During the Snowstorm

Chapter 28: The pride is still in the heart (1)


Lin Yiyang placed clubs one by one. He will get used to putting the new club on the left side, because it is closer to the table, people will get used to taking it first. And he himself always uses the one on the far right, the oldest one.

This is also Mr. He's habit, including looking for the almost used up powder all over the place, and giving the new ones to the younger generation, which is also the teacher's habit.

Mr. He has been respected in the circle for many years because he abides by the principles and loves the juniors. Being able to follow such a teacher is an honor in itself...

After Lin Yiyang rearranged the clubs, he looked at the mobile phone thrown on the table. His little Guoer replied.

Red Fish: Good. three times.

Red Fish: Ten times is fine.

Red Fish: Just kidding. I have a good temper and don't like to get angry. Just buy something delicious and coax me. I will definitely forget it within half an hour.

After this passage, she posted a dynamic picture of a cartoon bear, a pink bear holding a fruit.

Eating, eating, and eating in a naive manner...

Lin Yiyang touched the picture with his thumb.

I wanted to laugh, and finally I did.


Seeing that Lin Yiyang would not come back, she began to pack the dirty clothes brought back from Washington.

All the dirty clothes were taken out, and there was an unopened plastic box inside, which was a pink Apple charging cable. Behind him, his roommate happened to swipe his card to enter the door, and he saw Yin Guo smiling at a box of charging cables.

Limited edition? Laugh so happy

"You can still laugh, you've all gone to the purgatory group." The roommate sighed.

When the result of the lottery came out, 70% of Yin Guo's team was the titans, and they were all the highest-ranked people in the world. Thinking about it, I shuddered, it was like a purgatory team.

Yin Guo didn't think anything of it, and put away the charging cable: "Anyway, we'll meet each other, so it's good to meet them in advance."

If the goal is the final champion, it doesn't matter who you meet in the group stage.

She checked that it was still early, took the club, and went back to the hotel ball room.

After the juvenile group and the youth group finished the competition this week, Beicheng did not book the venue, but only booked a personal table for each contestant for a week. It was late, half of the tables in the ball room were empty, and there were no players from Beicheng in the other half. There were players from all over the world.

Coincidentally, Chengyan from Dongxin Town was training at the table, and she was also a veteran player who played both nine-ball and eight-ball.

Yin Guo didn't know her, so he didn't say hello.

The two lived in peace at first, practicing their own skills.

Half an hour later, the powder on Yin Guo's table was used up, so she went to find a new one in the cardboard box by the window. When she came back, Cheng Yan just closed a round, put down the pole and smiled at her: "I heard that you are in the purgatory group, are you nervous?"

Yin Guo smiled politely: "It's okay."

"I heard from my juniors that you know Lin Yiyang very well?"

Very familiar, these two words are a bit strange, but Yin Guo still replied: "Yes."

"Is he all right here?"

This question seems even more strange.

"It's pretty good. I graduated with a master's degree this year and got an offer to study for a Ph.D.," she said.

Cheng Yan didn't ask any more questions, and started another game.

Yin Guo felt lumpy in her heart, she didn't say anything, she just felt strange.

She simply put down the cue and sat on the billiard chair beside her. After thinking about it, she said it directly.

Xiaoguo: I ran into Chengyan in the ball room, and she asked you how you are.

What he would say, she guessed. Lin Yiyang replied almost in seconds—

Lin: It's so late, are you still practicing

Completely ignores the main content.

She had to follow along.

Xiaoguo: I have nothing to do anyway, let’s practice.

Lin: Don't over train.

Xiaoguo: Only half an hour, not much.

Yin Guo typed out a sentence slowly: Did you know her well in the past? Read it once and deleted it. Is it possible for someone in the golf room to be unfamiliar? Intuitively, there must be something there, and she didn't know if it counted as vinegar or not, so she sat sullenly on the billiard chair.

A minute later, it was Lin Yiyang who sent a sentence first—

Lin: She chased me.

no wonder...

Followed by another one.

Lin: Xiaoguoer.

Xiaoguo: Yes.

Lin: The first time I saw you, I wanted to know you.

first time seeing...

What is he saying

Lin: At the bar, outside the window, I want to know you when I see you. Never in the past. I wanted to talk to you at Red Fish that day, but I have no experience at all, and I can’t talk to girls, so I can only buy you a drink.

This is the longest sentence Lin Yiyang has ever written to her.

