Eaglewood Crumbs

Chapter 13: Shen family sisters


Master Shen coughed, and the grayness on his face had already faded away: "This is my eldest daughter, Yijun. Yijun, this is the son of Tang Zhou and Tang, and this girl Yan Dan is the junior sister of Tang son."

Shen Yijun walked to the table and stared at Tang Zhou: "So it was you? What were you sneaking around at my house last night?"

Yan Dan is very envious, if only she could talk to Tang Zhou so arrogantly, but unfortunately she still doesn't dare.

Master Shen immediately came to smooth things out: "Yijun, Young Master Tang is a guest, what did you say?"

Tang Zhou said lightly: "Last night I heard a cry, and I thought it was very familiar, so I followed the sound to look at it, and I saw the senior Ling Xuzi and Ling Ai."

Master Shen looked at his eldest daughter and said angrily, "Now that Young Master Tang has made it clear, can you rest assured?"

Yan Dan looked at Master Shen, and then at Shen Yijun. He always felt that something was not right in his heart. As for what was wrong, he couldn't think of it for a while. I saw that Shen Yijun suddenly looked over, his eyes were still fierce: "Our Shen family has nothing to entertain the two of you, so why don't you leave as soon as possible."

Master Shen stomped his feet in anger: "Shut up! You, you... You're really going to piss me off!"

Shen Yijun looked back coldly, then the corner of his mouth moved, revealing a strange smile, turned and walked out of the flower hall.

Yan Dan propped his chin, leaned over and said softly, "Tang Zhou, what did you do to this Miss Shen last night? She looked at you fiercely."

Tang Zhou squinted at her and said nothing.

Master Shen's face was red and white, and he forced a smile: "You two, really... The reception is not good, the reception is not good." He rubbed his hands, as if trying to say: "Yi Jun has been withdrawn since she was a child, and she has a temperament. It's a little colder, and it's all my father's fault for not being optimistic about her."

Tang Zhou smiled slightly: "Actually it's nothing, Mr. Shen, I think it's almost time to do business. It's just that the best time to exorcise ghost qi is at noon, when the yang qi is at its peak. From now on By noon, no one can come near the courtyard."

Master Shen nodded: "I don't know what Mr. Tang wants? I'll have the servants prepare to go immediately."

Tang Zhou said lightly, "It's enough to have my junior sister help."

Yan Dan immediately looked at Tang Zhou vigilantly. She has now been sealed with most of the magic spells, and the rest can be said to be extremely precious, and half of it cannot be wasted on him.

The two turned back to the courtyard along the promenade, and they didn't see a single figure along the way, so it was obvious that Master Shen had ordered them. Tang Zhou suddenly asked, "Do you go to bury flowers on weekdays?"

Yan Dan looked at him with a choked expression: "Didn't you see a female ghost buried a flower last night? The resentful spirits here are very weak, they will not turn into ghosts at all, and they will not take shape for you to see. Moreover, I will definitely not do something that a mortal woman would do that hurts the spring and the autumn."

Tang Zhou said lightly, "It's a man who buried the flowers. If a woman did this, I naturally wouldn't ask you."

Yan Dan immediately heard the thorn in his words, and whispered softly, "Since you're a man, why don't you ask yourself..." She took two steps and suddenly asked, "Could it be Master Shen?"

Tang Zhou hummed softly.

Yan Dan waved his finger: "I can give you two ideas now. First, from now on, no matter what you notice, you should treat it as if you didn't see it, and leave immediately after driving away the ghosts. This is the most convenient. One road is the safest. Second, delay for some time. As long as someone has done some things, there will always be traces left, and there will eventually be a day when the truth will be revealed. This road is the most dangerous, and you may not have touched it yet. The truth is dead. So I think the first way is better."

"I also think the first way is better." A cold voice suddenly floated. Yan Dan quickly took a step back. Tang Zhou looked ahead and saw a slender figure leaning against the gate of the Moon Cave outside the courtyard, with a gloomy face and vaguely fierce eyes, it was Shen Yijun.

