During the Snowstorm

Chapter 62: Teenage Voice (6)


In the gymnasium, the three strongest men all asked for ten minutes of free time at the same time.

We came to the auditorium together.

Lin Yiyang did the same after the China Open. No one could find him. Jiang Yang led a group of Dongxincheng juniors to the auditorium without guessing, and caught him straight.

This is a boyhood habit.

Lin Yiyang found a seat with a good angle,

Jiang Yang was next to him, and Meng Xiaodong sat on the outermost side.

In the empty gymnasium, the cheers and applause disappeared, as if it had never happened before.

Lin Yiyang finally took off the shirt and short-sleeves that bound him, and wore sweatpants and short-sleeves. His right arm did not dare to move, his left arm rested on the back of the chair, and he looked at the table under the lights: "I envy you, I have never left. "

The golden age is only once in life. It's useless to regret, it's over.

Meng Xiaodong smiled faintly, and his eyes fell on the same point as Lin Yiyang: "But I envy your talent, and I have been jealous since I was a child."

Since childhood, he has had a smooth sailing, and he has learned what "frustration" is from Lin Yiyang.

Jiang Yang took off his glasses and had been wearing contact lenses for a whole day's game. He had just changed his glasses, and his eyes were extremely dry. With one hand on his face, he also looked at the table: "What are two geniuses advocating for each other?"

In this industry, talented people play games and win championships at the age of twelve or thirteen, but Jiang Yang only joined the club at the age of fourteen. This is a pity, he and Lin Yiyang became apprentices in the same year, but he won the national championship a year earlier than Lin Yiyang. He has fought so hard, but he is only considered as a "hard-working" player who has no talent and really won the championship at the age of 18.

"How did you spoil yourself all these years?" Jiang Yang asked Lin Yiyang, "You still have old wounds?"

"Is there any athlete who is not injured?" He said, "I will not lose as much as you have."

Hundreds of thousands of repeated actions, day after day, the machine will break down. Everyone is the same, all are the same.

Meng Xiaodong glanced at the two of them.

Jiang Yang and Meng Xiaodong have been at odds for many years, and he knows him best: "What do you want to say?"

"I also had an operation at the end of the year before last." Meng Xiaodong said, except for his father, no one else knew about it.

"I said why did you suddenly go overseas and be closed for a year?" Jiang Yang finally explained why Meng Xiaodong's condition fluctuated so much, "The crown prince's face is really big."

Meng Xiaodong stared at Jiang Yang silently. Sure enough, I can't be your brother.

Sure enough, Jiang Yang was able to crush Meng Xiaodong to death, and it has not changed.

The staff in the venue went to the venue and turned off the lights one by one. The inside of the venue became darker and darker, but the moonlight and lights outside the venue became more dazzling.

Before the last light was turned off, finally, people saw the three of them, and waved their arms underneath, signaling that they were going to leave. The speaker pointed to the outside of the pool hall and said loudly: Your fans are still outside.

Jiang Yang smiled, agreed, and patted Lin Yiyang on the back: "Let's go."

Meng Xiaodong and Jiang Yang walked towards the auditorium exit.

Lin Yiyang went down to the arena from the other side of the stairs. Today he didn't have the energy to climb over the railing and jumped directly off the stands, but he still went the same way, going from the arena to the backstage.

"Why go in the middle?" This mystery has plagued Meng Xiaodong for many years.

"He wants to touch the table, and he does this every time after a game." Every athlete has his own celebration ceremony when he wins, but Lin Yiyang doesn't.

His ritual is after the game, when no one is around, he walks across the field to say goodbye to the table.

Lin Yiyang walked out from the dark field, passed by the pool table, touched the edge of the table, and remained silent for a while. He knew that there were lights out there, fans, and all the boys of yesteryear.

And here he thinks of the 13-year-old backstage lounge.

The younger ones are all on the outermost side, sitting and resting in front of a row of wardrobes next to the door.

Jiang Yang was the previous champion, and was sought after by everyone in the lounge. Meng Xiaodong was the prince of Beicheng, and was mentioned repeatedly before he came. Lin Yiyang was the one, sitting in the corner of the chair, neither wearing a shirt or trousers, nor wiping himself. A cue, and a nameless boy who didn't chat with anyone.

