During the Snowstorm

Chapter 18: Rolling Red Dust (4)


It was quiet at night.

The people next door were quiet because they fell asleep again.

And here it is the sudden quietness of one person that leads to the forced cooperation of the other.

"I'll do it myself." His voice became a little strange.

In the smallest room on the east side of this apartment, a person who is usually well-packed by himself and surrounded by acquired self-cultivation, education and billiard skills suddenly felt a strange emotion in his heart: depressed, helpless Rest assured, there is something that cannot be expressed in words.

He tore one apart, estimated the length again, and finally crumpled up the half-opened bandage in his hand and threw it into the wastebasket.

Or use gauze, just to avoid being touched.

He unwrapped the medical gauze, stroked it on his leg, wrapped it around once, but it was too thin, so he added another circle.

After going around, she realized that she forgot to take the scissors.

"Wait for me to get it." Yin Guo dropped this sentence, took the mobile phone, and ran out on tiptoe.

She didn't turn on the light, but used her mobile phone to play a strong light, and found a pair of scissors and came back. Lin Yiyang had already tied the gauze, connected the scissors, and finished it off. After using the scissors, I specially put them against the wall so that Yin Guo wouldn't step on them.

"Sleepy? Talk for a while?" he asked.

"Not sleepy." Yin Guo pulled over a square cushion, put it on the ground, and sat in front of him with his arms around his knees.

Lin Yiyang's legs were too long, and the sofa under him was short, so he couldn't stretch them out, so he stretched his legs to the sides of her body, and put his arms on his own knees. In this way, she sat between his legs, facing him.

"There is no one in my family. My parents are gone. I have a younger brother who got married last year."

"So early?" My younger brother must be younger than him, so it's really early to get married.

Lin Yiyang focused on the front, and found that Yin Guo was not surprised at all, guessing what Meng Xiaodong must have said. He stared into Yin Guo's eyes and said: "My brother is several years younger than me. When my parents died, he was adopted by a relative. The family had no children. He has always been raised as his own son and he has lived a good life. When he got married I gave a sum of money and returned it to me, and I don't want to bother me."

"Then he treats you well."

He nodded: "So I have a poor family here, and I don't have much to worry about."

Yin Guo said "hmm".

The embarrassing self-introduction seems to be wrong? Like on a blind date, introducing family background.

The two experienced a similar conversation on the subway, which she still remembers vividly.

Sure enough, Lin Yiyang's next sentence was: "If you want to know anything, just ask anytime."

But it's different from being in a subway car.

After he finished speaking, he was still looking at her.

She shook her head: "No, I didn't want to ask."

A few seconds of silence.

He couldn't keep himself staring at people, so he glanced around the bedroom a little. The white porcelain table lamp belongs to the landlord, and the lotus root pink bed sheet and quilt cover... should have been brought by a private person. The laptop is under the desk lamp, it is silver.

OK, time to go.

Lin Yiyang felt that if the two of them stayed in the same room like this, if nothing happened, he would be sorry for sneaking and talking for a long time in the middle of the night. He decisively propped his hands on the floor, got up, took the scissors, gauze and a stack of band-aids, and left her room. As a result, just as the things in his hand were placed in the plastic cabinet, the door behind him opened again.

He looks back.

Guiltyly, Yin Guo pointed to the bathroom, and walked there silently, and when she closed the door, she was still not in the mood. In fact, I came here to wash my face. I didn’t fall asleep all night, and my face was greasy. After washing it, I can sleep comfortably. She was beating foam and listening outside with her ears up. She should go to sleep this time, right

Wait, wait two minutes.

So I rubbed it with my left hand, rubbed it with my right hand, and finally rinsed it, opened the door again, and turned off the light.

As soon as I stepped out of the threshold, I saw him waiting for me outside the bathroom, and I almost cried out in fright. Fortunately, I had the psychological quality of the field for many years, and I restrained myself before the voice jumped out of my throat...

"Are you still asleep?" She leaned her back against the door frame, thinking that if she continued to speak in such a low voice, she would be able to apply for an intelligence worker.

The person in front of him didn't speak, and approached.

He lowered his head and smelled the fragrance from her forehead, like facial cleanser, he should have gone to wash his face in the middle of the night.

Yin Guo subconsciously leaned back, but it was only a little tighter to the door frame.

He continued to look at her.

Yin Guo pursed her lower lips nervously: "How about going to... my room?"

"To what?" he asked.

"Speak louder," she whispered, "better than here."

Wu Wei's room is next to the bathroom, and he can be scared to death when he comes out.

Lin Yiyang didn't answer.

