During the Snowstorm

Chapter 21: The tide of the years (3)


No extra modifiers.

Yin Guo was at the sink, but these three "believe me" hit the softest part of her heart. She had no resistance at all, she surrendered almost as soon as she saw it, and even felt a deep sense of guilt for bullying an honest person.

However, he really doesn't have an honest face.

Their sport has very high requirements for court etiquette, and they need to be gentlemen, and then be gentlemen.

But in her eyes, these men are also ordinary people, many of them can make nasty jokes when they get along with each other in private, they can pick up girls, and they are better than each other. Of course, there are also restrained ones, such as Cousin and Li Qingyan.

But Lin Yiyang in the past must not be a restrained person.

In the words he used to describe himself, he was the kind of unscrupulous young man, bad and bastard. When Yin Guo thinks of him, he can think of the people he often met in junior high school, the people who sat on the parallel bars at school, skipped class to smoke, hang out with a group of social youths at the school gate, and fight with people in the billiard hall.

But it was such a person.

When he doesn't talk, he doesn't spend you, but he has irresistible lethality.

Sunday, Thursday.

There are five more days.

There are five more days to meet again. I really want to see him.


Lin Yiyang was on the platform, waiting for Yin Guo's reply, he was afraid that there would be no signal if he entered the subway again.

It is only one subway stop away from Yin Guo's hotel, and it is still in the bustling downtown area.

Someone was beating a tambourine, kneeling on a tattered blanket and singing, people were coming and going, and there were few people who stopped to listen. Only people like Lin Yiyang would stand by and accompany that drummer.

A minute later, Yin Guo replied.

Red Fish: I'll see you off at the train station, go out now, see you at the train station.

Another subway came to a halt when the message was received.

A group of children came down from the two carriages, carrying clubs. They were teenagers participating in next week's Open, talking and laughing as they passed by Lin Yiyang. Among them, two black-haired girls turned their heads, took a special look at Lin Yiyang, and whispered with a smile. It was rare to meet such a handsome black-haired and black-eyed Asian man on the street.

However, the man who was favored could only see a line of writing in front of him.

He looked at the gypsy-style drummer and told her amidst the rhythmic music.

Lin: I'm at the next stop. on the platform.


When Yin Guo ran into the subway car and watched the door close panting, she introspected for three seconds, and felt that it was very appropriate to use one word to describe herself: lust makes mind faint.

She began to reflect on when she had looked at him differently.

Must be earlier than that glass of wine, must be.

It was in the Chinese ball room in Flushing that day, when he turned his back to him, weighed the ball in his hand, and advised everyone to increase the bet, he said, "Let me see your strength"...

Every athlete will have a competitive heart, no matter how deep it is hidden and how humble it is, it is the same in its bones. Some want to win others, and some want to win themselves. Competitive people will naturally appreciate the strong.

In the carriage, the station is already announced.

The next stop is here.

Lin Yiyang said that he would wait on the platform and tell her not to get off the bus.

As the car drove into the platform, she looked out the window through the door, looking for his figure.

Soon, people were seen.

He was alone with a sports backpack on his back, and he was also searching for the people in the carriage with his eyes beside the platform. The two of them entered the platform at the same entrance at the hotel stop, and naturally the location of boarding the train would not be too far apart, so Lin Yiyang was able to estimate the approximate location of the carriage she was in. As soon as the carriage door opened, he came up.

Yin Guo supported the metal pole next to the seat, watching him walk into the carriage, pass through most of the carriage, and stand in front of him.

"Anyway, I've met the coach, and the training time is flexible. It's okay to send you there and come back again." She made a reasonable excuse for her behavior, "You come every time, so it's time for me to send you off."

In public, Lin Yiyang can't do anything excessive, just lower his head and look at her.

The unfamiliar Lin Yiyang, or the real Lin Yiyang.

At this moment, he is not a gentleman, but rather like a delinquent boy squatting outside the billiard hall, using his eyes to tease girls who like him.

Because Yin Guo was good-looking since she was a child, she always met this kind of person, but her cousin had many friends, and he said that no one could date Meng Xiaodong's girl at school or in the neighborhood, so she was mostly teased by people's eyes.