Shen Yijun pulled the corner of his mouth and showed a strange smile: "Everyone who is close to here is already a living dead, do you still want to become a real dead person?"

Tang Zhou watched Shen Yijun's back disappear at the end of the corridor, his fingers tapped on the scabbard, and suddenly he strode towards the courtyard as if he had made up his mind. All mysteries start here, and clues are bound to be found here.

Yan Dan suddenly raised his hand and grabbed his sleeve, and said softly, "Wait a minute."

Tang Zhou looked down at her: "What?"

She said leisurely: "Let's first think about what Miss Shen's intentions are. When she was in the flower hall, she had already said that we should leave here. Now I came here to say it again, and I still have to hide it from Master Shen. Here. So, it is conceivable that she must know the mystery, but she can't tell it. Then the secret in this house must be very great."

Tang Zhou nodded: "Maybe what she knows is not complete, it's just an outline."

Yan Dan snorted and said again: "Then why did she come to remind us about this? Since this secret is in her home, it is very likely related to her family. Why does she help outsiders?"

"Then there are two possibilities. Maybe she was well-intentioned, so she specially reminded us not to take risks. Or, she didn't want us to find out what was going on, so she threatened us."

Yan Dan smiled slightly: "As expected of senior brother, it's really sharp to see things."

Tang Zhou smiled, but walked into the courtyard again: "Really." Yan Dan sighed behind him: "Actually, there may be a third reason. She knows there are people who think she is very Amazing, even knowing there is danger ahead, she still jumps into it to find out the truth. The more mysterious she speaks, the more that person wants to do the opposite and jump into the trap dug without hesitation."

Tang Zhou turned his head to look at her: "Do you think I will jump into other people's traps without hesitation?"

Yan Dan thought for a while, then said honestly, "No."

"Yan Dan, in fact, you also really want to know what this is all about? From the mysterious death of people in Qingshi Town, to what we saw in the cemetery, and finally to the Shen family, there must be some connection. I Is that right?"

Yan Dan thought about it and had to admit, "Yes." But compared to the secret, she wanted to get rid of Tang Zhou as soon as possible. If Tang Zhou died unexpectedly in the end, she would definitely remember helping him burn paper every Qingming. She has always been kind-hearted and good-natured.

Seeing her confession, Tang Zhou continued, "I hope you can help me. After all, in the Shen family, I can only trust you."

Yan Dan was flattered: "You're good enough, I'm afraid I don't need any help?"

Tang Zhou smiled lightly, his eyes clear and handsome: "The corpse I saw in the haystack before, please think of a way to dig it out."

Yan Dan was choked and coughed. It turned out that what he said before not to let people approach the courtyard was for the purpose of digging up the corpses. Her expression was sad and her voice was soft: "Although I am a demon, I am a woman after all, so you have the heart to let me do this kind of rough work?"

Tang Zhou was surprised: "Aren't the men and women of the Hua Jing family the same?"

"Where the hell did you hear it, how could this be the same?"

"That doesn't matter. I know you until now, but I have never regarded you as a woman."

Yan Dan gritted his teeth, and took a long time to say, "You... you're really good."

Yan Dan squatted by the pit, looking at the white bones inside. She watched for a while, then turned to look at Tang Zhou, but found that he was looking at her with a complicated expression. Seeing her looking over, Tang Zhou hurriedly turned his head to look at the other side. Yan Dan really wanted to take this scene as "Tang Zhou suddenly repented and was moved by her wisdom and appearance", but she also knew that it would be easier for Zilin to suddenly care about her than to wait for Tang Zhou to be moved by her.

At least Zilin is still a demon with a normal mind, and Tang Zhousheng is not afraid of cold, soft and hard, and it is more difficult to beat than the colorful stone that Nuwa used to mend the sky.

After a while, Tang Zhou suddenly asked, "You only have half a heart?"

Yan Dan couldn't help but fell to the ground, raised his hand and shook it in front of him: "Tang Zhou, are you caught in the evil? Or are you caught in the cold? Do you feel dizzy?"

Tang Zhou patted her hand away: "It's okay, I'll ask casually."

