Dying in the Male Lead’s Arms Every Time I Transmigrate

Chapter 100: 096 (repair)


After a long time, the slender and beautiful hand moved from the chin to the back of the head, and the fingertips pierced her hair, soft and smooth.

Shi Qi bowed his head and kissed fiercely.

Ning Meng hadn't recovered from the accident yet, and his whole body was rhythmic, his lips wavy on the corners of her lips, and his whole body was limp.

Shi Qi's body was a bit cold, and he felt comfortable leaning against him under the big sun.

But Ning Meng didn't have the ability to think about this aspect at all. Her hands slammed into her, his movements were almost so intense that he would tear her apart, almost breaking his tongue.

She couldn't stand on her toes and pushed.

Shi Qi was unmoved, and even the occasional moan that overflowed from the corner of her lips was swallowed up, not a single trace of it spread out, and there was wind blowing from the side.

This is how many days ago, after the kiss in the hotel, so many days, the two people have been in such close contact again, without any gap.

Shi Qi gently rubbed her earlobes. Her ears were small and delicate, and the hands were delicate and soft, which made people feel itchy. I really wanted to bite them.

Think about it, then do it.

He restrained Ning Meng with one hand, his lips moved away from her lips, swam to the ears, opened his mouth to hold the earlobe, and the tip of his tongue gently licked up.

Ning Meng shuddered, not knowing what she was thinking, her body became soft, she was leaning against his shoulder by Shi Qi, unable to make a sound, panting quietly.

She opened her mouth slightly, like a fish thrown ashore. She couldn't breathe after she got out of the water. She was about to dry out, and her eyes were full of distractions.

Shi Qi finally no longer tolerated, and buried his head in her shoulders. The unique scent in the neck was passed into the tip of his nose little by little, making him unable to smell enough.

"Sir, there seems to be nothing here."

After a few people checked again, they stood in front of Cheng Xianwei again with a ugly face, and replied embarrassedly.

"Still didn't find anything?" Cheng Xianwei was frustrated. "This has been taken to this place, and you haven't found it yet. I really asked you to come back for plain rice?"

He was so angry, "Forget it, I still ask Shao Qi..."

Cheng Xian was about to turn around to ask Shi Qi for advice. He paused when he turned halfway, closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Not far away, in front of a background of green grass, Shi Qi stood there, the petite woman he had been beside him was being held by him, and the two were very close, as if they were rubbing their ears and temples.

Cheng Xianwei really didn't expect that he would see this scene, he almost stared down and sighed in his heart.

He is almost dead of worry about the things here, Qi Shao is really calm, still kissing me and me with his wife.

But after thinking about it, this just shows that the matter is not difficult.

As he was thinking, Shi Qi, who put his head on Ning Meng's shoulder, suddenly raised his eyes and looked at him.

Cheng Xian was surprised, swallowed, and quickly turned his head away.

Seeing the person next to him was puzzled by his actions, he was expressionless and concealed: "Do your own business and see what I do."

Ning Meng had already slowed down and pushed him straight.

Shi Qi didn't bother and let go of her.

The two people didn't speak for a long time there, the atmosphere was weird, and the silence was terrible, except for the sound of wind and grass around.

For a long time, Shi Qi stuck to her ear, his voice was incredibly low, "Do you like it?"

It was like a call from an ancient place, bewitching people's hearts, making Ning Meng's mind a little confused, and her heartbeat speeded up.

She is almost obsessed, "...like it."

Ning Meng seemed to be bewildered, and she had reached the point where she could not control her thinking. She had no brains to say anything, relying on a mouth.

When the two words were uttered, she heard Shiqi's laughter, which made her mind that had just recovered to become chaotic again, and the heat at the base of her ears spread upward until her cheeks covered the entire face.

She shook her head and denied: "I don't like it at all!"

When the words were spoken, Shi Qi's hand was placed on her lips, and she repeatedly rubbed her fingers, with thin calluses on her fingertips, a little rough, but with a hidden pleasure when rubbing.

Ning Meng patted his hand, "Where are you touching? Pervert!"

Shi Qi looked at her in surprise and said softly: "I didn't know who rushed to kiss me just now, isn't it you?"

Ning Meng really regretted what she had just done.

But it’s hard to be overwhelmed. My stupidity just now must have been remembered... and I was also stupid, making the stealing of kisses justified...

As soon as the voice fell, he squeezed his fingers severely, causing Ning Meng to cry in exclamation, and subconsciously opened his mouth to bite.

Without changing his face, he pulled back his hand and wiped it with a handkerchief.

The sensation of the soft tip of the tongue touching the tip of the finger is still on the top, which is really fascinating.

"Very comfortable." Shi Qi said.

Ning Meng was stunned, and it took a while to realize what he was talking about. Without thinking of anything, he pushed it over and ran outside in the opposite direction.

Shi Qi didn't stop, looking up at the back of her hurriedly leaving, her eyes deep.

Afterwards, follow up casually.

Ning Meng ran to Cheng Xianwei before stopping, and could hear her heartbeat, thumping.

She couldn't help thinking of the blogger's private message, biting her lip.

According to the few points described in the private letter, everything just showed up, she was chaotic, her heartbeat accelerated, and she was also nervous... Does this show that she really likes the time

And one more... She doesn't seem to steal a kiss anymore...

The system silently complained: "You still know, you are obviously an upright and insignificant."