Unexpectedly, without warning.

She read the line three times. Looking back on that day, what I said, what I did, and his behavior, I can't see it at all, there are no clues.

A dozen steps away, everyone was playing billiards, no one was talking, and there were constant sounds of pockets dropping.

An episode in the middle of the night elicited Lin Yiyang's heartfelt words, which came so suddenly that Yin Guo's fingers holding the phone hurt, and he thought of many, many.

Shake again. She thought it was Lin Yiyang again.

Doesn't matter: what about the hotel ball room

Xiaoguo: How do you know

Doesn't matter: what do you think

The door of the ball room was pushed open.

Wu Wei came down from the room wearing white hotel slippers. Because the competition starts next week, Wu Wei was asked by Jiang Yang to stay in a hotel on the schedule day. Naturally, he was kicked over by Lin Yiyang to fight the fire so quickly.

"Junior Sister is here." Wu Wei said cheerfully.

Cheng Yan smiled: "I'm about to leave. Why are you here?"

"I haven't slept for a long time, come down and have a look," he pretended not to know, and pointed at Yin Guo, "Let me introduce you, this is Yin Guo, your sixth brother's wife."

Dongxin City has long been rumored. It's just that Chengyan couldn't bear it, so she avoided this identity in front of Yin Guo.

With Wu Wei's introduction, she had no choice but to hide: "So it's from Sixth Brother. Sister-in-law, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Yin Guo also smiled: "I'm younger than you, so I should be called Yin Guo."

In this delicate atmosphere, Wu Wei felt that he was suffering instead of Lin Yiyang. Chengyan felt uncomfortable, said to go back to sleep, took the club and left.

As soon as the people left, Wu Wei finally breathed a sigh of relief. He leaned against the table and lowered his voice: "It's quite a coincidence. There are so many people here in our Dongxin City, and you met Chengyan."

"It's normal. If we don't meet today, we will meet in the arena." Yin Guo couldn't hold back anymore.

Wu Wei smiled: "I'll give you a vaccination in advance. Lin Yiyang has been handsome since he was a child. You also know that when he was studying, everyone was the most handsome. In the past, there were many people chasing him in Dongxincheng, eight if not ten. .Listen to me, if someone chases you, just chase him, so what if you still miss it? You can’t raise your tail? You are the only one who let him fall.”

After speaking, after thinking about it, he still felt uneasy, and added: "He was the one who chased after him."

Thinking about it, he was still worried, and added: "It's what he misses when he sees it."

Seeing the smile in Yin Guo's eyes, Wu Wei added another sentence: "Do you know what he said to you on WeChat?"

She shook her head.

Wu Wei said: "Red Fish."

It was the bar, the bar where the two met.

It can be seen from his heart that a big man who does his own way can do this.

Yin Guo was on the billiard chair, her two feet kept tapping on the small crossbeam under the billiard chair, her heart softened into a mess.

"Happy? If you're happy, go eat fried chicken wings." Wu Wei threw the ball on the table and dragged Yin Guo away. "I came here last night. I checked around the neighborhood. It's really nice to have a home. "

This night, Wu Wei took advantage of the fire and robbed him, vividly, embellishing the past of Lin Yiyang being chased in Dongxincheng. Yin Guo ate a large plate of fried chicken wings with a drink, as if dipped in vinegar.

So is Wu Wei here to tear down the stage, or to save the stage


From Tuesday, enter the group stage competition.

This time the world signed up for the Open, and 318 people were selected, including 109 female players, 7 of whom were from China.

In the so-called "purgatory group", there is only one player from China, Yin Guo. It is her first time to participate in a professional level competition. Although she has won the third place in the youth group competition, she is not favored by the outside world.

It's Friday.

The audience who watched the Open remembered a name, Yin Guo from the Chinese Legion.

The purgatory group is the most exciting group in the group stage, almost every game is brilliant, and the intensity of fighting is comparable to the finals. People were eliminated every day, and if they lost, they would be eliminated. Yin Guo fought his way out like this, and reached the last game of the group stage on Friday.

On Friday, Yin Guo had three games.

In the two games in the morning, Yin Guo defeated a veteran Russian player with an astonishing 11-3 score, and then defeated the Polish player with a big score of 11-4. When she returned to the lounge of the Chinese players, almost all of them congratulated with applause, not only the people from Beicheng, but also people from Dongxincheng and other ball clubs in China.

Yin Guo smiled modestly.

