During the Snowstorm

Chapter 48: Tide of fate (2)


Such touching words, uttered from such a charming man, are already moving enough.

It's a pity that he is Lin Yiyang, and the audience's demands on him are more than that.

The female solution also exaggeratedly covered her face: "He's saying, he hasn't succeeded yet?"

The male solution also smiled, and asked with feigned heartache: "Lin, you let us down. Last year's most valuable star player hasn't gotten the love he wanted?"

"It will break our hearts for you," the female narrator continued.

Lin Yiyang was amused by their exaggerated performance.

Really, there is no way to take these two explanations.

Because everyone was too familiar with it in the past, they refused to let themselves go and let go of this topic that suddenly came up.

Even Sun Zhou and a few students beside Lin Yiyang couldn't help laughing, and told the boss to tell the truth quickly. Obviously, they won't let you go. If this continues, the audience will probably go crazy.

"To put it bluntly," the male commentator simply threw away the purpose, "Lin, today's peak ratings are all up to you!"

"Yes," the female commentator also echoed, "Those who leave cruelly must leave some things here."

The entire audience was booing, shouting "Tell her, tell her!"

Lin Yiyang was forced to switch the microphone to the other hand again amidst the waves of sound.

This is the third time it has changed hands.

He seldom has this kind of repetitive movements. This man picks up when he picks it up, puts it down when he puts it down, and he moves until the end. It's just because of his personality, there is no extra hesitation. Today is cautious.

"How should I put it?" He looked at the girl in the arena again, remained silent for a while, and slowly expressed his feelings for her with a compliment, "She is so perfect, I may have to pursue her forever."

A moment of silence.

"So, don't be in a hurry," he finally raised his eyes to look at the audience, his eyes under the hat were full of smiles, looking at the fans who supported him, "Look, I'm not in a hurry at all."

After the silence, there was another round of applause.

Our king of the field, gave his sweetheart the highest praise, so frank, and so straightforward.

In the screen, Lin Yiyang finally looked at the commentary stand, meaning: Is it all right

The male commentator has a very good relationship with Lin Yiyang, and he gestured to him, which meant: Thank you, old friend, for a drink after the game.

Today's hot field makes everyone's blood boil and passion surges. They can already predict that the ratings peak will be at this moment.

Once a teenager.

In order to see my younger brother, to buy a few more workbooks and play with strangers, I only thought of getting a high school diploma to give the teacher an explanation. And now, he can sit in the audience at the U.S. Open and tell everyone about his love for a girl.

No one knows all of his experiences, and any friend around him, no matter how good the relationship is, can only see him in stages. Every stage of his life is irrelevant and jumping, and so are the people around him. All the lonely days, all the days of unwillingness and wanting to get out of the fog are all made by him.

After saying these words, sitting in this cheering arena, even he himself felt unreal.

Everything today, every step is a deep footprint, including being able to sit here, including being able to be with her.

Lin Yiyang turned off the microphone and returned it to the staff.

The screen switches back to the arena.

Yin Guo is trying to control her tears. Su Wei hugged Yin Guo, with a strong nasal voice: "Oh my God, I'm crying."

Taking advantage of Su Wei's effort to hug her, Yin Guo wiped her tears with the back of her hand: "Don't let go... let me wipe my tears first..."

So in the live broadcast, under the cover of Su Wei, Yin Guo wiped away the tears on her face,

Five minutes later, the game officially started.

Yin Guo's eyes were still slightly red, she lifted her cue and walked towards her opponent. She proved to everyone the psychological quality of a professional athlete, especially she is the most perfect "emotional master" in the hearts of her fans.

The heat before the match seemed to have nothing to do with her. Standing by the table, she was surprisingly calm.

A perfect shot and the right to serve.

After Yin Guo nodded to his opponent who was a head taller than him, he walked to the table and set up the white ball.

After aiming for five seconds, there was a loud bang, and the white ball flew out, exploding the table full of colored balls.

Amidst the huge explosion of balls and the powerful collision of white balls, the scene suddenly burst into more exciting applause than before. This Chinese girl hit four balls directly with just one shot, including the nine ball!

Won the first game in one shot.

She was telling the fans at the scene, the Lin you like, the one he likes is the King of today's game.

The semi-finals of the U.S. Open had the perfect start with Yin Guo's first shot.

When she successfully won her own round, put away her cue, shook hands with the referee, and was about to exit. The audience applauded once again, and Lin Yiyang got up directly, brought his own people, and was about to leave.

The intention was obvious: my girlfriend left, and I withdrew...

