During the Snowstorm

Chapter 53: Dusty Pride (1)


It was very embarrassing.

She wanted to surprise him, who knew that by mistake, he was not in Dongxin City...

Yin Guo was sitting on the sofa on the first floor of the main building of Dongxin City, with luggage on his right and a cup of chrysanthemum tea in front of him. As the "proprietress" in Dongxincheng, he was surrounded by crowds, upstairs and downstairs... onlookers.

Everyone was there at the memorial service that day, but there were so many guests that they didn't want to watch too much. Now, hundreds of people from all age groups in Dongxin City are here.

Some went upstairs and downstairs, some were going out to compete, and some were returning from the competition.

When people come and go, if they know who Yin Guo is, they greet them with a smile. If they don't know, they all ask the girl at the front desk who is the little beauty who is surrounded by people. Even if you are not curious, you will be pulled over to popularize science...

The professional players are still a little more reserved, and at most they greet her a few more times when passing by, but the boys are different. Now, surrounded by Yin Guo is a group of fifteen or sixteen-year-old handsome young men who are all 1.8 meters tall and have long legs.

Now the child is developing very well...

Once Yin Guo was surrounded by them, no one could see her shadow.

"It doesn't sound good to be called Aunt Six," a young man with two dimples suggested with a smile, "Call me Sister Guo."

A person next to him gave the boy a kick: "Uncle Six's wife, your name is sister."

"That's not my fault, who let our sixth uncle, the old cow, eat tender grass. Right, sister."

"What's it called?" At the gate, the man who drove back hurriedly stepped up the steps and taught, "Is it big or small?"

While he was speaking, he took out a piece from his pocket and threw it over with his back against the light.

The boy's reaction was a bit slow, and another quick-handed kid behind him caught it. It was an unopened piece of dark chocolate.

"Thank you Uncle Six!" The person who received it shouted with a smile.

With a bang, everyone dispersed with laughter.

In order to see her, I specially went to get a haircut in the morning and didn't pay attention to growing my hair. I didn't remember until I saw my face in front of the camera after shaving. I was going to her house to meet her parents in the evening. This hairstyle is too flamboyant.

Fortunately, the shirt and trousers were ironed last night, and they are still in the dormitory, so they will not be too ruined.

Lin Yiyang originally planned to pick her up at the airport, and then go to her house after returning to change clothes.

After answering Yin Guo's phone call and returning, it also saved the round trip to the airport.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he didn't want to do any more intimate actions. He bent down and teased her in a low voice: "Why don't you just sign Dongxincheng, seeing how popular you are?"

Yin Guo went to hold his hand.

He smiled, holding hers backhand.

Yin Guo stared at the tattoo on his arm. As soon as he saw this, his heart dropped. Come on, here he comes.

"If you sign me, you might as well sign her." She pointed to Liu Xiran who was not far away.

To be honest, she admired this veteran from the bottom of her heart. As soon as she came back from winning the World Championships, she collected the gold medal and played as a sparring partner... But she, who won the third place, was here drinking tea while blowing the warm wind in early summer.

Lin Yiyang was reminded by Yin Guo, so he stood up straight and called out to Liu Xiran.

"Tomorrow night, there will be a celebration banquet in the cafeteria, which is for the gold medal in the World Championships." Lin Yiyang said.

Liu Xiran was stunned: "Forget it... I'm not from Dongxincheng, so it's against the rules for you to behave like this."

"Be there on time." He didn't give the other party a chance to refute.

To hold a celebration banquet for the gold medal of the World Championships for a girl who is drifting outside Dongxin City and yearns for a sense of belonging. Although it is only in the cafeteria of Dongxin City, it is the best gift for the world champion.

Liu Xiran remained silent for a while, and finally said two words: "Thank you."

Lin Yiyang smiled: "You're welcome."

Lin Yiyang pulled out the handle of her suitcase and asked her, "Are you still leaving?"

She carried her suitcase and went out.

Yin Guo immediately carried the bag and caught up with him.

Lin Yiyang's dormitory is on the first floor next door, the innermost one.

The men in Dongxin City live on the first floor, and the girls are on the south side of the second floor. Because there are few female players, all the supporting lounges and public bathrooms are also upstairs on the north side of the second floor.

Yin Guo and Lin Yiyang passed the stairs, and a few people who came out of the shower greeted Lin Yiyang.

Lin Yiyang agreed and opened the dormitory door.

He got up early and walked quickly, the curtains were still closed, only a ray of sunlight came through the gap on the right and fell on the floor.