It used to be annoying, but now...

It can be seen that the face is hot layer by layer, not hot, but hot.

"Don't talk anymore, I'll go back to the next station." She couldn't stand it anymore, and complained in a low voice.

"I don't speak well," he said honestly, "I'm afraid I'll offend you if I talk too much."

In fact, thinking about it, he didn't say a few serious words to her.

Neither of them talked much.

"You used to be like this too?" Yin Guo asked curiously, "Don't like to talk?"

"Almost," Lin Yiyang recalled, "you don't have to worry about talking to men."

She understands that.

The better the relationship between men, the more they hurt each other, scold and swear, and the better the relationship with women, the more they have to exchange gossip. In all likelihood, they will focus on emotional issues, which are completely different ways of communication.

"And the girl?" she asked again.

"Girl?" he said, "I guess she's afraid of me, so she seldom talks to me."

"Is there no girl you want to take the initiative to communicate with? Never?" She didn't quite believe it.

He, Lin Yiyang, knew what the point of her question was, and asked her instead: "Have you seen your brother take the initiative to anyone in the past?"

Yin Guo shook his head. Meng Xiaodong is a weirdo, extremely arrogant.

He asked again: "So, you think I will be worse than your brother?"

Finally, finally met an egomaniac like Meng Xiaodong.

Yin Guo was choked by him and was speechless.

However, she soon discovered the lack of rigor—he took the initiative, and he chased her.

Lin Yiyang also discovered this verbal flaw at the same time, but he didn't point it out, he just exchanged a glance with her, tacitly knowing it. So it's not about egomania, it's about not meeting someone who can make you fall, no matter how proud you are, everyone is equal, and all beings are equal.

Soon a new stop was reached, in other words, the two got along with each other one less stop.

"Why do you say I have a girlfriend in Washington?" he asked in a low voice, his voice above her head.

"I feel...too fast," she confessed, "I'm not very at ease."

Even if he is already standing in the subway car, he is in front of him, and he still lacks a sense of reality. Fantastic, mysterious, impulsive.

It's hard to say clearly, knowing that I'm not calm, but what I'm more afraid of is regretting.

If she rationally rejects Lin Yiyang, the two of them will return to their respective lives, and they will gradually stop communicating with each other, or keep in touch, and one day in the future, they will learn the news of his marriage and childbirth...

Just thinking about it makes me uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable.

"Tell me, how can you prove my innocence?" He asked again, this time with a relaxed tone.

Yin Guo was amused: "I've come to see you off, what else do I need to prove."

If you don't believe it, you won't come.

He laughed too.

I want to say that I have always been busy making money and earning credits every day when studying, and I have to set aside a fixed time for practice every day. During the graduation season this year, I used it as three days a day, looking for a job and applying for a Ph.D. at the same time. Even he himself can't imagine that in such a time period, he can go back and forth to New York every week. Sure enough, people's self-extracting potential is unlimited.

In such a state, it is a luxury to have a girlfriend, let alone messing around indiscriminately.

When he arrived at the train station that day, Lin Yiyang almost missed the train. He hurriedly swiped his ticket at the ticket gate to enter, and waved Yin Guo twice before getting off the elevator, telling her to go back as soon as possible.

But Yin Guo didn't move, he stood outside the crowd, waited until his back disappeared, and stood there for a while feeling lost.

Just as he was about to leave, Lin Yiyang sent a message, which was a screenshot from Uber.

Lin: Go back by car.

Xiaoguo: It’s very convenient for me to go back the same way by subway.

Lin: The car is here, hurry up.

Lin: Be obedient.

He urged him to get out of the station, and when he found the car, the driver in the front seat turned around and asked with a smile, "Is it Lin's taxi?"

Yin Guo nodded, and the car drove away.

Also leaving was the train bound for Washington that Lin Yiyang took.

There were not many passengers on this train. Lin Yiyang looked around the carriage and accidentally saw a familiar passer-by. It was the black mother he met on the train that day when he was returning to school after the blizzard.

The first thing he recognized was not the other person's face, but the big and small babies.