One of the two people passed through the corridor in the arena, and the other passed through the side door of the auditorium.

As soon as Yin Guo walked out of the corridor and returned to the backstage, she saw Lin Yiyang walking down the stairs and entering the players' rest area.

Berry, who just teased Lin Yiyang, was chatting with people there. When he saw Lin Yiyang, he immediately laughed and wanted to give Lin Yiyang a high-five to celebrate the reunion of old friends.

Lin Yiyang pointed to Berry, and jokingly warned him in English: "It's too much, this time."

Barry laughed.

Being able to witness the whole process of Lin Yiyang's pursuit of Yin Guo is the most bragging part of his life experience.

Yin Guo leaned against the wall, watching Lin Yiyang greet everyone, and exchange pleasantries with the friends he made in the past year.

This is the second time he has come to this backstage, and the situation is completely different from the last time.

Last time, only the Chinese in Dongxincheng and Beicheng knew who he was and his past.

But today, all the people here have played against him, and many of them are defeated by his subordinates...

Lin Yiyang took off his baseball cap and walked towards Yin Guo.

She leaned her head against the soft wallpapered wall and watched him approach, so close that he rubbed her hair, and there was a warm kiss on his forehead.

Lin Yiyang was congratulating her silently, congratulating her for entering the semi-finals.

"I wish I was here last year..." She put her hands in the pockets of his sports jacket and said softly, "I want to see you play games, and I want to see you being chased by fans."

Amidst the greetings from the staff, Lin Yiyang also put his hands in his pockets and held her little hand.

"The fans are waiting for you outside. They watched the live broadcast." A young player behind him smiled and patted Lin Yiyang on the shoulder, saying in English, "Don't go out through the gate for a while."

The other party knew Lin Yiyang very well, and smiled and nodded at Yin Guo as a greeting.

Lin Yiyang smiled, but did not answer the other party.

Farewell is a sad thing, he would rather let the local fans have the impression of him just now.

Now, he is an idler.


There is no suspense for her to enter the semi-finals.

Chen An'an entered the semi-finals but it was a surprise.

That night, they took Chen An'an to Red Fish to celebrate.

Chen An'an listened to Lin Yiyang's impromptu words in the players' rest area, and became very interested in this place and this bar. But nothing special, just a bar with wooden doors, old door handles, American-style bar counters and seats, a band, fried chicken wings and onion rings, and various cocktails.

The only thing that can be called special is that this bar is famous for its jazz music, which is spread by word of mouth in the small circle. But why Yellow was played in a jazz bar that night is also a mystery. Maybe it's because the blizzard is coming, and everyone needs a few old songs with a sunny taste to soothe the nerves.

Yin Guo and Lin Yiyang sat where she and her cousin sat that night, shoulder to shoulder, you looked at me, and I looked at you.

Chen An'an found a separate seat so as not to cause needle eyes.

Now, it is dawn in the country.

She asked her cousin after the game that last night's game was from 2:00 am to 3:00 am in China, so her family didn't see it. She also told her cousin to keep it a secret... I haven't figured out how to make it public, it will be a day if I can keep it a secret.

Yin Guo bit the straw and took a small sip of the juice: "When you say something, keep silent."

Lin Yiyang asked her back: "What did you say?"

"Tell me about that night," she turned her head to look at him, "I want to hear the truth."

Ever since she watched Lin Yiyang's interview at the China Open, she had a subversive understanding of him. It's true that he usually doesn't like to talk, and it's also true that he has a high emotional intelligence, especially on the spot. In today's sudden situation, it only took him more than ten seconds to organize his words, and he successfully resolved all the "pressing questions and torture", which made her admire.

But no matter how good the scene was, it was for outsiders to hear. She wanted to hear something that hadn't been modified.

Lin Yiyang propped one arm on the edge of the bar and the other on her waist, whispering, "It's all the truth."

Seeing Yin Guo's suspicious eyes, he smiled.

"Come." He pulled her away from the seat, pushed open the wooden door of the bar, and stood on the path outside the door.

There were not only them outside, but also some young international students chatting and laughing constantly. Amidst the noisy laughter, Lin Yiyang told her about that night: "Jiang Yang was also in the United States that day and was stranded at the Chicago airport. He called me and wanted to meet up. When I hung up the phone, I was in a mess. Just looking for a place to have a drink."

Sometimes when you think about it, the fate between people is really doomed. Assuming that Jiang Yang arrived in New York that day, Lin Yiyang and Wu Wei would not come out, and they would not see Yin Guo.

