During the Snowstorm

Chapter 59: Boy's voice (3)


Within a minute, the phone in the room and Lin Yiyang's cell phone rang successively.

One is Lin Lin, the captain of the women's team, and the other is Jiang Yang who has entered the elevator and is about to come back. Both of them are reminding Lin Yiyang to let him go back quickly. The national team has team rules, and all private activities are prohibited during the Asian Games, so don't play with fire.

In fact, both of them are talking nonsense, this is the Asian Games, of course he knows the seriousness.

If you really don't know what to do, you won't answer the phone a long time ago, so what should you do

After Lin Lin finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Jiang Yang has led the ball club for many years, and has developed a temper of worrying about nothing. He still treats him as a junior junior in his teens, saying one sentence after another lively.

If he wanted to put it aside, he would have hung up long ago.

But now, Lin Yiyang listened to Jiang Yang smoking a cigarette and talking nonsense over there, and suddenly realized that it is a kind of luck that there are people in this world who simply worry about themselves.

"Do you understand what I mean?" Jiang Yang asked impatiently when he heard that he was silent.

"Finished?" he asked back.


"Come back after finishing talking, and go to the test table together," he said, "No matter how late it is, others will grab it."


On the third day of the schedule, the billiard hall officially started.

A total of three days of competition, ten events, from the group stage to the finals are all completed at one time.

Men and women are interspersed, and projects are interspersed, so everyone must get together throughout the process.

Everyone changed the national team uniforms in the locker room and put on the industry uniforms again. The men wore shirts and trousers, while the women also wore regular game clothes. They took out the clubs one by one and left the club box in the locker room. .

Lin Yiyang was waiting for everyone outside the waiting room at the entrance of the arena, and the team quickly assembled.

In the first row, everyone has won the championship in the World Open, Meng Xiaodong, Jiang Yang, Yin Guo, Lin Lin, Liu Xiran...

The second row is the second echelon, Li Qingyan, Wu Wei, Chen An'an, Fan Wenchou and others.

The head coach looked at these people and smiled: "Everyone has won the gold medal in the World Open, and pretending to say something? It affects the mood of the game. Does the captain have anything to say?"

Lin Yiyang thought about it, and there was really nothing to mobilize.

There are all the top players in the world in front of me. If today is the Olympic Games, I still need to cheer up and fight hard. But do you need to mobilize before the game in the Asian division? ... It's embarrassing to say it.

The Chinese team has always been the first in gold medals and medals in the Asian Games. The billiards team comes once in a while, and they can't lose the chain.

The head coach coughed, feeling a little embarrassed, and waved his hand: "Walk, walk, come in and get the gold medal."

But after taking two steps, I felt that something was wrong. It was rare to come here. If you are not passionate, it would be too out of tune, so the old man in his fifties raised his right hand high and swung it heavily: "I can't win the gold medal first! Let me go Go home!"

Everyone cooperated and agreed in unison: "Okay!"

As a result, the Chinese team entered the field one by one holding their clubs with the enthusiasm inspired by the head coach.

The path of the corridor is very short, within a few minutes, the line of sight suddenly opens up.

Surprisingly, the entire billiard hall was full of people.

At this moment, it was a break before the match, and the auditorium was noisy and disorderly, but when they saw the Chinese team entering the arena, they gradually quieted down. It turns out that this city has no chance to host various billiards open tournaments. It is rare that a group of top players in the world can appear in this billiards hall. Among them, there are many star players in snooker and nine-ball. city fans.

The coach took everyone to the rest area, and shook hands with the nearby Singapore coaches, Japanese and Korean coaches.

"Now everyone has noticed that our Chinese team has entered the game rest area," the game commentator excitedly introduced today's blockbuster stars as soon as he saw them enter the field. "As you can see, this year's Chinese team The billiards team is full of stars. There are snooker players Lin Yiyang, Meng Xiaodong and Jiang Yang. These three have signed up for many competitions for the Asian Games. Among them, Lin Yiyang has signed up for all five men's events, and Meng Xiaodong has also signed up for Si Snooker, snooker team and ten goals. Jiang Yang just took over a major operation three months ago, and only reported for the snooker team in this Asian Games, which is very regrettable."

"Looking at the women's team, the one sitting on the far left is Yin Guo. This young player ranked third in the world in nine-ball last year and just won the nine-ball U.S. Open championship in April. And Liu Xiran next to her is even worse. Simple, it is the champion of the just-concluded Freestyle Nine Ball World Championships and the runner-up of the US Open.”

"Sitting next to the two is Lin Lin, who once announced her retirement. She is also a strong player that cannot be ignored. For this Asian Games, she will come back again and will play in the six-ball snooker and nine-ball snooker games. Appeared in the team competition... ”

Every time a name is mentioned, there are corresponding fans in the auditorium to respond.

There was a burst of noise in the small billiard hall.

Everyone has already entered the state of the group stage.

Yin Guo has three events, and already feels that the three-day schedule, from the group stage to the finals, will be very difficult without interruption. Not to mention Lin Yiyang, it's a three-day continuous rotation...

Fortunately, his other partner in every project is very good. Even if he makes a mistake for a while, the opponent is still there, and he will not lose the gold medal.

For snooker, there is Meng Xiaodong;

Ten goals, still Meng Xiaodong;

For eight ball, there is Li Qingyan;

The snooker group even had Meng Xiaodong and Jiang Yang playing together.

And Jiuqiu... is the rookie king who was once beaten by Yin Guo. Of course, the young man who was once disobedient to Lin Yiyang has been subdued by Lin Yiyang in the 70-day training camp.


On the first day, it was all group matches.