That day, Fan Wenchu was there, and Wu Wei was also there. Chen An'an is still young, not ready to play games.

Wu Wei wore small glasses and sat back to back with Lin Yiyang, putting the exercise book on his lap and doing the questions. When Fan Wen rushed into the waiting room, holding the spare cue he borrowed from the referee, he yelled, "My golden cudgel has arrived! Where is the Tathagata Buddha? Where are the heavenly soldiers and generals?"

A dozen teenagers looked over together.

Don't feel ashamed? ... Jiang Yang thought.

Is this the person from Dongxincheng? … Meng Xiaodong thought.

... Lin Yiyang didn't think about anything.

The boy's voice, whether it was laughing or making noise, was still there.

In that competition, he was the one who swept away thousands of troops, he was the one who set his foot on the world, he was the one who made a mistake and was pushed down Wuzhishan Mountain, and he was the one who came back here after ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties.

All the glory in this world has to be tempered thousands of times, without exception.


Backstage, the Chinese team did not leave, and teams from many countries were still there. The fans outside were too enthusiastic, and the organizers didn't let them go out, mainly because they were afraid of being trampled by the audience, and they had to wait until the fans were evacuated.

A city without any open competition may be the only chance to meet so many Asian star players, and no one wants to leave. Everyone didn't have a game anyway, and they had wifi, watching movies, playing games, and surfing social networks.

Seeing Lin Yiyang appear, the team doctor scolded him in a low voice, and pulled him to the sofa in the lounge, telling him to sit obediently and stop running around.

Lin Yiyang looked around the lounge, but he didn't see anyone he wanted to see.

The phone vibrated, as if responding to him.

Yin Guo sent a friend push - fruit in the woods.

Lin Yiyang smiled.

The little girl is full of tricks...

He guessed it was Yin Guo's trumpet, so he added it.

After passing.

Fruits in the woods: Look at Moments.

Lin Yiyang sat on the sofa and found the circle of friends posted by this trumpet.

His thumb slid across the screen, wanting to stop even after thinking about it, all the text passing by his sight was like a hook, hooking him to lure him, making him stop and take a closer look.

It's a running account of the two people's exotic relationship. Fortunately, he still persisted until the very first one.

On the first day, a ticket back home.

"Zheng Yi is vaccinating me, saying that the foreign love around her never gets married. Will we be an exception?"

Zheng Yi? Oh, her best friend.

day 2.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Yiyang looked at the release time, what else could he do... he was sleeping.

3rd day.

"I want to see him. Zheng Yi said I might be crazy."

This girlfriend really wants to meet, and doesn't say anything nice at all

He thought that these small diaries were enough for him to read countless times.

so start jumping

Day 60.

"He called me, and there was a woman talking beside him, with a strong accent, and I couldn't hear him clearly. I asked him who he was, and he said he didn't know him, and he wanted to have a one-night stand with him????"

Lin Yiyang remembered that the woman directly asked him if he wanted to go to her house for a drink and spend the night together. When Yin Guo asked, he told the truth, because he was holding the phone at the time, thinking that she had heard it all, and he didn't want to hide it.

Day 61.

"Try a few words today, he doesn't want to say more at all...a sign of breaking up..."

This is really unfair. It was a party that day, and the girl gave up when she saw that he was not happy. Later, she had a quarrel with others and was poured into a cup. Lin Yiyang gave a hint to the students, asking them to go and bargain with the drug-prescribers for a long time. Girls stay strong. He felt that he didn't have much to say, so why was it a sign of breaking up

Lin Yiyang stared at this date for a long time, and could only understand it as a turbulent three-month period.

Day 62.

"Today's video shows me that he is shirtless and showing his tattoos. The crisis is over."

... It's really easy to get rid of.

Lin Yiyang slid his fingers casually on the screen, looking for the days of her birthday.

Very important meeting, this time it is a screenshot, the screenshot is the words in the notepad. It seems that the limit on the number of words in Moments is not enough for her to talk about her mood of the day.

"He had dark circles under his eyes. When he entered the hotel room, he opened the door with his bare feet. It looked like he was tired and fell asleep. The room was quite big, and the bed was also big. He felt strange when he held my hand. Later, he sat on the edge of the desk. , I was sitting on the sofa facing each other, I really wanted to hug him, but he didn't take the initiative, and I was too embarrassed to hug him... Fortunately, he pulled me over and hugged me, but it smelled like the smell of the long-distance plane on my body Smell, can't do anything without washing..."