One was still crying, the other was playing, and the black mother was frantically trying to get milk powder. Lin Yiyang threw his sports backpack up, took the initiative to sit beside the black mother, and said in a hoarse voice: I will help you.

He didn't recognize him right away, smiled gratefully, and said thank you.

Lin Yiyang helped prepare the milk powder according to his memory from last time, shook it well, and when he handed the bottle to the black mother, the other party finally thought of the familiar scene and said pleasantly: "We met last time, a few months ago, during this trip In the car?"

Lin Yiyang nodded: "Two months ago."

While breastfeeding the baby, the black mother introduced herself to visit her husband regularly and had to run back and forth with the two babies. By the way, I asked him, did he often go back and forth between the two places, and why? Work? girlfriend? family

Lin Yiyang smiled and said nothing.

He was a person who couldn't fully open his heart, the more cautious he was, the less he said, even to people who had nothing to do with him.

In the second half of the journey, he slept for a while, and then woke up with a sore throat, which was a sign of illness.

An overly busy life is already overloaded. Traveling back and forth between two places increases fatigue and makes it strange not to get sick.

In the evening, I returned to the apartment, ate some VC, and fell asleep in a drowsy state. After waking up before dawn, I saw that I had finished writing all the WeChat messages I had sent to Yin Guo, but I didn't click to send.

At four o'clock in the morning, Yin Guo's cell phone vibrated under the pillow.

She was confused, forced herself to wake up, reached for the phone, hoping it was Lin Yiyang's WeChat. She waited several hours for the wechat to report safety, and asked, but he didn't reply, so she thought it was too busy, so she didn't rush to send it.

In the light of the screen, squinting.

Lin: Here we are.

It's not just here, is it? Four in the morning

Xiaoguo: Did you run into trouble on the road? Very late.

No reply.

Arriving so late, I must go home to tidy up things, take a shower and sleep.

Yin Guo didn't think much, turned off the phone, and went to sleep.

The junior and youth competitions are held this week, and the professional competition is next week.

Yin Guo is training step by step in the hotel, and occasionally sees people from Dongxincheng in the breakfast room and restaurants near the hotel. Ever since Lin Yiyang's incident, the entire team in Dongxin City regarded her as the future wife of the junior uncle, and they were so enthusiastic.

It made her also be ridiculed by people in her own club:

Dongxincheng and Beicheng have been fighting for so long, and finally they still have to "marry".

Early on Thursday morning, Coach Chen informed her to watch the youth competition in the morning.

Yin Guo counted the time, if he watched the game in the morning, his training time would definitely be moved to the afternoon, and he would not be able to catch up with dinner no matter what. So, in the corner of the breakfast room, on a seat near the window, she scooped a spoonful of oatmeal soaked in milk, stuffed it into her mouth, and sent him a message with one hand.

Xiaoguo: I'm going to watch the game today, so I can't have dinner with you, so you can ask Wu Wei to eat first.

Lin: If you can't make it today, don't worry about me.

Yin Guo's heart was empty, and she suddenly didn't know what to reply.

She has been full of calculations and piled up all the things until the last few days. Although she can't see it on the surface, she counts her fingers every day in her heart.

Xiaoguo: Still the same, come back tomorrow

Lin: The school is very busy this week, exceeding expectations, and next week will pass two days earlier.

So it's not coming this week

If this week is wasted, there will only be one week left, and only next week will be able to see you.

When Yin Guo thought that meeting Lin Yiyang would be far away after returning to China, her heart was even more empty.

The spoon in her hand was stirring the milk cereal, and the ceramic spoon made a crisp sound when it hit the bowl. Then there is WeChat, she thought it was Lin Yiyang, but it was her cousin.

Tiantian: Sister, spend the weekend with you~

Xiaoguo: ... I don't have time to accompany you, you can play by yourself.

Tiantian: Brother Lin told me.

Meng Xiaotian sent six or seven screenshots, all of which were the address of the restaurant.

Tian Tian: He has reserved a table and transferred the money to me, and let me be responsible for eating with him from Thursday to Sunday.