As she was thinking about it, Cheng Xian started talking to her and said with a smile: "Mrs. Shi and Shao Qi have a very good relationship."

"Shi... Madam?" Ning Meng's eyes widened.

Cheng Xian nodded for the doubt and explained: "Ms. Ning and Qi Shao were married before, but they are not Mrs. Shi anymore."

Ning Meng didn't speak at all, and now just wanted to find a gap to get in.

When Shi Qi stepped forward, she walked a little bit slower than she ran, and stopped behind her.

Cheng Xianwei stopped chatting with Ning Meng, so he hurried over and asked, "Young Master Qi, my people just didn't find anything in this place..."

Speaking of this is embarrassing.

Everyone took them to their destinations, but he didn't even find out at all. They were really like a rice bucket, and his face was ashamed.

Shi Qi didn't speak, but just raised his hand and twisted out a talisman.

Cheng Xian couldn't help but look over, and he was frightened. He had only seen this yellow symbol in the movie, and the rest were the liars.

I heard that Shaohui Qi had done this before, but he didn't believe it very much.

Shi Qi ignored him, squeezed casually, and the talisman shook leisurely, leaving his hand and flying forward.

Cheng Xian looked at them as if watching a fantasy blockbuster, and watched the talisman fly by itself, flying forward.

"This is really amazing."

"There is such a thing in this world, I always thought it was fake."

"Compared with Qi Shaoyi, the so-called masters I've seen before are all pretending to be stupid, pretending to be big heads and cheating money."

A few people couldn't help but talk about it no matter how calm they were, staring at the direction of Talisman Fei without blinking, for fear of missing something.

This side is not too rugged, the talisman has been in the sight of everyone, and soon stopped in a place, frozen in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, a stone tablet slowly emerged from the void.

Shi Qi said: "It's alright."

Cheng Xian was awakened by Rumeng, and immediately turned his head and asked, "Is this the culprit? Can a stone tablet kill someone?"

Suddenly a stone monument higher than one person was placed in this place. No matter how weird it looked, they didn't dare to approach it by themselves. They all looked at Shi Qi.

Shi Qi was expressionless, hooked Ning Meng with her fingers, and led her over.

Although Ning Meng was ashamed and angry, she didn't dare to let go. She was so afraid that she had to stay by his side, following him inch by inch, nervous and afraid of seeing it later.

Soon he arrived at the stele.

When Shi Qi uncovered the talisman paper, all the stone tablets appeared in front of everyone. The top was very empty, only a few scribbled words were written in the center.

Ning Meng thought for a while, and then thought of the perfect cemetery that the system had told her before, and vaguely guessed, "Is this a tombstone?"

"Tombstone?" Cheng Xianwei couldn't help asking.

Shi Qi nodded, "It's a tombstone."

"Then, is the name of the murderer on it? Is the murderer dead? Is it a ghost?" Cheng Xianwei was frightened by his own guess and didn't dare to move forward.

Ning Meng felt that he was thinking a little bit reasonable.

Many ghosts like to find someone to die after they die. Maybe Lu Yuqi and Li Yueru were killed by the owner of this tombstone, so he could leave this place and go to waves.

"This is a blindfold." Shi Qi said lightly.

He pointed to a place on the left front of the tombstone, "Break it open."

Although Cheng Xianwei didn't understand the meaning of blindfolding, he understood the last sentence and hurriedly greeted the people behind to step forward, "Now it's time for you to use it. Take a look at that place."

Since the illusion, this place is different from the half-person-high waste grass in front. The deepest grass only reaches the knees, and it can be easily dug up.

A few people didn't notice anything just now, but now they are digging down with great effort, and a small hole is opened in less than a few minutes.

Cheng Xianwei and the others squeezed to the side and stared at that side with open eyes.

Ning Meng followed along with him, watching Shi Qi as he walked, and hurried back once the two were too far apart.

Shi Qi didn't say it through seeing it through, so just let her go.

Soon, the pit got bigger and bigger. After a while, a few people felt that they had dug something hard, and they got a lot of energy. They broke open in twos and threes, and the contents were faintly exposed.

The inspector did not forget to shout excitedly: "Digged!"

Cheng Xianwei looked over at once, "Hurry up, be careful, don't break things, it will be bad if something goes wrong!"

Until the head was exposed, a few people did not dare to dig down.

A black square stone was buried in a small dirt pit, and the rest were still hidden in the soil, only half of the words at the beginning could be seen.

The handwriting is very scribble, and it does not seem to belong to any font, which is very difficult to recognize.

Cheng Xianwei watched for a long time, and couldn't help but said, "I don't understand the words on it... What the hell is written?"

He pulled a bit with something, and moved the remaining soil to the side. Finally, he saw the rough appearance of the stone, which was exactly the same as the stone monument erected just now, it was a reduced version.

The only difference is that the stone stele is a very normal color, while this small stone stele is dark, dark from beginning to end, and the surface is scary, as if it is natural.

All the words above are also revealed.

Cheng Xian was recognizing it for a long time before hesitating: "Whose name is this written?"

He couldn't understand a word.

Ning Meng couldn't understand, but she always felt something was wrong, until the system called in her mind: "Then is your name!"

her name? Ning Meng suddenly looked back.

Shi Qi's complexion was dripping and he was staring at her.


-"The Little Diary Book that Shi Qi Secretly Hidden"