The subsequent description is from the perspective of a girl, describing the two bathing together that day. Because Yin Guo was inconvenient, she was not very relaxed about washing at first. Lin Yiyang held her in his arms and kissed her for more than ten minutes, which confused her and solved her psychological barrier. The main reason is that I haven't seen him for a long time, and the feeling of unfamiliarity is too strong.

He was also afraid that being too unfamiliar would dilute her feelings for him, so there was no other way but to be intimate.

That day was the most uneasy day for the two of them to be together, even more uneasy than the days when they could not see each other after New York separated. Face-to-face, but unfamiliar, I really feel scared.

I'm afraid that meeting that day will be the last time... After that, the relationship will go away.

No one can be confident enough to think that they can get a long-term relationship that does not deteriorate. The more you care, the more you are afraid of losing. On this point, there is no gender distinction.

After taking a shower, she kicked him out. She still had the mentality of the early stage of a relationship. She didn't want him to see how she dressed, especially when she had to deal with the girl's menstrual problems.

After getting dressed for a while, Lin Yiyang fell asleep again.

He rushed back from the Open, didn't stop for a moment, lost the game, was in a normal mood, and was hung up because he wanted to see her. After taking a bath, his nerves were soothed, and he couldn't open his eyes when he was next to the pillow Eyes opened.

Not long after, he heard the door knock, she seemed to have gone out with the key card, and when she came back, she had a bag of things in her hand... No matter how conscious she was, the bed trembled, and she, who was wearing a woolen skirt, touched her calf coldly. on his finger.

Her shoulders were hot, and she could feel her fingers sliding along the edge of the plaster, sticking it tightly.

Just after taking a shower, he took off his clothes and took off the old one. When she saw it, she asked if it was an old injury

Lin Yiyang glanced at the box, it was the kind he always kept in the medicine cabinet in New York, Yin Guo had seen it before, and remembered it, so he went outside to look for it. "I have better ones," she rubbed the plaster with her palm, "I'll send you a few boxes next time."

His hand went up her calf: "Win again? The Open?"

With a smile in her eyes, she nodded.

But he lost this game.

Yin Guo stuffed the remaining transparent plastic film of the plaster back into the bag, took the phone, leaned against his left shoulder, and showed him his small bonus coffers: "Guess how much money I have saved now?" He showed his online banking, and pointed a few lines, "These are all wealth management, and they can be withdrawn on the same day."

"If you can withdraw on the same day, the interest rate is low, so you should buy long-term products." She is really a little girl, and she doesn't think too much about her own situation-living at home, it doesn't cost much, and she doesn't buy a house or a car. It's better to buy some long-term products.

"If you can't turn around, isn't it troublesome?"

Her voice was next to his face, so close, with a warm breath.

In similar words, at the Washington Hotel a year ago—

"If you can't make it through, tell me."

Lin Yiyang didn't say a word, leaning tiredly on the white pillow, with his hands on her waist, the soft sweater had her body temperature. I was thinking that this dress is very beautiful, but I didn’t buy it myself. Since I met her, I saw that all her clothes, shoes and bags are very beautiful, none of which was bought by myself, and none of the jewelry on her body was bought by myself. So, what was it that tricked her? rhetoric? No. A face, barely visible, far worse than when he was a teenager.

A seafood meal? a glass of wine? The cost is really low.

He is reflecting on himself.

In her arms, she was admiring the bonuses she had accumulated over and over again, but suddenly noticed the time, and it was time to leave. She looked up at him, Lin Yiyang lowered his head and kissed her, the two kissed each other without any lust, kissed for a while, then looked at each other, both smiled.

He had never seen her so sad, and she was smiling sadly.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Are you really going back home?"

One sentence easily exposed the biggest cloud hanging over the two of them tonight - anxiety about the future.

He nodded and stroked her long hair.

It was all that night.

Lin Yiyang is reluctant to watch it again, although he will watch it countless times in the days to come.

He turns off the picture.

It was discovered that on the same day, after she got home, she posted another Moments, which was in English.

"You know you know I love you so."