Xiaoguo: What do you want money for when you eat

Tian Tian: He said, this is a private matter between him and you... I just contribute.

Yin Guo propped his chin, stared at the last sentence, his heart that was just empty slowly began to fill up again.

Xiaoguo: What did he just tell you

Tiantian: It was midnight last night, I'll show you the time.

Tiantian: It's past two o'clock in the middle of the night.

It turned out that it was arranged last night.

Yin Guo bowed her head, silently took two sips of cereal, and made a decision.

Xiaoguo: I'm not going, but you are not allowed to tell him.

Tiantian: Oh...

Xiaoguo: Transfer the money to me, no corruption allowed.

Tiantian: Oh...

Meng Xiaotian quickly transferred the money to her.

Yin Guo picked up the bowl, ate the cereal and fruit in big gulps, and finished her breakfast.

She went back to the room, chose the train ticket for the afternoon on the Internet, and went to see Coach Chen first. Starting this afternoon, she asked for leave to go out, and she will not train at the hotel this weekend, but the training will not be disrupted.

Coach Chen was very relieved of Yin Guo and approved it directly.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Yin Guo was sitting on the seat of the train bound for Washington. She looked at the small platform with no one outside the window, still thinking about when to tell him.

This is the third time she went to DC, the first time was with Zheng Yi, the second time was with her cousin two months ago... the third time was by herself. This time I was the least prepared, because I didn't know the address of Lin Yiyang's apartment, and I was afraid that I would live too far away, so I didn't book a hotel in advance.

The ticket inspectors are checking the tickets one by one, and there is an unfamiliar scenery outside the window.

Everything, it was like in a movie, yes, a movie, because she was doing something she wouldn't have done before, trekking alone, to meet someone.

Arrive at the station, get off, and follow the flow of people out of the station.

She was at the gate of the train station, looking at the yellowish-red sky outside the gate, she knew that it was going to be dark.

Finally, he took out his mobile phone, suppressed his inner expectations, and gave him a surprise.

Xiaoguo: Are you at school

Lin: Yes.

She pursed her lips and smiled, picked the burger restaurant that Lin Yiyang recommended to her cousin, and took a picture.

Xiaoguo: I'm here.

One second, two seconds, three seconds... Is he scared

Just as Yin Guo was about to speak again, Lin Yiyang heard back.

Lin: Stand still, I'll come over.

Xiaoguo: No, no, I want to surprise you. You give me the address, I will call a car to go there, there is no need to pick it up.

Lin: Stand still.

Lin Yiyang is a serious person, she should have left, and she won't argue.

Based on her understanding of him, Yin Guo didn't come back. She obediently bought a glass of iced Coke and stood there waiting. She threw the Coke cup into the trash can and looked outside, it was getting dark.

The station is big, there are not many passengers, and it looks empty.

Seeing that the moonlight was bright, Yin Guo wanted to wait outside, but as soon as the idea came up, he saw a familiar figure. He was unshaven again, with decadent eyes, and came in with a mobile phone and a black wallet in his right hand, striding forward.

Ever since seeing him, Yin Guo's heart seemed to be pinched by someone, hanging there, hanging there. .

Lin Yiyang didn't find her at first, he frowned and looked around.

"Here," Yin Guo called him, "Lin Yiyang."

He looked around and saw Yin Guo who was carrying a backpack and a cue bucket, and he felt a little relieved. He came to Yin Guo because he really wanted to see her, so she fell from the sky. If you want to hug her in public, forget it.

"Aren't you cold?" She got closer and saw that he was wearing a thin coat with short sleeves inside.

It's below ten degrees in the dark outside, so I don't wear these too much.

It seems that the face is also thinner, or is it too slack because it hasn't shaved? She stared at his face: "I came here to see you, you are busy, don't worry about me, just find me a ball room for training. There should be one, right?"

After asking, he didn't speak. strange.

Her eyes dimmed.

Lin Yiyang looked at her, her pupils were all reflected in her, he wanted to speak, but it was very difficult, but he still spoke in a low and hoarse voice: What are you thinking about, your throat is broken.

He said, pointed to his throat, smiled wryly, and said: I can't speak.