulders crossed through the glass: "Is the park fun?"

Isn't that park on the elevated railway? Going up to have a hair dryer in such cold weather

Lin Yiyang took out a napkin, wiped his hands, and glanced at his phone: "The scenery is nice, it's good to have a look."

On the phone, there was another message from Wu Wei.

It doesn't matter: the light bulb is gone, my brother will show you a clear way, this is the holy place for pao mazi.

Wu Wei sent a location map and made a reservation for a restaurant.

Lin Yiyang is very familiar with this place, and he can tell which store it is and what it does with a quick scan. He put the phone into his trouser pocket and continued to spin the oyster shells twice.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked at her thoughtfully.

Yin Guo was drinking seafood soup, and when he saw this expression, he thought it was because he was eating too slowly. He also wanted to go to the park, picked up a paper bowl, and took a couple of mouthfuls. His stomach felt warm and comfortable.

She took out the tissue and wiped her mouth: "I'm done."

"You—" He looked at her.

Yin Guo looked back, one second, two seconds, three seconds...

Is there something important, so serious. The subway is out of service. I have to take a taxi to go back. If I can’t take a taxi, should I walk back? Or the landlord suddenly regretted it and didn't want to rent the house to himself

"Want to eat Menglong?" he finally asked.