Many players come alone, at most accompanied by a coach, only a few big ball clubs and clubs come as a team. The people in the East New City are lively, chatting together on the east side of the gate; the people in the North City are quiet, no matter who wins or loses, they all gather together to deal with their own emotions.

The people from Beicheng are the innermost.

Yin Guo was alone, found a small stool, faced the wall, and turned his back to all the people in the lounge, holding a box of pre-prepared fruits and freshly heated sandwiches, looking for a song while wearing headphones, Listen, while eating lunch in silence.

The mobile phone is not with me, it is in the bag.

This week is the competition week, Lin Yiyang was afraid of disturbing her competition and training, so he would chat with her for ten minutes to relieve boredom when he was about to go to bed at night. Even if they chat, they won't mention the content of the game.

With a white plastic fork, he picked up the fruit inside and picked out a mango. Yin Guo stuffed a small piece of mango between his teeth, slowly building himself up mentally.

She wants to win so much, it's dangerous.

No emotion is her biggest advantage.

But she wants too much to get to the quarter-finals so that she can play tomorrow, on Saturday. On Saturday... Maybe Lin Yiyang will have a chance to watch.

Yin Guo lowered her head again, pawing and pulling, looking for strawberries. Sandwiches are also eaten in small bites, chewing slowly.

She has her own philosophy of eating on the field. Chewing slowly helps to soothe her emotions. Eating a half-full meal will not burden her stomach too much. In case of a game, if she is nervous and her stomach hurts, she will be hindered. .

The lounge door was pushed open.

In came a man.

Wu Wei was originally crossing his legs, talking nonsense with Chen An'an and a bunch of children, when he saw someone coming in, he almost jumped out of his chair. First Wu Wei, and then everyone in Dongxincheng.

Leaning on the armrest of the sofa, Jiang Yang was talking with two girls who had stopped in the group stage, so he also stopped. He still had the standard posture of being the boss of Dongxin City on his mouth, but his eyes were trembling slightly.

Jiang Yang's first move was to touch the cigarette, remembering that he was indoors and couldn't smoke, so he took a deep breath from his chest, his eyes were all wet at some point: "Lao Liu is back?"

Deep in Lin Yiyang's pupils, there was something floating and sinking, like tears, but not like tears, hot, and the emotions that had been suppressed for many years could not be controlled for a while. He lowered his head and smiled, barely suppressing the things that rushed into his eyes: "Yes, I'm back."

After passing this hurdle, all languages are impoverished.

Lin Yiyang is back.

At this time, the former brothers seemed to see Lin Yiyang who was a teenager before going on the court.

That handsome, angular face never smiles, and he always walks around the lounge in a pair of denim trousers and a white short-sleeved top. He was too troublesome and restrained, and he didn't change his clothes when he didn't play. Sitting in the waiting room among a bunch of men in shirts and trousers, he was very eye-catching.

Don't chat with people, don't listen to people chat, walk in the door and say hello, find a corner of a bench to sit, and wait for the game.

Today, too.

Dongxincheng is from top to bottom, from big to small, from male to female.

They put down their lunch and mobile phones, pushed away their chairs, and stood up one after another.

"Sixth Brother", "Sixth Uncle" kept calling...

Lin Yiyang patted the shoulders of a few children who were standing close to each other, glanced at the venue, and walked towards the corner of Beicheng.

Some of the coaches knew Lin Yiyang. They whispered to each other and explained to the players they brought in the simplest language: This is the man who beat Jiang Yang and Meng Xiaodong back then.

And this man walked towards Meng Xiaodong's sister right now.

Everyone in the lounge looked over. Including Chengyan.

She thought it was the sentence she liked when listening to the song, her lips were pursed, and the dimples on her face were not smiling.

He vaguely heard a few words of "sixth brother" behind him, thinking that it was Meng Xiaodong who had come.

Someone patted Yin Guo on the shoulder from behind, she took a small piece of strawberry with a fork, and whispered: "Brother, I seem to want to win so much, I want to enter the final, I want him to watch me compete..." Thinking about it makes me very discouraged , It's really masculinity.

With one hand, she took off her left earphone.

The man she was whipping in her heart had bent down at this moment, with a smile on her lips, looked at her profile, and teased her: "What did you call me? Brother?"

Yin Guo turned her head sharply, she felt her heart beating so hard, all the blood in her body was rushing to her head, she was dizzy, really dizzy...

And let no one compete...