As soon as she entered, she sniffled.

The whole house smells of him.

Seeing her staring at him, Lin Yiyang hugged her with one hand, and put the box by the wall: "What time is the appointment?"

Yin Guo knew that he was asking about dinner at home tonight.

That day, grandma said she would invite Lin Yiyang to dinner, and mother expressed her acquiescence, but father was not very happy. Due to the old man's mood, he tactfully expressed: "It's still early, there is no need to come home so early." But grandma insisted on thanking him, but father did not What to say.

But this week, Dad took the initiative to mention Lin Yiyang on the phone.

Although Yin Guo's father is not in the billiards business, he was once an athlete. Knowing the difficulties in the development of unpopular sports, there are very few people who are willing to repay their achievements and fame, and Lin Yiyang unexpectedly became one of them.

"Well done, well done. Blessed are the children of this generation of Dongxincheng."

Dad finally asked him on the phone when he would come home, and tried to go home as well so that he could have a good chat with Lin Yiyang.

So she wasn't worried about dinner tonight, just—

"Six o'clock," she said.

"It's still early." Lin Yiyang whispered, wanting to kiss.

She avoided: "There is one more thing..."

She struggled for a while, then whispered, "Mine... I'm more than a week late."

In Shenyang, everyone was discussing the Asian Games enthusiastically after the game, but this was all on her mind. Just graduated... just started to play professionally, because of this conjecture, she was completely messed up, and she couldn't even think about getting pregnant before she was married.

Lin Yiyang stopped.

It was a reunion after a long absence, and I was still planning to spend two hours in the house before meeting my future mother-in-law and father-in-law, and at night to pick up the motorcycle I bought last time.

All thoughts are gone now.

My girlfriend said that I might have my own children.

This kind of thing happened in the most prodigal youth, and the people around me have experienced it more or less, and they don't take it seriously. Generally, whoever said "raise some money for my buddy" depressedly is because of this.

He seemed calm and unresponsive, but he didn't know how to react. It could be seen that she was disturbed, he had to control his thoughts, control his eyes to slide down, and look at her belly.

Unexperienced, extremely strange emotions are manipulating the nerves, and the hand around her is unconsciously clenched, wanting to kiss her. Kissed her forehead and pressed her lips against her bangs for a while.

For a long while, he didn't say a word.

In the end, I tried my best to hug her arm, and hugged her tightly: "It's okay, it's okay. I'm here."

Anyway, let's make sure it's right.

"Lu Lu said," based on the experience of his brothers in the past, the first step is always to go to the hospital, "Go to the hospital first, there is still time."

He was about to open the door.

Yin Guo tugged at his arm: "There's no need to go to the hospital. Go to the pharmacy first... Let's test it ourselves."

pharmacy? Lin Yiyang was taken aback for a moment.

The vast majority of men know how to make love, they all grew up watching small movies together, and there are all kinds of methods and methods. How to prevent pregnancy also knows a few methods, after all, he is an educated young man. But how to test for pregnancy...

"Okay, wait." He agreed first.

Take out your phone and search, there must be one online.

Lin Yiyang left the room.

Yin Guo sat on the sofa, waiting for him, looking around the room in anxiety.

He packed and sent back all the books he had read while studying, and put them in the bookshelf next to the sofa. At first glance at the bookshelves, she thought she was in the apartment where he lived when he was studying. Just a lot more spacious.

The apartment room was so small that both of them had to sit side by side on the edge of the bed while talking. Later, when I had an intimate relationship, I simply spent time in bed, chatting, watching movies, and doing other things.

On his birthday, he went back to the apartment from the ball room. The two turned off the lights, kissed each other in the dark, and took off their clothes and got under the covers. This was the first time since Hawaii. During the process, he obviously felt that he was in pain. He stopped in the dark, kissed her for a long time, used his palm to relax her, and asked in a low voice: Does it hurt the second time

Later, the movements slowed down and stopped for a while, waiting for her to get used to her existence.

At the most intense moment, he restrained himself and stopped. He is a rare man, no matter in life or in bed... Those are also the best days for the two of them together.

It seems like it was yesterday.

Yin Guo took off his shoes and sat in the corner of the sofa with his knees hugged.

It seems that as long as he sees Lin Yiyang, he will take over all the troubles. Her mind was empty, her chin rested on her knees, and she waited obediently.


Lin Yiyang drove to the nearest pharmacy.

Turn off the fire and see her words.

Fruit in the forest: Remember to wear a mask.

Lin Lizhiguo: You have many fans. The competition is coming, don't be found out.