"I arrived here that day and didn't come in. I wanted to smoke a cigarette first." Standing where he was that night, he continued.

He doesn't need cigarettes much, but he does when he's in a great mood and in a terrible mood.

It happened that the weather outside was minus 20 degrees, the wind was heavy and the snow was heavy, and I failed to light a cigarette several times. I was annoyed, so I looked up and saw her in the row of glass windows obliquely in front of me. Among the various faces, only Yin Guo in the corner had an Asian face, the same Asian as him.

Human beings have an innate sense of closeness to the same race.

And that day, he couldn't get rid of the wandering feeling in his heart, because Jiang Yang brought back memories of the past, and seeing Yin Guo at that time was like seeing a distant homeland from her.

"It's right here," Lin Yiyang pointed to the window, "I watched you for three or four minutes."

Seeing her looking up in frustration, watching the blizzard blow off the branches, watching her frown and knock on the glass with her fingers, watching her surprised eyes when the branch fell and hit the car...

At that time, he really wanted to open the door and go in, and asked her: Little girl, what is there to worry about? Blizzards always pass.

"I really want to go in, buy you a drink, get to know you, get your contact information, and send you to the hotel safely," he said with a smile, "It's all the truth."

Yin Guo followed his description, changed his perspective, and looked at the small corner where he used to make phone calls in the bar.

It seemed to see the most helpless and depressed self that day.

What's so attractive, I didn't take a shower for a few days, and I lingered at the airport... I was terribly embarrassed when I thought about it.

But no matter how embarrassed Yin Guo was that day, he had a strange attraction to Lin Yiyang.

However, it turned out that this attraction was only for him. Wu Wei met Yin Guo together with him, and he only commented that the little girl is quite sweet, so he didn't have any more thoughts. And Wu Wei always talks nervously when he sees a Japanese girl in a ramen restaurant, and Lin Yiyang also thinks that Japanese girl is cute, so he stops here.

If it was Lin Lin who was calling here that day, she would probably be scolding someone with a straight face. Lin Yiyang must have thought for the first time when he saw this scene—forget it in another place. But if the person passing by was Meng Xiaodong, seeing Lin Lin would have a different result.

In fact, no one can tell.

If it wasn't for you, there would be no active approach, no worries, and no chaos. If it wasn't for you, no matter how perfect or excellent, it has nothing to do with me.

In other words, the word love is originally specific to that person.


That night, Yin Guo slept until midnight and heard the phone ringing, it was Lin Yiyang's.

He went out to answer the phone.

The phone call was short, and not long after, Lin Yiyang returned to the bedside in the dark. The desk lamp was off, and Yin Guo's face felt the warmth of his face. His voice was very low and soft: "Sun Zhou is looking for me, I want to go back to the ball room. I won't be able to catch up with your game tomorrow."

Yin Guo said "hmm" in his sleepiness, and watched him put on his clothes through the blurry outdoor light source. Lin Yiyang is usually a fast person, including dressing, but tonight every movement is very slow, so slow that there is no sound.

No matter how conscious he is, he is no longer in the room.

There was still Lin Yiyang's body temperature in the quilt, she got into his side, smelled his smell in the pillow, and fell asleep even deeper.

In the semi-finals the next day, Yin Guo played heartily and enjoyed it very much.

In the China Lounge, everyone was congratulating her for successfully winning the semi-finals, and by the way booed and wished her a smooth relationship. Yin Guo was warmed by the congratulations, found the cue box in the corner, and wiped the cue with a cloth.

Beside her, a senior sister who was about to play held her arm: "Chen An'an has retired."

"Retire?" She didn't know.

Yin Guo left early in the morning and never met Chen An'an. The women's competition is at the front, and the men's competition is at the back. It is impossible for her to hear this news during the competition...

The senior sister said again: "There is only one player left in Dongxin City for today's competition, and the rest are all gone."

Anxiety hit my heart.

Yin Guo put down the club and ran out to find the coach to get back his mobile phone.

boot. In a panic, he entered the password and found Lin Yiyang.

The phone didn't work.

Yin Guo forced himself to calm down and found his WeChat.

Fruit in the forest: What happened? Chen Anan retired

She was standing in the corridor, and the commentator who was resting beside her walked over. When she saw her, she greeted her warmly: "Congratulations."

Yin Guo smiled hastily: "Thank you."

Suddenly, there was an echo on WeChat.

Lin: The game is over

Lin Liguo: Yes, it's over, I made it to the finals. Are you in Washington? Did you know that Chen Anan retired

Lin: I know.

Lin: My teacher passed away.