"Or it's nothing important... You can talk about it tomorrow," she said softly, "you didn't leave early in the morning."

Yin Guo was waiting for his next words, but Lin Yiyang stopped talking. In the dark, he was looking for the bridge of her nose, and down to her lips, which had been trying to find a few words to say.

His breath was on her lips, one breath after another.

Suddenly there was a phone ringing in Wu Wei's bedroom, it was a cell phone ringing.

Yin Guo's heart was raised high, and she pushed Lin Yiyang. Instead, Lin Yiyang kissed her directly. At first it was just a kiss on the lips, then, soon, it was trying something else.

She was afraid that Wu Wei would run out every second, so she didn't have time to experience this sudden kiss. Until, Lin Yiyang found a way, found the tip of her tongue, and sucked it gently for a while.

Both of them... stopped at the same time.

"Yes, sleeping, nonsense, you don't know we have jet lag." Wu Wei complained sleepily.

"Isn't this waiting for a setback? Yes." The person inside the door continued.

The sound goes from far to near, from near to far.

It wasn't that people came out, but that her eardrums seemed to be covered with water and vibrated, making all external sounds seem unreal.

Lin Yiyang put his right hand behind her head, subconsciously stroking her soft long hair with his fingertips, and the two of them looked at each other. Yin Guo felt that he was about to have a heart attack. He bit his lower lip and looked at him in disbelief. His legs were soft and his scalp was numb. There was something extremely wrong with him, as if he lacked oxygen.

Lin Yiyang turned his head, feeling her breathing strength sometimes light and sometimes heavy, and whispered: "Come in."

Yin Guo finally understood what he meant, let go of his grip on the sports coat, walked through the living room, and almost bumped into the high stool by the bar. It wasn't until he went back to the bedroom and locked the door that he realized that his right hand joint was sore of.

I didn't realize how much strength I had just grabbed his clothes.

Lin Yiyang stood where he was, his hair was messed up with his hands, and he turned his head to look at a small alarm clock on the bar. The electronic light showed 3:17 in the morning.

The door of Wu Wei's bedroom was opened, and he was so sleepy that he couldn't keep his eyes open. Seeing Lin Yiyang at the door of the bathroom, he yawned: "I knew you were outside. Help me get a bottle of frozen coffee. You always curse at people for at least three hours."

As Wu Wei said, he turned around and went back, throwing himself on the bed: "Hey, keep on scolding, little one, listen."

Lin Yiyang walked half a circle in the living room, there was nothing to do, he stared at Yin Guo's bedroom door for a while, and followed Wu Wei's intention, took two cans of iced coffee and went back to the bedroom.

He threw one of the cans on the bed, leaned on the sofa, opened it with a snap, and took a sip.

The liquid was bitter, flowing from the mouth to the mouth of the throat, washing away the taste she left on the tip of the tongue. He took out his mobile phone, pondered for a while, and guessed that she, like himself, couldn't fall asleep.

Wu Wei pressed the speakerphone and threw his mobile phone on the floor between the two of them. Among the best-connected group of people back then, the only girl was Lin Lin, whom everyone called Zong Zong. She scolded Lin Yiyang at length over there, and Wu Wei squatted beside Lin Yiyang, gave him a wink, and leaned into his ear and said, "Since I scolded you, let's listen together."

Lin Yiyang didn't say a word, raised Erlang's legs, leaned back on the sofa chair: "Turn down the volume."

He tilted his head and pointed out the door, which meant that someone was still sleeping.

It is estimated that Lin Lin heard it, and exploded a rude sentence over there, scolding Lin Yiyang for not knowing good and bad.

Among the men and women in the ball club back then, Lin Lin was the prettiest one, but his temper was tougher than men. She is the same age as Lin Yiyang, but she is not a teacher. When Lin Yiyang first entered, he was eight years old in the second grade, and officially played professional games at the age of thirteen. During this gap, he only signed up for the junior team once, and his results were poor. Later, he practiced behind closed doors until he won the professional championship at the age of thirteen. .

So before that, no one in the circle looked up to him, just a nobody.

Once when Lin Yiyang was playing in the billiards hall outside, Wu Wei was bullied by someone with a small four-eyed eye. He did not say a word and went straight to the fight. One person fought five or six people, and he came back with a loss. At that time, Lin Lin was the only one having lunch at the ball club, and when she heard the coach say that Lin Yiyang had gone for a tetanus shot, she put down her chopsticks and rode out on a small white bicycle without saying a word, and picked up a brick from the construction site on the way. Go in and do it right away, and when a beautiful woman goes in and sees whoever is injured, she beats up. Everyone is in a circle, and just after being beaten by Lin Yiyang, they bump into a lunatic.