Yan Dan glanced at him suspiciously, and suddenly became interested: "If I say, I only have half a heart left, do you believe it?"

Tang Zhou glanced at her sideways: "Do you think I will believe it?"

Yan Dan spread out his hands: "I also asked casually." She stood up and brushed the ashes from her body: "Besides this skeleton, there are probably other things under the ground, do you want to have all of them too? Dig it up and take a look?" She turned around and walked away for two steps, and then turned around after thinking about it: "I'll go sit by the lotus pond over there, and you can slowly think about it here. If you can't figure it out, maybe I can tell you the closest answer to the truth."

Tang Zhou looked down at the skeleton. There were no scars, and it seemed that he had not been hurt at all before he died. But if this is the case, why are there so many resentful spirits in this house? He thought of the two sisters Shen Yijun and Shen Xiangjun. They looked so similar, but they could make people recognize the sisters at a glance. What is the purpose of what Shen Yijun said before, is it a warning, a drive away, or a trap? Since Master Shen will bury flowers here, he should have seen this skeleton, why has he never mentioned it

He used the scabbard to cover the soil on one side of the bones again, and suddenly thought that the soil here is so messy, it must be because of frequent excavation and stirring, and the bones are buried so shallowly, I am afraid they will not be buried for a long time. The days when the Shen family moved to Qingshi Town are not too short. They may not know that someone died violently in the house, but how could they not know the origin of this skeleton

He wanted to clarify his thoughts, but he couldn't connect one thing after another on a single line.

Tang Zhou stood up and walked around the courtyard aimlessly. Sure enough, he saw Yan Dan sitting on the edge of the lotus pond. He got a handful of fish food from nowhere and threw it into the pond. The fish wagged their tails and swam. Come and fight.

He walked over and stood beside Yan Dan.

Yan Dan fed the fish for a while, then asked with a smile, "I can understand what the fish said, do you believe it?"

She said this when she entered the cemetery. Tang Zhou almost knew that when she spoke, she must be telling the truth and falsehood together, and at least half of the ten sentences were unbelievable. For example, if this sentence is said casually, then the next sentence must have some truth, the next sentence may be the truth, and the last sentence must be made up. Unless he loses his mind, he won't take every word she says seriously.

Yan Dan sighed and said faintly: "You really don't believe it. You don't believe that I can understand the fish's words, but you believe that someone can understand the bird's language. It's really strange."

This sentence was exactly what he was thinking. Tang Zhou said calmly, "Second Lady Shen is always more credible than you, not to mention that some people may have different talents."

"These two Shen girls are compatriots and sisters, and I think they are the most dissimilar sisters in the world. Even people who have just met them can tell at a glance who is the elder sister and who is the younger sister. As far as I know, compatriots The temperaments of sisters don't differ that much unless the two of them are in very different circumstances, but they've been together since childhood."

These words are probably true. Tang Zhou nodded: "You know very well."

Yan Dan looked distant: "Because I also have a sister, she and I were born almost exactly the same, many people will admit their mistakes."

Tang Zhou said lightly: "Even if they look alike, there will still be differences."

"Yeah, everyone will like her. She has the same appearance, but she looks noble and gentle. When you talk to her, you don't want to joke, you just want to tell the truth." Yan Dan closed slightly. Shangyan said, "But there will still be people who will admit mistakes. Everyone will mistake me for her, but no one will ever mistake her for me."

Tang Yiyi was stunned. From recognizing her to now, she has never seen anything special about her. Comparing heart to heart, if he changed it, he would not be able to stand it, and no one would be willing to be the shadow of another person. I saw Yan Dan stretched out his hand: "If you really sympathize with me, remove this ban."

Tang Zhou looked at her and said slowly, "I'm a sister who sympathizes with you, and there are still people who mistake you for her."

Yan Dan smiled slightly, with bright eyes and bright teeth: "There's nothing you can do about it. But from what it looks like now, in a hundred years, you might have a chance to see her. I'm afraid you will sympathize with her even more at that time. I have the same face." She threw the last bit of fish food in her hand into the lotus pond, her clothes fluttered, and she looked like a fairy from a distance.