At three o'clock in the afternoon the next day, the billiards hall gave birth to the first gold medal, the most suspenseful, men's 9-ball gold medal.

"It's Lin Yiyang! Lin Yiyang, who signed up for the pentathlon, successfully won the first gold medal! Congratulations to Lin Yiyang for winning the gold medal in the men's 9-ball event!"

"9-ball used to be Lin Yiyang's main event, and he won this gold medal very easily! There is no opponent for him in the Asian competition."

"I believe that at this moment, in another hemisphere, there are also a large number of Lin's 9-ball fans watching the live broadcast of this match!"

The commentary dialogue filled the venue, and the birth of the first gold medal gave the stadium the first wave of cheers.

Another player of the Chinese team stopped in the semi-finals.

Lin Yiyang stepped onto the podium alone, stood at the highest point, and accepted the gold medal given to him by the organizer.

After all, it was the first billiards gold medal in the Asian Games. When he returned to the rest area, reporters surrounded him. Lin Yiyang looked very calm in front of the camera. This is just the first gold medal, and the best is yet to come.

"Women's 9-ball is our strongest point," he said at the end of the brief interview, focusing directly on women's 9-ball. "Believe me, both gold and silver medals will be ours."

As Lin Yiyang said.

At 3:15 in the afternoon, the applause broke out again, and the second gold medal was born.

The 34-year-old Chinese veteran Liu Xiran won the women's 9-ball gold medal, and her teammate Yin Guo won the silver medal.

Yin Guo ran over from the other side of the table and gave the champion a big hug. Her hand holding the cue was covered in sweat, and her eyes were full of smiles: "You deserve it, it's great that you won this gold medal!"

Liu Xiran's eyes were completely red, and she couldn't hold back her tears.

As a player who has retired for several years, she is so afraid that she will not be able to return to this arena. But along the way, she has proved with her strength that she can do it, even better than before: "Thank you...thank you."

"Don't retire next year," Yin Guo joked softly, "Wait for me to beat you. World Championships plus Asian Games, win back together."

"Okay! Wait until you win it back!" Liu Xiran smiled and nodded with tears in her eyes.

Yin Guo dodged two steps and let the champion bow to the audience, celebrating the first gold medal.

When Liu Xiran got off the stage, Jiang Yang was the first to hug her, her old friend who helped her the most: "Thank you for letting me stay in Dongxin City to practice." Jiang Yang smiled and patted her on the back: "It should, They're all brothers."

ten minutes later.

Yin Guo stood on the podium for the runner-up, and next to her, standing a head taller than her was Liu Xiran.

She could see from a distance that Lin Yiyang was standing in front of a group of teammates, watching her. The second she looked over, Lin Yiyang gave her a thumbs up handsomely.

The Chinese team made a good start with 9 goals and double gold.

Since then, medals have continued to come in.

Six thirty-nine in the afternoon.

Women's 8-ball, the Chinese team earned a silver medal.

Eight o'clock in the evening.

Women's 10 goals, the Chinese team received another bronze medal.

Eight forty in the evening.

Lin Yiyang finally won the men's 8-ball gold medal.

This is his second gold medal of the day. When he stood on the podium again, all the fans present stood up one after another. Whether they came here to watch his game or not, they all congratulated him on winning his second gold medal. .

This is also the last gold medal and the last awards ceremony today.

After winning the first 9 goals, he still had to continue the game and couldn't change his clothes, but this time he changed back to the uniform of the Chinese team in advance. He came back from the corridor alone. Li Qingyan, who had won the bronze medal, watched him change his clothes, and also put his sportswear on over his shirt. The temperature is high in midsummer, even if there is an air conditioner blowing in the gym, you will be sweating immediately.

Lin Yiyang walked up to Li Qingyan and smiled at him: "It's not too hot."

"It's a rare occasion," Li Qingyan replied with a smile, "It's okay."

Li Qingyan is a snooker player, but obviously there are three strong players, he has no chance to report to snooker, so he played the 8-ball qualifier instead. Unexpectedly, he actually took off a bronze medal.

All of today's competitions are over, and the winners and losers of five events have been decided.

In the rest area, everyone relaxed. Yin Guo rubbed her forearms and shoulders, waiting to see him stand on the podium again. Suddenly, a gold medal bypassed his face and was hung around his neck. It was Lin Yiyang's first 9-ball gold medal.

By the way, he pinched her little round face and made a "1" with a smile. Yin Guo knew what he meant: this is the first piece, and he is going to get the second piece back soon.

Her man is on his way to his peak.

Lin Yiyang, who was wearing sportswear, followed the staff to the podium and took the highest position, followed by a male contestant from Hong Kong, China, and Li Qingyan finally stood on the third place to receive the award. Lin Yiyang was dressed in the sportswear and sneakers of the Chinese team, with his hands behind his back, slightly bent over, and was awarded a gold medal by the organizer. The other party smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Looking forward to your performance tomorrow."

Tomorrow, snooker singles and snooker groups, this is another main project of Lin Yiyang.

Lin Yiyang smiled and nodded.

Last time it was a one-sided flag, but now, it's a double-sided flag.

Standing on the podium together with Li Qingyan, watching the national flag rising slowly over the stadium and listening to the national anthem resounding in the stadium, he thought of a sentence from the teacher:

It's a late start, it's really late, look at the project development in other countries.

There is another sentence:

Xiao Liu, don't lose the chain, you still have a long way to go.

That night, Lin Yiyang updated a new circle of friends. It is a group photo of today's two gold medals placed side by side on the uniform of the Chinese team, with the text - to my mentor He Wenfeng.