It was Meng Xiaodong who pulled her out that time, but she also beat her up, thinking that Meng Xiaodong was an accomplice of those gangsters.

Later, people asked Lin Lin if he knew that he was beaten up by a bunch of hooligans, were he not afraid? Lin Lin said a famous saying - those who are arrogant are afraid of being stunned, and those who are stupefied are afraid of dying. She risked her life and was not afraid of anyone.

Before that incident, no one knew that the ball club had two children who were not yet famous: Lin Yiyang and Lin Lin.

After that, everyone knew that there was Shuanglin in Dongxin City, a man and a woman, both beautiful, but two ruthless ones.

Lin Yiyang couldn't help smiling when he heard the woman's voice on the phone. All the old people I saw and heard this time are the same as the past in their bones.

Wu Wei turned down the volume, sat on the floor next to the sofa, hugged his knees and drank iced coffee and continued to listen.

Lin Yiyang looked at his phone screen.

Lin: Have you been disturbed

Yin Guo replied in seconds.

Red Fish: Can't hear clearly.


Red Fish: Still not asleep

Lin: Wait until dawn.

Red Fish: Why

Why, I can't sleep well.

According to the excitement level of my brain, it must be exhausted until dawn, and I guess I will fall asleep on the train tomorrow. Choosing to fall in love at the busiest time is really challenging his physical limits.


Yin Guo was lying on the bed, the only light in the room was the phone screen in front of her.

Lin Yiyang did not reply immediately.

She clicked on his profile picture, found the note, and wanted to change his name, what should I change? Finally think about it, forget it.

Xiaoguo: Didn’t you receive it

Lin: Received.

Xiaoguo: Then why not reply.

Lin: Why do you have to wait for dawn

Xiaoguo: Yes.

Lin: Can't sleep.

Soon, three words followed.

Lin: Because of you.

Yin Guo pressed her chin on the soft lotus root pink quilt, stared at the last two sentences, and finally buried her face. The feeling of kissing just outside the bathroom door was repeated in my mind. She was too nervous, the whole process, afraid of being seen, afraid of being heard, most of the time the whole process was too exciting...

Can't think about it anymore.

Throughout the night, she was in this bedroom and he was in a bedroom off the living room.

Not falling asleep, Yin Guo squinted for ten minutes before dawn and woke up again.

She was actually sleepy and her consciousness was not coherent, but she just couldn't sleep deeply. No wonder Zheng Yi said that during the first period of the relationship, she could not eat or sleep at all, it was no different from taking a stimulant, she believed it now.

At dawn, at 6:20, his news appeared again.

Lin: You can come out when you wake up. I'm in the living room.

Yin Guo sat up in a jiffy, opened the drawer of the bedside table, took out the mirror and looked at herself. Fortunately, I'm a bit haggard since I haven't slept, so my hair is not messy and embarrassing.

When people go out, the living room is not like last night, it is already full of morning light.

Lin Yiyang was making coffee and was still awake. When he saw her appear, he looked over.

He waved to her and asked Yin Guo to go to the bar. Men can withstand staying up late than women, except for a tinge of redness in their eyes, which is not much different from before last night, only a little slumped, and their standing posture is not particular, half leaning half leaning on the bar.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked hoarsely.

"Hmm." She said against her will.

Lin Yiyang pointed to a bag of beans next to him: "Try this, it will be ready soon."

Yin Guo knew this packaging, it was the shop where she bought coffee beans for Zheng Yi last time. But there was no one at home yesterday. She leaned against his arm, took a look at the bag of beans, and looked like she had just opened it: "When did you buy it?"

"Yesterday, I took a detour before returning," he said.

From the train station to there, and then to the apartment, it was more than a detour.

It's like when he was going to Flushing to gamble, he first detoured to the vicinity of New York University to drink coffee with himself, and took a long detour. Yin Guo held the bag of beans.

Gulp gurgling, brown liquid was bubbling.

The coffee had been boiled until the foam overflowed, he turned down the heat, and was about to cook for another half a minute, when he caught a glimpse of Yin Guo still holding the bag of beans and looking at himself, he bent down and opened the bottom drawer to show her.

There are still a few packs there, with different flavors, all bought for her to taste: "It doesn't bother you, just try it yourself."

Yin Guo was even more moved, she pursed her lips and looked at him.

Lin Yiyang glanced at his watch, counting the time to turn off the fire: "Don't keep staring at me."

He clearly told her not to look at him, but turned his head to look at her, and said in a low voice, "I've already restrained myself."

I didn't kiss you when you came over.