The mask is still there. He would never lose what Yin Guo gave him.

He found the black mask Yin Guo gave him in the storage compartment in front of the passenger seat. I got out of the car and walked to the pharmacy, thinking about wearing it, but after thinking about it, I forgot. I am not a celebrity, and not many passers-by would know me.

The action of him putting it on and taking it off successfully attracted the attention of a little girl at the door of the small supermarket next to him. The girl stared at him twice. With my handsome face, temperament, and height, I am a star, right? Not popular yet? draft

The little girl wanted to take out her mobile phone to take a picture, but Lin Yiyang had already put it on completely and strode past. The other party followed for a few steps and looked at it for a while, wanted to take a photo, but was apprehensive, and when Lin Yiyang disappeared, he was annoyed that he didn't take a picture and post it in the group to ask questions, and missed a chance encounter for nothing.

But Lin Yiyang didn't notice the whole process, he turned right and entered the pharmacy.

The pharmacy has open shelves, he wandered around twice, but didn't see what Yin Guo wanted, so he had to go to the counter. There was an old aunt and an old gentleman in white coats.

Lin Yiyang cleared his throat, stared at the old aunt with dark eyes, thought for a while, then turned to look at the old gentleman.

Did not say it.

The old gentleman and the old aunt looked at him together.

He was silent for a moment, took out his phone, and showed the other party the search results on the screen.

The old gentleman and the old aunt looked at each other for a while.

"There are." The old aunt found two boxes from under the counter. "Most people buy two boxes."

He stared at the two boxes, pondering for three seconds, double insurance testing would be fine.

So he took out his wallet, paid and left.

When I came back, the car parked in the courtyard of Dongxincheng.

Lin Yiyang rested his left hand on the steering wheel, looking at the two boxes of things in the transparent plastic bag, he thought it was too eye-catching, and he was afraid that someone would recognize it when he took it in. He's fine, but Yin Guo is a girl, it's not good to be known.

So he took it out and stuffed it into his trousers pocket, leaving a copy of the manual, and threw the box into the trash can.


Yin Guo took two closed plastic bags and an instruction manual from Lin Yiyang.

He said, "I'll wait for you outside."

She nodded slightly and went into the bathroom.

After thinking about it, he locked the door. Looking at the two bags in his hand with extreme anxiety.


Lin Yiyang was in the room, experiencing the feeling of living a day like a year.

There are still three hours to go to the future mother-in-law's natal house, and meet the parents for the first time, but at this time, I am anxiously waiting for another accident in my life.

A minute later, the person inside asked: "...why are there two?"

Lin Yiyang coughed unnaturally: "Try twice. The pharmacy said it's safer."


Two minutes later.

"Lin Yiyang?"

He said "hmm" and waited with bated breath.

"... What if I have one?"

It turned out that there was no result yet. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tell me first, what do you think?" Lin Yiyang asked her inside the door.

"I want to hear from you..."

"Lin Yiyang?"

"When I think about it, how can I make it clear." He put his hands on the wall next to the bathroom, reorganized all his inner thoughts, and said slowly: "From your point of view, there are still three months to go." The Asian Games, this, shouldn’t be a big problem for your event.” As long as there are no strenuous sports in the Olympics and Asian Games, it’s not uncommon for pregnant athletes to participate in the competition, so participating in the Asian Games shouldn’t be a big problem.

He added: "But you just started playing professionally. Is it appropriate to have a child so early? At least half a year of training is required."

The bathroom door opened suddenly.

Lin Yiyang thought she had tested it out, so he stood up straight.

"It hasn't been tested yet." She shook the bag in her hand and looked at him guiltily, "Scared."

This time and again, his back was sweating.

"I want to watch you, to see what you say." Yin Guo was about to panic to death.

Lin Yiyang stared at her for a long time and said, "I'm very happy."

He repeated: "Very happy."

Don't be anxious or uneasy, the man standing in front of you is much happier than you.

Back when Yin Guo ran to find him alone by train, he had made an assumption that even if she looked down upon her and was dumped in the future, he would always miss her, even if she flirted with her and ran away with someone else, he would still love her. Will miss her. He knows that he can't give up what he likes, and he is not a person who likes to force.

His past experience also made him fully understand that the fate between people is the strongest and cannot be obtained. It's fine if you have truly loved, and don't force her to accompany you to the end. But now her mood is different, if she really has it, it's up to her to decide whether to stay or not, he doesn't force it.

But there is one thing to listen to him, you must get married first.